THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION HISTORICAL AND CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ON THE BASIS OF UNITED NATIONS INSTRUMENTS Study prepared by Aureliu Cristescu Spécial Rapporteur of the Sub-Comnïission on Prévention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities UNITED NATIONS THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION HISTORICAL AND CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ON THE BASIS OF UNITED NATIONS INSTRUMENTS Study prepared by Aureliu Cristescu Spécial Rapporteur o f the Sub-Commission on Prévention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities WÈ UNITED NATIONS NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. The désignations employed and the présentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsover on the part of the Secrétariat of the United Nations conceming the légal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or conceming the délimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The opinions expressed in the present study are those of the Spécial Rapporteur. E/CN.4/Sub.2/404/Rev. 1 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.80.XIV.3 Price: $U.S. 11.00 CONTENTS Page A bbreviations..................................................................................................................................................................... v Paragraphs Introduction ....................................................................... .................................................................. 1-13 1 Chapter I. T he right to self-determination in the U nited N ations Ch a r t e r ............. 14-25 2 II. T he right to self-determination as developed in major U nited N ations instruments............................................................................................................................... 26-87 4 A. Instruments prior to the International Covenants on Human Rights......... 27-43 4 B. Article 1 o f the International Covenants on Human R ights........................... 44-47 8 C. The right to self-determination and the anti-colonial struggle ...................... 48-53 9 D. The Déclaration on Principles of International Law conceming Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter o f the United N ation s.................................................................................................... 54-73 10 E. The right to self-determination in relation to economic development .... 74-80 13 1. The principles goveming international trade relations and trade policies conducive to development ..................................................................................... 75-76 13 2. The establishment of a new international economic order ...................... 77 13 3. The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States ............................. 78-80 14 F. The right to self-determination in relation to social development ............. 81-82 15 G. The right to self-determination in relation to cultural development........... 83-87 15 III. G eneral légal and political aspects of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of p eo ples......................................................................................... 88-299 17 A. The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples as a signif- icant contribution to contemporary international law ...................................... 88-119 17 B. Equal rights and self-determination of peoples: a rule and fundamental principle o f international law .................................................................................... 120-154 21 1. Conventional law ...................................................................................................... 121-140 21 2. C u sto m .......................................................................................................................... 141-151 23 3. General principles of law ....................................................................................... 152-153 23 4. Jus cogens ................................................................................................................... 154 23 C. Interrelationship between the principle of equal rights and self-determina­ tion of peoples and other principles of international law conceming friendly relations and co-operation among States................................................................. 155-209 24 1. General considérations............................................................................................. 155-157 24 2. Fulfilment in good faith o f international obligations.................................... 158 24 3. The principle of international co-operation..................................................... 159-162 24 4. Sovereign equality...................................................................................................... 163-178 25 5. Non-intervention........................................................................................................ 179-194 26 6. Non-use of fo rce........................................................................................................ 195-209 28 D. The right of peoples to self-determination as a fundamental human right 210-259 30 1. General considérations............................................................................................. 210-226 30 2. Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self- détermination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human r ig h ts............................................................................................................... 227-236 32 3. Illegality of the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation ........................................................................................................ 237-255 33 4. Rôle of the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the universal realization of the right of peoples to self- determination ............................................................................................................... 256-259 36 E. The beneficiaries of equal rights and self-determination................................. 260-287 37 1. General considérations............................................................................................. 260-266 37 2. Peoples .......................................................................................................................... 267-279 39 3. N a tio n s.......................................................................................................................... 280-283 41 4. S ta tes.............................................................................................................................. 284-287 42 iii Chapter Paragraphs Page F. The content of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of p eo p les................................................................................................................................. 288-299 43 1. Various possible interprétations of the content of the right to self- determination ............................................................................................................... 288 43 2. Equal rights and self-determination as constituent elements of a single norm o f international la w ....................................................................................... 289-293 44 3. Development o f the content o f the p rin cip le................................................. 294-299 44 IV. T he right of peoples freely to determine their political st a t u s ................ 300-328 46 A. General considérations .................................................................................................. 300-303 46 B. The right of peoples to determine their international status ........................ 304-318 46 1. Modes o f exercising this r ig h t.............................................................................. 304-306 46 2. The establishment o f a sovereign and independent State........................... 307-316 47 3. Free association........................................................................................................... 317 50 4. Intégration with an independent S ta te .............................................................. 318 50 C. The right of peoples to choose and develop their internai political sys­ tem ....................................................................................................................................... 319 51 D. Political status and civil and political rights ....................................................... 320-328 51 V. THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES FREELY TO PURSUE THEIR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT......... 329-547 53 A. General considérations .................................................................................................. 329-332 53 B. Importance o f developm ent......................................................................................... 333-342 53 C. Interdependence of various aspects of development.......................................... 343-348 55 D. Development, the principal individual and shared responsibility of States 349-365 56 E. Early instances of United Nations concem with the development of devel- oping countries................................................................................................................
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