WOMENWOMEN ININ ASTRONOMYASTRONOMY AntoniaAntonia MM ªª VarelaVarela PP éérezrez InstitutoInstituto dede AstrofAstrof íísicasica dede CanariasCanarias ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 SEPTENIO GOBCAN SUMMARYSUMMARY Reflections Antiquity Middle Ages Astronomy in the Renaissance XIX Century Women Computers Pickering ’s “Harem ” Renowned Women Astronomers of Harvard XX Century: New Times The Canarian Observatories : Women in the Shadow ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ReflectionsReflections Women in the Experimental Sciences , Claramunt et al., 2003 1. Psychological : SEX ---- GENDER -—RÔLE ----- STEREOTYPES 2. Ideological : machism , feminism , sexism , mysogeny … 3. Pedagogical : mixed education , coeducacion , etc. Science is NEUTRAL and OBJECTIVE... however : 1. Science and Technology …ANDROCENTRIC 2. Masculine scientific authorityp responsible for feminine invisibility and the exclusion of women in science . In Mathematics and Astronomy …FAMILY ASSISTANT . 1. History of science partial and skewed . Aristotle : “Women have fewer teeth than men .” St.Augustin : “Woman is a weak , unstable animal... ” St . Thomas Aquinus ::“This is the subjection with which woman , by her nature , was placed beneath her husband ; because nature herself gave man greater discernment . “ Darwin :”…men achieve greater eminence in any matter they undertake .” ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ANTIQUITYANTIQUITY Prehistory (25000 -8000 BC) …nomads , feminine matriarchal society (fertility , mother -gods )... sedentariness and patriarchy . The incursion of women into the world of philosophy and science dates from Antiquity ...VI century B.C . ( Pythagorean school ). The societies of classical antiquity were mainly patriarchal. For example, Greek and Roman women never possessed great political power, they were not members of the polis or of cities in any full sense. For this reason, we must value the role of all these women in various fields since, in spite of living in an era in which society was dominated by a particularly male point of view, they nevertheless achieved their place in the history of humanity. C. Aitana Roures Segura ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 WOMENWOMEN ININ ANTIQUITYANTIQUITY http:// fundamentosporcar.wordpress.com /2009/03/29/mujeres -de -lantiguedad Merit Ptah, 2700 B.C., the first THEANO, IV B.C., wife of Women scientific. Pythagoras. She is thought to have written treatises on En Hedu’Anna, 2350 B.C., Astronomy mathematics, physics and & mathematics, medicine, and also on the golden proportion. AGNODICE 350 B.C. was famous in the field of medicine and obstetrics, but also for having led one of the first feminine MARÍA THE JEWESS, III century rebellions. B.C. invented two- and three-spouted alambics. ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ANTIG ÜEDAD Odisea en el Espacio.. L. Ventura.@IAC Greece Ge = Earth Metrein = Measure Geometry Geometry = Measurement ofofof thethethe Earth Pythagoras ( 580 –––500 B.CB.CB.C.)B.C .) : TheTheThefirst formulations ofofof thethethe mathematics ofofof space .........and... andandandCosmology Cosmos = Ordered universe Cosmology = Study ofofof thethethe supreme order ofofof things ...a matter ofofof greater concern tototo philosophers than tototo scientistsscientists... ... Cosmos = Universo ... in contradistinctionLogos = ReasonReason,, tototo... tothoughtthought,... , reflectionR Kaos = Desorden Cosmology = Reflections ononon thethethe Cosmos TheTheThePythagoreansPythagoreans: : thethethefirst tototo suggest a moving Earth ---TheTheThe Earth, thethetheSun andandandother planets would be round globes orbiting a central firefirefire--- TheTheTheThestars AristotelianAristotelian- are holes in ---Ptolemaic thethethePtolemaiccelestial vaultmodel through which their light isisis perceivedperceived; ; fitted---TheTheThe perfectly harmonic rotation thethethe “““word “wordofofof thethethe celestial ofofof GodGod” spheres”””............ produces “““celestial“celestial musicmusic””””.... The Book ofofof GenesisGenesis: : OnOnOnthethethe first day the Earth ... .........and... and only ononon thethethe fourth day God created thethethe Sun, Moon and stars ... The idea ofofofthethethe Earth and Man as thethethecentre ofofofcreation demanded a geocentric cosmology ......... ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ANTIQUITYANTIQUITY AGLAONIKE OF THESSALY, first woman astronomer . She lived around the year 400 B.C . She was born in Thessaly and is known as the first woman astronomer in western history . This woman certainly studied in Mesopotamia since she was perfectly familiar with the Saros cycle studied by the Chaldeans . With this knowledge she could predict eclipses with great precision for the period . Such knowledge surely would have given her an important rank in a society that was greatly influenced by the fear that certain celestial phenomena , such as eclipses, produced in people . ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 ANTIQUITYANTIQUITY Hypatia of Alexandria : astronomer and mathematician Name: Hypatia Born: Alexandría, Egypt, c. 355 A.D. Died: 415/6 A.D. School/Tradition: Neoplatonism Calendario Astrónomas Main interests: Astronomy, mathematics Influenced by Plotinus, Aristotle, Plato Influenced a Synesius de Cyrene, Socrates Scholasticus ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 HypatiaHypatia The School of Athens - fresco by Raffaello Sanzio Hypatia taught her disciples in her own home . Among her disciples were Christians , including her favourite Synesius of Cyrene , Bishop of Ptolemais (409 - 13 A.D.), from a rich and powerful family , who maintained a great friendship with his teacher . He left much written information on Hypatia, and it is through these that we know of her works , although none of these has survived . Her disciples formed a close -knit group of pagan and Christian aristocrats , some of whom held high office. ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 Hypatia", impression by the English pre-Raphaelite painter HypatiaHypatia Charles William Mitchell (1885). Martyr of science and symbol of the supposed decadence of the classical world before Christianity and irrationality : her anomalous character as a woman dedicated to thought and learning , her faith in paganism at the time of Theodosian Christianity and the brutal tearing of her flesh by an enraged mob of Christians . Edward Gibbon wrote that Cyril was so jealous of her influence and popularity that ”he soon prompted , or accepted , the sacrifice of a virgin, who professed the religion of the Greeks .” However , her murder was an exceptional and unique case. In fact , the Alexandrian Neoplatonic school lasted until the VII century . Feminist movements have claimed her as the paradigm of the “liberated woman ”. @wikipediaESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 End of science of that epoch Rise of Christianity ... Europe enters into the Dark Ages and Greek science survives only in Byzantium. EM ( s.III ) Jewish healer . Julia Saturnina ( S.VI -VII), the first woman to practise medicine in Spain (Ref. Mujeres en Ciencias Experimentales , Cuadernos de la UNED.Claramunt et al.). ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 MIDDLEMIDDLE AGESAGES When ? from thethethe christianization ofofof thethethe Roman Empire (IV d.C. ) until thethethe XV century 1000 years ofofof darkness ---TheTheThe Middle Ages a dark period forforfor sciencescience. -Religion adopts AristotelianAristotelian- ---PtolemaicPtolemaic cosmologycosmology. ... -TheTheThe Creation andandand itsitsits mysteries are notnotnotthethethe concern ofofof manman, , butbutbutare revealed truthstruths. TheTheTheFire ofofof Ignorance ~ 400 A.D. Burning ofofof thethethe Library ofofof AlexandriaAlexandria: ::: death sentence ofofof “““pagan “paganpagan””””culture ... andandandananan unreckonable losslossloss tototo HumanityHumanity... ......... During thethethe entire Middle Ages (((and (andandandlaterlater, , until thethethe time ofofofthethethe InquisitionInquisition)) thethetheChurch maintained thethethe “““unchristian “unchristianunchristian””””practice ofofof burning allallallthat was considered heretical. One ofofof thethethe most illustrious victims ofofof thethethe auto da fe was Giordano Bruno (1548(1548----1600),, who ESACcontradicted-Madridthethethe 4thHoly JuneScriptures 2009andandand defended ananan“““acentric “acentricacentric””””cosmologycosmology. Women were excluded from social and cultural life . Convents and monasteries : librarians , scribes , teachers . Woman teaching geometry. Illustration at the beginning of the Medieval translation of the ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 principle of Euclid (c. 1310) MIDDLEMIDDLE AGESAGES HildegardHildegard ofof BingenBingen (1098(1098 --1179)1179) Born: 1098 Bermersheim (Germany) Died: 17 September, 1179 at Bingen Order: Benedictine At 14 years of age entered the Monastery of Disibodenberg, where she was to become abbess. ESAC -Madrid 4th June 2009 Protestificatio de Scivias, Fol. 1, Facsímil de Eibingen del códice de Ruperstberg HildegardHildegard ofof BingenBingen In 1141, at the age of 42, she had a very powerful episode of visions , during which she received the order to write down all her future visions . From then onwards , Hildegard wrote down all her experiences eventually to produce her first book Scivias (“Know the way ”), which she would conclude in 1151. In 1148, a committee of theologians , at the request of Pope Eugenius III, studies and approves part of Scivias . Such was her fame that she became known as Sybil of the Rhein . People went to listen to her words of wisdom , or to seek cures or guidance . In this same year , a vision moves Hildegarda to found a new monastery
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