RHS the Garden Magazine Index 2019

RHS the Garden Magazine Index 2019

GardenThe INDEX 2019 Volume 144, Parts 1–12 Index 2019 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 Coloured numbers lasiocarpa Adamson 4: 11, 11 sanpedroensis 1: 8, 8 Allium alpine in bold before the page var. arizonica 12: 54, 55 African plants and Aglaonema ‘Silver ‘Blue Dean’ 9: 79, 79 beds, outdoor at RHS number(s) denote the nordmanniana 12: 52, gardens, by John Queen’ 1: 25, 25 hollandicum ‘Purple Garden Harlow Carr part number (month). 52–53, 53, 54, 55, 56, 56 Grimshaw 3: 119 Ainscough, Daniel, on: Sensation’ 5: 20, 20–21 4: 91, 92 Each part is paginated procera 12: 54, 55 agapanthus gall midge edging for paths and allotment conservation by separately. Acacia baileyana 7: 22, 22 borders 8: 56–57, 56 getting the best from, Scottish Rock ‘Purpurea’ 1: 90 Agapanthus, RHS Plant Akebia longeracemosa by Melissa Mabbitt Garden Club 6: 13 Numbers in italics Acanthus mollis ‘Hollard’s Trial of, by Christine 10: 34 9: 82–84 stack of pots, make a denote an image. Gold’ 11: 69, 70 Skelmersdale 7: 36–41 Albizia julibrissin f. rosea giving up, by Lia 2: 24–25 Acer Agapanthus 2: 45 Leendertz 6: 119 Alpine House at RHS Where a plant has a x conspicuum ‘African Skies’ 7: 38, 39 Alcea holders, diversity of, Garden Harlow Carr Trade Designation ‘Phoenix’ 1: 21, 21 ‘Alan Street’ 7: 38, 39 ficifolia 7: 60–61 by Gary Atkinson 4: 91–92, 91, 92 (also known as a selling japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ ‘Ballerina’ 7: 38, 39 rosea ‘Nigra’ 6: 22 7: 62–66 alpines at RHS Garden name) it is typeset in 5: 87, 88 ‘Blue Ice’ 7: 38, 39 Alchemilla mollis 7: 10, soil, lead in 10: 11 Harlow Carr, by Kaye a different font to negundo ‘Winter ‘Eggesford Sky’ 7: 38, 39 10; 10: 55 Allotment Project, The Collings 4: 91–94 distinguish it from the Lightning’ 1: 38 Ever White (‘WP001’) Alexander-Sinclair, 3: 123 Alstroemeria Inticancha cultivar name (shown palmatum 4: 70, 74; 7: 38, 39 James, on: allotments in Bristol, Bryce (‘Tesbryce’) 9: 19, in ‘Single Quotes’). 5: 44 Fireworks (‘Mdb001’) Felley Priory, 9: 82–84 19 ‘Aureum’ 11: 38, 38 2: 7, 7; 7: 8, 38, 39 Nottinghamshire All Party Parliamentary amaranth (Amaranthus) For more information rubrum ‘October ‘Flower of Love’ 7: 38, 39 12: 42–47 Group for Horticulture 7: 74, 76 about plant names Glory’ 4: 74 ‘Full Moon’ 7: 38, 39 RHS enriching lives and Gardening ‘Red Army’ 7: 75 and the RHS Award of Achillea millefolium 3: 51 ‘Happy Blue’ 7: 38 through plants (APPGHG) 1: 11 Amber Court, Stratford, Garden Merit (AGM), see achocha (Cylanthera ‘Ice Blue Star’ 7: 41 1: 50–53 Aloe gardening club 4: 85– RHS Plant Finder 2020, pedata) 7: 75 inapertus subsp. RHS helping influence aristata 6: 76 86, 85, 86 pp37–41. aconites, winter 2: 19, 19 hollandii ‘Sky’ 7: 41 climate change and castanea 3: 70 Amelanchier Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Loch Hope’ 2: 45 habitat loss 6: 45–48 polyphylla 2: 36, 37 lamarckii 4: 73, 74; Arendsii Group 11: 38, 38 ‘Luly’ 7: 41 Allison, David, sharing letter on 4: 134 11: 23, 23 Actaea simplex 10: 37 ‘Maureen’ 7: 41 allotment experience striata 3: 69, 70 ‘La Paloma’ 4: 70, 74 10,000 Rain Gardens for Actinidia ‘Megan’s Mauve’ 9: 82–84, 83, 84 vera 3: 70 Scotland project 10: 7 arguta ‘Issai’ 8: 16, 16 7: 40, 41 120, The Garden at 5: 12, deliciosa ‘Midnight Star’ 5: 44, 12 ‘Hayward’ 8: 16 7: 41 AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT (agm) 2019 RHS Master ‘Jenny’ 8: 16; 10: 69 ‘Navy Blue’ (see Growers, by Marc ‘Tomuri’ 8: 16 A. ‘Midnight Star’) PLANT PROFILES Rosenberg 3: 73–76 kolomikta 10: 66, 66 ‘Northern Star’ 7: 40, 41 Aglaonema ‘Silver Coriandrum sativum plum Adams, Peter: RHS ‘Purple Delight’ 7: 40, 41 Queen’ 1: 25, 25 ‘Confetti’ 6: 31, 31 ‘Blue Tit’ 9: 20, 20 Edibles Team Leader, ‘Royal Blue’ 7: 41 Amelanchier lamarckii Cornus sanguinea ‘Haganta’, by Jim RHS Garden Rosemoor ‘Royal Velvet’ 7: 40, 41 11: 23, 23 ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’, Arbury 9: 20, 20 4:18, 18 Silver Moon (‘Notfred’) Anemone blanda ‘White by Chris Lane 2: 27, 27 ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’ Adamson, Joy, floral art 7: 40, 41 Splendour’, by Rod Epimedium, by Kirsty 9: 20, 20 exhibition of East ‘Snow Cloud’ 7: 40, 41 Leeds 3: 31, 31 Angwin 5: 36–37 Rosmarinus officinalis African plants 4: 11, 11 ‘Snow Crystal’ 7: 40, 41 Berberis thunbergii Fothergilla major, by ‘Green Ginger’, by A Adiantum ‘Summer Delight’ ‘Maria’ 11: 23, 23 Chris Sanders 11: 23, 23 Jekka McVicar 6: 31, 31 aleuticum 4: 64 7: 40, 41 Betula, by Chris Sanders herbs 6: 31 Rubus biflorus 2: 27, 27 Abboud, Mona, on: venustum 1: 44, 47, 48; ‘Twister’ 7: 40, 41 12: 24 Monstera deliciosa Salix x sepulcralis Corokia 3: 56–60 4: 64, 65; 5: 87, 88 Agastache Canna 1: 25, 25 ‘Erythroflexuosa’ Abelia x grandiflora advice (see Practical foeniculum 9: 19, 19 ‘General Eisenhower’ Nymphaea ‘Escarboucle’, 2: 27, 27 9: 19, 19 advice panel) ‘Raspberry Summer’ 8: 24, 24 by Mary Enache 7: 34, 34 Symphyotrichum novae- ‘Brockhill Allgold’ Aeonium 2: 35 3: 65 ‘Shenandoah’ 8: 24, 24 Oncidium Jungle angliae, by Paul Picton 11: 68, 69 arboreum Agave ‘Wyoming’ by David Monarch 4: 31, 31 10: 29 Abeliophyllum distichum ‘Atropurpureum’ 2: 37 americana 2: 36 Ford 8: 24, 24 Origanum vulgare Vanda Princess Mikasa, 2: 68, 68 balsamiferum 2: 37 geminiflora 2: 35 Clivia miniata, by Terry ‘Aureum’ 6: 31, 31 by Clare Hermans Abies ‘Cyclops’ 2: 36 salmiana 2: 36 Smale 1: 25, 25 Phalaenopsis ‘Picasso’ 4: 31, 31 fraseri 12: 53, 53, 54, 55 Africa, East, floral art var. angustifolia 4: 31, 31 koreana 12: 54, 55 exhibition by Joy ‘Variegata’ 2: 35 2 The Garden | Index 2019 Amicia zygomeris – bats July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019 7 8 9 10 11 12 Amicia zygomeris 9: 12, ‘Calville Blanc d’Hiver’ Aronia x prunifolia ‘Frizelliae’ 4: 64 bare-root 12–13, 109 10: 42, 42, 44 12: 21, 21 ‘Victoriae’ 4: 64 planting 2: 28 Ampelopsis ‘Catshead’ 10: 42, 42, 44 Artemisia niponicum var. pictum plants, benefits of, brevipedunculata 2: 66 ‘Cottenham Seedling’ alba ‘Canescens’ 5: 44 5: 87, 88 B by Sally Nex 1: 83; ‘Elegans’ 10: 21 10: 42, 42, 44 arborescens 3: 70 pyrenaeus ‘Lutetia’ letter on 4: 133 megalophylla 10: 34 ‘Golden Noble’ ludoviciana ‘Valerie 2: 45 Backhouse, James, rock bark damage, mammal amphibians 10: 42, 42, 44 Finnis’ 8: 55, 55 ‘Roma’ 6: 22, 22 garden restoration 4: 7 2: 20–21 diseases 4: 37 ‘Golden Spire’ Arthropodium cirratum thomsonii 7: 71, 72 Back to Nature Garden, Barker, Susan, sharing spawning 2: 31 10: 42, 42 6: 74 Atkinson, Gary, on: at RHS Garden Wisley allotment experience ancho/poblano chilli ‘Hanwell Souring’ ‘Matapouri Bay’ allotment holders, 11: 44 9: 82–84, 83 (Capsicum annuum) 10: 42, 42, 44 6: 74, 75, 75 diversity of 7: 62–66 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Barr, Peter 8: 37, 37 ‘Mère de Ménage’ artichoke, globe 4: 78 Attwood, Tom, on: interview with Chris commemoration 3: 11 Andrews, Susyn, ‘The 10: 42, 42, 44 Arum italicum forced plants Young 5: 18, 18 Barter, Guy, on: no-dig Holly Queen’ 12: 88, 88 ‘Norfolk Beefing’ subsp. italicum 2: 48–49, 49 Bailey, Henry 4: 76 gardening, science Androsace sarmentosa 10: 42, 42, 44 ‘Marmoratum’ 1: 37 aubergine (Solanum Baloskion tetraphyllum behind 10: 62, 62 4: 93, 94 ‘Royal Jubilee’ Arundel, Brendan, on: melongena) 6: 74, 75, 75 bats, greater horseshoe Anemanthele, cutting 10: 42, 42, 44 perennials, planting in ‘Black Beauty’ 4: 54, 55 bamboos, by Chris 12: 29 back 3: 35 apples spring 3: 63–65 ‘Bonica’ 4: 54, 55 Stapleton 11: 50–54 Anemone avoiding maggots in Arundo donax ‘Casper’ 7: 75, 77 blanda ‘White 10: 20 ‘Peppermint Stick’ ‘Clara’ 4: 54, 55 Splendour’, by Rod good for container 9: 12, 12–13 ‘Fairy Tale’ 4: 54, 55 Leeds 3: 31, 31 growing 6: 60 ash dieback ‘Farmers Long’ 7: 75 SUE BIGGS pavonina 9: 38, 39 for cooking, by Mark (Hymenoscyphus ‘Galine’ 4: 54, 55 Updates from the RHS Director General Wild Swan Diacono 10: 41–44; fraxineus pathogen) ‘Gaudi’ 4: 54, 55 (‘Macane001’) 9: 38 correction 11: 91 disease, tolerant ‘Jet Black Round’ Carol Klein at launch rehoming RHS Show x hybrida 7: 10, 10 storing 10: 20 plants 10: 8 4: 54, 55 of RHS Garden Gardens 8: 10 ‘Honorine Jobert’ apricot ‘Delicot’ 6: 60 update 12: 21 ‘Jewel Amethyst’ Bridgewater RHS Flower Shows 2: 91 apricots, good for Ashley Vale Allotments, 4: 54, 55 fundraising campaign 10: 12 Angwin, Kirsty, on: container growing 6: 60 Bristol 9: 83, 83 ‘Jewel Ivory’ 4: 54, 55 10: 12 RHS Garden Hyde Hall: Epimedium, AGM Aquilegia vulgaris Ashwood Nurseries, ‘Kaberi’ 4: 54, 55 children, connecting 25th anniversary of assessment 5: 36–37, 36 ‘Nivea’ 6: 22 West Midlands 9: 38, 39 ‘Long Green’ 4: 54, 55 with nature 11: 10 RHS ownership 7: 12 animal damage to spring Aralia elata 5: 46 asparagus, growing ‘Meronda’ 4: 54, 55 designs for new RHS RHS Garden bulb flowers3 : 24 Araucaria 3: 32, 32 ‘Moneymaker’ 4: 54, 55 gardens 6: 16 Bridgewater progress Anthemis humboldtensis 11: 97 Asplenium ‘Pink and White environmental 7: 16 punctata Arbury, Jim, on: nidus ‘Crispy Wave’ Round’ 4: 54, 55 horticulture team RHS Garden Wisley new subsp.

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