NEW GENERAL INDEX TO THE PROCEEDINGS AND QUARTO SERIES OF THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND 1885–2007 Edited by Dorothy North The Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland London 2011 The Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland Huguenot Library University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT © Huguenot Society, 2011 ISBN 978-0-9556297-3-0 PRODUCED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY 4WORD LTD PREFACE The publication of knowledge relating to the Huguenots is one of the Society’s main aims. This Index is intended as a guide to the mass of information contained in the Quarto Series and in the Proceedings. Between 1885 and 2008, 61 volumes have been published in the Quarto Series as well as 28 volumes of the Proceedings. Indexing of the Proceedings has now been taken up to the end of volume 28 (2003–2007). The New General Index has been compiled and edited by Dorothy North, incorporating the work of Charles Marmoy and Susannah L. Smithson, and covers papers and articles, miscellaneous notes, family histories and pedigrees, obituary notices, and reviews of books that have appeared in the Proceedings. The history of various churches has been given, references being made under each church. All titles in the Quarto Series are given under subjects and under editors, and analytical entries have been made for their content, e.g. volumes of church registers may list occupations, places of origin, wills. Under Registers (Transcripts), details of all church registers will be found. The New General Index has authors and subjects arranged alphabetically. Every effort has been made to identify individuals as comprehensively as possible. Family and marital relationships are shown, together with social status, occupation, trade, and dates of birth and death where known. Abbreviations are as follows:- FH = French Hospital HS = Huguenot Society n.d. = no date of publication, pl. = plate(s) P = Proceedings QS = Quarto Series (R) = review of book WFPS = Westminster French Protestant School. GENERAL INDEX 1885–2007 Aalan Islands P28 193 Aarau, Sixteenth-century English-speaking refugee churches at . Aarau, etc. (H.J. Cowell) P15 612–655 Abalone, Gaspard (will) P28 237 Abbadie Revd Jacques, Dean of Killaloe P25 59, P26 357, 601-10, 617, 632, 676, P27 24, 252, 280, 282, quoted P27 26-7, 29, P28 85 Dublin Schism P26 207, 209 La théologie de St Paul (printed 1704) P28 86 Portarlington P26 469-71, 483, 488 James, Dean of Killaloe P5 203 Abbot, George 1562-1633, Archbishop of Canterbury P27 600 Abernethy, Adam, Arts professor P28 42 Abjurations see Reconnaissances & Abjurations Académie Française P28 381 Le Pasteur Marc Boegner est entré à l’Académie Française (F. Dubois) P20 556–7 Académie de Physique (Caen) P27 685, 686 Academies, Protestant P27 5, 543, 697, 699 Academy of Armoury 1688, Randle Holme P27 59 Acerra, Martine and Martinière, Guy, Coligny, les Protestants et la Mer Actes du colloque organisé à Rochefort et La Rochelle les 3 et 4 Octobre1996 (R) 1997 P27 131-2 Aconcio, Jacopo Apostle of the Incomplete Reformation: Jacopo Aconcio (E.R. Briggs) P22 481–495 Un combat aux frontiéres de l'orthodoxie: la controverse entre J. Acontius et Des Gallars, P. Denis (R) 1976 P22 584–5 Acres, William Marston, Huguenot director of the Bank of England P15 238– 248, P25 167 Act for Encouragement of Protestant Strangers (1692 Ireland) P26 463-4, 465-6, 472 Free exercise of religion, P26 603, 604, 605 Act of Resumption (1700) P26 464, 471, 479, 489 Act of Settlement (1701) P26 34, 35 Act to encourage Protestant Strangers and others to inhabit and plant in the Kingdom of Ireland (1662) P26 59 Act of Uniformity (1662) P26 468, 479 2 GENERAL INDEX 1885–2007 Actes des Martyrs see Crespin, Jean Acts and Monuments, John Foxe P27 597, 745 Actors see Stage Adam James, architect P28 178 Robert 1728-92, architect P27 501, P28 176, 178-80 Stephen, apprentice weaver in 1772 P27 566 Adams Geoffrey, Canadian historian P28 149, 155 The call of conscience: French Protestant responses to the Algerian War 1954-1962 (R) 1998 P27 301-2 The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787: The Enlightenment Debate on Toleration (R) 1991 P25 405 Mr. S.L., Road to La Rochelle: English foreign policy 1610–1629 P22 414- 429 Addison, Joseph 1672-1719 P28 379, 385, 392 Adler, Cecil, Director of the FH 1926-30 P25 180 Admiral, Mr, goldsmith and jeweller P26 251 Adrien, Mr., surgeon P26 616 Advice of a Mother to her Son (1804) Mary Champion de Crespigny, (quoted) P27 628 Advice to a daughter : Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of P27 13 Advocat, Mr., jeweller P25 353 Affair of the Placards (1534) P26 320 Affron, Lawrence, rare books dealer P26 392 Africa P26 100-1, 261 After, Dean John, P26 174 Agace, Family of, Pedigree (H. Wagner) P11 152–4 Abdias P25 356 Obadiah P25 440 Rachel P25 356 Zachary P25 356 Agar, Marie P26 151 Agen, Bishop of The Bishop of Agen attempts to bar the door, 1750-1, Presidential Address (Denis Desert) P28 149-59 see also de Gilbert de Chabanne, Jean Gaspard Ageron, Jean Guillaume, apprentice bookbinder in 1782 P27 568 Agneau, Jacques and Susanne (née Contesse) P27 337 Agnew, Revd D.C.A. P26 348-9, P28 230, 233 GENERAL INDEX 1885–2007 3 Actes des Martyrs see Crespin, Jean Protestant Exiles from France in the Reign of Louis XIV P28 336 Acts and Monuments, John Foxe P27 597, 745 Agra P28 226 Actors see Stage Ahaise, Arnoul P26 150 Adam Ahlden Castle, Hanover P27 336-8, 343 pl.18a James, architect P28 178 Aigues Mortes P28 595 Robert 1728-92, architect P27 501, P28 176, 178-80 Tour de Constance, P28 595 Stephen, apprentice weaver in 1772 P27 566 Aiken, James, shoemaker P27 569 Adams Ailefroide (French High Alps) P28 327-8 Geoffrey, Canadian historian P28 149, 155 Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace/Treaty of, 1748 P26 86 P28 596 The call of conscience: French Protestant responses to the Algerian War Alanbrooke, 1st Viscount, Alan Francis Brooke 1883-1963 P28 598 1954-1962 (R) 1998 P27 301-2 à Lasco, John c.1499-1560, P26 48, 397, 670, P27 435, 437, 440, 442, 745, The Huguenots and French Opinion, 1685-1787: The Enlightenment P28 1, 684-6, 689-91, Forma ac ratio 685 Debate on Toleration (R) 1991 P25 405 Johannes à Lasco Library (Emden) P27 437, 442, 443, 471, 619, 623 Mr. S.L., Road to La Rochelle: English foreign policy 1610–1629 P22 Alba, The Duke of Alba, Henry Kamen (R) 2004 P28 710-11 414- 429 Albemarle Addison, Joseph 1672-1719 P28 379, 385, 392 Duke of see Monk, George Adler, Cecil, Director of the FH 1926-30 P25 180 Earl of see van Keppel, Arnold Joost Admiral, Mr, goldsmith and jeweller P26 251 Lady P28 597 Adrien, Mr., surgeon P26 616 Albert 1818-61 Prince Consort, husband of Queen Victoria P28 26 Advice of a Mother to her Son (1804) Mary Champion de Crespigny, (quoted) Albret, Jeanne d’ see Jeanne d’Albret P27 628 Albi, France P28 590-1 Advice to a daughter : Halifax, George Savile, 1st Marquess of P27 13 Albuera (Peninsular War) P28 34 Advocat, Mr., jeweller P25 353 Alchemy P27, 683-689 Affair of the Placards (1534) P26 320 Alciatus, Andrea Alciato,1492-1550 P27 634 Affron, Lawrence, rare books dealer P26 392 Alcock, A.M., French colony of Innishannon P6 180–1 Africa P26 100-1, 261 Alcorn, Ellenor After, Dean John, P26 174 Beyond the Maker's Mark. Paul de Lamerie Silver in the Cahn Collection Agace, Family of, Pedigree (H. Wagner) P11 152–4 (R) 2006 P28 720-1 Abdias P25 356 with Sinsteden, Thomas, English silver in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Obadiah P25 440 vol 2 (R) 2001 P27 750-51 Rachel P25 356 Aldermanbury, L’Eglise d’ see Gwynn, R.D. P22 546 Zachary P25 356 Alderton, Charles, apprentice turner in 1799 P27 571 Agar, Marie P26 151 Alès, Bishop of, see de Monclus, Vivet P28 155 Agen, Bishop of Alfred, King of Wessex 849-899 P28 77 The Bishop of Agen attempts to bar the door, 1750-1, Presidential Address Algerian War (1954-62) P27 301-2 (Denis Desert) P28 149-59 see also de Gilbert de Chabanne, Jean Alibone, Benjamin P27 178, 180 Gaspard Alicante P28 63, 233 Ageron, Jean Guillaume, apprentice bookbinder in 1782 P27 568 Alicante: March 3, 1709, E.B. Vignoles P9 46–54 Agneau, Jacques and Susanne (née Contesse) P27 337 Aliens Agnew, Revd D.C.A. P26 348-9, P28 230, 233 Alien immigrants in Tudor England (L. Williams) P19 146–169 4 GENERAL INDEX 1885–2007 Alien immigration into and alien communities in London 1558–1640 (I. Scouloudi) P16 27–49 Aliens in England before the Huguenots (T. Wyatt) P19 74–94 Aliens in Norfolk 1436–1485 (N. Kerling) P20 571–2 Chronicle of events influencing immigration into England] in Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization 1509–1603, QS VIII vi–xlii Foreign population of London in 1549 (A. Pettegree) P24 141-6 Great Yarmouth (1571) P5 289–296 King’s Lynn (1571) P5 188–191 Norwich Strangers 1565–1643 (D.L. Rickwood) P24 119–128 Pilgrimage of Grace [aliens in London 1536] P3 349 Returns of Aliens in London Henry VIII–James I., QS X Returns of Strangers in the Metropolis 1593, 1627, 1635, 1639, QS LVII see also Naturalization & Denization; Refugees Seventeenth-century economic documents J. Thirsk & J.P. Cooper (R) 1972 P22 279–280 Strangers in Blackfriars during the reign of Elizabeth I.
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