r. DOCUMENT RESUME 7 '" i ED 246 704 1 HE b17 136 AU OR / symonshomas H. B.; Page, Jams E. 'TITLTHE 4Sote Questions of Balance,: Huina Resources, Higher y Education and Canadian Studies Volume III,of "To Know,Ourselves:, The Report of the Commission on Association of UniveriitiesandColleges of Canada, 1 Ottawa (Ontario). REPORTNdr--- ISBN-0-86876-075'.-2 - / PUB DATE 84 /- NOTE mogtumesI and Irt,Ive ED 124 032. AVAILABLEPROM) PublicationsPublications Office, Assodiation of Universities and College's of Canada, 151.' Slater Street, Ottawa, KIP', :5N1, Canada ($10, Canada7; $12, United States;.$14, °tiler. countries). ' (/ PUB TYPE . \ Reports - Descriptive (141). , - . r h .. gm PRICE MFO1 /PC12 Plus iostag ''6,, ' DESCRIPTORS Age Groups; Citizensip; *College Faculty; *College -Graduates; *Emp16ymentf Opportunities; *Enrollment. Tkends; Females; Foiteign,Countries; Foreign Students;- Graduation Require ents;,Hutan Capital4 *Information ,,,- 'Needs; 'Labor.Markeitv-Needs Assessmeft; *Postsecondary Education; Statis,tical Data IDENTIFIERS *Cadada / , . ABSTRACT /. Questions about the supply of5highly qualified t. graduates in Canada are examined,. Attention is directed to the following concerns: the need/tor more adequate statistical , infokmatibn about Canadian postsecondaty education and about.current andfuture requirements foihighly qualified graduates; the problems of maintaining equilibriumiin'the period of growth in Canadian highey education from.1945 to 197/5; th1e current state of Canadian higher education, especially prrems and uncertainties about enrollments and finances and the rel tionship of these to the development of Canadian studies; Canadian requirements fox highly qualified graduates;/the age .str tdre of the professoriate and the lack o4 jobs for young scholar in Canada; the question of faculty citizenship (i.e., hi ing Canadians ' For Canadian universities); the human resburcedquesti/Ons arising from the national goals set for research and developMent; the.status of women in. Canadian academic life and' the imOlications for teaching and research about Canada; and the role of foreign students in the promotion ofknowledge about, Canada. Recommendetions are focused to specific oygadizations, ,institution* and government agencies. Appended are a bibliography and guidelines oyi Canadianization'ind the university. (SW) *************L*#***************************************************** / */ Reproddtioiissupplied by,EDRS are the best that can be .made * 5 * - from theIoriginal document. ****************************Ar*******************$*****t**************, Human. Resourct Higher) Education and Can. n Studies. Thomas4 0 Syrnohs Jame Page MS. DEP NT OF EDUCATION THIS NATION INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION' "PER SION TO REPRODUCE GRANTED BY EOUC NAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN CENTER (ERIC) his document has been reproduced as received from the person or. organization °naming it. C....- 1:1 Minor changes have been made toirriprov) r41 reproduction quality, RESOURCES Points of view or opinions staled in this docu-, TO'THE EDUCATIONAL ment do not necessarily reptesent official NIE (ERIC)." INFORMATION CENTER poiltfon or policy To Know Ourtelves: The Report of the Commission on Canadian Studies As§oaition of Universities and Colleges of Canada 1984 SOME QUESTIONS OF BALANCE: Hunian Resources, Higher Education and Canadian Studies Thomas H. B. Symons and James E. Page Volume III of TO KNOW OURSELVES: The Report of the Commission on Canadian Studies Association' of U tversities and Colleges of Canada 1984 This study is a,report by the authors to the Association of Universitics.and Colleges of Canada and therefore does not necessarily, represent the views of the Association © 19K4 by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada ISBN 0-88876-075-2 All rights reserved. No part of.this '-book may be reproduced in any form except for brief quotation in a,review Without written permission from the publishers. All inquiries should be addressed to the Association of Universities and 'Colleges of Canada , at the address below The publication is available from the , Publidations Office Association ,of Universities and Colleges of Canada 151 Slater Street Ottawa, Canada KIP 5N1 Price: $10 Canada $12 United States $14 other pountries (for first class mail, add $3 per copy); Frenah translation is published under the title,. Oil Trouv4er essowces hilmain&s, enseignement suprieur et etudes canadiennes Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Commission on Canadian Studiesi To know ourselves Partial contents: v. 3. Somp questions of balance./ Thomas H.S. Symons and James E. Page ISBN 0-88876-075-2 I. Canada Study and teaching. I. Symons, T. H. B. (ThomasHenry Bull), 1929- H. Page, James E. Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. IV. Title. V. Title: Somequestions,of balance. FC95.C65 1975 FI021.C65 1975 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1,1st of Tables r ill,: 1.ist of Charts , vi Preface , vii ,Acknowledgements 4 IIntroduction: Some Questions of I3alance \. II The Need for Adequate Statistical Information hbout canadian Postsecondary Edocation,and ythout Current and Future Requirements for Highly Qualified Personnel IS . III Setting theq Contekt: Postsecondary Education and Problems of Equilibrium.in a Period of Growth, 1945-1975 22 IV The Faculty Citizenship Question: Hiring Canadians for Canadian Upiversities 11 a. he HistoricalContext '11 h. Some Implications of t c Faculty Citizensliip,Issue 43 & c. Concerns about Factilt itizenship in the 1980s 52 d. Guidelines and Recommendations , a 62 IN. V Some Concerns about the Current State of Canadian Higher Education; Probleths of Equilibrium in a Period of Constraint, 1976-1985 'y 76 .a. Some Implications of the Present Situation forCanadiah Studies 77 b.' The Riddle of Enrolments 81 ..e. The' Relationship of University Finances to Humair Resource ), Questions and to the Development of Canadian Studies . ' 94 VI '14ceting Ctmadian Needs for Highly Qualified Graduates 106' .Y, a, "The P1f.D. Dilemma": ShOrtages and Imbalances in the Supply orDottoral.Graduates at 107 b. Avoiding the Loss of an Academie Generation 117 e., The Need for. a National Strategyand Some Proposals 122 VII The Age Structure of the Profe§soriate and the Lack of Jobs for ,'. 4 Young Schblars in Canada. Ni : 33 a. The Distribution of the Canadian Professoriate, 114 b. Some Questions and Recommendations Arising from the Age 'Structure of the Profes§oriate 157 ,,, I VIII Human Resource Questions Arising from the National Goals Set for Research and Development ,, 1.70'.; , . IX The Status of"Women in danadian Academic Life i - 187 X'Ftireign Students', ,Canadian'Self-Knowledge,and.Knowledge of ,, Canada Abroad ... ...... a. The Present Policy Vacuum . 217 h. Some General Policy Questions .. 220 Pri%file of Foreigii Students in Cumin . 0.. '.. 0 01 224 tl. hat' DoForeign Students Study in Canada and Whnt Are the . i nplications'? 0 , i , 238 c..1 lie Responsibilities of the flost'Country: What Should be DOne, tiAssist Foreign Students in Canada? 241 ,, i' ., 1. Cpl sts and Fees '.9 :,' 244 Anne dix 1 R' l'' , .253 %Biographical Notes 256 ; Bibliography '0. .. 258 ^ t. Lia:OFTABLES Tah les Page !) Full- and part-time undergraduate andgraduatc'University enrolment for sclected ycurs; 19211-1980 26 , Degrees Awarded by Canaltum.universilies in scicctcd years, 1920-1980 28 ,k 1(.3 Totals of new university faculty required and totals and percentages of non-Canadian university teachers hired, 1962.1963 to, 1970-1971 30 4 Degree origin of highly qualified manpenver in Canada' by country, 1973 37 'Origin of Tried doctorates by country and selected disciplines, 1 1973 , ' ' ). ( t .38 Citizenship of full-timeuniversityten ers by region and immigration status,.I 976 39 sJ The number of Canadian citize teaching in 11.S. univcrsitic by year and percentage i 40 Universities which had azablc group in the "Legal Status Not Reported" category aongst newly appointed faculty'members, 1977-1978 to 1980;1981 54 Citizenship oull-timeuniVersity teachers by teaching field, J979r19J. 56 Citizenship of tcachgrs in universities, by teaching field, total Canada excluding Quebec, 1980-1981 57, I I. Citizenship of newly appointed full -time university teachers, 1972-1973 to'1980-1981 58 Legal status of newly appointed full-time uniersity teachers,' 1977-1978 to 1980-1981 59 Legal status of newly appointed full-time university teachers by region, four year total: 1977-1978 to 1980-1981 60 14 Legal status of newly appointed full-time university teachers by academic rank, four year totals: 19,77-1978 to 1980-1981 61 15 Full-time undergraduate enrojment by field of specialization., selected,years, 1962-1963 to 181-1982 79 16 Fullaitirne post-secondary enrol t. rates by relevant age group and, by sex, 1962-1%3 to 1981-A 86 17 Canadian university enrolments, 1960-1961 to 1982-1983 I 87 .1 alp 18 Total utiiversdTartnent; 1980-1981 to 1984.1985 88 4 19 f. Expending esou education in-Canada, 1967 to 1983 97N 20 C Xxpenditurese on university education,in Canada fr2m '1,96-1961 tO 1983-194 related to tenon' socio-ceidoinie indTeators 100 21 Earned tilpctoral degrees in Canada, 1960.196110 1984 108 22 l'h,D, enrolment full-time and part-time by major division; 1970-1971 to 1981-1982 109 I 23 full- and part-time doctoral bificld of study 4111t1 selected disciplines, 1970-1971 to 1980-1981. ! Ill ,) 244' Legal status o1 full-time doctoral enrolment by field of stiidy, . 19774913 ..to 1981,1287:;. 113 . 25 Earned do6toral degrees by, field of study
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