New Zealand Conservation Authority Te Pou Atawhai Taiao o Aotearoa Meeting 7 and 8 June 2016 Agenda and meeting papers Photo: Blue Range Hut, Tararua Forest Park Photographer: Beverley Bacon, Department of Conservation NEW ZEALAND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (NZCA) TE POU ATAWHAI TAIAO O AOTEAROA 7 & 8 June 2016 One hundred and forty ninth meeting, to be held at Conservation House, 18 -32 Manners St, Wellington, starting at 10.00am. # D means Decision required, A means Advice required, I means Information only AGENDA Item # Priority Pages 1 Welcome and Chairperson’s Introduction I - - 2 Apologies – receive A - - 3 Conflicts of Interest for the Meeting – identify A - 1-2 4 Minutes - - - 4.1 – approve minutes for the meeting held in April 2016 D K 3-12 4.2 – approve “in-committee” minutes for the meeting held in April 2016 (expected to be taken “in-committee” with D K 13-18 public excluded) Status report – note progress in actioning resolutions 5 I K 19-28 from the meeting held on April 2016 NZCA work programme 2016-2017 – summary of 6 I K 29-30 planned elements Director-General’s report – Lou Sanson (expected to be 7 I E 31-50 taken “in-committee” with public excluded) 8 Canterbury (Waitaha) CMS – Approve D A 51-52 9 Otago CMS – Approve D A 51-52 10 Southland Murihiku CMS – Approve D A 51-52 11 Management Planning Update I A/B 53-68 Paparoa National Park Management Plan (approval 12 A B 69-74 process) Kahurangi National Park Management Plan 13 A B 75-96 amendment 14 CMS Rapid Prototype template update – Marie Long A A 97-98 15 Stewardship land: Bi-Monthly Update I C 99-104 Conservation Law Reform update – Sarah Bagnall 16 I J 105-116 (expected to be taken “in-committee” with public excluded) DOC’s Risk Management Framework – update 17 I E 117-122 Christeen Mackenzie 18 S4/Maori session follow-up I D 123-124 19 Whitebait – clearly establish NZCA’s next steps I B/D 125-132 20 Policy review A K 133-136 DOC science Strategy and Science Roadmap – Ken 21 I E 137-140 Hughey 22 Submissions to ratify D F/I 141-232 23 Papers for noting – Paula Warren I E/I 233-236 23.1 Plant Protection Legislation - - - 23.2 Review of Freshwater Fisheries Legislations 1983 - - - 24 Members’ Environmental Scan I E - DOCCM-2720698 25 Representation and Liaison - - - 25.1 Chair’s report I K 237-238 25.2 Conservation Board liaison reports I K 239-246 26 Conservation Board Chairs’ conference A J 247-248 Conservation board letters of expectation (Martin 27 A J 249-250 Kessick) Statutory Managers – update on their role with 28 A J 251-252 Conservation Boards and relationship with NZCA Correspondence – receive the inwards and approve the 29 D K 253-256 outwards correspondence Meeting close Strategic Priorities A Conservation Management Strategies B National Park Management Plans C Land Status change e.g. Stewardship land D Treaty of Waitangi Strategic advice to the Minister and DG in the context of conservation in today’s E economy, the governance requirements, and strategic advice on public policy documents and legislation F Game Changers for Conservation: Pests/weeds/biosecurity G Marine H Climate Change I Rivers and Freshwater J Effectiveness and efficiency of the Department’s conservation management K NZCA’s performance Meeting timetable Tuesday 7 June Wednesday 8 June Start: 10am Start: 8:30am Lunch: 12:30pm Morning tea: 10:00am Afternoon tea: 3:15pm Close and lunch: 12:00pm Dinner: 5.30pm, Green Ribbon Awards DOCCM-2720698 New Zealand Conservation Authority Agenda Item: 149.3 Meeting No. 149 NEW ZEALAND CONSERVATION AUTHORITY REGISTER OF INTERESTS and IDENTIFICATION OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST For meeting on 7 and 8 June 2016 Please use this form to update your register of interests and to note any actual or perceived Conflict of Interest with regard to any agenda item for this meeting Name Register of Interests ………………………………………………………………… update ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Identification of any actual or perceived ………………………………………………………………… conflict of interest with regard to any ………………………………………………………………… agenda item ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Signed (NZCA member) Date DOCDM-352637 1 2 New Zealand Conservation Authority Agenda Item: 149.4.1 Meeting No. 149 REPORT Meeting Date: 7 and 8 June 2016 meeting Prepared By: Rick McGovern-Wilson, NZCA Executive Officer Subject: 4 and 5 April 2016 meeting minutes NZCA Strategic NZCA’s performance (Priority K) Priority and/or the Relevant DOC SOI Goal Recommendation or It is recommended that the Authority: Action Required a) Approve the 4 and 5 April 2016 minutes as a true and accurate record. Context The draft minutes from the Authority meeting on 4 and 5 April 2016 were circulated to members by email on 20 April for comment. Once the minutes are approved they will be uploaded to the NZCA website www.conservationauthority.org.nz DOCCM-2639479 3 4 New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) Te Pou Atawhai Taiao O Aotearoa 4 April 2016 meeting 148th meeting, held at 10:00am, The Granary, Founders Heritage Park, Nelson Unconfirmed minutes Present: Warren Parker, Chairperson David Barnes Jo Breese Mark Christensen Mick Clout Waana Davis Judy Hellstrom Rau Kirikiri Devon McLean Gerry McSweeney Jan Riddell Mike Simm Apologies: Sandra Cook In attendance: Rick McGovern-Wilson, Executive Officer, NZCA, Department of Conservation (DOC) Katrina Edwards, NZCA servicing staff, DOC Lou Sanson, Director-General, DOC, for part of the meeting Tata Lawton, Deputy-Director General, Kaupapa Atawhai, DOC, for part of the meeting Ken Hughey, Chief Science Advisor, DOC, for part of the meeting Katherine Hughes, Management Planner, DOC, for part of the meeting Helen Chapman, National Advisor Management Planning, DOC, for part of the meeting Anna Cameron, Planning Manager, Christchurch, DOC, for part of the meeting Rau Kirikiri opened the meeting with a karakia at 10am. Agenda item 1: Welcome and Chairperson’s introduction The Chair welcomed the DOC staff who were in attendance and overviewed the meeting, with key issues being: understanding the local Nelson Marlborough setting for conservation issues, the three South Island conservation management strategies, and the strategy discussion on the role of the Authority in the post-Treaty settlement era. Agenda item 2: Apologies Apologies for the meeting were received from Sandra Cook. DOC-2753217 5 Agenda item 3: Conflicts of interest for the meeting Jo Breese declared a conflict of interest for agenda item 11 “Southland Murihiku Conservation Management Strategy (CMS)”. Jo was engaged to provide independent advice to a client on the Southland Murihiku CMS during the initial preparation of a draft. David Barnes, Jo Breese, Mick Clout, and Judy Hellstrom declared a conflict of interest for agenda item 12 “Addition to Abel Tasman National Park”, as they had contributed to the Give-A-Little fundraising campaign that helped to purchase the land at Awaroa spit. It was discussed how to manage the conflicts of interest and it was decided that these members could participate in discussions for the respective items, but not vote. The Authority resolved to move “into-committee” for agenda items 4.2, 7, 12 and 15. Devon McLean/Judy Hellstrom/carried Agenda item 4.1: approve minutes for the meeting held on 1 & 2 February 2016 The Authority resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 & 2 February 2016 as a true and accurate record, subject to a correction under item 28, to include the missing words regarding the topic of the letter. Devon McLean/David Barnes/carried The Authority resolved to move “into-committee” for agenda item 4.2. Judy Hellstrom/Mick Clout/carried The Authority resolved to move out of “committee”. Judy Hellstrom/Mick Clout/carried Agenda item 5: Status report The Status report was discussed. It was agreed to authorise the Chair to approve the Code of Practice once it was completed. For completeness, members requested the inclusion of a disciplinary mechanism if a situation arose where there were concerns regarding the performance of the Chairperson. Other items were discussed from the Status Report. Deputy Director-General Operations (Mike Slater) will attend future Authority meetings for the Director-General’s item, so that he can speak to operational items. Noting the concerns expressed by several Conservation Boards, whitebait will be kept on the Authority’s agenda, to establish whether there are additional steps that it can take. Agenda item 6: NZCA work programme 2016-2017 Rick McGovern-Wilson spoke to the work programme and provided updates that will be included in the workplan at the June meeting. The Authority identified that the conservation boards’ Letters of Expectation should be sent to the conservation boards for 1 July and ideally should be discussed at the Authority’s June meeting. Preparation for the Authority’s meeting in Taranaki was discussed including issues of current interest to the Taranaki/Whanganui Conservation Board such as beehives, DOC-2753217 6 whitebait, the Pouakai Crossing, preparation of the conservation management strategy and implications of Treaty Settlements. Action: Jo Breese will work with the Taranaki/Whanganui Conservation Board to confirm topics that the Authority and the Board can focus on during the Authority’s visit. Agenda item 7: Director-General’s report The Authority resolved to move “into-committee” for agenda item 7 and agenda item 12. David Barnes/Jan Riddell/carried Authority resolved to move out of “committee”. Judy Hellstrom/Mick Clout/carried Agenda item 9: Canterbury (Waitaha) CMS, agenda item 10: Otago CMS, and agenda item 11: Southland Murihiku CMS The revised wording for the Canterbury (Waitaha), Otago and Southland Murihiku Conservation Management Strategies, regarding the relationship between the Department and Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, had been received three working days prior to the meeting.
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