TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Note: The Cases in which dates are fixed after publication of the Tentative list, for this week will be included in the final cause list. Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES CRIMINAL REVISIONS 302PPC/15-AA Regular Bench 1 1 Cr.R 191-P/2019 State V/s Naqeebullah shah (147609) (Hangu)-Criminal (AG KPK) (Cr Appeal Branch AG Office) Revision- Enhancement-PPC REVIEW IN WRIT PETIOTIONS Constitutional Bench 2 1 Rev in WP 215- Akhtar Jan V/s Federal Government Through (151343) P/2019 Secretary Finance in wp 716- (Imtiaz Ahmad Yousafzai) (DAG PAK, Amin Khan., P/2017(Auther is Mr.Munir Ahmad, Musharaf khan Marwat, Fazal Akbar, Justice Qaiser Writ Petition Branch AG Office, Qalat Khan, Mian Rashid Khan)-Writ Ainullah) Petitions-Review WRIT PETITIONS Service Bench 3 1 W.P 7-C/2017 With Anis Ur Rehman etc V/s Govt: of KPK etc (151821) IR, (Gauhar Ali Khan Swat) (AG KPK) (Chitral)-Service- Provincial-Civil Services- Regularization Service Bench 4 2 W.P 806-P/2017 Nazir Khan V/s National School of Public Policy and (108185) 08/10/2019 (Services) With others CM.383- (Maazullah khan barkandi) (A.A.G) p/19(M)(stay), Promotion-Service- Statutory- Promotion Constitutional Bench 5 3 W.P 974-P/2017 Shah Masood and others V/s Govt of KPK through (108532) 01/10/2019 (others) Chief Secaretary and others Legislation Act-Writ(Amir Javed) (Shumail Ahmad Butt, A.G, Saleem Khan) Petitions-Others Service Bench 6 4 W.P 2419-P/2017 Mst. Abida V/s Federation of Pakistan through (111971) 23/10/2019 With IR, Secretary of Ministry for Information etc (Mardan)-Service- (Muhammad Arif Khan) (A.G., Mansoor Tariq, DAG) Provincial-Civil Services-Pension 1 W.P 5199/2017 Mst Abida etc V/s Govt of KPK and Others With IR (Muhammad Adam Khan) (A.G, Mansoor Tariq, DAG PAK) Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Page 1 of 53 Report Generated By: C f m i s Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES WRIT PETITIONS Constitutional Bench 7 5 W.P 3922-P/2017 Pir Nasir Shah Advocate V/s The Registrar, Peshawar (116280) 22/10/2019 -Writ Petitions-WritsHigh Court, Peshawar Against High Court (Mumammad Adam Khan) (Khaled Rehman, , AG KPK) Service Bench 8 6 W.P 4215-P/2017 Dr. Khadija Shahnaz V/s Govt.of kPK through Chief (117159) 23/10/2019 -Service-Provincial- Secretary etc Civil Services- (Zartaj Anwar Khan) (A.G.) Upgradation Service Bench 9 7 W.P 4817-P/2017 Muhammad Saeed etc V/s Govt of Pakisan thr: (118593) 05/11/2019 -Service-Federal- Secretary Railways and Others Civil Services- (Bilal Ahmad Kakaizi) (Asfandyar Khan) Upgradation Service Bench 10 8 W.P 595-P/2018 Samin Jan Shop Assistant and Others V/s Govt of KPK(121275) 08/10/2019 with cm. 2330/2019 thr: Secretary Industries -Service-Provincial- (Zartaj Anwar Khan) (A.A.G, Ali Gohar) Civil Services- Promotion Constitutional Bench 11 9 W.P 1163-P/2018 Ahmad Murad V/s Govt of KPK thr: Secretary HEC and(122680) 01/10/2019 -Legislation-Rules Others (In Person, Muhammad Asif Khan Yousafzai, AG KPK) (Jehanzeb Khan Muhammadzai) Constitutional Bench 12 10 W.P 1695-P/2018 Arbab Muhammad Usman Khan V/s Govt of KPK (123972) 01/10/2019 Public Safety (Khalid Mehmood) (AG KPK, DAG PAK) Commission ACt- Legislation-Acts Constitutional Bench 13 11 W.P 2187-P/2018 Sohrab V/s Registrar PHC (125101) 30/10/2019 With CM.1214- (Muhammad Jamal Afridi) (Khalid Rehman) p/18(M)(Documents/ Seniority List), (Swat)-Writ Petitions-Writs Against High Court 1 W.P 2188/2018 Naeem Jan V/s Registrar PHC Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Page 2 of 53 Report Generated By: C f m i s Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES WRIT PETITIONS With C.M (Muhammad Jamal Afridi) (Khalid Rehman) 1210/2018 Service Bench 14 12 W.P 2568-P/2018 Muhammad Ali V/s Govt of KPK (125995) 08/10/2019 (DC) -Service-Federal- (Noor Mohammad Khattak) (AG KPK) Civil Services- Upgradation Date By Court Service Bench 15 13 W.P 2674-P/2018 Maroot Khan V/s Fed of Pak (126314) 24/10/2019 (Khyber)-Service- (Farhan Ullah Shahbanzai) (AG KPK, DAG PAK) Federal-Civil Services- Termination Constitutional Bench 16 14 W.P 2852-P/2018 Farman Ullah V/s Govt of KPK (126703) 01/10/2019 With IR,with (Abd-ur-Rauf Rohaila, Asif Ali Shah) (AG KPK, DAG cm.679- PAK) p/19(M)(stay), -Legislation-Rules Service Bench 17 15 W.P 2946-P/2018 Abdur Rauf V/s Govt of KPK (126946) 08/10/2019 -Service-Provincial- (Muhammad Isa Khan Khalil) (AG KPK) Civil Services- Promotion Constitutional Bench 18 16 W.P 3191-P/2018 Muhammad Imran Khan V/s Govt of KPK (127595) 14/11/2019 With IR, (Malik Shakeel Khan) (Muhammad Ismail Khalil, AG -Writ Petitions- KPK) Banking Service Bench 19 17 W.P 3538-P/2018 Mst Seema Rahman V/s Shaheed Benazir Bhutto (128427) 08/10/2019 With IR, Women University of Peshawar through its VC and -Service-Provincial- Others Civil Services- (Javed Iqbal Gulbela) (Waseem ud Din Khattak) Promotion Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Page 3 of 53 Report Generated By: C f m i s Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES WRIT PETITIONS Date By Court Regular Bench 20 18 W.P 4097-P/2018 Qadir Ali Sher V/s Federation of Pakistan through (129742) 16/10/2019 -Shuhada-Shuhada Secretary Finance Islamabad and Others Package (Raza Khan Safi) (Muhammad Adil, Deputy Attorney General, Sabah ud Din Khattak, AG KPK) Constitutional Bench 21 19 W.P 4248-P/2018 Arshid Ali V/s Federation of Pakistan (130085) 16/10/2019 -Writ Petitions- (Syed Shahid Shah) (Shakir Ullah Afridi, Sabit Ullah Others Khan, Sabitullah Khan Khalil, DAG PAK, A.A.G) Date By Court 22 20 W.P 4363-P/2018 Mrs. Huma Naqeeb V/s Hospital Director (130299) 22/10/2019 With IR,With C.M (Mehwish Muhib Kakakhel) (Ahmad Saleem Khan, AG 338/2019 KPK, Mansoor tariq assistant attorney General, -- Muhammad Saleem) Date By Court Service Bench 23 21 W.P 4983-P/2018 Mst. Bibi Rizwana V/s Chief Secretary Govt of kPK (131817) 06/11/2019 With IR (Abdul Munim Khan) (AG KPK) -Service-Provincial- Civil Services- Promotion Service Bench 24 22 W.P 5109-P/2018 Eng Raz Muhammad V/s Secretary LG& RDD (132139) 08/10/2019 -Service-Provincial- (Muhammad Usman Khan Turlandi) (Sabah ud Din Civil Services- Khattak, AG KPK) Seniority Service Bench 25 23 cm. 2567/2019 in Muhammad Daud V/s Deputy Commissioner District (133156) 06/11/2019 (DC) W.P 5559-P/2018 North Waziristan -Service-Others (A.Lateef Afridi) (AG KPK) Date By Court Constitutional Bench 26 24 W.P 5613-P/2018 Javed Shah V/s The Registrar Peshawar High Court, (133277) 19/11/2019 -Writ Petitions-WritsPeshawar Against High Court (Muhammad Farooq Afridi, Zartaj Anwar Khan, Barrister Babar Shahzad Imran) (Khaled Rehman) Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Page 4 of 53 Report Generated By: C f m i s Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES WRIT PETITIONS Constitutional Bench 27 25 W.P 6358-P/2018 Hidayat Ali V/s Chief Executive PESCO (134953) 16/10/2019 With IR, (Arbab Safiullah Khan) (Asad Jan, Deputy Attorney -Utility-Consumer General) Rights-Electricity- Disconnection Service Bench 28 26 W.P 6661-P/2018 Dr. Saadat Hussain V/s Government of kPK (135590) 02/10/2019 With CM.55- (Noor Mohammad Khattak) (Writ Petition Branch AG p/19(M)(For Office) Allowing/Power of Attorney), -Service-Provincial- Civil Services- Promotion Service Bench 29 27 W.P 6737-P/2018 Zaman Sher V/s University of Agriculture (135739) 23/10/2019 With IR, (Tajdar Faisal Khan) (Yousaf Riaz Khalil) -Service-Statutory- Upgradation Service Bench 30 28 W.P 27-P/2019 Said Badshah V/s Government of KPK (135969) 08/10/2019 -Service-Provincial- (Noor Muhammad Khattak) (Writ Petition Branch AG Civil Services- Office) Promotion Constitutional Bench 31 29 W.P 95-P/2019 With Haji Muhammad Said V/s Governmnet of KPK (136105) 16/10/2019 IR, (Sahibzada Asadullah) (Writ Petition Branch AG Office) -Writ Petitions- Canal & Irrigation Service Bench 32 30 W.P 540-P/2019 Gul Sahib V/s Government of KPK (137063) 23/10/2019 (DC) (Kohat)-Service- (Nosheen Ahmad) (Farman Ullah Khattak, DAG, Writ Provincial-Civil Petition Branch AG Office) Services-Pension Constitutional Bench 33 31 W.P 553-P/2019 Azmat Khan V/s Chief Executive PESCO (137078) 16/10/2019 -Utility-Consumer (Abdul Ghaffar Khan) (Deputy Attorney General, M. Rights-Electricity- Ziaullah Durrani) Disconnection Designed & Developed by MIS Branch Page 5 of 53 Report Generated By: C f m i s Peshawar High Court, Peshawar. TENTATIVE LIST OF D.B. CASES FOR WEDNESDAY THE 27TH NOVEMBER, 2019 Print Date: 22/11/2019 MOTION CASES WRIT PETITIONS Service Bench 34 32 W.P 755-P/2019 Khan Afzal V/s Tehsil Muncipal Officer (137455) 08/10/2019 (Mardan)-Service- (Shaukat Ali) (Writ Petition Branch AG Office) Provincial-Civil Services-Promotion 1 W.P 5393/2019 Muhammad Yasir V/s Tehsil Muncipal Officer (Kazim Ubaid Wazir) (Mirzali Khan, Abdul Rauf, Writ Petition Branch AG Office) Service Bench 35 33 W.P 772-P/2019 Adnan Khan V/s Bank of Punjab (137503) 24/10/2019 -Service-Statutory- (Zartaj Anwar Khan) (Deputy Attorney General) Promotion Constitutional Bench 36 34 W.P 1056-P/2019 M/s Shaheen Vision CNG Station V/s Federation of (138141) 16/10/2019 With IR, Pakistan -Utility-Consumer (Shumail Ahmad Butt) (Asad Jan, Deputy Attorney Rights-Gas-Others General, Asif Ali Khan, Mian Zia ul Islam) Date By Court Constitutional Bench 37 35 W.P 1065-P/2019 Dr.
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