MASARYK UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of English Language and Literature BBC TV series Miranda: Analysis of the Czech Subtitles Bachelor Thesis Brno 2018 Supervisor: Author: Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D. Markéta Kršková Abstract The thesis analyses selected episodes of the BBC television series Miranda and their Czech subtitles. In the first, more theoretically based part of the thesis, the author summarises the theory of translation focusing primarily on English to Czech translation and the translation strategies suggested for translations of the popular culture references, puns, regional dialects and fragments of colloquial English. In the next chapter, the attention is devoted to the subtitles and subtitling in general and in the Czech Republic. The primary aim of the analytical part is to contrast and compare selected parts of the Czech subtitles and the translation strategies used in the translation process. Two different sources created for the British TV series Miranda – the official subtitles by Alžběta Šáchová created for the Czech television and unprofessional subtitles by three amateur translators retrieved from titulky.com – are used for the purpose. The thesis shows the difficulties connected with the translation of the issues above while considering the rules of creating subtitles and maintaining the original meaning or impact on the audience. Keywords subtitles, subtitling, puns, popular culture, colloquial English translation, translation Anotace Tato práce analyzuje vybrané epizody britského televizního seriálu Miranda a jeho české titulky. První část práce je věnována teorii překladu, především anglicko- českého a postupům při překladu odkazů na populární kulturu, slovních hříček neboli „puns“, regionálních dialektů a z části také kolokviální či hovorové angličtiny. Další kapitola se pak zabývá titulky, jejich postupy a překladem jak ve světě, tak v České republice. Hlavní náplní práce je analýza a porovnání vybraných částí českých titulků a také překladatelských postupů, kterých překladatelé ve své práci využívají. Autorka porovnává titulky ze dvou různých zdrojů vytvořené pro britský televizní seriál Miranda. Pro analýzu jsou použity oficiální titulky Alžběty Šáchové vytvořené pro Českou televizi a neprofesionální titulky tří amatérských překladatelů ze serveru titulky.com. Práce poukazuje na strasti spojené s překladem kulturně specifických referencí, slovních hříček, regionálních dialektů a hovorového jazyka s ohledem na pravidla pro tvoření titulků a zachování původního smyslu či efektu na diváky. Klíčová slova titulky, titulkování, slovní hříčky, populární kultura, překlad kolokviální angličtiny, překlad Prohlášení „Prohlašuji, že jsem závěrečnou práci (bakalářskou, diplomovou, rigorózní, závěrečnou práci CŽV) vypracoval/vypracovala samostatně, s využitím pouze citovaných pramenů, dalších informací a zdrojů v souladu s Disciplinárním řádem pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a se zákonem č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů.“ Declaration I declare, I have written the Bachelor thesis independently using only the sources stated in the References and other information and sources consistent with the Disciplinární řád pro studenty Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a se zákonem č. 121/2000 Sb., o právu autorském, o právech souvisejících s právem autorským a o změně některých zákonů (autorský zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Brno, 30th March 2018 …………………………….. Markéta Kršková Acknowledgements I would like to thank the supervisor for my thesis Mgr. Martin Němec, Ph.D. for his patient guidance and valuable suggestions which helped me finish this work. Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................. 8 1. Translation Theory and Approaches ...................................................................... 10 1. 1. About Translation ........................................................................................... 10 1. 1. 1. A brief history of translation approaches ................................................ 13 1. 2. Translation from English to Czech ................................................................. 15 1. 3. Specific Issues of the English-Czech Translation .......................................... 16 1. 3. 1. Translation of popular culture................................................................. 18 1. 3. 2. Translation of puns. ................................................................................ 19 1. 3. 3. Translation of dialects and colloquial language. .................................... 21 2. Translation of the Subtitles .................................................................................... 23 2. 1. Audio-visual translation ................................................................................. 23 2. 2. Subtitles and subtitling ................................................................................... 24 2. 2. 1. Subtitles in the Czech Republic .............................................................. 27 3. Subtitles Analysis ................................................................................................... 28 3. 1. About the Series ............................................................................................. 29 3. 2. Methodology .................................................................................................. 30 3. 3. Translations of the Puns ................................................................................. 31 3. 3. 1. Homophonic puns. .................................................................................. 31 3. 3. 2. Homonymic puns. ................................................................................... 33 3. 3. 6. Paronymy puns. ...................................................................................... 35 3. 4. Translations of Popular Culture References ................................................... 35 3. 4. 1. Song lyrics. ............................................................................................. 35 3. 4. 2. Broadcasting. .......................................................................................... 36 3. 4. 3. Literature. ................................................................................................ 38 3. 4. 4. Famous people and characters. ............................................................... 38 3. 5. Translations of Dialects and Informal Language ........................................... 39 3. 5. 1. Regional dialects. .................................................................................... 40 3. 5. 2. Tilly’s idiolect. ........................................................................................ 41 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 43 References .................................................................................................................. 44 Attachment – Translation Analysis Corpus – BBC series Miranda .......................... 50 7 Introduction In our spare time, we all want to have fun and relax. While some may choose a walk in a park or more adventurous pastime most of us will probably opt for a good film or series as the way how to spend our evening. Finding the best option for your taste can take some time but we are willing to undergo this distress to fulfil our idea of relaxation. How disappointing it is when you purchase the DVD and ready to watch find out that the Czech subtitles are just poor. The event may seem as obsolete nowadays as DVDs are not the only way how to watch films. The Internet offers many other options, though not all of them are legal, how to obtain the entertainment. If your English, however, is not strong enough you may find it distressing to find the good quality subtitles. The reputation of subtitles in the Czech Republic is currently not excellent. Partially it is the problem of the predominance of dubbing and the audience faithful to the tradition of the Czech dubbing. With the upcoming dual broadcasting of the Czech television law which passed in the parliament in May 2017, it is supposed to change. The need for the subtitles created by professionals is bound to increase. Watching a series now with amateur subtitles or even the professional ones may often arise more questions than answers. The rendering is not of a good quality and the intended jokes and references often lose their charm. While watching the BBC series Miranda I have been naturally interested in how the subtitles in the Czech would look like as the series is based, apart from the visual side, on the dialogues full of language specifics such as puns, slang, dialects, idiolects and cultural references. I have found the amateur subtitles on the Internet and shortly after the Czech television broadcasted the series with the professional subtitles. There were some differences between the quality of the subtitles, nevertheless, I had been more interested in the translation of the culture specifics, puns and dialect. I have created a parallel corpus of their translations from the first season of the series and I aim to analyse some of them in this thesis. The thesis consists of three parts where the first two are mainly outlining the theoretical background for the
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