Skillet Is Recaptured After Year's Absence The Skillet came back •home" Monday. The famed trophy, after a one-year visit to SMI', was returned to Student Body President Aubrey Owen Monday by SMI' Student President Richard Deals and two other SMI' student councilmen. "We would have had this back to you the night of the same," Deats explained, "but only two of our council mem- ber were there. The rest went home for the holidays. I don't think many or us expected to keep it another year." The trophy was originated by 194<i by a joint resolution of the two student governments. It is a symbol of the "Southwestern friendliness and rivalry" between the two schools. The trophy originally was proposed by the SMI' council and the Mustangs kept it for two years. The Frogs got It In 1918 when they tied SMI in Dallas. In case of a tie the skillet goes to the visitor. Since that time, however, the frying pan has almost exclusively remained in Fort Worth. Only in ItM did it return to Big I). But it was close this year. "For three quarters, I didn't expect to see it again, quipped Owen. After the presentation, the trophy was handed to Bruce Neal. dance committee chairman, with orders to polish it for displav In the Student (enter trophy case. TFYflrr.HRISTIRti UNIVERSITY • FORT WORTH. TEXRS VOL. 54 FRIDAY, DEC. 9, I955 UT\ ()( CASION -Back at TCU after a year's "vifit" to the SMU campus in Dal- Skillet trophy is received by a happily grinning Aubrey Owen, right, student [-.: president Richard Deats, SMI' student president, doesn't appear too joyous iRt SMU lias held the pan only three of the past 10 years. Other members of the Pre-Holiday Events [SJ egation to Monday's Congress meeting were Miss Janice P a t t i s o n and McCall, council representatives Planned Next Week A Christmas convocation, a The University Choral Club, \ting to Be in SC Lounge turkey dinner and an annual directed by Ernest Lawrence, faculty party will highlight will sing three selections: 'O, pre-holiday festivities next Great Mystery," "From Heights week of Heaven to Eartli I Fare" and Final Election to Determine A one act Christmas comedy, ■ Wakefield's Second Shep- "Come, Be Joyful; Come Gay herd," will be presented at the Shepherds." convocation at 11 am. Thursday Appearing as the three shep- 18 Favorites for Yearbook in Ed Landreth Auditorium. herds in the play wil be Van i Miss ICO and class favonties will be chosen Monday and Tuesday. Final The play is sponsored by the Rathgeber. Richard Midgett United Religious Council and and Miss Joyce Gordon Others f ru in the races will determine the 1H winners who will receive recognition in the School of Fine Arts. It are Hunter Brush, as Mak. Mrs. Horned Frog. will be directed by Carl Shel- Mary Lynn Brush as Gill: Miss ; of the winners will not be announced until the book is published ton. graduate student from Dalnne McMurray as Virgin ig will be in the Student Center lounge only, from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m each day. Q,,jnian. Okla Mary and Bill Purcell as Jo- I were presented at ~ —— Tlu- play was written by an seph. Ith. ..1 Presentation Bail "These new features have pages. NcwsfOtO Publishing unknown author in the 14th Edmond DeLstte and Misses bee,, approved by the student Company of San Angelo will Century for presentation at an Billie Elam, Joan Gowdcy and Ik print the annual annual miracle pagent. Joanie Smith are the angels. the tin! time in the publications committee but will The Wise Men are Larry Boh- lav ■ . >ma observers, the not be revealed until appear ler, Raymond Smith and Miss Pt in Rail "broke even" ance of the yearbook in May " Lib Flores. v, that is. Approximately 500 pstSOM More Work, Meetings The annual faculty Christ- In the past the dance in- paid $1.50 per couple In mas party will be from 0:30 to 8:"0 Tuesday in the faculty wiurine finalists for the dance in the Student < enter lounge. wiritrs' section of the to the music of the music Planned for Congress Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Scott, rned King has cost from of the Geary Patteson Or- chestra which charged S300. Bv DAVF MOWN Biggest issue at the conven- Instructor in English and facul- IN la sl.Min. It was bud- ty social director, is in charge "Big name" bands and an Student Co ngreI was tion probably will be a resolu- ted b\ the administrative of the event. A buffet supper mniittce this year for SGftO. off the campus dance site— warned it may have to hold tion condemning racial segre the Casino — had caused will be served. The ,: • v SfS'VS saved will two meetings a week to get all gation in colleges and univer- he.iw losses previously. Wednesday a Christmas din- I tor some innovations its work out of the way. sities, Owen said. Py working through the The warning, voiced by Stu- ner. With turkey and all the ■ I believe will make TTSA adopted a tesolution trimmings, will be served in Thanksgiving holidays. dent Body President Aubrey , 1956 II.irned |*rOg the most against segregation list spring, the Cafeteria during the regu- members met thi Ir first copy Owen, followed recommenda- I ■ vtt," Editor Dave and the National Students As- lar dinner hours. deadline of one-fourth the total tions made at the Texas In- said. sociation, of which TCU is not tercollegiate student Associa- The Cafeteria will be dec- tion planning session in a member, adopted a similar orated in a Christmas theme resolution during the summer and table-cloths, napkins and Georgetown last week. candles will be on each table. i/d Lounge Profits Lengthening l1'1' regular Other delegates to the con Monday meeting wai not ference included Joe Latham All campus offices will ba deemed feasible by Owen. who student body vice president, closed from 5 p.m. Thursday, said that most members have and Misses Lynn Clark. Bar- Dec. 22, until 8 a.m. Monday, o Buy Color TV Set to leave abOUl 5:30 p.m. bare Sullivan and Maureen Dec. 26 and again from Dec. 31 The TTSA meeting, attended Denman. to 8 a.m. Tuesday. Jan. 3. TV set plus SHOO tions to Its use. Dr Spain by five TCU delegates, made stated for other Improvements plans for the March convention Possible recommend a lions be presented to the In Abilene include a portable organ or Bowl Tilt Plans Due |uulcnt Center if plans of the organ attachment tor the Stu ident government committee dent Center ballroom piano, an Want Charter Bus 1 out. extra pieno or an Bmbo o At Wednesday Rally nmittee, which super graph To Cotton Bowl? led operation of the old The Embossograph, ■ -i^'1 A Cotton Bowl pep rally will "Some yells are more effcc- ', the Administration printing machine, was request Sign Up in SC be staged in the Student Center tive in a large place, luch as aiding basement, has some ,.,1 l,v the .VMvities Council Students desiring u special ballroom from 6 to 1:30 p.m. the Cotton Bowl, than Others," 1,850 in profits on hand. after members saw one recent bus to the Cotton Bowl in Wednesday. Zetsche stated. 1 Purpose of the rally is to The pep rally will end in of SH50 has been enr- iv at the University »f Arkan- Dallas Jan. 2 should sign up familiarize .students with the time for the basketball game irked for purchase of a COl- aas. it embosses letters on post at the information desk In cheering section, card tricks to between Kentucky Wesleyan lon Mt, Dr. August the Student Center lobby be- er board. be performed and location of and TCU in the Public Schools committee chairman. 1 We certainly need these ail fore noon Monday. Aubrey Owen, student body presi- the band. Gymnasium & The rest ■ approxlmatel; dltlons," said Misi Elisabeth "The game will be OB tele- A band will be present at the Ittfil) I been gathering dust Youngblood, social director dent, announced. The ims wil be chartered U Vision," said Earl Zetsche, head rally and there may be some the lounge closed In Jan "Our pianos are constantly cheerleader, "and we want pen cheering tor the basketball llary. SSOagb students show inter- being moved about. The Km- pie to hear us IS Well as see us " game, but the primary purpose "\\ bni llv est. I ope to have a meeting bOSSOgrtph would aid P|' ' Owen said fare and other To assure thev will bo heard, is lo give students instructions kior Christmas to pass the of Campua events, which «w details will he worked out the pep csblnet is picking out tor the Cotton Bowl tilt, Zetsche bom s ii to the Student Center Activities Council s blgi later. special yells for the game. added. along with some recommenda- lleneck. f :; $:;iw * p^q.. 7 Frid/ y, D.•t 9 Port Royal' Lacks Appeal, Disc-Jockey Formot New KTCU Equipmeii Bui Tastefully Presented Improves Reception! Hocal." *III,II np.nrd la** Mother Supcrti r PHaSj 111 thr I ittlr I'hraltr. »ill ■* arho endeav d serve an ovation lor their <>rs to maintain calm amid 1 lu' p-t* nwrt ftfftia l,,ila> and *)■■!•■ exceptional work, The one se4 CampUl radio listeners got a Instead of Ui, 1 : 1 Hi I pm Wriflrn l,» lUni, dp turmoil. used is an authentic and Im- Uontherlanl.
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