I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8,1965 / PAGE TWENTY-FOUR A r m u f Dalhr Net Pf*M Rua Th* Wwtlwr iSIanrlj^Bter lEv^nfng 1$?raUi A r th* Waak B a M Fereenet ef C, • . WaaOnr Oetohav S, ISSI Breeay aai hM toda The Ladles of the Assump­ Loyal Circle of King's Daugh­ Church Fair aenttored aftonwee ilMntoiA h S tion will have Its first meeting ter* wlU meet Monday at 7:48 14,447 la Mai olaadF and aoal toMght, About Town of the season on Monday at 8 p.m. In the Fellowship Room of CARBIDE iHaitfiiPBtpr lu m tm Hipralli r a( Om Amrnt low In 6M» M r, aaOd tom MffOWt H i* Order of the Statem of p.m. at the church hall. There Center Congregational Church. Set Oct. 16 M OInrtaltaa klfhladta. Notre Dame de Namur will will be a turkey bingo after a Hostesses will be Mrs. Mary STUDDED MmteksOmr-^A City of Vtttagt Charm ■poneor its annual basaar to­ short business meeting. Mrs. Thrall and Mrs. Samuel Wilson. Tha oommlttaM forlh l South morrow at Notre Dame NovlU- James Mulready and her com­ MaUwdlat. Church Fair aohsdul- SNOW ata, 1561 N. Benion Rd.. S^lr- mittee will serve refreshment*. The Manchester Emblem Club *d for 8atuPdaV(''t55t>46 at the YOL. LXXXV, NO. 8 (T W E L Y l P A Q B B -^ SBCTIOIf—GONNECTICUT U F B ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1965 (Olaaalflad AdrertM iig aa Paga S) PRICE SEVEN CENTS fleld. Proceede will benefit the will have a mystery ride and church campus hava l ^ n an- Order'* building fund. A new The \y* Two Croup of Con­ dinner on Wednesday. Members nounosd. TIRES chapel la preeently under con- cordia Lutheran Church Is will leave the Elks Home at Mrs. B. n y , Sm Po vi IB ■tructlon at the novitiate. Sla- 6:30 p.m. For reservations, con­ ohalnnan of the WSOB, and Ed­ sponsoring a paper and rag col­ r iers from the Order are mem­ lection this weekend. Papers tact Mrs. John Caglanello, 85 ward Ode, Msthodlst Men, are I today's HoraM ber* of the faculty at Bast and rags may be brought to the Crestwood Dr., by Monday. 00 • chairmen. They will ba I LONDON (AP) — Vlolat Catholic High School. Parker St. side of the church aaaiatad . by Mr*. lUcttard | Guerrillas Ambush Waitte, 48, heard that bar President Rises Early, tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6 The Connecticut State Coun­ Sperry, merchandise; Mrs, «■ husbandhusband had had ba*n been aaan seen wWi wMh ^ J The Men’s Club of The Salva­ p.m. and Sunday from noon to cil, Knights of Columbua has Fred W. Qoysr Jr.,.ttoo«hB; Mrs. another woman. tion Army will meet tomorrow 6 p.m. announced the Inception of a Robeit W. OuuM,. properUes; She found her husband’s at 7 p.m. at the Clladel, Capt. statewide student loan program Mra. Rkhard Rakald, pubUcIty; girt friend In a market on Robert Saunders of the Hart­ The Rev. Alex H. Elsesser of designed to assist sons and Mrs. RussellI IBacKendrick,BtacF U.S. Truck Convoy tha fringe of Bast London ford North End Corps will Community Baptist Church daughter* of K of C members traaaurer; Mra. Ourtias Farrell, and poured a can of Mack speak on his experiences as a will preach on Sunday from to enter college with loans from cleanup; Mrs. Akmentln, SAIGON, South Viett*l6msRts of tha "Big lUfT One, ^amall amount of non-lethal tear paint over the glrl’B new missionary to Kingston, Ja­ the Father McPeake Fund. decorattana, white car. Already Signs Measure 8:15 to 8:30 am. on radio sta­ aa the division la known, have gas Friday ki an effort to flush maica. This will be a public Loans will be awarded to stu­ The Methodlat Men are in Nam (AP) — A 20-truck Then she emaahed aS the tion WINF. The services are convoy of the U.S. 1st In­ bean conducting an operation. out Communist guarrillas from family night RefreshmenU will sponsored by the Manchester dents of competence and apti­ charge of outdoor actlvHlea with Tha ambush was deacrlbad aa tunnsls and bunkers. oar windows with a four- be served. tude. Dependents of deceased Ode serving as chairman. fantry Division was am­ pound hammer. Ministerial Association. TONIGHT th* Mggsat In whloh U.S. foroaa Tha apokaaman aald tha re- members in good standing for Robert Loomis wfll ba in charge She was Just about to cut a t 7:30 bush^ by the Viet Cong have bean caught In tha Vlat sulta wars not aaittsfactory be­ a prescribed period of time will of supper, sponsored by the o ff the girl’s hair with a The VFW will sponsor a bene­ Friday night and the Amer­ Nam war. cause tha tunnels ware appar­ also be ellg^le. Father Mc­ Methodist Men. pah* of soisaoni when police Takes Walk, fit dance for members and icans suffered moderate A raoonnalsaanea unit swept ently empty. Peake, a Jesuit priest, is pro­ Booth chairmen include Mrs. SUNDAY intervened. guests tomorrow fronl 9 p.m. to casualties, a military tha area before tl)a oonvoy was SEYMOUR fessor of education and dean of Walter Holman and Mrs. Wll 11:00 A.M.— 7:00 P.M. It was tha first authorissd uaa In court Friday, Mrs. 1 a m. at the post home. There ambushed but made no contact Reads Mail, the graduate school of educa­ 11am A. Newton assisted by spokesman said. of nonlethal gas rince last Janu­ Watts, a mother of four, will be Irlah-American music The Communist guarrillas let with tha Viet Oong, tha spokea- lAUTO STORES tion at Fairfield University. Stanley Circle, snack bar; Mrs. ary. WhM newa of ttiat opera­ I>)eaded guilty to poeseaaing and a performance by Irish the lead security vehicles and raan said. Tha oonvoy was a 681 MAIN STREET James F. Chipps, aprons; Mrs. tion leaked out in March, It offensive weapon*. .step-dancers. Tickets will be tha first part of tha convoy paas, company-alsad unit, which nor­ Sees Family W. Bruce Chiles assisted by Hol­ oauaed auoh a worid-wlde furor Mra. Watt*, who said ohs OPEN TONIGHT! available at the door. The Queen of Peace Mothers then bleated the eight or nine mally oonslata of batwasn 100 lis Circle, baked goods; Mrs. that use of tear gas was disocn- had reconciled with her Circle will meet Monday at vehicle* In the rear with mine*, and 200 man, ha. aald. WASHING’TON (AP) — 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Raymond Woodbridge assisted | tlnuad. husband, was put on proba­ Bowers School room mothers mortar* and automatic weapon* A Ug U.S. and Australian op­ President Johnson, describ* John Andreoli, 97 Bretton Rd. by Epworth Circle, candy; Mrs. Th* spokesman said the alliad tion. I and teachers were entertained Are. eration on tha edge of tha Viet ed as “ feeling fine," was Mrs. Wilfred Duschesneau will Kenneth Strum, country store; forces anoounterad sporadic but at a silver tea yesterday after­ A 20-mlnuta fight followed and Oong’s war Zona D, about 10 awake at 6 a.m. today and FREE be oo-hostess. Mrs. Stoner Smith and Mrs. oonUnuoua sniper fire as they noon at the school. Mrs. Louis Robert Bartoo, knitwear; Mrs. tha American* finally oontinaed mile* north of Saigon, oonUnuad looksd for the yiet Oong and swung quickly into official DellaFem and Mrs. JanMS Slrl- Roderick JL McCann, handcraft along tha road, the spokeaman today but only sporadic contact destroyed enemy Installations In business— reading staff re­ DELIVERY anl poured. The were assisted State ^ews and toys. aaid. with the enemy was reported. the Jungle are* near the district ports and signing a new by Merri Ann Sterling, Char­ ARTHUR DRUG Police Arrests Also, Mrs. WHUam McGoohan Th* ambush ooourrad Just A U.S. mlUliary aj^eaman o a p ^ of Ben Oat. law. lene Rathbun and Nancy Out- asadsted by Ward Circle, holiday aouth of Phuoc \finh, about 40 aald tha paraliroopars from tha Johnson was on his feet by 6 9 Spot Checks relch. booth; Mrs. Herbert McKinney, miles north of S a lg ^ where I78rd Afchonie Brigade used a (See Page Five) a.m., walking a few steps fartli- A cook and his helper at the floral fancies; Mrs. Donald Ad­ er them either of his two walks Howard Johnson Restaurant ams, grab bag and parcel poet; Planned for Friday. He was helped by a Mrs. Richard MarShaH, altlc doctor and nurse. * TTHKirrv WEEKEND SPECIALS * near the Wilbur Cross Highway on Tolland Tpke. were accused ^ traaaurers; and the WSCS and Little Progress Before taking the otroU, presi­ MoelNTOSH A PPLES................. b«k*t$1.00 the Methodist Men, made - to - Auto Shops of stealing foodstuff from the | Rhodesians Fear dential prese secretary BUI D. CAUFORNIA CELERY ............... bunch 19e order donuts. Seen in Talks HARTFORD (AP)—A series of Moyers reported, Johnson set restaurant kitchen, police re­ The hours for the fair are on the edge of his bed, riiaved PEARS..............................................4 lb*. 49c unannounced spot inspections of port. Employes Asked to Back Chest Drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A ham To Avert Strike himself with an electric razor, ICE CREAM (Premium Brand) . .Va gcd. 89c Victor Mendes, 36, East Hart­ Durward Miller, seated; personnel manager o f Cheney-Bros, and chairman of the local Em­ and bean supper will be served Racial Violence automobile repair ritops and washed and bruehed Ms teeth.
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