- MANt llKSTKIt IIKHALI), W rdiU'SiUiy. Juno 15, li)»3 REAl Central America: region Her master’s Billy Martin of extremes, concern cost her $100,000 may be fired ESTATE page 2 ... page 11 ... page 15 REALTOR OF THE WEEK MRill It M « W r ilr Ih M i * U l FeUC; tonight; Manchester, Conn. hot again Friday Thursday, June 16, 1983 JOIN US... — See page 2 We're looking to expand our for you. iHanrhratpr Single copy: 25<t We’re busy I Very busy so join Mmlh sales staff and need additional — Realtor Associates to affiliate us and take advantage of the Creation with one of Manchester’s most great things taking place in real ’5^-’^ i established and recognized estate today. Call now for a per­ science in Statewide leaders in real estate. Whether sonal interview. 646-4144 Andover? you’re a “beginner” or a “sea­ a^aziin & ef^otnman, pollution Bv Richard Cody soned” broker, we’ve got a desk Herald Reporter ANDOVER — In the first re­ w r EXCEUENT INVE5TMENT ported case in Connecticut, crea­ tion science apparently was taught alert is on 6 in a classroom here Tuesday — and PROPERTY the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union may take the school to court fo r violating the First United Press International storms in and close to the watch Amendment. .. area. Large hail and damaging MMCMESTIR $6S,«04 An automotive air pollution alert thunderstorm winds are possible JU S T REDUCED! Charming 6 room Capa offering living room w^ira* "What we’re trying to decide is if place, liroe country kitchen 3 Bflt. first floor den. frmily room, vinyl sid­ ■ - MMM was in effect across Connecticut in these areas,” the weather NEW IISTING ing and (Jty utilities. one side presented a religious lou3y, despite 3 series of severe service ssid theory, which would clearly be Seven loom dormered Cape Cod. Three bedrooms. Vh baths, Naiar listing" swept Storms moved into downtown fireptaced living room, one car garage. Very nice neighbor* Extra large kitchen with Italian cefamic tile, 3 bedroom illegal under the First Amend­ hood. See it today. $75,900 walk-out basement. 2 full baths, oil/coal/wood furhace ment,” said William Olds, execu­ through the state Wednesday with Hartford .shortly after 4 p.m. with QQ yoy « ‘!''®. ‘^*’ing rains and explosive cracks of thunder and 2 car garage and more. goaoo 0 1 tive director of the CCLU. “ Two f/u federal court decisions have found lightning and sheets of rain. They The violent WMther Wednesday dumped 0,88 inch of rain in 30 that creation science represents a came during the third day of minutes and 0.94 inch total before religious presentation. If so, in this 90-plus degree tem peratures moving out of the area, case, then our first step would be to across Connecticut’ prompting the Rain washed over curbs on Main communicate concern, and to ask state Department of Environmen- street in Hartford, flooded other (school board members) to ask declare an alert. streets and paralyzed traffic try- their counsel to report back with 6 unit bricK dwelling in East Hartford. We expect current high levels ing to escape the city during the some legal opinion.” of oxidants to last along as the hot afternoon rush New porches, new ceiiings, all Discover' the extras when you MANCHiSm SSAptOO “ NORTH COVBITRY" On Tuesday morning about 15 to sunny weather continues because Pockets of power outages were Well cared for. maintenance free 7 room Hduplai Features irtcludeaspa- oxidants are formed by sunlight reported in the Hartford area purchase this one owner 3 bedroom, cious living room. DA. kitchen w/stove. 3 BRs. finished rec room w/built- UN IO U E D U TC H C O LO N IA L on nice 2.5 acres. Huge kitchens have modern cabinets & 20 Grade 4 and 5 students heard a Herald photo by Pinto in bookcues Located in family rteighborhood. country kitchen with slate floor, cheatnut cabinets, and 30-minute presentation by a local acting on motor vehicle emis- in Hartland, Winsted, Torring- 2V4 bath condominium with garage at flue for wood stove. Formal dining room, wide floor washer hook-ups. Hallways newly resident, George Kitchen, that D “ * Commissioner ton. Burlington and Morris, resi- Northfield Green. Immaculate con- boards, lovely yard with a pond too. Class dismissed Just IS mins, to University of Connecticut and Eastern carpeted, sky light in center hall. Im­ presented a different version of the 11 .• 1 , reported large hail, felled dition throughout. Priced at $70,500. state University. 20 mins, to Hartford. Owners will con­ maculate! Call for all details. origin of man from the generally pollution levels power lines, heavy rain and IB sider all offers.Asklng Bolton High School graduate Al Ca- are expected to reach concentra- frequent lightning We cen help you become a FNEC $89,900.00 accepted scientific one, evolution. family than a class of 1983. The high J $138,900. vedon helps classmate Holly Miller take "REALE" PROFESSIONAU MAIIKCT Several parents objected, and respira- In Hartford, three men escaped iSENTRV school graduated 47 students before a inmo 'S ta tio n and other symp- serious injury when a lightning n . M ^ -Ml one, who wished to remain un­ off her mortar board following gradua­ Call 64B^2S, and aak lor Dan. TEDFORD crowd of about 400. Story and more RealEstateServiceiinc'^*^"^*”* named, told the Manchester He­ tion ceremonies Wednesday. The grad­ P^Dlp^'J^iitf p tearing of the eyes, bolt split a tree under which they D.F. REALE, INC. REALiSTATE STRAND REAL ESTATE rald Wednesday that she felt the pictures on page 4. respira- were standing and in New Britain 223 East Canlar SL. MandMsMr 413 esw uates described thetn.selaMe-more Uk&A, Aaa/ Etfa/a M Hartford Tpka, ma. 30 Vamoti 156 E A S T C E N TE R S T. presentation was a cloak for the r e X ic t an elderly woman was hospitalized I fS Mata St.. Mamin itar, Ct. » Con^lcut BM.. Eaal Hatlford, 647-9914 Their nhv^f eo Poquorwch Ava., Wmdoor I IT A 1 advocacy of a religious standpoint restrict their physical activity, after her house was struck by 646-4515 ■t. 44-S, Bstten MANCHESTER, CT. 646-2000 — and that it shouldn’t have been especially during the afternoon lightning ’ made in a public-school classroom. ere'ifi'eh'lcf" PO"utant Icvcls Ann Wozny, 71, of New Britain Superintendent David Cattan- .1 . 1. hospitalized for a suspected U ach said today the presentation Pope returns home Pac said residents should avoid hearing loss after a lightning bolt poked holes in the evolutionary unnecessary use of automobiles set her Dubley Street house on fire and to use public transportation "it was so loud it shook the theory but did not advocate a WARSAW, Poland (UPI) — On the eve of the trip, the pope be put off any longer. religious interpretation. He also Pope John Paul I f returned to commented on the journey’s sensi­ The trip was delayed for 10 said parents were forewarned of '^^^hcTaEf'leather Service Poland today for an eight-day tive nature, saying Wednesday it months because of the December the presentation and could have issued severe thunderstorm warn­ pilgrimage of “ love, freedom and was taking place “ in this both 1981 martial law crackdown that pulled their children out of it. “ The ings for late afternoon and early justice” that was certain to have a sublime and difficult moment for eventually crushed the Solidarity evening Wednesday in Litchfield, •••••••••••••••••••••• whole thing was just to allow a deep impact on his troubled my homeland.” trade union. Hartford, Tolland and Windham t j point of view to be expressed,” he Communist-ruled homeland. “ I pray to you so that this said. counties in the northern and I l l S I Q G I O Q D V The special Alitalia 727 jet pilgrimage may serve truth and In Warsaw, there was intense N northwest part of the slate and in ' “ It wasn’t illegal. If we had tried carrying the pope, his entourage love, freedom and justice. That it speculation on whether a meeting Fairfield and New Haven counties 20 oooes, sections to teach this as a school position, and 60 reporters, touched down in 2 may serve reconciliation and between John Paul and former in southwest Connecticut. then it could have been. But we Warsaw after a 2 hour and 20 peace,” the pope told some 35,000 didn’t do that,” he said. Solidarity leader Lech Walesa — The weather service said “ golf ........................................ minute flight from Rome. It was people gathered in St. Peter’s who have met twice before in However, Clifford Noll, a ball-sized hail, strong gusty winds, Busines” " * ................................... the second visit to his native land Square to hear his weekly general private audience — will be able to member of the CCLU who sat in on vivid lightning and heavy down- Classified. ..^. ............. TOM EASTMAN VERNON and his 18th voyage outside Italy address. “ May the good shepherd take place, the presentation, said today it was since becoming pope in 1978. pour” accompanied the storms. Comics.............................. ^2 When you list your house with Tom East­ Ihimaculate” 6 & 6 duplex with 1V6 FAST HARTFORD $88,900 of our souls permit all of us to join Walesa said two plainclothes The weather service also issued Entertainment.................. ^ . 13 Exceptional nice 8 rm. contempo­ a “ typical creation introduction. It The pope arrived as authorities together in prayer and hope." man you never have to ask "When is my security policemen entered his ? severe thunderstorm watch until h?!!®'’''........................................
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