24114 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 7, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IF THE GOVERNMENT SHUTS continue operating while we negotiate our dif- TRIBUTE TO QUENTIN ALEXANDER DOWN, MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ferences over spending priorities. If not, Con­ SHOULDN'T GET PAID gressional salaries should be first on the HON. Bill BAKER budget chopping block. OF CALIFORNIA HON. RICHARD J. DURBIN I urge my colleagues to join me in cospon­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS soring this legislation to make Members feel Thursday, September 7, 1995 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the pain that will be inflicted on others if the Mr. BAKER of California. Mr. Speaker, we Thursday, September 7, 1995 Government shuts down. are all aware ,of the outstanding work the Boy Mr. DURBIN. Mr. Speaker, if the Govern­ Scouts of America [BSA] does in training fu­ ment closes, so should its pocketbook. Today, ture generations of leaders for our country, I am introducing legislation to cut off the pay­ and I can testify personally to the benefits of checks of Members of Congress if the Federal HOUSING SCHOLARSHIP Scouting in my own life. That's why it is a par­ Government shuts down because of budget DEDICATION IN FREMONT, CA ticular pleasure for me to recognize my friend gridlock. Senator BOXER of California is intro­ Quentin Alexander today in the CONGRES­ ducing identical legislation in the Senate. SIONAL RECORD. Under Federal law, the House and the Sen­ HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK Quentin has been in professional Scouting ate must pass all appropriations bills by Octo­ OF CALIFORNIA for the past 38 years, during the last 21 of ber 1. If all the bills are not approved and a which he has served as the Scout executive in stop-gap measure is not enacted, the Federal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Mount Diablo-Silverado Council of the Government will be unable to make payments Thursday, September 7, 1995 BSA in my home region in the East Bay of or meet its obligations. Such a "train wreck" San Francisco. Under his stellar leadership, could result in a shutdown of certain Federal Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, today, I would like the Mount Diablo-Silverado Council now operations. to join my constituents in the celebration of the serves as the facilitating organization for Too many politicians on Capitol Hill are talk­ completion of the modernization of the Cen­ 18,000 Scouts every year. The Council En­ ing about a "train wreck" as if we're dealing tury Village Apartments, a 100-unit apartment dowment Fund has been substantially en­ with toy trains. A shutdown of the Federal complex in the city of Fremont. larged under Quentin's careful stewardship, Government is a serious matter, and Members and the new Scout Service Center will offer of Congress should take it seriously. This complex was recently acquired and quality Scouting services for decades to come. The bill I am introducing is simple-if we renovated by the Mid-Peninsula Housing Coa­ Quentin and his gracious wife Nancy plan to don't finish the job, we don't get paid. The bill lition, a nonprofit housing developer, with fi­ remain in our mutual hometown of Danville has three simple provisions. nancing assistance provided by the city of Fre­ after Quentin leaves the Mount Diablo­ First, Members would not receive basic pay mont and its redevelopment agency. Silverado Council and look forward to staying for any period in which there is a lapse in ap­ Ten apartments at the Century Village are active in church and community affairs. While propriations for any Federal agency or depart­ reserved for participants in the Housing Schol­ Scouting will miss Quentin's active participa­ ment as a result of a failure to enact a regular tion, I look forward to benefiting from Quen­ appropriations bill or continuing resolution. arship Program, whi,~h combines affordable housing, job training, child care, and other tin's sage counsel and deep concern for Second, Members would not receive basic America's youth for years to come. It is an supportive services, to enable participants to pay for any period in which the Federal Gov­ honor for me to applaud Quentin's splendid obtain full-time employment and achieve eco­ ernment is unable to make payments or meet service to our Nation's young people, and to obligations because the public debt limit has nomic self-sufficiency. Through donated units extend my best wishes to him, Nancy, and been reached. and units required through financing agree­ their loved ones for all the days ahead. Third, no pay forfeited under this measure ments to be reserved for housing scholar­ could be paid retroactively. ships, the program is helping people who are A Government shutdown is not child's play. helping themselves during a critical period in MEDICARE CUTS If a "train wreck" occurs, it will disrupt the their lives. lives of millions of Americans. HON. PATRICIA SCHROEDER Even if so-called essential services are con­ To date, a total of 70 housing scholarships have been provided to families who are in job OF COLORADO tinued, many people will be affected by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shutdown of Federal offices. Let me give a training. Over 90 percent of the housing schol­ few examples. arship recipients have successfully completed Thursday, September 7, 1995 The small business owner looking for a Fed­ job training. Housing Scholarship Program Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, over the · erally-assisted loan or technical assistance graduates are developing new leadership skills August recess, I went around my city of Den­ may be told to put his business plans on hold and becoming valuable assets to the program ver-from hospitals to neighborhoods-to talk until the shutdown ends. and the community. Graduates have testified about the proposed Republican Medicare cuts The senior citizen trying to apply for Social before the city council about the need for addi­ and know it will affect people's lives and Security benefits may have to delay her retire­ tional housing units. Graduates also serve as health. ment because her application can't be proc- mentors for new job training participants. In Denver, we have many teaching hos­ essed. · pitals-some of the best health care facilities Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I come before you The farmer looking for advice from the Soil in the country. They are also a good health Conservation Service may find the office today celebrating with my constituents the care deal for the American public. closed and no one answering the telephones. success of the Housing Scholarship Program In teaching hospitals, doctors get their train­ These disruptions are not necessary. It's our and the completion of the Century Village ing, hospitals get qualified personnel, and the responsibility to avoid a "train wreck" while Apartments. I hope all my colleagues will join public gets access to some of the best health Congress and the President debate the broad­ in congratulating the city of Fremont and the care possible. er spending priorities over which we differ. We Mid-Peninsula Housing Coalition for their con­ Now teaching hospitals are going to take ought to be able to allow the Government to tribution to their community. Republican Medicare cuts on the chin. Cuts in e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. September 7, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24115 Medicare will force teaching hospitals to re­ the Golden Anchor Award, the Maritime War­ A PROCLAMATION HONORING duce the number of medical trainees they can fare Excellence Award, the Engineering/Sur­ DAVID LEE ELLIOT employ-medical residents who regularly work vivability Award, the Logistics Management 80 hours a week, doctors trained with the Excellence Award, and the Meritorious Unit HON. ROBERT W. NEY most up-to-date technology and curricula. Commendation for her performance during her OF OHIO In my district, St. Joseph Hospital employs 1992-93 Mediterranean deployment. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 100 residents. Cuts in Medicare will reduce During its commissioning ceremony, then Thursday, September 7, 1995 the reimbursement St. Joseph's gets to em­ Santa Barbara Mayor Gerald Firestone offered Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I commend the fol­ ploy medical residents, an annual loss of $1.4 the U.S.S. Santa Barbara a safe port and lowing article to my colleagues: million that the hospital will have to make up hearty welcome if the ship would ever visit the from somewhere else in the budget. west coast. On behalf of the people of the 22d Whereas, Mr. David Lee Elliot of Zanes­ ville, Ohio sacrificed his life on Sunday, July Under the Republican Medicare cut scenario Congressional District, I would like to say that everyone loses: the doctors, the hospitals, and 23, 1995; and, 25 years later that the welcome would be Whereas, Mr. David Lee Elliot attempted most of all, the public. heartier than ever and the port safe as always. to make his neighborhood a better place to live by protecting his property; and, Whereas, Mr. David Lee Elliot was an out­ BOTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE NA- standing and law abiding citizen of Zanes­ TIONAL POLISH ALLIANCE COMMENDING NATO FOR RETALIA- ville, Ohio; and, GROUP NO. 1837 TION AGAINST BOSNIAN SERB Whereas, Zanesville, Ohio is a better place to live because of the courageous action that AGGRESSION Mr. David Lee Elliot undertook; and, HON. JERRY WEllER Whereas, the residents of Zanesville and OF ILLINOIS the surrounding areas of Ohio will greatly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON.
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