Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 9-20-1984 1984 Brown and Gold Vol 68 No 1 September 20, 1984 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1984 Brown and Gold Vol 68 No 1 September 20, 1984" (1984). Brown and Gold. 551. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/551 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BROWtl ADD GOLD ................................~ ... THESECONDHUNDREDYEARS.................................. .. Vol. 68, No. 1 Regis College Denver, Colorado Thursday, September 20, 1984 Regis battles for state financial aid BY JULIE JOHNSTON that was in question was Although Regis is a . private whether or not the governing educational institution, the Col­ body (the Regis Board of lege does receive state financial Trustees) reflects a particular aid. religion. In February, 1984, Regis ~as not given ~!tate aid Regis went back to court to until 1977 when the state of prove that the school wasn't. Colorado decided to consider sectarian and won again. Regis · alpng with Loretto Last fall, a bill was passed in the Heights, Colorado College, state legislature which would Denver University, and Colo­ make Regis eligible for any rado Women's College for the state aid. Colorado Student Incentive According to Karen Webber, Grants, but only a test case. director of financial aid, Regis However, an organization receives the Colorado Scholar- named "America United for . ship based on academic merit, Separation of Church and the Colorado Student Grant State" fought against the test based on need, the Colorado case and sued the state of Student Incentive Grant based Colorado and Regis. The other on need, and the Colorado four school joined in as "ami­ College Work-Study based on cus" (collaborated with the the need and no need situations state of Colorado and Regis in from the state. The state allo­ the Trial.) After a long battle in cation for the Colorado Scholar­ the Denver courts, the case was ship funds are given according frinally won by Regis and its to the number of students who colleagues. The opposition, are Colorado residents. Where­ however, then appealed to the as ' 'the Colorado Student Dr. Bill St. shares a glass of wine and a smile toasting the beginning of his wine seminars. See state supreme court . in 1981. Gr8nt, the Colorado Student page 3. Photo by Andy Thomas. The supreme court found that Incentive . Grant, the Colorado Regis met 6Yz of the 7 criteria Work-Study are based on the required for consideration for reported need of the students,' ' Senior wins computer award state aid. The "Yz" criterion added Webber. BY DAVID ARMSTRONG phical, experience and career provide students with career Bradford elected The Rocky Mountain chapter goal sketch to the state commit­ opportunities. For example, of the Association of Computer tee to be considered for the when she won the award, outstanding alumnus Machinery [ACM] awarded award. She also submitted two Roubillard had three job offers In the state of Kansas, letters of recommendation. and has since made various Dr. Vicky Bradford, chairman Regis College senior Claire of the communication arts de­ Bradford was a well-known Roubillard one of its most Commenting on her recent business contacts. debate and forensic coach. Her accomplishment, Roubillard Roubillard, first, became in­ partment, has been chosen as prestigious awards in a state­ one of the six outstanding debate teams were state cham­ wide competition. said that she was "proud of the terested in computers after pions. The Kansas Speech taking Regis' required Intro­ alumni of her alma mater, The award, carrying with it award and happy to be able to Communication Association Computer-class. "Harry Al­ Pittsburg State in Kansas where an undisclosed amount of represent Regis College." named her as the outstanding derman and I became good Bradford received her Masters money toward the winner's ROUBILLARD, WHO IS cur­ communication instructor of the rently a department adminis­ friends and when he mentioned degree in 1974. scholastic expenses was the The nomination and selection year. first one given by ACM in the trator in the Regis Computer that he was forming a major in Bradford received her Ph.D Science Department said that information systems, I knew it was based upon three criteria: Denver area. her achievements at Pittsburg in communication Arts from the THE ACM NOTIFIED vari­ she is attempting, with the help would blend well with my University of Colorado in Boul­ of some faculty members, to psychology major because there State, her Kansas recognition, ous schools about the award and and her activities since Pitts­ der. She is accredited for the a selection committee -of Regis build a student chapter of the are a lot of psychological revitalization of the commun­ ACM at Regis. aspects to analyze when dealing burg. faculty including Mr. Steve Graduating with honors with ication arts curriculum as de­ Jamison, Mr. Harry Alderman, ''The ACM is a nationwide with people in the business partment chairman at Regis. world. From there, it has just a 4.0 grade point average, Dr. Norbert Roughton and Dr. organization," she said. "If a She was , in addition, honored student chapter was formed at been one good thing after Bradford was named the out~ Diane Wagner who are mem­ standing graduate in the com­ as the faculty member of the bers respectively of the Compu­ Regis, anyone interested 'would another.'' Editor's Note: munication arts department at year in May, 1984. ~er Science, Physics and be invited to join-not JUSt Hradford was invited to go students. It's for everyone. The Rocky Mountain chapter of Pittsburg State. In additiqn, her Mathematics departments master thesis project was rec­ back to Pittsburg State to chose Roubillard to represent Professional people, professors, the ACM will hold a workshop receive her award at home­ on Oct. 13 in the President's ognized as one of the outstan­ Regis in the competition. teachers, everyone." coming on October 7. Roubillard said that being Lounge. The time will be ding research projects by the In order to compete, Koubil­ graduate student council. lard had to submit a biogra- involved with the ACM can announced at a later date. Collegiate cheating concerns administrati on anything. Often times the act is enforce the policy when the BY JULIE JOHNSTON AND The definition of academic situation arises. We certainly DAVID ARMSTRONG just as devastating to the, dence." Other universities and dishonesty, according to the colleges such as the University don't want to invite cheating by "I would say that over half of Regis Bulletin, reads as professor as the consequences are to the student. One in­ of Oregon, the University of lax procedures. However, on the students cheat on every '' ... cheating defined as using California at Berkeley, and the the other hand, it isn't wise to campus. I think it's a national inappropriate sources of in­ structor described it as being "the darkest side of teaching." University of Utah have ex­ play the detective or policeman. problem, '' said Cha'rles R . formation on a test." Hynes perimented with work penalties We may face the danger of Middleton, associate dean of explained that this may include ''It has been one of the hardest things to deal with, emotionally, for cheating and plagiarism. turning the whole adventure the College of Arts and Science looking over someone's.should­ However, Oregon and Utah into a game. If the students at the University of Colorado in er or using crib sheets. The in my career. It's a heart­ break because on one end, the have reported no drop in the consider it a game, they may Boulder [quoted from an asso­ Bulletin goes on to define cases since the forced work was forget that cheating is a lie." In ciated p.ress article in the plagiarism, another form of student has blemished his or her integrity, and on the other imposed. In fact, in the Denver other words, they are not only September 10 issue of the cheating, as "presenting as Post article listed above, it lying to the professors, but they Denver Post]. one's own, the ideas, words, or side is the teacher who feels a sense of failure -failure to stated that Berkeley reported 11 are also lying to themselves on According to Dr. Bill Hynes, products of another." what they do or do not know. academic dean at Regis, cheat­ bring across to the student the convictions last year up from More serious forms are con­ eight from the previous year. Hynes warned, ''Every year, ing is much less a problem at importance and meaning of sidered to be bribery, forgery, Any student found guilty of a we purchase from these so­ Regis and in the small liberal education,'' expressed one and "alteration or misuse of mote serious form of cheating called 'Papers for Hire' all term arts schools because of the one's own or another student's professor. According to the Bulletin, (forging and tampering with papers available to students. small classes and the close academic records." We have these papers on file for "sanctions may be imposed by academic records) may be ·ex­ relationship and contact of the "There's an ethical issue the use of the faculty when the areas, departments, or pelled from the College, receiv­ professors with the students.
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