GardenThe INDEX 2019 Volume 144, Parts 1–12 Index 2019 January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019 1 2 3 4 5 6 Coloured numbers lasiocarpa Adamson 4: 11, 11 sanpedroensis 1: 8, 8 Allium alpine in bold before the page var. arizonica 12: 54, 55 African plants and Aglaonema ‘Silver ‘Blue Dean’ 9: 79, 79 beds, outdoor at RHS number(s) denote the nordmanniana 12: 52, gardens, by John Queen’ 1: 25, 25 hollandicum ‘Purple Garden Harlow Carr part number (month). 52–53, 53, 54, 55, 56, 56 Grimshaw 3: 119 Ainscough, Daniel, on: Sensation’ 5: 20, 20–21 4: 91, 92 Each part is paginated procera 12: 54, 55 agapanthus gall midge edging for paths and allotment conservation by separately. Acacia baileyana 7: 22, 22 borders 8: 56–57, 56 getting the best from, Scottish Rock ‘Purpurea’ 1: 90 Agapanthus, RHS Plant Akebia longeracemosa by Melissa Mabbitt Garden Club 6: 13 Numbers in italics Acanthus mollis ‘Hollard’s Trial of, by Christine 10: 34 9: 82–84 stack of pots, make a denote an image. Gold’ 11: 69, 70 Skelmersdale 7: 36–41 Albizia julibrissin f. rosea giving up, by Lia 2: 24–25 Acer Agapanthus 2: 45 Leendertz 6: 119 Alpine House at RHS Where a plant has a x conspicuum ‘African Skies’ 7: 38, 39 Alcea holders, diversity of, Garden Harlow Carr Trade Designation ‘Phoenix’ 1: 21, 21 ‘Alan Street’ 7: 38, 39 ficifolia 7: 60–61 by Gary Atkinson 4: 91–92, 91, 92 (also known as a selling japonicum ‘Vitifolium’ ‘Ballerina’ 7: 38, 39 rosea ‘Nigra’ 6: 22 7: 62–66 alpines at RHS Garden name) it is typeset in 5: 87, 88 ‘Blue Ice’ 7: 38, 39 Alchemilla mollis 7: 10, soil, lead in 10: 11 Harlow Carr, by Kaye a different font to negundo ‘Winter ‘Eggesford Sky’ 7: 38, 39 10; 10: 55 Allotment Project, The Collings 4: 91–94 distinguish it from the Lightning’ 1: 38 Ever White (‘WP001’) Alexander-Sinclair, 3: 123 Alstroemeria Inticancha cultivar name (shown palmatum 4: 70, 74; 7: 38, 39 James, on: allotments in Bristol, Bryce (‘Tesbryce’) 9: 19, in ‘Single Quotes’). 5: 44 Fireworks (‘Mdb001’) Felley Priory, 9: 82–84 19 ‘Aureum’ 11: 38, 38 2: 7, 7; 7: 8, 38, 39 Nottinghamshire All Party Parliamentary amaranth (Amaranthus) For more information rubrum ‘October ‘Flower of Love’ 7: 38, 39 12: 42–47 Group for Horticulture 7: 74, 76 about plant names Glory’ 4: 74 ‘Full Moon’ 7: 38, 39 RHS enriching lives and Gardening ‘Red Army’ 7: 75 and the RHS Award of Achillea millefolium 3: 51 ‘Happy Blue’ 7: 38 through plants (APPGHG) 1: 11 Amber Court, Stratford, Garden Merit (AGM), see achocha (Cylanthera ‘Ice Blue Star’ 7: 41 1: 50–53 Aloe gardening club 4: 85– RHS Plant Finder 2020, pedata) 7: 75 inapertus subsp. RHS helping influence aristata 6: 76 86, 85, 86 pp37–41. aconites, winter 2: 19, 19 hollandii ‘Sky’ 7: 41 climate change and castanea 3: 70 Amelanchier Aconitum carmichaelii ‘Loch Hope’ 2: 45 habitat loss 6: 45–48 polyphylla 2: 36, 37 lamarckii 4: 73, 74; Arendsii Group 11: 38, 38 ‘Luly’ 7: 41 Allison, David, sharing letter on 4: 134 11: 23, 23 Actaea simplex 10: 37 ‘Maureen’ 7: 41 allotment experience striata 3: 69, 70 ‘La Paloma’ 4: 70, 74 10,000 Rain Gardens for Actinidia ‘Megan’s Mauve’ 9: 82–84, 83, 84 vera 3: 70 Scotland project 10: 7 arguta ‘Issai’ 8: 16, 16 7: 40, 41 120, The Garden at 5: 12, deliciosa ‘Midnight Star’ 5: 44, 12 ‘Hayward’ 8: 16 7: 41 AWARD OF GARDEN MERIT (agm) 2019 RHS Master ‘Jenny’ 8: 16; 10: 69 ‘Navy Blue’ (see Growers, by Marc ‘Tomuri’ 8: 16 A. ‘Midnight Star’) PLANT PROFILES Rosenberg 3: 73–76 kolomikta 10: 66, 66 ‘Northern Star’ 7: 40, 41 Aglaonema ‘Silver Coriandrum sativum plum Adams, Peter: RHS ‘Purple Delight’ 7: 40, 41 Queen’ 1: 25, 25 ‘Confetti’ 6: 31, 31 ‘Blue Tit’ 9: 20, 20 Edibles Team Leader, ‘Royal Blue’ 7: 41 Amelanchier lamarckii Cornus sanguinea ‘Haganta’, by Jim RHS Garden Rosemoor ‘Royal Velvet’ 7: 40, 41 11: 23, 23 ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’, Arbury 9: 20, 20 4:18, 18 Silver Moon (‘Notfred’) Anemone blanda ‘White by Chris Lane 2: 27, 27 ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’ Adamson, Joy, floral art 7: 40, 41 Splendour’, by Rod Epimedium, by Kirsty 9: 20, 20 exhibition of East ‘Snow Cloud’ 7: 40, 41 Leeds 3: 31, 31 Angwin 5: 36–37 Rosmarinus officinalis African plants 4: 11, 11 ‘Snow Crystal’ 7: 40, 41 Berberis thunbergii Fothergilla major, by ‘Green Ginger’, by A Adiantum ‘Summer Delight’ ‘Maria’ 11: 23, 23 Chris Sanders 11: 23, 23 Jekka McVicar 6: 31, 31 aleuticum 4: 64 7: 40, 41 Betula, by Chris Sanders herbs 6: 31 Rubus biflorus 2: 27, 27 Abboud, Mona, on: venustum 1: 44, 47, 48; ‘Twister’ 7: 40, 41 12: 24 Monstera deliciosa Salix x sepulcralis Corokia 3: 56–60 4: 64, 65; 5: 87, 88 Agastache Canna 1: 25, 25 ‘Erythroflexuosa’ Abelia x grandiflora advice (see Practical foeniculum 9: 19, 19 ‘General Eisenhower’ Nymphaea ‘Escarboucle’, 2: 27, 27 9: 19, 19 advice panel) ‘Raspberry Summer’ 8: 24, 24 by Mary Enache 7: 34, 34 Symphyotrichum novae- ‘Brockhill Allgold’ Aeonium 2: 35 3: 65 ‘Shenandoah’ 8: 24, 24 Oncidium Jungle angliae, by Paul Picton 11: 68, 69 arboreum Agave ‘Wyoming’ by David Monarch 4: 31, 31 10: 29 Abeliophyllum distichum ‘Atropurpureum’ 2: 37 americana 2: 36 Ford 8: 24, 24 Origanum vulgare Vanda Princess Mikasa, 2: 68, 68 balsamiferum 2: 37 geminiflora 2: 35 Clivia miniata, by Terry ‘Aureum’ 6: 31, 31 by Clare Hermans Abies ‘Cyclops’ 2: 36 salmiana 2: 36 Smale 1: 25, 25 Phalaenopsis ‘Picasso’ 4: 31, 31 fraseri 12: 53, 53, 54, 55 Africa, East, floral art var. angustifolia 4: 31, 31 koreana 12: 54, 55 exhibition by Joy ‘Variegata’ 2: 35 2 The Garden | Index 2019 Amicia zygomeris – bats July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019 7 8 9 10 11 12 Amicia zygomeris 9: 12, ‘Calville Blanc d’Hiver’ Aronia x prunifolia ‘Frizelliae’ 4: 64 bare-root 12–13, 109 10: 42, 42, 44 12: 21, 21 ‘Victoriae’ 4: 64 planting 2: 28 Ampelopsis ‘Catshead’ 10: 42, 42, 44 Artemisia niponicum var. pictum plants, benefits of, brevipedunculata 2: 66 ‘Cottenham Seedling’ alba ‘Canescens’ 5: 44 5: 87, 88 B by Sally Nex 1: 83; ‘Elegans’ 10: 21 10: 42, 42, 44 arborescens 3: 70 pyrenaeus ‘Lutetia’ letter on 4: 133 megalophylla 10: 34 ‘Golden Noble’ ludoviciana ‘Valerie 2: 45 Backhouse, James, rock bark damage, mammal amphibians 10: 42, 42, 44 Finnis’ 8: 55, 55 ‘Roma’ 6: 22, 22 garden restoration 4: 7 2: 20–21 diseases 4: 37 ‘Golden Spire’ Arthropodium cirratum thomsonii 7: 71, 72 Back to Nature Garden, Barker, Susan, sharing spawning 2: 31 10: 42, 42 6: 74 Atkinson, Gary, on: at RHS Garden Wisley allotment experience ancho/poblano chilli ‘Hanwell Souring’ ‘Matapouri Bay’ allotment holders, 11: 44 9: 82–84, 83 (Capsicum annuum) 10: 42, 42, 44 6: 74, 75, 75 diversity of 7: 62–66 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Barr, Peter 8: 37, 37 ‘Mère de Ménage’ artichoke, globe 4: 78 Attwood, Tom, on: interview with Chris commemoration 3: 11 Andrews, Susyn, ‘The 10: 42, 42, 44 Arum italicum forced plants Young 5: 18, 18 Barter, Guy, on: no-dig Holly Queen’ 12: 88, 88 ‘Norfolk Beefing’ subsp. italicum 2: 48–49, 49 Bailey, Henry 4: 76 gardening, science Androsace sarmentosa 10: 42, 42, 44 ‘Marmoratum’ 1: 37 aubergine (Solanum Baloskion tetraphyllum behind 10: 62, 62 4: 93, 94 ‘Royal Jubilee’ Arundel, Brendan, on: melongena) 6: 74, 75, 75 bats, greater horseshoe Anemanthele, cutting 10: 42, 42, 44 perennials, planting in ‘Black Beauty’ 4: 54, 55 bamboos, by Chris 12: 29 back 3: 35 apples spring 3: 63–65 ‘Bonica’ 4: 54, 55 Stapleton 11: 50–54 Anemone avoiding maggots in Arundo donax ‘Casper’ 7: 75, 77 blanda ‘White 10: 20 ‘Peppermint Stick’ ‘Clara’ 4: 54, 55 Splendour’, by Rod good for container 9: 12, 12–13 ‘Fairy Tale’ 4: 54, 55 Leeds 3: 31, 31 growing 6: 60 ash dieback ‘Farmers Long’ 7: 75 SUE BIGGS pavonina 9: 38, 39 for cooking, by Mark (Hymenoscyphus ‘Galine’ 4: 54, 55 Updates from the RHS Director General Wild Swan Diacono 10: 41–44; fraxineus pathogen) ‘Gaudi’ 4: 54, 55 (‘Macane001’) 9: 38 correction 11: 91 disease, tolerant ‘Jet Black Round’ Carol Klein at launch rehoming RHS Show x hybrida 7: 10, 10 storing 10: 20 plants 10: 8 4: 54, 55 of RHS Garden Gardens 8: 10 ‘Honorine Jobert’ apricot ‘Delicot’ 6: 60 update 12: 21 ‘Jewel Amethyst’ Bridgewater RHS Flower Shows 2: 91 apricots, good for Ashley Vale Allotments, 4: 54, 55 fundraising campaign 10: 12 Angwin, Kirsty, on: container growing 6: 60 Bristol 9: 83, 83 ‘Jewel Ivory’ 4: 54, 55 10: 12 RHS Garden Hyde Hall: Epimedium, AGM Aquilegia vulgaris Ashwood Nurseries, ‘Kaberi’ 4: 54, 55 children, connecting 25th anniversary of assessment 5: 36–37, 36 ‘Nivea’ 6: 22 West Midlands 9: 38, 39 ‘Long Green’ 4: 54, 55 with nature 11: 10 RHS ownership 7: 12 animal damage to spring Aralia elata 5: 46 asparagus, growing ‘Meronda’ 4: 54, 55 designs for new RHS RHS Garden bulb flowers3 : 24 Araucaria 3: 32, 32 ‘Moneymaker’ 4: 54, 55 gardens 6: 16 Bridgewater progress Anthemis humboldtensis 11: 97 Asplenium ‘Pink and White environmental 7: 16 punctata Arbury, Jim, on: nidus ‘Crispy Wave’ Round’ 4: 54, 55 horticulture team RHS Garden Wisley new subsp.
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