NUCLEAR-1 REVISED DRAFT EIR - STAKEHOLDER DATABASE APRIL 2011 Surname First Names Title Position Co/Org ACER (Africa) Environmental Management Consultants Elim Info Office Cape Agulhas Tourism Bureau Commissioner Office Dept of Land Affairs : NC Friends of Rietvlei Gateway SuperSpar GCTCA Alliance The Chairman Environmental Action Group Green Giant Farm The Municipal Manager (EC108) Kouga Print & Design My Table View The Area Manager Overstrand Municipality Dept of Geology Rhodes University Roman Bay Sea Farm Rosalia Trust St Francis College Conservation Association Association Trans Hex Group Whale Waters Guest Lodge Abbott K Ms Interested Party Abed N Ms Aberman Maya Ms Earthlife Africa Abrahams Natasha Ms C/o Katrin Pobantz Abrahams Carmen Ms Dept of Public Works : NC Abrahams Tommy Mr Sybrand Park Civic Association Abrahamse SF Mr Services of Cape Town Abrahamse Michael Mr Consultant Milnerton Estates Ltd Abrahamson P Mr Interested Party Ackerman Justin Mr Ackerman Valerie Mrs Ackerman Hannes (JP) Mnr Ackerman WN Mr Interested Party Ackermann Gunther Mr & Mrs Acton J Mr National Secretary Green Party of South Africa Acton Jeremy Mr Consultant Koeberg Alert Group Acton J Mr Director New Eden Foundation Acton J Mr (Permacore) Adam SJ Mr Traffic Officer Drakenstein Municipality Adam M Dr Director Human Rights Foundation Adams JP Mr/s Adams Dideka Elizar Miss Adams Aden Mnr Adams Lydia Mev Adams R Mnr Adams Andries Mnr Adams Rashid Cllr City of Cape Town Adams SA Mr Teacher & Trainer Schools: Hoerskool Robinvale Adatia R Ms Interested Party Adendorff Daniel Mr Adler Warren Mr Adriaazen Martha Mrs Agenbach Coenrad Mr Dept of Environmental Affairs Agenbacht Alexander Mnr Geoloog Raad vir Geowetenskap Agoshe Nokhanyo Mrs Masakhane Pre-School Agullhas R Rev Director S.African Dvlpt Servic Ah Shene Carolyn Miss & Advocacy BirdLife South Africa Ahrends Belinda Ms Landcare Airey D Mr Interested Party Aken Mark Mr Development Manager Anglo Base Metals Alba A Ms Interested Party Albers Anthony Dr Nightsky Ideas Trust Albertyn Janice Mrs Representative Society Alcock Dean Mr Alexander Jeantha Mrs Interior Decorator Alexander Debbie Mrs Allan Hanlie & Anja Mr & Mrs Allan Sarah Ms Impact Management DAEA Allardice Rory Mr Conservation Group Allavena Alexander Mr Allman Mac Mr Interested Party Almendro MJ & PM Mr & Mrs Altendorfer Angela Ms Altern Sean Mr Alven V Mr MCM Struisbaai Ambrose Dustin Mr Ambrosini Leon Mr Mayor (NCO61) Amira Taki Cllr Councillor City of Cape Town Anderson Dave Mr Anderson Grant Mr Anderson John Ross Mr Anderson Duncan & Yvonne Prof & Mrs Anderson Mark Mr Services Conservation : NC Anderson Rodney C Mr Exco Member Association Anderson H Ms Safety Forestry Anderson Caroline Mrs H.O.D St Francis College Anderson Tania Ms WESSA Northern Cape Andrew Sally Ms Creative Writer Interested Party Andrews Pamela Miss Andrews Byron & Anna Mr & Mrs Andrews Rob & Ann Mr & Mrs i-Lollo Lodge Andrews Angela Ms Legal Resources Centre (LRC) Andrews CG Mr Fire Brigade Solplaatje Municipality Andries Johannes & Maria Mr & Mrs Angel N Mr Director:Infrastructure Eden District Municipality Annett Simon Mr Annison Neil Mr Anoster Joanna Mrs Anthofer J Mr Interested Party Anthony M Ms Programme Manager CSIR Environmentek Antoine Luc Dr Services Apleni Nonkosinathi Mrs School Teacher Aploon M Ms Secretary Western Cape Apollis Dorothea Ms Apollis Freddie A Mnr Apolosi Mbuyi Mr Appelgrein Phillipus Cllr Councillor Overstrand Local Municipality Apps Mr & Mrs Arderne Richard Mr & Mrs Franchisee Pam Golding Properties Arends Anna Mej Arends Carleen Mrs EDRS: Tourism Municipality Arendse S Mr/s Arendse Hendrik & Marilyn Mr & Mrs C/o Katrin Pobantz Arendse Cecile Ms C/o Katrin Pobantz Arendse Mercia Cllr Councillor City of Cape Town Arendse Glen Mr Matroosfontein Civic Association Arenhold Simon Mr Arenhold Fiona Ms Land Owner Argue Jeremy Mr Arizon Jeffrey Mr Arnolds Randall Mr Kouga Local Municipality Arnott David Mr Associate Feike (Pty) Ltd Arnott Tim Mr Conservancy Arp Amanda Ms Arries Mandy Ms C/o Katrin Pobantz Arrison Desiree Miss IDP Manager Overstrand Local Municipality Arter Errol Mr Arthur D Mr Interested Party Ashpole M Ms Reporter Shorten Publications Ashwin M Ms Supporter Earthlife Africa Ata L Mrs Officer Koeberg Nuclear Power Station Atkins D Mr Interested Party Atkinson Peter & Philippa Mr & Mrs Atkinson Gary Mr & Mrs Attenborough Gavin Mr & Mrs Atwaru Yaken Mr Environmental Dev. Planning Aucamp Trudi Ms Augmkolk P Mr Town Engineer Lesedi Local Municipality August Aldin & Una Mr & Mrs August Krotoa Cynthia Cllr Councillor Gamtkwa Khoisan Council August Stephanus Mr Fire Fighter SAAF Auret Jill Mrs Austin Evan Mr African Wings Avontuur Marenda Ms C/o Katrin Pobantz Avontuur Henry Mr c/o TAG Baadjies Shada Miss Baard Lynda Ms Baard EHW Dr Services Jonkershoek Baard B Mr Interested Party Baartman NA Mr Municipal Manager Nama Khoi Municipality Baatjies Gail Ms Saxonsea Secondary School Baatjies RP Mr Teacher & Trainer Schools: Hoerskool Robinvale Badenhorst Dewald Mr Head of Reserves Conservation : NC Badenhorst S Mr Interested Party Badenhorst A Mrs Interested Party Bagley Wayne Mr Baholo N Mr Firefighter Services Bailey P Mr Interested Party Cradle of Humankind Bailey Roger Mr Conservation Manager Trust Bailey P Mr Safety (NUM) Baillie-Cooper Simon & Wendy Mr & Mrs Bain Roger Mr Bain PG Mr Interested Party Bain Cairns Dr Environmental Manager SA (NECSA) Baker Mark Mr Baker Brendan Mr Baker Justin Mr Bakker C Mr Interested Party Balarin E Mr Operations Manager for Marine Studies Ball Janey Ms Ball PW Mr Ball Jaana-Maria Ms EIA Manager ARCUS GIBB Ball Darren Mr Webmaster Woolworths Balura VM Mr Mayor (EC105) Bance Andrew Mr Banks David Mr Bantom Willem Mnr Reebokrant Development Trust Baptista M Mrs Interested Party Barbour Tony Mr Consultant Evaluation Unit Barker Neil Mr Barker Darren Mr Barker Oliver Mr Barker Celeste Mrs Barker ACW Mr Director Consultant Barkhuysen Adri Mr Biologist BirdLife SA - Eastern Cape Barlin D Mr Supporter Earthlife Africa Barlow William Mr Barnard Pieter Mnr Barnard H Mr Interested Party Barnard Gerrie & Lydia Mnr & Mev Barnard Bernhard Mr Barnard Wolsey Dr Director En Bar Consulting Barnard LP Mr Teacher & Trainer Schools: Goodwood College Barnard Tim Mr Teacher St Andrews College Barnard CH Mr Inspector Traffic Department:Gauteng Barnes Anthony Mr Environmental Barnes C Mr & Mrs Barnes Tony Mr Director Dev Planning Barnsfather M Mr Interested Party Barnsley Sharon Ms Sectretary/Treasurer of Ratepayers Assoc Barratt Valda Mrs Barratt Brenda Mrs Barratt Franklin JB Mr Associate Global Aviation Consultants Barratt Christopher Mr Chairman Thuyspunt Alliance Barrella S Mr Information Forum Barrett John Mr Barrett Peter Mr St Francis Bay Kromme Trust Barry Mark Dr Barry James Mr Bartels P Dr Director Centre Barth GH Mr Interested Party Bartlett Colin Mr Bartolini Franco Mr Barwood Trevor & Lucille Mr & Mrs Base S Mr/s Bass Godfrey Mr Representative Wildlife Society Basson W Mr/s Basson Hilton Mr Basson Bernard Mr Basson Phillip Mr Basson Patricia Ms Basson C Mr Planning Manager Bitou Local Municipality Basson A Mr Traffic Officer Emalahleni Municipality Basson Nico Mr Chief Advisor Eskom Basson John Mr Property Manager NPA Lighthouse Services Basson Eric Mr Association Basson K Mr Owner Prime Product Manufacturing Batchelor Garth Dr Management Land Administration Bateman Harry Mr Bates Anna Mev Battin GV Ms Supporter Earthlife Africa Baulackey Ruwayda Mrs Property Manager Dept of Public Works : NC Baxter James Mr Baxter Jim and Fiona Mr &Mrs Baxter LA Ms Supporter Earthlife Africa Bayat S Mr Councillor City of Cape Town Bazier R A Ms Councillor City of Cape Town Beales Alana Ms Beattie Stuart Mr Assisting Manager: SDF Municipality Beck Mike Mr Becker Frances Ms Becker Peter Mr Beckmann Roderick Mr Project Management Eskom Bednall Nic Mr Procedo Beleggings Beerwinkel CF Ms Councillor City of Cape Town Beeton D Ms Executive Officer Delta Environmental Centre Beeton DV Mr Supporter Earthlife Africa Bekker F Mr Director Safrich Bekker Judy Ms Stanford Valley Farm Bell JM Ms Bellingan C Mr Bellinger Sue J Mrs Director Enviro Fringe Services Bendeman Ernest Mr General Manager Billabong SA Bendrix Will Mr Editor ZigZag Surfing Magazine Bendzulla Samantha Ms Bendzulla Peter Mr Lagoon Farm Benecke AH Ms Librarian Potchefstroom Public Library Beneke D Mr Bennet K Prof Research Officer of Mech Engineering Bennett Jessica Ms Bennett K Prof Lecturer Research Institute Benya L Mr Councillor City of Cape Town Berger LR Dr Interested Party Bergh JP Mr Bergh Johann Mr Bergh NT Mr Interested Party Bergh Bradley Mr Bergh Margaret Mrs Nature Reserve Bergh Vincent Cllr Sub Council Blaauwberg Bergh Eugene Winston Mr Student UCT Berman Jonathan Mr Bernard S Ms Member Hennops Residents Association Bernardo Jan Hendrik Mr Interested Party Bernardo G Mrs Contact Person United Sanctuary Against Abuse Bernhardt SJ Mr Supporter Earthlife Africa Berning Joan Ms Representative Indalo Conservancy Bernstein A Ms Executive Director Enterprise (CDE) Berry L Ms Interested Party Berry Allan Mr Attorney Allan Berry Attorneys Berry Elizabeth Clr Councillor City of Cape Town Bertish Conn Mr Bertish Greg Mr MD True Blue Travel Besselaar Roald Mr Bester Mr Cape Coast Chamber Betts Justin Mr Beukes Floricius Beukes Abe M Mnr Advice Office Beukes C Mr Provincial Inspector Eshowe Local Council Beukes Sarina Ms Councillor Maztikama Local Municipality Beukes Samuel Mnr Bestuurder Vaalputs Beukes Willem CM Mr Chairperson Vaalputs Community Forum
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