GEDLIST Copyright by The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR). All rights reserved. Compiled July 1, 2017, from GEDCOMS submitted to The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. International (AHSGR) Submit corrections to: [email protected] None of this data may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written Permission of the copyright holder. For information about obtaining a copy of this data, contact The American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, International (AHSGR). Click the back button on your browser to return to the GEDLIST home page. Birth/*Chr Date and Place not listed for living persons! SURNAME, Given Birth/*Chr Date Birth/*Chr Place Death/*Bur Date SMITHE, Thelma Sal -M-F170 SMITHEMAN, Barbara Ann -R319 6-Nov-54 North Tonawanda, Niagara, New York SMITHERMAN, Cheryl -C-R038 SMITHERS, Amanda F -S329 SMITHERS, Enoch -S329 SMITHERS, Mary -P-M062 SMITHERS, Sally -M348 SMITHEY, Gene -P-B148 SMITHEY, Reuben -H436 7 Jan 1779 SMITHEY, Richard -H436 SMITHEY, Richard -H436 Hico River, Caswell County, NC 1782 SMITHEY, Ruben -H436 SMITHEY-CRISP, Frances -H436 30 Apr 1783 , Coswell Co., NC 5 Oct 1849 near Sparta, Buchanan Co., MO, College Cem. SMITHLING, Robin Dee -G276 23-Aug-53 Pontiac, MI SMITHSON, Angelia Rochelle -P-D095 15-May-62 SMITHSON, Julia Suzanne -P-D095 26-Mar-64 SMITHSON, Lena Kay -M-D153 SMITHSON, Lori Dawn -M-F170 25-Dec-63 Dalhart, Dalham, Texas SMITHSON, Marjorie M. -S329 1908 , , Ohio, United States SMITHSON, Verna Marie -P-D095 26-Aug-59 SMITHSON, Vernon -P-D095 SMITS, Wilhelmina C A -H330 20-Jun-31 Helmond, Holland SMITT, Mandy Lynn -G196 28-Sep-78 SMITT, Scott -G196 SMITZ, John -W158 SMOCK, Dale -M355 SMOCK, Daniel -P057 21 Dec 1860 , Indiana 14-Jan-50 Portland, Oregon SMOCK, David Newton -G121 SMOCK, David Newton -P-W210 SMOCK, Lula -G121 13 Oct 1889 Clearwater, Sedgwick County, Kansas, United States 10-Feb-81 Clearwater, Sedgwick County, Kansas, United States SMOCK, Lula -P-W210 13 Oct 1889 Clearwater, Kansas 10-Feb-81 Clearwater, Kansas SMOHLMAN, Agnes Naomi -P-G213 SMOLDT, Florence -S813 SMOLENSKA, Marianne -P-L120 1868 1929 Inglis, Manitoba, Canada SMOLIK, Karla Kay -P-S653 10-Jul-49 SMOLIK, Theo -P-S653 SMOLJAKOWA, Lubow -G395 3-Mar-61 SMOLL, Martin Henry -P-B317 SMOOT, Mary SMOOT, Mary -H554 SMOOT, Mary -S561 SMOOT, Maxine Browning -U-W009 SMOTHERS, Brenda -P304 1951 SMURAWA, Donnie -P-D165 19-Jan-46 , Caldwell, Kentucky SMURR, Jacob -G507 1797 1857 SMURR, Sarah Elizabeth -G507 1839 SMYSOR, Sharon Suzanna -L150 SMYTH, Gail Ann Annie -S329 SMYTH, Lester -C-B335 SMYTH, Mary Fluretta -B400 25 Apr 1889 13-Dec-18 SMYTHE ;[JR], Sir Thomas -N143 1558 Weston Hanger, Kent, , Eng 1609 SMYTHE, Alice -N143 1556 Weston Hanger, Kent Co, , Eng Nov 1615 Crixe, Kent Co, , Eng SMYTHE, Anne Marie -A111 SMYTHE, Arthur -N143 1570 Weston Hanger, Kent, England SMYTHE, Carol Ellen -C-T039 1945 SMYTHE, Elizabeth -N143 1586 Of, Westenhanger, Kent, England Sep 1669 SMYTHE, Frances -D009 SMYTHE, Frances -D009 SMYTHE, Gilman W -P-P083 12-Jun-45 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California SMYTHE, Hannah -S329 1834 , , Missouri, United States SMYTHE, James Vernon -C-T039 8-Dec-44 SMYTHE, John William -W415 SMYTHE, Kenneth Byron -C-T039 22-May-04 Lane, South Dakota 25-Feb-89 Rapid City, South Dakota SMYTHE, L Myles -P-P083 22-Jun-79 Sacramento, Sacramento, California SMYTHE, Lawrence Marlin -C-T039 28-Sep-07 Lane, South Dakota 17-Apr-78 Mitchell, South Dakota SMYTHE, Mark Harris -C-T039 1-Jan-12 26-Feb-86 SMYTHE, Mieke Nicole -P-P083 12-Feb-77 Sacramento, Sacramento, California SMYTHE, Robert Barry -C-T039 23-Jul-43 SMYTHE, Robert Byron -C-T039 11 Sep 1868 23-Sep-55 Mitchell, South Dakota SMYTHE, Sharon -C-T039 4-Apr-39 SMYTHE, Stewart Lawrence -C-T039 5-Jan-49 SMYTHE, Zelma Ada -C-T039 20-Mar-02 Beresford, South Dakota SNABB, John -H476 SNADALL, Lillian -M-F170 8-Jul-37 SNAPP, Gene -S1075 25-May-28 Burley, Cassia County, Idaho SNAPP, Katrena -S329 22-Apr-71 SNAPP, Larry -S1075 10-May-58 Burley, Cassia County, Idaho SNAPP, Steve -S1075 26-Sep-55 Baker, Oregon SNARR, Carl Richard -H531 10-Mar-62 SNARR, Tiffany MArie -H531 15-Sep-84 SNAVELY/ SCHNEBLI/ SCHNEBELE, Johann Adam -S329 13 Aug 1737 Bas-Rhine, Alsace, France Bef 1792 , Montgomery, Virginia, United States SNAVELY OR SCHNEBLI OR SCHNEBELE, -S329 SNAVELY OR SCHNEBLI OR SCHNEBELE, -S329 SNAVELY OR SCHNEBLI OR SCHNEBELE, -S329 SNAVELY OR SCHNEBLI OR SCHNEBELE, -S329 SNAVELY, Catherine Barbara -S329 Abt 1762 , Augusta, Virginia, United States SNAVELY, Elizabeth -S329 Abt 1799 , , Illinois, United States SNAVELY, Harvey E -W056 23-Nov-02 , Buckingham, Minnesota 24-Apr-61 Riverside, California SNAVELY, Henry B -S329 8 May 1784 Rural Retreat, Montgomery, Virginia, United States 27 Jan 1837 , Smyth, Virginia, United States SNAVELY, Jacob -S329 Abt 1763 , Cumberland, Pennsylvania, United States SNAVELY, John Adam -S329 Oct 1759 , Lancasater, Pennsylvania, United States SNAVELY, John B -S329 Abt 1788 Rural Retreat, Wythe, Virginia, United States 28 Jan 1854 Rural Retreat, Wythe, Virginia, United States SNAVELY, Maria B -S329 Abt 1764 Rural Retreat, Montgomery, Virginia, United States Abt 1850 , Barren, Kentucky, United States SNAVELY, Peter -S329 30 Aug 1757 , Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States 20 Dec 1846 , Smyth, Virginia, United States SNAVELY, Rachel -S329 1790 , Montgomery, Virginia, United States SNEDDON, Andrew -P-S354 SNEDDON, Charles -K239 SNEDDON, Charles -P-S354 27-Nov-19 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa 11-Jul-71 Des Moines, Polk, Iowa SNEDDON, Mildred -S665 SNEDEKER, Andrew -S329 SNEDEKER, Anna -S329 4 Jan 1845 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States SNEDEKER, Casper L -S329 5 May 1848 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States SNEDEKER, Catharine A -S329 9 Dec 1832 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States 17 Jul 1876 SNEDEKER, Edith Elizabeth -S329 13 Nov 1873 SNEDEKER, Elsie T -S329 4 Sep 1817 SNEDEKER, Emma R -S329 2 Sep 1838 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States SNEDEKER, George Washington -S329 3 Apr 1834 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States 6 May 1891 SNEDEKER, Jane E -S329 31 Oct 1842 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States SNEDEKER, Mary Amelia -S329 18 Apr 1831 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States 17 May 1884 SNEDEKER, Michael -S329 8 Jul 1840 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States 29-Aug-05 SNEDEKER, Rebecca -S329 Jun 1839 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United States SNEDEKER, Tunis M -S329 6 Oct 1811 Tappan, Orange, New York, United States 1 Dec 1869 SNEDEN, Vicki Lou -M-F170 SNEED, David J -B501 31-Dec-45 SNEED, David J -K224 31-Dec-45 SNEED, Justin Joe -B501 1-Mar-76 SNEED, Justin Joe -K224 1-Mar-76 SNEED, Martha -B400 SNEED, Mary ELizabeth -D200 23 Oct 1878 Jackson Cnty, MO 8-May-55 Carpenter, WY SNEED, Richard Francis -D200 1848 Patrick Cnty, VA 4-Jul-14 Lone Jack, MO SNEIDER, Susan -C-D041 SNELGROVE, Frances -A143 17-Apr-74 SNELL, Adeline -M-F170 SNELL, Alvira J -S329 SNELL, Ashley Elizabeth -G400 2-Aug-78 SNELL, Brent Metrick -G400 22-Dec-81 SNELL, Brian Michael -G400 19-Aug-69 SNELL, Clifford -P-B250 1961 SNELL, Clifford -P-V044 SNELL, David Warner -G400 18-Sep-46 Camp Polk, Leesville, Louisiana SNELL, Dorothy -B334 SNELL, Dorothy -P-W291 SNELL, Douglas Harry -M331 30-Jul-52 Rockville Ctr, New York SNELL, Elizabeth Christine -G400 22-Dec-84 SNELL, Elizabeth -P-S691 SNELL, Emily Faith -S783 5-May-80 San Jose, Santa Clara, California SNELL, Eric William -G400 20-Dec-84 SNELL, Gustina -P-S576 SNELL, Harvey B110 SNELL, Jeffry Scott -G400 24-Feb-66 SNELL, Jennifer Lee -G400 24-Mar-75 SNELL, Jerome Thomas -G400 8-Aug-52 Great Lakes Naval Hospital, Illinois SNELL, John Albert -G400 13-Aug-43 Plentywood, Montana SNELL, Joseph Richard -G400 8-Aug-52 Great Lakes Naval Hospital, Illinois SNELL, Katheran -G145 Neu-Kraft, Saratov, Volga, Russia 1905 Neu-Kraft, Saratov, Volga, Russia SNELL, Kathrine -G044 SNELL, Kristin Jaye -G400 16-Sep-78 SNELL, Lois Jane -K317 8-Dec Kingman, Kingman, Kansas, USA SNELL, Lois Jane -K317 8-Dec Kingman, Kingman, Kansas, USA SNELL, Mary Lee -D009 13-Jun-39 SNELL, Mary Lee -D009 13-Jun-39 SNELL, Michael James -S783 16-May-52 Oakland, California SNELL, Monica -D226 SNELL, Robert William -G400 5-May-48 Sendai, Japan 1989 , California SNELL, Susan Gail -D009 26-Jul-35 SNELL, Susan Gail -D009 26-Jul-35 SNELL, Vesper -G400 SNELL, Warren M. -D009 SNELL, Warren M. -D009 SNELLER, Myron -M-F170 SNELSON, Stephen -P-P083 7-Jan-48 Sacramento, Sacramento, California SNETTING, Cheryl Ann -W056 11-Jan-58 Thief Riverfalls, Minnesota SNEU, Clara -G065 SNIDE, Theo -J040 SNIDECOR, Herbert Cyrus -D171 SNIDECOR, Maxine M -D171 16-Aug-10 Ypsilanti, Michigan 31-Oct-83 Detroit, Michigan SNIDER, A -P-N045 SNIDER, Alma Irene -R101 SNIDER, Andrew -F226 SNIDER, Brainard Clinton -M-D153 20 Oct 1877 SNIDER, Britta D -P-Z014 11-Sep-06 Ansley, Nebraska SNIDER, Darcee Marie -M393 25-Sep-80 Rapid City, South Dak. SNIDER, David -A123 SNIDER, Donald -G252 SNIDER, Dorothy Doris -A123 14-May-18 SNIDER, Elizabeth Anne -F184 6-May-28 Council Grove, , Kansas, Usa SNIDER, Elmer Henry -F184 22 Aug 1889 Council Grove, , Kansas, Usa 2-Jan-79 Council Grove, , Kansas, Usa SNIDER, Harold -B231 SNIDER, Harvey Martin -A123 1882 , , Indiana, United States 1961 SNIDER, Henry -M452 SNIDER, Hervon LeRoy -A123 14-Oct-09 McCook, Red Willow, Nebraska, United States SNIDER, Jack Robert -A123 1921 SNIDER, James -M-D153 6-Aug-17 SNIDER, John -M140 SNIDER, Katherine
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