AMERICANJOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY VOLUME 58 1954 1 NST/ MON VI MEN o RVM TA PRI o" RV & 'g. ok? THE JOURNAL OF THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA RICHARDSTILLWELL, 233 McCormick Hall, Princeton, New Jersey, Editor-in-Chief DIETRICHVON BOTHMER, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Book Reviews STEPHEN B. LUCE, Boston, Massachusetts, Necrology ERIK K. REED, 238 Griffin Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Assistant Book Review Editor NATALIE GIFFORD WYATT, Tufts College, Indexer ADVISORY BOARD OF ASSOCIATE EDITORS WILLIAM F. ALBRIGHT JOTHAMJOHNSON The Johns Hopkins University New York University CARL WV.BLEGEN ALFRED V. KIDDER The University of Cincinnati The Carnegie Institution of Washington ROBERT J. BRAIDWOOD CHARLESRUFUS MOREY The Oriental Institute Princeton, N. J. FRANK E. BROWN GISELA M. A. RICHTER Yale University Rome, Italy WILLIAM B. DINSMOOR DAVID M. ROBINSON Columbia University The University of Mississippi STERLING Dow H. R. W. SMITH Harvard University The University of California GLANVILLE DOWNEY WILLIAM STEVENSON SMITH Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston GEORGE M. A. HANFMANN MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER Harvard University Bryn Mawr College HONORARY EDITORS HENRY T. ROWELL, President of the Archaeological Institute of America CHARLESH. MORGAN,Chairman, Managing Committee, American School of Classical Studies at Athens LAURANCEP. ROBERTS,Director, American Academy in Rome CARL H. KRAELING,President, American Schools of Oriental Research BOAZW. LONG,Director, School of American Research ii CONTENTS OF VOLUME 58 (1954) PAGE Adams, F. W. Tabula Imperii Romani . .............. 45 Rev. of Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Vol. II, 99 B.C.- 31 B.C. .. 176 Adelson, H. L. Rev. of Grant, Roman Anniversary Issues . ......... 349 Baerreis, D. A. Rev. of Wendorf, Salvage Archaeology in the Chama Valley, New Mexico . 269 Banti, L. in Pre-Classical Art . Myth .............. ..307 Beazley, Sir John. Rev. of Lullies and Hirmer, Griechische Vasen der reifarchaischen Zeit .170 Some Inscriptions on Vases: VI . .............. 187 Bieber, M. Romani Palliati (summary) . ............. 143 The Entrances and Exits of Actors and Chorus in Greek Plays ...... 277 Blegen, C. W. Excavations at Pylos, 1953 . .............. 27 de Borhegyi, S. F. Rev. of Ferdon, Jr., Tonald, Mexico: An Archaeological Survey . 263 Rev. of Chonay and Goetz (trans.), Title of the Lords of . 357 Totonicapdn . Rev. of Recinos and Goetz (trans.), The Annals of the Cakchiquels . 357 Bothmer, B. V. Roman Republican and Late Egyptian Portraiture (summary) . 143 1Rev.- of Kunsthalle Basel. Schaetze altaegyptischer Kunst, 27. Juni-13. September, 1953 .......... .......... 245 von Bothmer, D. Editor, Book Reviews . ........... 57, 155, 245, 335 Rev. of Brommer, Herakles. Die zwdlf Taten des Helden in antiker Kunst und Literatur . .. 63 Rev. of Lullies, Corpus Vatorum Antiquorum .......... 344 Bourquet, P. du, S.J. Rev. of Stefanski and Lichtheim, Coptic Ostraca from Medinet Habu 162 Brady, T. A. Rev. of Bell, Cults and Creeds in Greco-Roman Egypt. Monographs in Archae- ology and Oriental Studies ............ .... 255 Brew, J. O. Rev. of Di Peso, The Sobaipuri Indians of the Upper San Pedro River Valley, Southeastern Arizona . ................... 265 Brown, D. F. In Search of Sybaris (summary) . ............. 144 Brown, F. E. Note on Michael Ivanovich Rostovtzeff ............. 55 B. W. The Cow Calf Buchanan, and (summary) . ......... .. 144 Rev. of Woolley, A Forgotten Kingdom: Being a Record of the Results Obtained from the Excavation of Two Mounds, Atchana and Al Mina, in the Turkish Hatay . 163 of in Rev. Woolley, Spadework Archaeology . .......... 163 of Geschichte und der Rev. Moscati, Kultur Semitischen Viilker: Eine Einfiihrung 164 of and Rev. Tufnell, Murray Diringer, Lachish III (Tell ed-Duweir), the Iron Age 335 Two to the Hermes Carpenter, Rhys. Postscripts Controversy......... 1 Carter, G. F. of and Rev. Sauer, Agricultural Origins Dispersals . ......... 260 Chambers, M. Rev. of Herzog and Klaffenbach, Asylieurkunden aus Kos . ...173 Clairmont, C. Rev. of Bielefeld, Amazonomachia. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Motivwan- derung in der antiken Kunst .................. 171 Collins, H. B. Rev. of de Laguna, The Prehistory of Northern North America as seen from the Yukon .. .. 73 Comfort, H. Gaulish Terra Sigillata in the University of Pennsylvania Museum . 33 Rev. of Ettlinger and Simonett, R6mische Keramik aus dem Schutthiigel von Vindonissa . 174 Rev. of Vaes and Mertens, La Cramique gallo-romaine en terre aigillde d'Elewijt (Belgique) . ...................... 174 iii iv CONTENTS Rev. of Lamboglia, Gli Scavi di Albintimilium e la Cronolgia della Ceramica Ronmana;prima parte, Campagne di Scavo 1938-1940 ......... 256 Rev. of Sch6nberger, Fiihrer durch das R6merkastell Saalburg . .....347 Rev. of Sch6nberger, The Roman Camp Saalburg ......... 347 Rev. of Sch6nberger, Saalburg Jahrbuch X ........... 347 Conant, K. J. Rev. of Davies, The Origin and Development of Early Christian Church Architecture . 67 Cooney, J. D. Rev. of Hornemann, Types of Ancient Egyptian Statuary, Part I . 57 Corbett, J. M. Rev. of Willey, Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Viru Valley, Peru . 184 Daifuku, H. Rev. of Martin, Rinaldo, Bluhm, Cutler and Grange, Mogollon Cultural Con- tinuity and Change: The Stratigraphic Analysis of Tularosa and Cordova Caves . 359 Dinsmoor, W. B. New Evidence for the Parthenon Frieze (summary) . ...... 144 Dow, S. Minoan Writing . ................... 77 Note on Alice Elizabeth Kober . .............. 153 Rev. of Nilsson, The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion . .... .. 155 Note on William Scott Ferguson .............. 333 Ekholm, G. F. Rev. of Drucker, La Venta, Tabasco, A Study of Olmec Ceramics and Art . 264 Evans, C. Rev. of Haury and Cubillos, Investigaciones Arquelogicas en La Sabana de Bogotd, Colombia (Cultura Chibcha) . 262 Farmer, M. F. Rev. of Schroeder, A Brief Survey of the Lower Colorado River from Davis Dam to the International Border ................182 Fenenga, F. Rev. of Heizer and Mills, The Four Ages of Tsurai, A Documentary History of the Indian Village on Trinidad Bay . .............. 268 Friend, A. M., Jr. Note on George H. McFadden . ............ 154 Gordon, A. E. Rev. of Thylander, Inscriptions du Port d'Ostie and Etude sur l'dpigraphie latine . .. 65 .. Potitius Valerius Messalla, Consul Suffect in 29 B.c. (summary) ..... 145 Hanfmann, G. M. A. Rev. of The Age of Diocletian, A Symposium. December 14-16, 1951 67 On Eastern Greek Geometric and Orientalizing Styles (summary) ..... 146 Acquisitions of the Fogg Art Museum: Sculpture and Figurines ..... 223 Harrington, J. C. Rev. of Ruppert, Chichen Itza, Architectural Notes and Plans . 183 Hayes, W. C. Rev. of Chapman and Dunham, Decorated Chapels of the Meroitic Pyramids at Mero?i and Barkal . ................... 159 Rev. of W. S. Smith, Ancient Egypt as Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts 159 Hopkins, C. Etruscan Chronology (summary) . ............ 146 Hopper, R. J. Rev. of Finley, Studies in Land and Credit in Ancient Athens, 500-200 B.C. The Horos Inscriptions . .................. 252 Howard, S. and Johnson, F. P. The Saint-Valentin Vases . ......... 191 Howe, T. P. The Origin and Function of the Gorgon-Head . ... ......... 209 Immerwahr, H. R. Rev. of Ehrenberg, The People of Aristophanes . .. 72 Immerwahr, S. A. Rev. of Pernier and Banti, Il Palazzo Minoico di Festbs. Vol. II, II Secondo Palazzo . ... 59 . ... Johnson, F. P. On the Beach (summary) .. .. ............... 146 see Howard, S.. .. 191 Johnson, J. The Hill Forts of Latium (summary) . ............... 146 Lee, S. E. A Cup by Douris .... ............... 230 Linni, S. Rev. of Kutscher, Chimu. Eine altindianische Hochkultur . ... ......185 Long, C. R. Mycenaean Dress (summary) . ............... 147 CONTENTS v Luce, S. B. Editor, Necrology . .. 55, 153, 243, 333 Note on Alice Walton .................154 Note on Henry Lamar Crosby . ............... 243 Note on Sir John Linton Myres ............... 243 McFadden, G. H. A Late Cypriote III Tomb from Kourion, Kaloriziki No. 40 . 131 Mellink, M. J. Rev. of Haspels, Exploration archdologique de la Phrygie. Vol. III, La Citd de Midas. Cdramique et trouvailles diverses . ............ 167 Rev. of Barnett, The Hittite Inscriptions . ........... 247 Rev. of Woolley, Carchemish. Report on the Excavations at Jerusalem on Behalf of the British Museum. Part III, The Excavations in the Inner Town ..... 247 Rev. of Dussand, Prdlydiens, Hittites et Achdens . ......... 250 Milne, M. J. Rev. of Langlotz, Das Ludovisische Relief . .......... 68 Myres, J. L. A Painted Graeco-Phoenician Vase from Ormidhia in Cyprus . ..... 39 Oswalt, W. Rev. of Giddings, Jr., The Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River . 74 Palmer, H. Rev. of Stillwell, A., Corinth, Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. XV, Part 2, The Potters' Quarter, the Terracottas . 1.. 170 Perkins, A. Rev. of Langenegger, Miiller, and Naumann, Tell Halaf, Vol. II: Die Bauwerke 165 Rev. of Maisler, Beth She carim. Report on the Excavations during 1936-1940, Vol. I . .. .. 166 Porada, E. Rev. of Legrain, Ur Excavations, Volume X, Seal Cylinders ...... 339 Prakken, D. W. Funerary Inscriptions in New York . ........... 321 Randall, R. H., Jr. Rev. of Zarnecki, Later English Romanesque Sculpture ..... 351 Raubitschek, A. E. The Dates of Caesar's Second and Third Dictatorships (summary) . 148 Reed, E. K. Assistant Book Review Editor . .
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