
The Societe Anonyme and the Dreier Bequest at Yale University Robert L. Herberc Ek'aoor S. Apter A Catalogue Raisonne El ise K . Kenney Société Anonyme Catalogue The Societe Anonyme and the Dreier B<'""<jues t at Yale University A C(I/((/'I}!,/(/: /?ais(IIlIle ",I,(cd by Ro!x,n L Herber!. EI~an or S Apn·r. ~IIJ 1,I,sc K Kcnllc)' The SocU~!'; Anoll)·mc. fiIUJl(k.J In !<po b) K""h~nlw Drcler. Marccl Du,hamp. Jnd M.III Ra)', was rcspm,slble lor In!ruJU.'II~ COlltem­ porary European ~rt to Ih,' Am'·rh.• 1Il publIc III ,,~ firs! ,k-eadc. til(' S<Ki,;lt urt:~I1I~",1 over fifty c"hdmlUlls. Includ",~ (he hro( Olll'-MIISI shuws In (hI) mUlllfY g"'cn (0 ANhlfX·(lko. K:tndlllsky. Kk...... Leger. lHld Vllion Through Irs (·Xhlbltlllll~. lenurts .•In<l puhlicatlons. thc Soci,;ll h')ped (0 sho" (he pubh< ,h,,1 Ihl'rt were hoth social alld splrttual bt,ndilS 10 h.: <lc"\'OO from prO,t.:rl'Ssl\'l· modcII' ", •. Donated to Yak Un,verSlty H1 194 I. the (OIle<liol1 of tlH: SocII"C Anonymc was au,t.:­ mentcd by Drela durm,t.: .he las. )'l'a", of hl'r life :md b)' works from h," estJIC UPO" her ue;uh in (9P nlC comblll'...! ((llb:llon bc~"'IS works by IHo .ITl.StS and ,,,,:tIs Ihe most 'Ill­ portant public (OIIc<': .Hlns of mo<:krll an m America, Its parllrular fb""r mH'S to ItS ha\'Ulg Ix"t:n formed h)' arllStS Tal her (h:m h) colk,{:lOfS. Thus. III "ddlllon to SUbS(31ll1 .•\ holdillgs of f.1mous artists such as Duell'''''p. Kandlllsk),. Klcc. Ii,t.:er. J.ls$!!~ky , Mon­ drlan. Man Ray , SchwilfNS. Sldb. and Vd­ Ion. onc finds worb b}' ie'S!: wrll-knuwn artists of unusu:.1 IrtI~tl'Sf and growing rqmtaflOrt. sueh as Brucc. fiuellhclstt·r. Ca.lsund. en­ Wrt. alld DllChamp-V,llun . This ,l(1'nerously dlustr~tcd calal<)~Ul' ""­ sonne prO"ldes Ih,' onl)' Ihofl,Jut:h hisrorr nf (he Soci~tc Anollyme and for Ih,' firsl tlmt· UOCUIl1CnlS alld reprodu({'$ Iht entire collec­ tion 311d ,"S$OCia'w works from tht Dre,er estatt."-a IOt,,1 of 1020 !!erns. Thc ("tJlo,t.:u ..· ,"cludC'S a .shorr bIograph)' ufcach :"'151 ~nd a complc,,' h,hlio,!(raph)' and cxhiblllon h,,'or} fo r ''ach work . Mos( ,,'urk s arc Jc{omp'lnlcd by Interpretlvc essays mcorpural 'Il,t.: new IUC3~ alld II1fOlmalioll. :m.! oflen b)' Duchamp's origlllJI texts. nt'-cr befort." fully publish,'<i Th,s halldsome volume 's (hus of bOlh mtrln­ SI( and h,stunea l ,mPlma1K<·. an cssen!lJI r~' sourct to anyOlle II1lcresftd In the h'§l nry of modern art in Amenca. RoINr/ L Hfrlxrl IS Robert I.ehman profcs­ sor of Ihl' !'!,story of Art at Yak l 'n,,·l'rstty. I:.lttI'I~r S. Apm' I~ a Sp<'C"dISI '" an 11I$lOr) Jnd Amencan litCr'~lur<' of the IwClltlClh cen­ tur)·. Elru K, Km1lf) IS an exp,:ncrtccd cd""r of museum pubhcal!ons publIshed for tht Y Jk U""aSlt), An G.dkry Société Anonyme Catalogue Société Anonyme Catalogue The Societe Anonyme and the Dreier Bequest at YaJe University Société Anonyme Catalogue Société Anonyme Catalogue The Societe Anonyme and the Dreier Bequest at Yale University A Catalogue Raisonne Coeditors Raben L. Herbert Eleanor S. Apter Elise K. Kenney COJJlributil1g etii/(}r \'(lith (onfriblllions Fom Ruth L. Bohan Lesley Baier Daniel Robbins Assistant editor Nancy). Troy Rosalyn Deutsche and others P U BLI SHE D FOR TH E YA L E U N! V ER SI T Y ART G ALLERY In l ~·, MIi!"ni hom •. Ka , h<"n~ Dro)"" "rn""!1!, her h.",J dcv.\f<)(. ," lI,e I~r i;,tt, Urnn,u" > l"rf!,w /Iml. and on ,I .. ".11. 1.1'/<0'" I'ropl, In" Id, "ok (hardy ",;ble) p"'n,,,1 hy DL!ch"nl' '" mJ"h ,h~ ..-.111"'1'.... T" lJa"*" l'ho«>smphed in 19411 by Joh" D. ';'-hlff BY YALE UNIVERSITY PR ESS · NEW HAV EN & LO NDON Société Anonyme Catalogue Société Anonyme Catalogue Concencs Form'(J rd Vll Dorothea A. Dreier 206 Wilhelm Lehmbruck 40G Katherine Sophie Dreier 210 Jacques Lipchiu 110 Preface and AcklloldedKlIlenrJ IX Werner Drewes 218 El Lissitzky 414 Explanatory NoUJ on thi Use of the Akxander Davidovich Drewin 223 Louis lozawick 423 Calalogue xi Chriscof On"xc! 221j Adriaan Lubbers 426 Marcel Duchamp 225 Kasimi r Malevich 427 Short Tilles Used in the Catalogue XIV Suzanne Duchamp 246 Antonio Marasco 43! fnlroductiOlI Raymond Ouchamp-Villon 249 Fram Marc 433 Friedel Dzubas 254 Louis Marcoussis 43:> Bibliogmpby .H Louis Michel Eilshemius 257 John Marin 43S Adolf Erbsliih 262 Ewald Marart 442 Constantin Alajalov 36 Max Ernst 264 Henri Matisse 443 Josef Albers 38 L),one! I:ei ninger 270 Mana 445 Annot 41 Conrad Fe!ixmiiller 272 Jan MalUlka 447 Alexander Archipenko -12 Oskar Fischer 273 Kasimir :'-1edunetsky 41j9 Jean (Hans) Arp 48 Oskar W. Fischinger 278 Carlo Mensc 45 1 Ernst Barlach 5 I J ames A. Fitzsimmons 280 J ean Metzinger 453 Charles Barnes 54 Naum Gabo 28 I G. M. [Georg Mc)'er?l 455 Rudolf Bauer :>5 Herbert Garbe 287 Robert Michel 459 Willi Baumeister 62 Paul <ftuguin 288 Joan Mir6 461 Ella Bergmann-Michel 64 Paul Gaulois 290 Laszlo Mohol)'-Nag)' 4G3 Lothar Blankenburg 66 Fritz Glarner 299 Johannes Molzahn 168 Alben Bloch 66 Alben Gleizes 30 I Pier Mondrian 479 Umbcrro Boccioni 68 Anne Goldthwaite 303 Georg Muchc 485 Richard Boix 73 Arshi le Gork), 305 Heinrich Nauen 488 lJya Bo!ocowsky 75 John D. Graham 308 Ono Nebel 490 Sandor Bortnyik SO Juan Gris 314 Ruby Warren Newby 492 Constantin Brancusi 82 Gustave Gwozdecki 316 Emil Nolde 493 Georges BraCJue 86 Al ice Halicka 319 Paul Outerbridge. J r. 495 Gottfried Brockmann 89 Lawren S. Harris 321 Ivo Pannaggi 498 Dora Bromberger 91 Marsden Hartley 323 Georges Papawff 507 Douglas Edwin Brown 96 Jacoba Van Heemskerck 325 Hermann Max Pechstein l'ubl"W "'"h us'llaoc' (rom ,ho- Y al~ Un""",,), An Galltry :> 1 I Patrick Henry Bruce 98 Karl Herrmann (?) 328 Helene Perdriat 512 C.t>I'Y"Sh, C by 0'.11 "Shu """.v.d. Thi. book m.y \~84 Y ~ I. Um'~"")'. Carl Buchheister 106 Lily Uhlmann Hildebrandt 328 Laszlo Peri 514 00, be ttl'rod""rd. ,n ,,·hole 0.- ,n 1>"". on any korm \beyoOO ,ha, copy"'g p",m",«1 by Se""""5 107 _00 lOll of ,ho- U. S. Cnpyflgh' t..". and ~.c~pt by David Davidovich ~urlillk 118 Angclika Hoerle 3,30 Antoine Pevsner 516 rov"'''''''''' fo r rho- public pI....,) ...· "1"",, omltm pe.m;.,,,,.., frotn the Alexander Calder 125 Holmcad. Su Holmcad Holmead Phillips 521 publ .. h.... Heinrich Campendonk 128 Phillips 521 Marjorie Phillips 522 o.-,'gncd by Sail)' H.ni. and "'. on G.ramond ')'po: I»' Th. G.>mpos;ng Ono GUHafCarlsund 140 Harry Holtzman 332 Suzanne Phocas 524 Room of Moch,gan. 1'"",«1 '0 ,he Un"N S.. ",s of Amn;ClI by 111< Mu.ray Prtntoog Company. W ..,f01'd. Mus Mario Carreiio Ilj9 Rudolf Jacobi 335 Francis Picabia 525 Leon Carroll 15 1 Alexej Jawlensky .'>37 Pablo Ruiz Picasso 530 tibl"al')' of C.on~'.>s Ca,~lot!ing ,n Publinrion DOl. Marc Chagall 154 Finnur J6nsson .338 Yal. Un".... "y . Art Callery. Liubo\' Popova 53J 11'0 Soci~,f Anony"", and ,II<- Ott .. , ho<jUC$'"' Yair Un"'~I'> "f · Serge Charchounl' 156 Bela Kadar 340 Hermann POSt ') 36 Gior.':io de Chirico 158 David Ncswrovitch Enrico Prampolini 538 albllOr-r.. phy: p. John Covert 161 Kakabadzc .)4 5 Inc\u,l .. index. Ivan Puni (Jean Pougny) :>41 1. Ar •. Mod•• n _20,h c,"",u.y- C.,.\ng' 1. Soc, ••• Jean Crotti 172 Walter Kamys 353 Wallace Putnam 545 Aownyme--A rt collcnions-Ca,alog' ,. Dro",. J6zscC Csaky 17tj Wassily Kandinsky 3:>4 Man Ra)' 546 Ko.,h.r",. Soph .. , 1!i77-19}2-An <"<.>ll..,t!OfI$-G".logs . Jaml's Henry Daugherty In Edmund Kesting 366 Odilon Redon 569 4. A"--Cnnn<c,,cu.- N. ..' 1-laI·tn-CatoJng. ~. Yol. Un,v.",w. An (ftllrry--C,,,.log" L H«btn. l'ortunato Dl'pl'ro 179 Ragnhi!d Keyser .367 Robert Reid 57 1 RoM" \. .. 1929- II. AI"er, l:Ic-anoo- S.. Andre Derain 181 Std; Kiesler, "Pietro de Saga"' 371 Georges Ribcmont-Dessaigncs 573 \929- III K.n....,.. Il l,,,, K . 19H- Burgoyne Dilkr 182 Ernest Ludwig Kirchner 374 Hans Richter 576 IV Tid.,. N6487 N;4Y349 196~ 709'.04'00740\468 Th&! Van Doesburg 193 Paul KJce 375 Karl Peter Rohl 580 ISBN O·300·0W40·\ Marthe Donas 196 Erika Giovanna Klien 389 Ralph M. Rosl'nborg 582 Gerardo Dottori 20 I Klthe Kohlsaat 396 Pierro de Saga (pseud.). Set Stefi !09876j4311 Arthur Dovl' 202 Fernand Leger 400 Kiesler 371 Société Anonyme Catalogue Société Anonyme Catalogue ," CON T ENTS Foreword Raphael Sala 584 Leopold Survagc 651 Appmdixes 743 T he Yale Uniwrsity Art Gallery has been privileged since Herbert and his (irst collaborator :lnd coeditor. Eleanor S. 191. I tI) pos~ss tht' fim:st ,Ind most comprthensive collec­ Apter, who also did fundamental n:se~rch In all phas{'s of f>.l orron Livingston Schamberg 585 Sophie Taubcr-Arp 653 Table of Artists by National the work. They were joined br their coedItor Ebse K. Louis Schanker 588 Arnold Topp 656 Origin and Other Groupings 745 tion of twentitth century art of any university museum.
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