Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 7-8-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 08, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1980 Volume 64, Issue 73 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 08, 1980." (Jul 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. County farms eligible to seek 'Daily C£gyptian disaster aid By Dave Powers Staff Writer Tuesday, July 8, 1980--Vol. 64, No. 173 Southern Illinois University An emergency board Mondav authorized Jackson Countv farmers to seek federal disaste"r aid to help offset damages from the severe storms that ravaged Southern Illinois last week. The Emergency Board. Legislature backs SIU-C 'ethacoal plant' comprised of representatives of B~· Jacqui Koszczuk Rea m~ed the proposal to a S~lficatio~. ~peakmg f~om conversion process unex- the Agricultural Stabilization Staff Writn Senate b1ll. however, after the h1s Dallas off1ce m an mterv1ew pectedly produces a gas, in and Conservation Committee. The legislature is backing the administration blocked it in the last week. Keller said he was addition to two products he did Forestry Service, County construction of a $600,000 Ho~e. It had been approv~ by unaware !>f the attempt to stall expect, a coal solid with a lower Extension Se!"Vice. Soil Con­ alternative energy facility at a lomt conference committee constructiOn. sulfur content than it originally servation Service and Farmers SIV-C. despite differences be ore reaching the Senate. University officials, Keller had and a liquid. He said he Home Administration. met to among those closest to the Keith Sanders, SIU govern- said, "have assured us that found no provision in Keller's prepare a damage estimate for project who cannot seem to mental relations officer. said he they'd love to have this fplantl plant specifications for the submission to their respective agree just when, or even how, told tht; lower chamber that ~nd thefve agreed t_o go ahead containment of a gaseous federal offices. said Rosemary the plant should be built. SIU-C d1d not want the money 1mmed1ately With the product. McCord. county ASCC The Illinois Senate last week this year, but perhaps it would program-and I believe ~hem." He also said the liquid product executive director. approved funding for an next year when research had He sa1d he spoke w1th the he gets. which ~ccording to Their agreement was ethacoal plant where high· progressed. research team and Dean Keller's findings should necessary for eligibility for aid, sulfur coal and ethanol. a grain- Heading the research team is Tempelmeyer in Springfield resemble diPSel fuel and thus she said. Money must be sought derived alcohol, would be Dean Kenneth Tempelmeyer of late in June and received no provide an invaluble alternative on a case-bv-ease basi:;. converted to low-sulfur coal and the Schoo) of Engineering and indication then that they did not to petroleum-based diesel fuel. Winds in- excess of 80 mph a tvpe of liquid diesel fuel. Technology. Tempelmeyer said want the plant until next year. actually resembles the original swept through the county June The Senate passed the he advised the administration to "Either that's untrue or I've t('ontinuPd on Page 21 28 and 29. breaking corn stalks. m'.'asure amid a heated public back off from plant construction been lied to by a great number ~ tearing up fruit trees. shaking debate between the legislative because research is currently of people," Keller said. YUS fruit from limbs and damaging sponsor. James Rea. D- producing results at odds with Keller Corp. has been .-.,_liL buildings. Christophl'r, and University the findings of ethacoal workingonetha~oal for at least 8-~ ~'r~,; County agricultural experts officials "' .o say plant con- developer Leonard Keller, 10 years. he sa1d. "We would (J(ll · \-£~ called the damage from the struction must wait until owner of the Keller Corp. in expect ~~eir (SJU-C resear- ~ · CU•. weeki?nd storms "minimal." ethacoal research being done on Da lias. Texas. chers' l results to differ because ! T • . But Wednesday's storm brought campus advances. Keller, who has patented the they are unable to duplicate the ' '-:. winds estimated in excess of 100 Originally the ethacoal ethacoal process, has met with process exactly as it is paten- Gus says the l'niversity didn't 8 project was presented in the SIU-C researchers, advising ted," Keller said. say skoal when the Legislature ~fi~o an:OJtU:2h~ll~~~- ~f~!~d House as an amendment to th? them on the process and sup- Tempelmeyer said his fin- said here's some dough for said. SIU system appropriations bill. plying preliminary plant dings show that the ethacoal ethacoal. t('ontinued on Pa~e :n City, campus begin tallying damages Ann He said tree limbs must be said. resulted from the second storm. Code Enforcement Director By Carol Knowles John Yow his com­ Andrew cleared from the buildi"" which He •id that • drainage He said several roofs at and staff and Zinner piled the estimates befwe ~ Staff Writers boulles Talent Search, !nO S. ~~·e:s~.!r.e..tooM~ t'~':.ndTe~ in Wall St., so CODtracton can .. -::: Thursday to include in ~ Approximately $2.3 million Library, where a flood hit the broken at the Agricu.lture and damages has been esti~ated to begin work on the destroyed requested by the Illinois roof there. archives in the west end of the Communications buildings and Emergency Sevice and Disaster residential, commerc1al and basement. He noted that in various housing locations. public property in Carbon~le The flagpole in front of the Agency. Recreation Center was bent by campus lawns may get shaggier Fry did not have the damage caused by two storms wh1ch Fry the high winds, fen~es at the than normal this week, but assessment broken down by said he assumed the occurred last week, mowing will have to be done building but he did estimate damage report figures would be City Manager Carroll Fry tennis courts receiVed more damage and bleachers at the soon. that $300,000 worth of privately released figures Thursday, Harrel Lerch, superintendent owned trees and $200,000 worth used by the state to determine assessing damages at $94{),280 women's softball field were the area's need for state and blown into fences there, causing of building maintenance, said of city-owned trees were residential, $964,700 com­ little structural damage damaged or destroyed. feck-ral disaster assistance. mercial and $354,904 public. some new damage, Schroeder Damage estimates to city streets had not been released as of Monday afternoon. Fry said the public properly assessment included the city, its schools and SIU.C. The report dirl not include damages to General Telephone or Central Illinois Public Service Co. The storms have also added about $10,000 to the previous campus damage estimate of $25,000. and routine wo~ will be further delayed, according to a Duane Schroeder, physical plant site planner. The street damage report will include cost of debris removal, damage to street surfaces, storm drains, culvert and bridges and city~wned street ligh~ and signs. The completed report will be sent to the Federal Highway Ad­ ministration. Fry emphasized that the figures are preliminary and the data collection process was still continuing. ''I believe the estimates accurately represent the damages to trees and com­ mercial establishments, but I would expect a rise in residential costs," Fry said. Schroeder said that by the end nf this week, workers may be able to mow cleared lawns, but work on Thompsor. Woods will still be delayed . .. We'll reassess the situation at the end of the week, but the crews are doing quite well." be said. "Chipping <turni_ng ~ee Staff P1Joto by Jay 8.-yant tops, uc. into mulch) IS bemg done now both by the University 'Ibis aerial view shows some e1 the damage Carbondale Mobile Homes sustained during Wednesday's storm. and ::ontractors." Man negotiates mttrder plea B\· Diana Penner Althougr, ~egotlated pleas are were wounded. A shot to Burns· Staff Writer fairlv common at the cour­ chest was deflected bv a A Cobden man who broke thou'se. they are generally bulletproof vet. into former SIU-C President arranged between the The armed violence charge Delvte Morris's home and shot prosecuting and defense at­ was dropped in the plea a policeman was sentenced tornevs outside of the cour­ negotiation. Richman recentlv Thursdav to li vears for at­ troom and then presented to the ruled Illinois' armed violence tempted. murder and seven judge. law unconstitutional. Appeal in years for burglary. :\loore was originally charged that case is still pending. Circuit Judge Richard Rich­ with attempted murder. armed Monday at the courthouse. man ruled that Lvman :l.loore. violence and burglary in con­ Willie J .. mes. 26. Carbondale -19. would serve the sentences nt"Ction w1th the inc1dent Feb. pleaded guilty to aggravated con<·urrently. 13 battery and received a six­ The sentencing followed rare month conditional discharge ..rc:: plea bargaining in open court at Jackson Countv Sherifr's which is s1milar to probation the Jackson Count\· Courthouse Deputy Robert Burns answered except that he does not have to -..- m Murphysboro between a call after the burglar alarm report to a probation officer. He Jackson Countv Public went off at the Morris was also fined $2i5. •:• Defender Denms · Waks and residence.
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