2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DEcEl\IBER ·s, I shall not at this moment take up the time of the Senate with ALABAMA. any extended remarks touching his personal character and his George W. Taylor. John II. Bankhead. public services, but will content myself with simply submitting Ariosto A. Wiley. John L. Burnett . Henry D. Clayton. William Richardson. the following resolutions, asking consideration for them after Sydney ;r, · Bo~'ie. similal" resolutions, which· I und'erstllilfr the Senator from Massa­ ARK.A!iSA.S. chUEetts desires to submit, have been considered. Robert Bmce Macon. John S. Little. At some more appropriate- time I will ask the Senate to sus­ • Stephen Brundidge, jr. · Joseph T. Robinson. Hugh A. Dinsmore. Robert l\1. Wallace. pend its ordinary business in order that fitting tribute may be CALIFORNIA. paid to the memory of my deceased colleague. Theodore A. Bell.· James C. Needham. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Pennsyl­ Edward .r. Livernash. James McLachlan. _vania offers resolutions which will be read. William ;r. Wynn. Milton J. Daniels. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: COLORADO. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow and deep Franklin ID. Brooks. Herschel M. Hogg. regret of the death of Ron. MATTHEW STANLE.Y QUAY, late a Senator Robert W. Bonynge:. from the State of Pennsylvania. CONNECTICUT. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions Nehemiah D. Sperry. Ebenezer J. Hill. to the House of Representatives. Frank n. Brandegee. The resolutions were considered by unanimous consent, and DELAWARE. unanimously agreed to. Henry A. Huuston. FLORIDA. Mr. LODGE . .. Mr. President, it is my painful duty to make Stephen M. Sparkman. William B. Lamar. formal announcement to the Senate that the enior Senator from Robert W. Davis. Ma sacbusetts, Hon. GEORGE FRISBIE HoAR, died at his home in GEORGIA. !Worcester on the 30th of September last. Rufus ID. Lester. ;T.ohn W. Maddox. William C. Adamson. Farish Carter Tate. At some future time I shall ask the Senate to set apart a day Leonidas F. Livingston. Thomas W. Hardwick. fittingly to commemorate his high character, his distinguished Charles L. Bartlett. William G. Brantley. career, and his eminent services. IDAHO. At this time I offer the following resolutions, and ask for their Burton L. French. adoption. ILL~OlS. Martin Emerich. George W. Prince. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Tile resolutions will be read. ;Tames R. Mann. Joseph V. Graff. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows : William W. Wilson. Jo!reph· G. Cannon. R esolved, Tbat tbe Senate has heard with profound sorrow ot the Philip Knopf. Vespasian Warner. death of the Hon. GEORGE F. HoAR, late a Senator from the State of Henry S. Boutell. Henry T. Rainey. Massachusetts. George Edmund Foss. Ben F. Caldwell. Resolved, 'l'hat the Secretary communicate a eo~y · of these resolutions Howard ~L Snapp. William A. Rodenberg. to the House of Representatives. Charles E. Fuller. ;Tames R. Williams. Benjamin F. Marsh. George W. Smith. The resolutions were considered by unanimous consent, and · INDIANA. unanimously agreed to. William T. Zenor. George W. Cromer. Mr. LODGE. Mr. President, in behalf of the Senator from Francis M. Griffith. Charles- B. Landis. Elias S. Holliday. Edgar B. Crumpacker. Pennsylvania and myself I now offer the following resolution, J'ames ill. Watson. Frederick Landis. and ask for its immediate consideration. Jesse Overstreet. The PRESIDENT pro tempore_ The resolution will be read. IOW~ The resolution was read, as follows : Thomns Hedge. John F. Lacey. Martin. J. Wade. ;Tohn A. T. Hull. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to tbe memory of the two Benjamin P. BirdsalL William. P. Hepburn. Senators. whose deaths have iust been announced the Senate do now Gilbert N. Haugen. Walter- I. Smith. adjourn. Robert G. Cousins. ;Tames P. Conner. The resolution was considered by unanimous consent, and KANSAS. Charles F. Scott. James M. :w.Iler. unanimously agreed to. · Charles Curtis. William A. Ca.lderheaiL The Senate accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 12 minutes p. m.) Justin D. Bowersock. Victor- Murdock. adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December 6, 1904, at 12 Philip P. CampbelL o'clock meridian. KENTUCKY. Ollie 1\1. Ja.mes. D. Linn Gooch. Augustus 0. Stanley. South Trimble. J ohru S. Rhea. George G. Gilbe:rt• . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. David H. Smith. James N. Kehoe. Swagar Sherley. Frank A. Hopkins. MONDAY, December 5, 1904. LOUISIANA. This being the day fixed by the Constitution for the annual Robert F. Broussard. Joseph E. Ransdell. meeting of the Congress of the United States, the House of Rep­ Pbanor Breazeale. Arsene P. Pujo. resentatives of the Fifty-eighth Cong1·ess met in its Hall at 12 MAiNE. o'clock m. for its third session, and was called to order by the Amos L. Allen. Edwin C. Burleigh. Charles E. Littlefield. Speaker, Hon. JosEPH G. CANNON, a Representative from the MARYL.A.."'D. State of Tilinois. ;Toshua F. C. Talbott. Sydney- E. Mudd. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Rev. HENEY N. CoUDEN, James W. Denny. D. D., as. follows: HASSA..CHIJSETTS. Infinite Sp_irit, Father of all souls; through whose eternal George P. Lawrence. Ernest W. Roberts. energy, wise and beneficent purposes our Republic with its glo­ Frederick H. Gillett. Samuel W. McCall. Charles Q. Tirrell. ;Tohn A. Keliher. · rious past and e-rer-brightening future has been brought to the Butler Ames. present hour, we bless Thee for its existence, its sacred insti­ MICHIGAN. tutions, high ideals, and consummate genius. Alfred Lucking. Joseph W. Fordney. · That Thy will may be fulfilled in yet larger measure, let Thy" Washington Gardner. Roswell P . Bishop. Edward L. Hamilton. George A. Loud. kingdom come in the hearts of all our people and unite us William Alden , mith. Archibald B. Darragh. more firmly in .the bonds of fraternity and Christian patriot­ Samuel W. Smith. H. Olin Young. ism and keep us in peace, we beseech Thee, with all the world. Henry Mc:llorran. Let Thy blessing descend in full measure upon the Congress MIN~ESOT.A.. now convened, that its work may be of the highest and best. James A. Tawney. Charles B. Buckman. James T. McCleary. Andrew J. Volstead. · Be graciously near to our President and those associat~d with Charles R. Davis. J, Adam Bede; him in the affairs of state,. that with clear· vision, wise and Fred C. Stevens. Ha.lvor Steenerson. judicious statesmanship, he mar preside oyer the nation with John Lind. justice and equity to all; shield him from danger and violence MlSSISSIPPL Ezekiel S. Candler, jr. Eaton J. Bowers. and keep him in heaJth and vigor. Thomas Spight. Frank A. McLain. Let wisdom from on high possess the minds of our judiciary Benjamin G. Humphreys. John S. Williams. and guide them in their decisions, and all glory and honor be Wilson S. Hill. Thine through .Tesus Christ our Lord. Amen. · llliSSOURr. J'a.mes T. Lloyd. Champ Clark. CALL OF ROLL. William S. Cowherd. John T. Ilunt. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll of Members by David A. De Armond. Willard D. Vandlrer Courtney W. IIamlin. Mrecena El Benton. States. Dorsey W. Shackleford. Robert Lamar. · The roll was called ; and the following Members answered to li10NTANA. their names : Joseph M. Dixon. 1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE. 3 NEBRASKA. WISCONSIN . Elmer J. Burkett. George W. Norris. Henry A. Cooper. John J. Esch. John J. McCarthy. Moses P. Kinkaid. Joseph W. Babcock. Edward S. Minor. Edmund H. Hinshaw. Theobald Otjen. Webster E. Brown. NEVADA. William H. Staft'ord. John J. Jenkins. Clarence D. Van Duzer. Charles H. Weisse. NEW HAMPSiiinE. The following Delegates nlso responded as present : Cyrus A. Sulloway. Frank D. Currier. X E W MEXICO. NEW JERSEY. Bernard S. Rodey. Henry C. Loudenslager. Richard Wayne Parker. OKLAHOlB.. John J. Gardner. Willism H. Wiley. Bird S. McGuire. Benjamin F. Howell. Allan Benny. Charles N. Fowler. Allan L. McDermott. HAW.A.II. William Hughes. Jonah Kalanianaole. NEW YORK. SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS. Townsend Scudder. William H. Draper. Mr. GARDNER of Kew Jersey. Mr. Speaker, Bon. William George H. Lindsay. · Thomas W. Bradley. Char·les T. Dunwell. John H. Ketcham. M. Lanning, of the Fourth district of New Jersey, having re­ Frank E. Wilson. George N. Southwick• signed, Mr. Ira W. Wood has been elected his successor to this .Edward M. Bassett. George J. Smith. House. Mr. Wood is present, and I ask that he be sworn in. Robert Baker. Lucius N. Littauer. John J. Fitzgerald. William H. Flack. The SPEAKER. · The Clerk will read the resignation of Mr. Timothy D. Sullivan. James S. Sber·man • . LANNING and the credentials of his successor. Henry M. Goldfogle. Charles L. Knapp. The Clerk read as follows. William Randolph Hearst. Michael E. Driscoll. William Bourke Cockran. John W. Dwight. JUDGE'S CHAMBERS, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, Francis B. Harrison. Sereno E. Payne. DIS'.rRICT OF NFJW JERSEY, William H. Douglas. James Breck Perkins. Trenton, N. J., December 2, 1904. Jacob Ruppert, jr. Charles W. Gillet. To the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Frank E. Shober. William H Ryan. Washington, D. 0. Joseph A. Goulden. De Alva S. Alexander. SIR: I have the honor to inform you that on June 6, 1904, I placed Norton P. Otis. Edward B. Vreeland. in the bands of the governor of the State of New Jersey my resignation NORTH CABOLINA. as a Representative in Congress from the Fourth Congressional dis­ · Claude Kitchin. Robert N. Page. · trict of the State of New Jersey. Charles R. Thomas. Theodore 11'. Kluttz. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, William W. Kitchin. Edwin Y. Webb. WILLIAM M. LA ' NING. Gilbert B. Patterson. STATE ·OF NEW JERSEY, DEPARTMENT OF STATE, NORTH DAKOTA.
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