Million Sewer Plan Set in Rumson • \ Sunny, Sunny and warm today. Clear FINAL and mild tonight. Sunny and Red Bank, Freehold warmer tomorrow. Long Branch 7 EDITION (See Details, Page 2) Monmouth County?* Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOI. 93, NO. 44 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1969 34 PAGES 10 CENTS ••••••IIIIIIH Matawan Parents Face School Bus Problem By NANCY KUBINSKI School and the Lloyd Road portation, for all lie within can take no formal action," night in the Lloyd Road "The total will proably reach "but until the numbers are Service of Cliffwood were the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — School. the two-mile distance set for Dr. McKenna stated. "The School to seek a solution. The 350," she estimated. compiled and we find out private transporters in This final week before school The situation arose last busing by the Board of Edu- people have to find their own result was a core of leaders John Murphy, owner of the how many children are Strathmore and- Matawan opening is usually spent buy- week as Wehrle Bus Com- cation. transportation." in the 14 affected districts of Murphy Bus Service of Red where, I can't say exactly Borough sections. Both have Ing children's clothes, getting pany of Cliffwood, which last Not for Board He added that Mr. Wehrle Strathmore and outlying Bank, was at the meeting what I can do for those peo- cited lack of equipment and lunch boxes ready and sadly year transported children in According to Dr. John T. had suggested a change in areas, selected to count and may be the solution to ple." new contracts outside the parting with the remnants Strathmore to the Broad McKenna, regional school su- school hours for 5th and 6th heads to determine how the problem. But he ad- Had the crisis been antici- area as the reasons for their of summer. Street School and the High perintendent, the problem is graders at the school, but the many children were affected. mitted yesterday that his pated, Mr. Murphy said he discontinuation of the ser- But for countless parents of School, gave public notice beyond the scope of the superintendent said that 'In Hundreds' company, under - equipped could have rerouted buses vice. The busing cost an the regional school system that it would not do so this Board of Education. The chil- would be impossible at this "The number will be in the and under-staffed, could not and included the affected average of $5 per child, per children, this last week is be- year. dren involved have not been late date in view of the al- hundreds," Mrs. ivarl D. be relied upon to supply all Matawan areas in his sched- month. ing spent in a frantic search Besides Strathmore, the .estimated, he said, but would ready drawn up busing Zukerman, 8 Ormont Place, the buses needed. ules. "But now, all our routes . Both firms have been.inac- for buses to transport their Freneau section, Lower probably most affect, the schedules for other grades. stated. She said a canvass of "I have a couple of buses are set," he added. cessible to residents, who children to the Broad Street Main St. and Oak Shades Broad Street school. The parents, in an in- the "O'> section of the devel- in that area at the time they Last year, the Wehrle Com- claimed they have called but School, the Regional High areas are also without trans- "We'll try to help, but we formal group, met Tuesday opment showed 20 children. are needed," he remarked, pany and the George Busing (See Parents, Pg. 3, Col. 3) Resor Sees More Withdrawals SAIGON (AP)-U.S., South A total of 38,128 Americans night. The Saigon govern- the South Vietnamese armed Vietnamese and enemy cas-, now have been reported ment announced that about forces is ahead of schedule ualties all dropped off last killed in action in Vietnam 80 militiamen suffered and he Is confident more week as the enemy's fall of- since Jan. 1, 1961, while the "heavy losses" in a battle American troops can be with- fensive subsided somewhat, total wounded has risen to yesterday near Phuoc Long, drawn from Vietnam. But he the U.S. Command an- 247,096. • • ' in the Mekong Delta, but refused to say how many or nounced today. Low Gear killed 44 Viet Cong. when. U.S. headquarters said 190 The enemy campaign con- Secretary of the Army "The decisions on redeploy, Americans were killed and tinued in low gear, with scant Stanley R. Resor completed ment, of course, are presi- 1,367 wounded, compared major ground fighting report- a week's tour of the war dential decisions," Resor with 244 killed and 1,409 ed and 24 mortar' and rocket front today with a news con- said. "I-don't want to pre- wounded the week before, attacks on towns and allied ference at which he said the empt or forecast in any way when the enemy campaign military posts during the U.S. program to strengthen (See Vietnam, Pg. 2, Col. 8), opened with an upsurge of in- fantry, rocket and mortar at- tacks. South Vietnamese head- quarters reported 398 govern- ment troops killed last week Irish Catholics and 928 wounded. The week before the report was 477 PRESCHOOL SESSION — While her fiva titter* await their turn, Eileen Kelty, 17, has her hair done yester- killed and 1,269 wounded. The two commands said 2,« day fn. preparation for return to school next Week. Hairdresser is Mrs. Kafhryn Lowry, owner of Kathryn's Beau- 757 Viet Cong and North Viet- ty Saion^48 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands. Other, girls, left to right, <ane Pegeen, 5; Erin, 8f Joy, IO;Tara, I2t namese were killed last andKatkyt |4. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelty, 28 Seventh Ave., Atlantic Highlands. week, compared with a re- Promised Rights vised total for the week be- ' (Register Staff Photo) fore of 3,898. BELFAST, Northern Ire- toured areas of Belfast where thing to say to Mr. Paisley," land (AP) - A leader of there was arson, looting and Callaghan told newsmen. Northern Ireland's govern- street fighting the week be- . Calls In Doctors ment reportedly promised fore last. ' One of Callaghan's first ac- wide-ranging civil rights leg- Callaghan was visiting tions was to order a team of islation last night, including more riot-torn areas today. British doctors, scientists and an Nile equal voting rights for Rom- He was also to meet with the technicians into Londonder- an Catholics in local elec- Rev. Ian Paisley; the fire- ry's Catholic Bogside district By The ASSOCIATED PRESS suffering any casualties, the miles south of Cairo and ed such attacks to aircraft to receive a large variety of tions. brand who leads the most to investigate the effects of Israeli commandos made a army said. halfway between Cairo and and not to commandos. war material. But they said militant Protestant faction. the CB tear gas that the po- hit-and-run raid in Egypt's The commandos mortared the Aswan Dam. Meanwhile, reliable sources' President Georges Pompidou Minister of Development "Perhaps Mr. Paisley will lice used there during the Nile Valley last night for the the headquarters and other The Egyptians made no an- in Paris said the French gov- is not ready to release 50 jet Boy Bradford was understood have something to say to me. riots. There have been re- fourth time in 10 months, the facilities at the post in retali- nouncement of a commando ernment has lifted the ban fighter-bombers which Israel to have given this pledge at I will certainly have some- (See Irish, Pg. 2, CoL 8) Israeli army announced to- ation for "continuing viola- raid, but a military spokes- that President Charles de ordered in June, 1967, and for a dinner to which visiting day. tion of the cease-fire" by man in Cairo said an Israeli Gaulle put on arms shipments which she paid more than $60 British Home Secretary Spokesmen in Tel Aviv said Egyptian forces along the plane dropped bombs near an to Israel but is not ready to million. Israeli Prime Minis- James Callaghan invited a dozen persons representing the raiders attacked an Egyp- Suez Canal, the announce- army training camp near As- release 50 Mirage warplanes ter Golda Meir said recently all sides of the religious war- tian army, headquarters at ment said. yut and was driven off by an- Israel has paid for. the planes are vital to Is- rael's security. fare which has bloodied the Tell Builder Sewer the village of Man Kabad, 200 Israel did not say how tiaircraft fire. Shipments of arms and province. miles southwest of the Sinai many commandos made, the "There were no casualties spare parts were resumed DeGaulle blocked the ship- A "one-man, one-vote" law cease-fire line, with 120mm raid, how they reached the or damage to installations," "earlier this month," the ment of the planes in June, mortars. the raiders re- target or how much damage the spokesman said, sources said, and the Israelis for local elections has been 1967, at the time of the six- one of the chief goals of the Must Be Enlarged turned to their base without they caused. Asyut is 200 Egypt has always - attribut- "have only to ask" in order. day war. He extended the pro-Catholic civil rights embargo to all arms and mil- MEDDLETOWN - A pri- hookup application of Beacon movement whose campaign vate developer will have to Hill Estates. itary spare parts when the so inflamed Protestant mili- enlarge a sewerage treat- Israelis used French helicop- tants.
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