

Backgrounder The Government of Canada delivered the first of two federal Gas Tax Fund installments for 2016-17 to all the provinces and territories benefitting 639 communities in Ontario. The following table indicates this year’s federal Gas Tax Fund allocation for each of Ontario’s communities. 14 Mile Island $1,172.92 Association of $2,483,684.00 Municipalities of Ontario Aberdeen & McMahon $19,993.01 (Administration) Athens $94,797.13 Addington Highlands $76,980.86 Atikokan $169,467.35 Adelaide-Metcalfe $92,060.84 Aubrey East $10,236.42 Adjala-Tosorontio $322,364.96 Augusta $225,895.66 Admaston/Bromley $86,466.66 Aurora $1,617,540.62 Ajax $3,332,189.02 Aylmer $217,413.17 Alberton $52,536.70 Baldwin $33,504.31 Alfred and Plantagenet $279,587.68 Ballantyne & Pt. Laurier $15,621.21 Algonquin Highlands $65,549.27 Bancroft $117,964.36 Alnwick/Haldimand $201,177.87 Barrie $8,273,496.97 Amaranth $120,487.82 Bayham $212,487.86 Amherstburg $655,371.04 Bears Passage $2,559.11 Anima-Nipissing $2,239.22 Beauchamp $17,807.11 Armour $83,426.34 Beaver Bay $586.46 Armstrong $3,252.20 Beckwith $212,396.65 Armstrong Lake $3,252.20 Belleville $3,007,118.17 Armstrong $73,940.54 Bidwell Lake $1,546.13 Arnprior $246,691.44 Bigstone $959.66 Arran-Elderslie $207,045.69 Billings $30,768.02 Ashfield-Colborne- $169,710.58 Wawanosh Black River-Matheson $146,543.35 Asphodel-Norwood $122,859.27 Blandford-Blenheim $223,737.03 Assiginack $58,374.11 Blind River $215,801.80 Blindfold Lake $2,079.27 Cane $27,297.12 Bluewater $214,160.03 Carleton Place $298,224.84 Bonfield $122,585.64 Carling $75,886.35 Bonnechere Valley $114,407.18 Carlow/Mayo $27,119.64 Bourkes $12,155.75 Cartier $2,559.11 Bracebridge $468,634.69 Casey $22,741.58 Bradford West $853,630.21 Casgrain $15,034.74 Gwillimbury Brampton $15,928,562.77 Casselman $110,241.95 Brant County $2,167,017.38 Cavan-Monaghan $261,497.79 Brantford $5,694,516.45 Central Elgin $387,427.78 Brethour $7,844.02 Central Frontenac $138,516.91 Brighton $332,246.00 Central Huron $230,790.57 Britt $8,583.67 Central Manitoulin $119,058.87 Britton $17,700.48 Centre Hastings $138,121.67 Brock $344,802.51 Centre Wellington $811,552.20 Brockton $286,762.84 Chamberlain $18,059.49 Brockville $1,329,835.29 Champlain $260,646.50 Brooke-Alvinston $77,467.31 Chapleau $128,666.28 Brower $7,197.48 Chapple $45,057.52 Bruce Mines $34,416.40 Charlton and Dack $40,801.07 Bruce $1,967,359.66 Chatham-Kent $6,303,857.07 Brudenell, Lyndoch and $50,408.48 Chatsworth $195,705.30 Raglan Chiniguchi River $10,076.48 Bryce $7,517.37 Chisholm $76,798.44 Burk's Falls $58,799.76 Clarence-Rockland $704,897.83 Burlington $5,344,241.36 Clarington $2,570,528.44 Burpee and Mills $18,728.36 Clearview $417,557.34 Burwash-Hendrie $17,807.11 Clearwater Lake $3,412.14 Caledon $1,807,773.35 Cobalt $68,893.62 Callander $234,955.81 Cobourg $563,036.57 Calvin $34,538.02 Cochrane $324,706.01 Cambridge $3,853,542.82 2 Coleman $36,301.40 Ear Falls $62,387.33 Collingwood $584,987.67 East Ferris $289,803.15 Conmee $46,456.07 East Garafraxa $78,896.26 Coppell/Kendall/Way $30,762.58 East Gwillimbury $683,250.76 Cornwall $2,817,767.13 East Hawkesbury $101,394.62 Cramahe $184,638.54 East Luther Grand Valley $82,879.08 Crescent Point $959.66 East Zorra-Tavistock $207,836.17 Crystal Lake $3,412.14 Eby-Grenfell $18,073.68 Dance $7,410.74 Edwardsburgh/Cardinal $211,575.76 Dawn-Euphemia $62,296.13 Eldee $639.78 Dawson $10,236.42 Elgin $1,506,660.21 Dawson $34,233.99 Elizabethtown-Kitley $295,640.57 Dawson/Goldie $28,523.36 Elliot Lake $690,030.67 Deep River $127,480.55 Ellsmere $1,386.18 Departure Lake $5,171.53 Emo $76,129.57 Deseronto $55,789.84 Ena Lake $3,945.29 Devils Lake $4,051.92 Englehart $92,364.87 Devon $3,891.97 Enniskillen $89,081.33 Devon Landing $2,505.79 Erin $327,442.30 Dorion $20,552.55 Esher-Como-Healey $13,915.14 Douro-Dummer $206,893.67 Espanola $326,165.36 Downes Lake $1,012.98 Essa $562,610.93 Driftwood $8,210.46 Essex $5,403,253.94 Drummond/North $227,628.64 Essex $595,902.42 Elmsley Dryden $463,162.11 Eton $27,617.01 Dubreuilville $38,612.04 Evanturel $27,484.48 Dufferin $1,729,363.53 Faraday $44,631.87 Dunning $15,994.41 Fauquier-Strickland $32,227.38 Durham $18,486,078.64 Fenwick Penne & VanK $19,619.81 Dutton/Dunwich $117,842.74 Firehill $639.78 Dysart Et Al $181,385.40 Foleyet $2,559.11 3 Forbes $27,243.81 Greater Sudbury $9,745,679.97 Fort Erie $910,879.41 Greenstone $287,249.29 Fort Frances $483,532.25 Grey Highlands $289,438.32 Foster-Truman $13,701.88 Grey $2,814,361.98 Fournier $19,033.35 Grimsby $769,960.65 Fowler $30,442.69 Guelph $7,399,405.42 Frederickhouse $14,021.76 Guelph/Eramosa $376,391.42 French River $148,489.15 Haldimand $2,728,746.61 Front of Yonge $83,669.56 Haliburton $517,644.62 Frontenac Islands $56,671.54 Hallebourg $13,595.25 Frontenac $801,883.99 Halton Hills $1,794,031.11 Galbraith & Morin $13,381.99 Halton $15,252,335.14 Gananoque $315,828.28 Hamilton $31,616,210.70 Garden Lake $5,011.58 Hamilton $325,374.88 Gaudette & Hodgins $4,531.75 Hanlan $26,763.98 Gauthier $7,479.18 Hanover $227,719.85 Georgian Bay $75,460.70 Hardwick $11,302.72 Georgian Bluffs $316,314.73 Harley $32,774.63 Georgina $1,323,055.38 Harris Lake $3,838.66 Ghost Lake $2,399.16 Harris $31,801.73 Gillies $28,761.41 Hastings Highlands $126,720.47 Goderich $228,662.35 Hastings $1,212,722.22 Gogama $9,063.50 Havelock-Belmont- $137,513.60 Methuen Gordon Lake $5,331.47 Hawk Junction $2,719.05 Gordon/Barrie Island $31,984.15 Hawkesbury $320,784.00 Gore Bay $51,685.41 Head, Clara and Maria $7,144.75 Gorham $62,431.51 Hearst $309,504.42 Goulais Mission $22,605.43 Henwood $29,163.14 Gravenhurst $366,510.39 Hess $2,985.62 Greater Madawaska $75,551.91 Hicks Lake $3,412.14 Greater Napanee $471,583.79 Highlands East $98,779.95 4 Hilliard $12,404.50 Kawartha Lakes $4,451,877.49 Hilton Beach $8,816.92 Kearney $51,138.16 Hilton $15,870.46 Kendall Inlet $2,825.68 Hornepayne $63,846.69 Kenora $933,256.15 Horseshoe Bay $6,344.45 Kenricia $2,985.62 Horton $82,666.26 Kerns $21,829.49 Horwood Lake $7,997.20 Kettle Lake $2,878.99 Howick $117,234.68 Killaloe, Hagarty and $73,028.45 Richards Hudson $28,943.83 Killarney $30,707.22 Hunta $17,114.02 Kincardine $339,725.18 Huntsville $579,363.08 King $604,992.97 Huron East $281,655.10 Kingsford $20,259.58 Huron Shores $104,769.37 Kingston $7,501,256.09 Huron $1,796,828.20 Kingsville $649,472.83 Huron-Kinloss $206,437.62 Kirkland Lake $516,428.49 Ignace $73,089.26 Kitchener $6,662,949.08 Indian/Sand Lake $8,530.35 Kitigan $1,812.70 Ingersoll $369,277.08 Kukagami $8,477.04 Inglis Lake $1,279.55 La Vallee $60,076.69 Ingolf $1,119.61 LaSalle $870,838.41 Ingram $29,163.14 Laclu $7,037.54 Innisfil $995,005.02 Laird $64,272.33 Inwood $18,873.40 Lake of Bays $106,593.56 Iroquois Falls $279,405.27 Lake of the Woods $17,998.69 Jacques $26,870.61 Lakeshore $1,050,308.41 James $25,781.90 Lambton Shores $323,976.33 Jocelyn $14,411.11 Lambton $3,788,936.06 Johnson $45,604.78 Lanark Highlands $155,907.53 Joly $17,269.01 Lanark $1,723,526.12 Kabaigon Bay $2,345.85 Lang Lake $1,119.61 Kapuskasing $498,369.00 Larder Lake $41,591.56 5 Latchford $23,532.06 Marks $17,060.70 Laurentian Hills $85,463.35 Markstay-Warren $139,672.23 Laurentian Valley $293,603.55 Marmora and Lake $123,862.57 Laurier $20,686.10 Marquis $13,328.67 Leamington $863,541.65 Marten Lake $2,025.96 Leeds and Grenville $2,068,328.64 Matachewan $24,869.80 Leeds and the Thousand $282,050.34 Mattawa $123,011.28 Islands Lennox and Addington $1,271,582.79 Mattawan $9,850.63 Limerick $10,701.92 Mattice-Val Côté $41,713.17 Lincoln $683,676.41 McCallum Point $2,292.53 London $22,264,312.78 McConnell Lake $533.15 Long Lake $5,651.36 McDougall $164,481.23 Lost Channel $11,142.77 McGarry $36,179.79 Lount $31,722.24 McIntosh $13,168.73 Loyalist $493,170.06 McKellar $69,562.49 Lucan Biddulph $131,889.01 McKenzie Portage $3,732.03 Lybster $23,405.15 McMurrich/Monteith $47,368.16 Lyon $8,850.24 McNab/Braeside $224,101.87 Mabella $586.46 Meaford $337,475.35 Macdonald, Meredith $89,020.52 Melancthon $86,314.64 and Aberdeen Additional Melgund $19,246.60 Machar $56,124.28 Memesagamesing $8,477.04 Machin $56,853.96 Merrickville-Wolford $86,649.08 Madawaska Valley $130,186.44 Middlesex Centre $501,257.30 Madoc $66,795.80 Middlesex $2,152,423.85 Magnetawan $88,412.46 Midland $503,841.57 Malahide $278,067.53 Mills & Hardy $27,030.55 Manitouwadge $127,997.41 Milton $2,564,873.45 Mapleton $303,697.41 Minaki $2,559.11 Marathon $203,883.76 Minden Hills $171,930.01 Marion Lake $1,439.50 Mine Center $1,919.33 Markham $9,172,914.38 6 Ministic Lake $5,598.04 Norembega $8,370.41 Minto $253,380.14 Norfolk $3,841,442.36 Miscampbell $7,677.32 North Algona $87,348.35 Wilberforce Mississauga $21,690,939.12 North Bay $3,262,322.50 Mississippi Mills $376,543.44 North Dumfries $283,783.32 Mono $229,422.43 North Dundas $341,275.75 Montague $105,894.29 North Frontenac $56,002.67 Moonbeam $66,947.81 North Glengarry $311,663.04 Moose Factory $3,145.57 North Grenville $458,632.04 Moosonee $104,890.99 North Huron $148,489.15 Morley $28,822.22 North Kawartha $69,592.89 Morris-Turnberry $103,766.07 North Middlesex $202,424.40 Mountain Bay $1,972.64 North Perth $384,022.62 Mulmur $103,097.20 North Stormont $205,981.57 Munroe Point $693.09 Northeastern Manitoulin $164,542.03 and The Islands Muskoka Lakes $203,914.16 Northern Bruce $113,829.52 Muskoka $1,800,476.58 Peninsula Northern Light Lake $28,629.99 Mutrie $26,444.09 Northland Lake $1,866.01 Nairn and Hyman $29,004.64 Northumberland $2,482,632.83 Neebing $120,761.45 Norwich

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