Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1985-1986 Eastern Progress 3-27-1986 Eastern Progress - 27 Mar 1986 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1985-86 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 27 Mar 1986" (1986). Eastern Progress 1985-1986. Paper 25. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1985-86/25 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1985-1986 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Dropping in on the job market See story Page B-1 Vol. 64/No. 25 Laboratory Publication of the Department of Mat* Communications 16 pages Th» Kultm Prop—. 19M March 27. 1986 Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 49475 Alcohol caused student's death By Alan White heavily. He arrived at 230 S. Collins According to Curry, Dailey was Editor approximately 46 minutes before he gulping large quantities of 161 proof Madison County Coroner Embry waa taken to Pattie A. Clay rum. According to witnesses. Curry announced Wednesday in a Hospital, according to witnesses. Dailey's last drink was approx- press conference that Sigma Alpha "When he arrived at Pattie A. imately 6 to 8 ounces of alcohol and Kpsilon pledge Michael Dailey died Clay and did the first blood alcohol he collapsed; he wss taken to Pat- of "acute ethyl alcohol intoxica- it was 0.40 percent." said Curry. tie A. Clay Hospital where he was tion." Curry said the blood alcohol level pronounced dead on arrival. , Curry said Dailey's blood alcohol ranged from 0.28 to 0.42. depending Dailey. who lived in Todd Hall, level was 0.40 percent. on the parts of the body from which was s sophomore marketing major Under Kentucky law. 0.10 percent the alcohol sample was taken. from Krlanger is considered to be under the in- "The death is ruled as accidental. University administrators Dr. fluence of alcohol Curry said levels There was not an initiation of any Slop Daughertv. director of Student of 0.30 to 0.36 usually signal kind going on at that time, Activities ana Organizations, and unconsciousness. according to witnesses. There was Dr. Thomas Myers, vice president Dailey. 19. died March 7 after he some other drinking. There was not of Student Affairs, saw attended attended s party at the SAE frater- an organized party, it was just a the press conference. Ron Harretl. nity house, located at 230 S. Collins party that happened to be." Curry director of Public Information at the St. said. university, read from a prepared Curry, along with the Richmond Curry said according to witnesses. statement. Police Department, conducted an in- there were other people there drink- "Upon reviewing the statements vestigation into the events of the ing and there were people there who of members and guests st the Sigma night of March 7. were sober. Alpha Epslon house, located off According to Curry, no criminal "The young man I talked with, campus. March 7. 1986. the review charges have been filed. He added who gave me s lot of information. committee concludes that the SAE there would be no inquest or further had not had a drop and he was a fraternity was in violation of its investigation in the matter. brother in the fraternity. And we lodge agreement with the universi- "I -went to South Collins and talked to 13different witnesses that ty, concerning consumption of found out that the young man had night and each one stated that there alcohol by minors, at the lodge. been there, he had been drinking was not an kutiation of any type." (See ALCOHOL. Page A-7) Fire investigation continued by state By Alan White safety and health committee was ed on s main valve outside the dorm. Editor also looking st the incident, The 20th floor was flooded by the Investigation into the Feb. 26 specifically, notification open valve Keene HaD fire that displaced 27 evacuation and familiarize! Westbrook said the state Board of students continued this week when between the university and the fireN Claims has received all but one of Sun Slide Progress photo/Sean Elkins the state fire marshal called department. ^the students' claims from the Com meetings to discuss the incident According to Whitlock. the final nwealth incident. Lisa Napier, front an undeclared freshman from Lexington has fun on the playground equipment with university officials and the official cause of the fire will come Westbrook said it is now up to the Richmond Fire Department. by Keene Hall. Napier was sliding with, front to back, Amy Southwood, a Lexington Catholic from laboratory reports filed by board to decide if the university was "We were trying to learn from state Fire and Tornado Fund negligent in its handling of the Com- High School student. Amanda Napier, a Lafayette High School student and JoAnn Mudd, a freshman this fire of the good parts, the so-so investigators. monwealth fire. from Louisville. and maybe the things that went The university insures its on- If the board decides the students wrong to provide our fire prevention campus structures through the should be reimbursed for losses, the program with this mput," said fund. students' claims will be sent back to Gayle Horn, state fire marshal. Another ongoing investigation, Westbrook, who will review each Horn and two assistants, field conducted by Larry West brook, one individually. House law condemns representative Carl Cowell and safety director, reviews claims made assistant director Ken Aitken, were by students who reportedly lost per- here Monday to gather more facts sons! belongings in both the Keene on the fire and to verify data already and Commonwealth hall fires. received in Frankfort, he said. On Jan. 22 a trash chute fire in Inside drug use by athletes According to Dr. Doug Whitlock, Commonwealth resulted in water Opinion A-2-4 assistant to the university presi- By Amy Wolf 10*4 equitable fashion. and smoke damage to students' "Our purpose is to rehabilitate dent, the fire marshal called the belongings. Nwwi A-S-7 Feature* &-I The Kentucky House of Rsprsssn- before it becomes a hard and fast meeting to "review accuracy of fac- According to reports, firemen £± '86 tual information and to review to were summoned to the dorm s se- Organizations D-2-3 tativae p—id a bill Tu—day which habit, rather than to try to be vin- B dictive," Combs said. see if they understood notification cond time that night after the fire Am S-4-5 would suspend the scholarship of procedures, how alarms go in." any athlete convicted of possession GENERAL ASSEMBLY Football coach Roy Kidd said he rekindled. Sports B-4-B believed the problem should be "As much as anything, it was an A water valve on the 20th floor or use of illegal drugs. intermediate kind of thing," waa apparently left open after the People po« A-4 However, since Fnday is the last handled internally, not by state scholarship legislation. Whitlock said. initial fire. When the fire depart- r-ifr7 day for bills to be approved and this litlock said the university's ment made the second run. it turn- bill was not considered by the He said he did not know of any I say, in most cases, our situs- Senate Education Committee, major problems with drug abuse in tion would be to dismiss the player. which met for the last time Wednes- athletic programs at this time. "I It's one of my rules. day, the future of House Bill 811 is just thought up the idea myself. I'm Oeraldine Polvino, volleyball bleak. s sports fan and I've seen profes- coach at the university, also said the The bill passed the House 89-0 sional athletes being arrested." bill unfairly singled out athletes. and requested that the governing Another sponsor of the bill. Rep. "My initial reaction is that it board of each university develop Clarence Naland, R-Irvine, said the should pertain to all students, in- regulations concerning athletic bill could deter drug problems for stead of athletes," Polvino said. grants-in-aid to include specified some student athletes. She said she would prefer to see penalties for an athlete convicted of He said at this time, alcohol more productive avenues taken for illegal possession or use of a con- related offenses and people on the first conviction, including com- trolled substance. academic scholarship would not be munity service. The primary sponsor of the bill. affected by the bill. "I think we face more of an Rep. Pearl Ray LeFevers. R Kettle University athletic director alcohol problem than drugs on cam- Island, said: "It is important Donald Combs said he had not pus. Our kids may be experimen- because we're spending in our state heard about the legislation, but felt ting. If there is any use, it's pro- universities, 16.6 million on scholar- it unfairly singled out athletes and bably a 'dare' kind of activity." she ship funds in athletics. did not approach the problem in an said. Research grant received By Phil Bowling location process of missaig parents atudy different areas of child sup- News editor in child support cases. Computeriza- port. According to Southerland, the The university has recently been tion is the key to improving the project'a work must be applicable at awarded a $14 million research system,, said Dr. Mittie any given location. grant to study child support Souther land In October, the university was processes.
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