Pi Alpha Xi Lotus Leaflet Autumn 1998 Page 2 Pi Alpha Xi Lotus Leaflet Autumn 1998 Pi Alpha Xi Photo by John DolePhoto by John Dole Letter from Your President The purpose of Pi Alpha Xi - The Honor Society for Floriculture, Thank you to everyone who came and participated in the Annual Pi Alpha Xi lun- Landscape Horticulture, and cheon during the Annual ASHS Meeting in Charlotte this summer. We hope to see Ornamental horticulture is to recognize all of you again and everyone that couldn't make it next year in Minneapolis. high scholarship, to foster good rela- tionships among its members, to pro- mote or to facilitate the exchange of I am the first president of Pi Alpha Xi National in Photo by John Dole ideas among members of the profes- a long time that is not an active flower judging sions, and to establish cordial relations coach, and I see that as a bit of a disadvantage. The among students, educators, and indus- flower judging teams I have coached in the past try members. and our participation in the National Flower Judging Contest are some of my most treasured teaching memories. I would encourage all Pi Alpha Xi chapters that don't have a team to start one. However, I know from talking to some of the newer floriculture faculty around the coun- Photo by Richard Criley PAX OFFICERS try that many are unaware of what is involved in having a team. President: Terri Woods Starman It is my hope as President that we can contin- Department of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design ue the discussion that was carried on at the lun- University of Tennessee cheon to find ways to publicize the Photo by Robert Mirabello P.O. Box 1071 message of Pi Alpha Xi and to reach Knoxville, TN 37901-1071 out to educate people around the phone: 423-974-7324 world about flower judging and the FAX: 423-974-1947 importance of flower quality. I am in e-mail: [email protected] the process of forming a subcommit- tee to investigate ways that we can Vice President: help support and promote PAX in David F. Graper Department of Horticulture general, as well as to formulate ways Forestry, Landscape and Parks to publicize the PAX manual and its availability. If anyone would like to South Dakota State University Photo by Dennis Werner Box 2140-A, NPB 254-D serve on that committee please let me Brookings, SD 57007-0996 know. phone: 605-688-6253 FAX: 605-688-4713 I want to welcome Bridgett Behe from e-mail: [email protected] Michigan State University as our new Secretary-Treasurer. I also want to thank Secretary-Treasurer: Bridget Behe David Graper for all his hard A216 Plant & Soil Sciences Building work as our past Secretary- Photo by Leonardo Michigan State University Treasurer and congratulate him Lombardini East Lansing, MI 48824 as our new Vice-President. phone: (517) 432-2450 Terri FAX: (517) 353-0890 Terri Starman e-mail: [email protected] Autumn 1998 Photo by Mary Lewness Photo by Jayne Anders Albrecht Page 3 Pi Alpha Xi Lotus Leaflet Autumn 1998 Minutes of the 1998 Annual Lang mentioned that he gets lots of inquires about judging and suggests the manual is what they use. What about the Pi Alpha Xi Luncheon, Charlotte, NC. design contest rules? Harald Wilkins was astonished by the The Annual Pi Alpha Xi Luncheon was held July 14th in comments of the coaches. He mentioned that he is even the South Carolina Hall of the Hilton hotelat 12:00 PM. asked for copies from other areas of the world. He felt that Following the meal, the meeting was called to order by it belongs to everyone in PAX. Several people mentioned President Doug Needham. A roll of chapters and members that they could not understand the opposition to having it on was called by David Graper. Attendance was as follows: the Web, it could be protected by a copyright and still be Alpha - 1; Beta - 2; Gamma - 8; Delta - 1; Epsilon - 3; Zeta proprietary. Perhaps the Web pages could should show - 1; Theta - 2; Iota - 3; Lambda - 1; Mu - 1; Omicron - 1; sample pages and how to order it for a cost that makes a bit Chi - 1; Psi - 2, Omega - 5; Alpha-Beta - 2; Alpha-Gamma of money. Perhaps a 2-tiered fee structure for coaches and - 2; Alpha-Epsilon - 1; Alpha-Zeta - 1; Alpha-Kappa - 1. others. $6.00 is really cheap. Doug wants to follow Terri Copies of last year’s minutes and this year’s finan- Starman’s suggestion to form a sub-committee to investi- cial reports were passed out to all in attendance. Following gate this and also help support and promote PAX in general. some discussion about the financial report, indicating that Terri Starman moved to form a subcommittee to new lapel pins have been ordered which will cost a total of investigate and formulate ways to publicize the PAX manu- about $2000, one half of that cost has been paid already. al and its availability and design contest rules. 2nd. Mary Also, the number of new initiates is a fair bit lower than last Albrecht. Passed, unanimous. year. Doug mentioned that we did not have clear minutes Publications and membership services committee about the discussion of posting the Flower Judging Manual was formed. Terri Starman, Harvey Lang, Richard Harknes on the WWW. It was up on the Web a brief time as a pass- and Doug Needham plus a few from the old committee. word protected file but then taken off following opposition Mary Albrecht moved to accept minutes. Mark to the idea from several individual coaches. We did not Bridgen 2nd. Everette Emino mentioned that the actual have a clear record if there was a vote or not so Doug felt it commiteee was not the one that was in the minutes. best to take it off the Web. Discussion continued among the Passed. The treasurer’s report was also accepted. group. Should it be available on the web? It is available Photo contest report by David Graper. Mentioned for sale. Some of the coaches did not want to have it on that the entries were in much better shape this year with the web because it is proprietary, it should only be for sale. having people bring their own entries this year. Seventeen The new revision is available from Terry Ferriss which entrees were received. Everyone gave the full $10 fee includes some new crops but not all that were included which includes money to cover the shipping back of the from the version that was on the Web from Doug. Mark entrees. We appreciate ASHS for assisting with the contest Bridgen suggested putting it to a vote. Harvey thought that by accepting entries and providing publicity about the con- it should be available as well since we do not make any test to ASHS members. We still need to make the contest money on it. Perhaps it could be sold for profit to support more visible than it was this year. Special thanks to Bob the organization and the scholarships that are given by PAX. Lyons for being the judge this year. Winners this year Dave Graper mentioned that the following comments were included in the Landscape Category: 3rd - Penelope made to Dave Graper from members of the Flower Judging nd Committee. Some felt that it should not be on the Web Perkins- Veaszie - USDA-ARS-SCARL; 2 - Alice LeDuc because it would make it too easy for someone to steal it, - Kansas State University; 1st. - Alice LeDuc - Kansas State even if it was up as a PDF file. They feel that this is one of University. Ornamental Catergory: 3rd. - Dennis Werner - the few things that PAX actually owns and does not want to Michigan State University; 2nd. - Janye Anders - University loose it. Perhaps it could be copyrighted for a small fee. st Doug did put a footer on each page of the version on the of Arkansas; 1 . Mary Lewness Albrecht - University of Web that indicated that it was copyrighted by PAX. Tennessee. Flower Category: 3rd. John Dole - Oklahoma However, it was not a “legal” copyright. If someone wants State University; 2nd. - Richard Criley - University of to steal it they will steal it. Terri S. wanted to have at least st some information available on the Web about judging vari- Hawaii; 1 and also Grand Champion - Leo Lombardini - ous crops... not the manual itself, but it could still help oth- Michigan State University. Bob Lyons mentioned that he ers to learn about judging. It is not being promoted at the would try to get the Grand Champion photo published on present time by ASHS press. Alice Le Duc said that we the cover of HortTechnology. Dave will be scanning the could probably make better use of the funds, it is costing us photos before sending them back to the owners. The costs to warehouse the manual, process orders and mail them out and benefits of the photo contest were discussed. now. The benefits of a Web document were mentioned, Rules Committee report from Mary Albrechet and having full color photos, video clips, etc. that could build on Ferrel Wise. They said the committee was dormant this If what is actually available in the hard copy version. Harvey any changes are needed, please contact him or anyone on the committee. Page 4 Pi Alpha Xi Lotus Leaflet Autumn 1998 Pi Alpha Xi National Photography Contest - 1998 Ornamentals Category 1998 Luncheon Minutes cont.
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