Jacksonv ille State Uni versity I 'Hanging Up' a disconnection 1 i .page . 10 i I February 24,2000 www.jsu.edu/chanticleer Volume 48, Issue 20 -. .- -. Faculty, staff Casino gamblin' : one night only needed for participating in the games. "I have dealt poker before," said Edge. She Wuhan Campaigning in Michigan on said all of the facylty and staff of primary election day, George W. JSU "are very enthusiastic about From the JSU News Bureau Bush slammed Republican rival participating." John McCain for painting him as Edge said the big appeal about an JSU's International Programs anti-Catholic. In Arizona, where event like Casino Night is it's "one and Services Office is searching McCain cast his home state vote of the main events on campus that's for interested professors and staff Republican delegates at stake in open to everybody. You have an members to spend up to a month Michigan, with 30 more up for opportunity to interact with the fac- at Wuhan University, one of the grabs in Arizona. ulty and staff of JSU in a different China repeated a clear warning way." most well-known and respected to Taiwan on Tuesday: Come to Humes said the entrance fee will colleges in China, at no cost. the negotiating table to discuss be $5 for students and $7 for outside The Office will pay $1000 for reunification or face military community members. Humes said round-trip airfare. Wuhan will action. the money will go back into the provide free housing and meals. Swiss and French authorities school and be used to the students' Oace in China, interpreters will moved Tuesday to oppose any benefit. provide assistance to JSU profes- move by Britain to allow former Entertainment will be provided by sionals for both on- and off-cam- Chilean dictator Gen. Augusto 92-J who will be spinning your pus activities. Pinochet to return to Chile. Bv Adam Smith "We'll have blackjack, slot favorites all night long. "This is an opportunity to expe- Nigerian soldiers were called Managing Editov machines, a roulette wheel, craps In addition to all of the gambling into action Tuesday to end deadly and bingo," Humes said the whole excitement, door prizes will be rience China away from the clashes between Christians and If you have nothing to do on purpose of the event is just "to have given away, ranging from free Muslims over Muslim calls for March 1, and fancy yourself a gam- fun." Faculty and staff of JSU will Happy Meals and food packs to Continued on page 3, China strict Islamic law-Shariah -in bler, look no further than the SGA also be participating, as well as TV's and VCR's. the northern city of Kaduna. sponsored Casino Night. President Meehan. Humes and Edge both encourage The Supreme Court today This is the seventh annual Casino In the past, the staff has worn attire everyone to come out and partici- rejected an appeal that called Night, and SGA 2nd Vice President fitting for casino game workers. pate in Casino Night. "It's the only signee dies in death in Alabama's electric chair Donne11 Humes promises it will be a This year promises to offer more of opportunity that you can lose a bun- a type of "cruel and unusual pun- fun event for all. Students get to the same. dle and still walk away with ishment" the Constitution for- car accident ... gamble- with fake money all night One such staff member will be money," said Humes. bids. long on realistic casino-style games. Connie Edge, of Alumni Affairs, Truckers upset with the soaring From JSU Sports Information cost of diesel fuel took their com- plaints to Washington, rolling Chris South, a high school senior into the capital Tuesday in a 3- SGA, students want section at Paul Snow who had signed to play football for mile convoy of about 300 trucks. Jacksonville State University, was Charlie Sheen has signed a Bv Dave Sharp that we're serious about the importance of a roped tion to be approved. killed in a single car accident in his $2.75 million deal to replace Editor attendance ...and we need a off section behind the JSU Copies of the resolution hometown of Bowdon, Ga., on Michael J. Fox as the star of the place to sit." cheerleaders. have been sent to adminis- Sunday. "We deeply regret this unfortu- ABC sitcom "Spin City." Sheen, Would you start attend- Currently there is no Ultimately, the SGA tration leaders such as nate accident which took the life of in his series debut, is to take ing Jacksonville State designated student section hopes to get some folks President Meehan, who one of our future athletes at home around $125,000 per University football games at Paul Snow. Students out to the football games Webb said has shown sup- episode-a rich but not unprece- Jacksonville State University," said if you had your own sec- are strewn all over the this fall by passing such a port for the student sec- JSU President Dr. William A. dented payday for a sitcom star. tion to sit in? That's what stands without a uniform resolution. The JSU, stu- tion; Vice President of Fox announced in January that he Meehan. "Our condolences and the Student Government area to cheer their home dent body has been under Academic and Student would quit the show at the end of sympathy go to the family and team. fire all year because of Affairs Dr. David Watts; the season to spend more time Association is trying to do friends." fighting Parkinson's disease, for JSU students. "I didn't go to any their apathetic attitude Associate Vice President South, a 18-year old offensive from which he suffers. On Feb. 14, the SGA games last season because towards athletic events. "I of Academic and Student lineman at Bowdon High School, passed Student Resolution I usually had to work on think attendance would Affairs Dr. Alice was an All-State selection as a senior and guided the team into the INSIDE 03 requesting a particular Saturdays," said JSU increase," said Webb. Cusimano; and Vice section at Paul Snow sophomore Jennifer "Troy State (University) President of Business third round of the state pIay-offs. *NEWS* He was coached by Dwight Stadium to be reserved Taylor. "If I had a student got its own student section Affairs Don Thacker. Kaleidoscope returns... Hochstetier. Kyle Stevenson exclusively for students. section I could go to, I'd and I believe they had a Webb and the SGA *RED HERRING* South, a younger nine-year old "This was a unanimous make it a point to get off student increase of some- encourage anyone with Brothers a 'Velvet Goldmine' brother, was also killed in the car thing like 50 percent." support or criticism of the *TOWN CRIER* decision," said Elizabeth work and make it to the accident. They are survived by Webb, SGA second vice games." The SGA hopes this res- resolution to contact their their parents, Dale and Carla Isolationism or Segregation? president. "We want to Some JSU students have olution will be implement- office on the fourth floor South. The funeral was Tuesday at *WEEK IN SPORTS* show the administration approached Student ed next year but it still has of the TMB or call 782- Bowden High School's Warren P. Twins coach JSU to success and Athletic Department Activities and expressed to go through administra- 5490. Sewell Athletic Field. Page 2 February 24,2000 THE CHANTICLEER miCrime(I Announcements 1 The Campus Crime Docket is never, and will never be, edited unless an incident report involves a minor. Clubs And Organizations Items in the Campus Crime Docket are obtained from inci- *- *- dent and arrest reports at the JSU Police Department. A011 would like to wish the basketball team good JSU students have the right to view these public records. luck. WHUP TROY! Good luck to the rifle team this If any information is incorrect, please contact us at 782- weekend. A011 enjoyed the "My Tie'' mixer with 5701 or call the JSU Police Department at 782-5050. Delta Chi. We are excited about our mixer with the 8.216-00: Jonathan Barnes Portis. of Jacksonville.- Ala.. reuoa baseball team. Mr. Universe-ity is March 2 at 7 p.m. criminal mischief to the JSUPD occurring at the AT0 parkihg lot. at Leone Cole. Congratulations to Jessica Henry on 2-17-00: William Gregory Thrash, of Jacksonville, Ala., report- ed criminal mischief to JSUPD occurring at the Merrill Hall park- her new office as Asst. Rush Chair. A011 Awards: ing lot. Sister-Sara Thompson and Christa Collins; Positive 2-17-00: Kristin Elaine Rodgers, of Hoover, Ala., reported Panda-Tracey Smith and Amy Whatley; MVP- unlawful breaking and entering- of a vehicle to JSUPD occurring at Trustee circle.- Jennifer Moseley. I 217-00: Summer kann Gavmon, of Oxford, Ala., *- theft of property to JSUPD occ&ng at Houston Cole ~ibrky. The sisters and new members would like to wel- 2-18-00: Derrel Franshun Nunn, of Jacksonville, Ala., reported theft of property to JSUPD occurring at Dixon Hall between 2-1- come our ELC Stephanie Roycewicz. We would also 00 and 2- 18-00. like to welcome everyone that is visiting JSU this 2-18-00: Margarita Baez, of Las Vegas, NV., reported harassing weekend. Congratulations to our new members on communications to JSUPD occurring at Sparkman Hall between 2-14-00 and 2-18-00. initiation this weekend. Good luck to everyone tak- t 219-00: Justin Daniel Roberts, 19, of Huntsville, Ala., was ing the ECE.
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