Bakersfield Police Department Bakersfield PD Policy Manual MESSAGE FROM LYLE D. MARTIN, CHIEF OF POLICE The Bakersfield Police Department Policy Manual is intended to serve as a valuable reference, critical to daily police activities. It is the responsibility of every employee receiving the manual to review and understand its contents. All information produced by the Department cannot be contained in one manual. Questions concerning issues not addressed in this text must be researched and resolved through other reference sources. Policy and procedures in this manual supersede all previous directives concerning a particular subject. The policy manual will serve employees as a guide to ensure our decisions and actions are consistent with the mission of law enforcement and philosophy of the Bakersfield Police Department. Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/01/27, All Rights Reserved. MESSAGE FROM LYLE D. MARTIN, CHIEF Published with permission by Bakersfield Police Department OF POLICE - 1 Bakersfield Police Department Bakersfield PD Policy Manual BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT, VISION STATEMENT AND LAW ENFORCEMENT CODE OF ETHICS BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Bakersfield Police Department partners with our community to protect the lives and property of the people we serve. BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT GUIDING VALUES Compassion Accountability Professionalism LAW ENFORCEMENT CODE OF ETHICS As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or violence and never accepting gratuities. I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession...law enforcement. Bakersfield Police Department Mission Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/01/27, All Rights Reserved. Statement, Vision Statement and Law Published with permission by Bakersfield Police Department Enforcement Code of Ethics - 2 Bakersfield Police Department Bakersfield PD Policy Manual BAKERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT RULES OF CONDUCT PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to provide specific standards of conduct to be followed by officers and employees of the Bakersfield Police Department (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"). This policy will provide Rules of Conduct that will define and state prohibitions and limitations of officer and employee conduct both on and off duty, and will provide Department personnel with an understanding of Department values and expectations as it relates to officer and employee behavior. These Rules of Conduct are not intended to be an exclusive listing of requirements, limitations or prohibitions on officer and employee conduct and activities. Rather they are intended to (1) inform officers and employees of some of the most important issues related to police conduct and ethics; (2) specify when possible, actions and inactions that conflict with the duties and responsibilities of Police Department personnel, and (3) guide officers and employees in conducting themselves and their affairs in a manner that reflects the high standards of professionalism and ethical behavior required of members of the law enforcement profession. POLICY: Actions of officers and employees which are inconsistent or in conflict with the law, the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics, or the values of the Bakersfield Police Department, negatively affect its reputation and that of its officers and employees. Such actions or inactions detract from the Departments' ability to effectively and efficiently protect the public, maintain peace and order, conduct other essential business, and erodes the confidence and trust of the public in the Department. It is the policy of the Bakersfield Police Department that officers and employees conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflect the ethical standards consistent with the Rules of Conduct 1. It is the responsibility of each officer and employee to have read, understood, and to be familiar with all of the rules, regulations, operating procedures, and other policies issued by the Bakersfield Police Department. Every officer and employee of the Department must follow, obey and abide by these rules and regulations. In the event of a violation of any of these written rules of conduct, it will be presumed that the officer or employee understood, had knowledge of, and was familiar with the rule, procedure or policy in question. A willful or deliberate failure to follow, obey, or abide by these regulations is a violation and may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, suspension, discharge, or demotion. 2. The sole authority to issue a press release shall be vested in the Chief of Police or his designees, the public information officer, or in his absence, the officer-in-charge. All requests for news information shall be referred to the appropriate designated officer. 3. All written correspondence to be distributed outside of the Department will be issued only over the name and title of the Chief of Police. 4. All departmental policy is established by authorization of the Chief of Police. 5. All divisional procedures are established by the division commander. 6. Ranking officers and supervisors, in addition to the responsibilities of monitoring conduct and maintaining discipline within the scope of their command, shall also be cognizant of the needs and welfare of their employees. By definition, a ranking officer for the Bakersfield Police Department Copyright Lexipol, LLC 2020/01/27, All Rights Reserved. Bakersfield Police Department Rules of Published with permission by Bakersfield Police Department Conduct - 3 Bakersfield Police Department Bakersfield PD Policy Manual Bakersfield Police Department Rules of Conduct is the rank of sergeant and above. Supervisors should endeavor to refrain from reprimanding or criticizing subordinates in public to the extent that it would cause the subordinate undue embarrassment. This does not preclude the supervisor from recalling and analyzing past or current incidents for the purpose of offering constructive criticism. 7. Officers of this department shall preserve the public peace, prevent crime, detect and arrest violators of the law, protect life and property, and enforce those federal statutes, laws of the State of California, and ordinances of the City of Bakersfield which the Department is required to enforce by law. 8. No officer or employee of the Department shall knowingly and willfully commit any act or neglect any duty which violates any Federal statute, State law, local ordinance, or any rule of the Department. 9. Officers and employees of the Department shall be punctual in reporting for duty at the time and place designated by their superior officers. Off-duty officers and employees shall report promptly for duty when called, in compliance with orders issued by a superior ranking officer or his designee. 10. Officers and employees reporting for duty must be prompt in going directly to their work assignment and not loiter around the police facility. No officer or employee either on duty or off duty shall unnecessarily loiter around the police facility talking or interfering with officers or other employees in the performance of their duties. Officers and employees of the Department are encouraged to use the facilities of the Department, whether on duty or off duty. This section is not intended to discourage the use of the police facilities by off duty personnel when such use will not interfere with on-duty personnel. 11. Officers and employees shall be present for duty as scheduled, unless absence is authorized by competent authority. Officers and employees shall report for duty at the time, place, in the attire, and with equipment specified by departmental orders or a superior officer. Inability to do so shall be reported to their supervisor, an on duty supervisor within their work unit, or an on duty ranking officer. This notification shall occur as early as possible prior to the employee's scheduled reporting time. When an officer or employee is able to return to duty it shall be his/her responsibility to notify his/her supervisor at the earliest possible time. 12. Officers and employees shall sign themselves on and off duty in person at the start and expiration of their tours of duty, unless exceptional procedure is authorized
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