WHO GETS THE MONEY? Stealth riders Data on 160 animal charities and seven opposition groups ( page 12) attack wild Kenya sport hunting ban overturned mustangs and N A I R O B I – – The 1977 national having almost total control,” Ngonyo said, ban on sport hunting in Kenya appears to be forwarding the exact legislative language to within presidential assent of falling. ANIMAL PEOPLE as a PDF copy. migratory birds Leading the last-ditch opposition, Working with little help from out- Youth for Conservation founder Josphat side Kenya, Nyongo and other YfC leaders WASHINGTON D.C.––Stealth rid- Ngonyo hoped to gather 50,000 signatures organized a coalition of 14 indigenous ers attached to the “Consolidated Appropri- of Kenyans who support the hunting ban Kenyan environmental groups, representing ations Act, 2005” on November 18, 2004 before the bill rescinding it reached the desk all parts of the nation, and lobbied against crippled two of the oldest U.S. federal animal of President Mwai Kibaki––but Kibaki and the Kariuki bill as the Kenya Coalition for protection statutes. bill author G.G. Kariuki of Laikipia West Wildlife Conservation and Management. The 3,600-page, $388 billion appro- are both members of the NARC Party, “Just when we thought victory priations act, HR 4818, was ratified in final closely aligned with the pro-hunting Lai- was imminent, after collecting powerful form and sent to U.S. President George W. kipia Wildlife Forum. reactions against it from local communities, Bush for his signature on December 6. Introduced in June 2004, the and holding many meetings with cabinet Buried deep within it, Section 142 in Kariuki bill, called Cap 376, was presented ministers, Members of Parliament, and effect repealed the 1971 Wild and Free as a measure to compensate farmers and media,” Ngonyo e-mailed to A N I M A L Ranging Horse and Burro Protection Act, vir- others for harm incurred by wildlife. In gist, P E O P L E on December 10, “the Kariuki tually mandating that wild horses and burros it was all along a bill to allow private bill was hurried through when there were must be sold to slaughter. landowners to operate hunting ranches simi- very few Members in the house,” with Section 143 excised 94 bird species lar to those of Zimbabwe, South Africa, national elections only weeks away. from the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act. (Kim Bartlett) Zambia, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Reportedly at risk of losing the The HR 4818 riders followed four roll back the “critical habitat” provisions of the “Section 29 of the bill re-intro- election to the previously dominant KANU years after similar tactics permanently excluded Endangered Species Act, as demanded in late duces sport hunting with private landowners Party, NARC Members rushed to dispense rats, mice, and birds from the definition of November by the Western Governors Associ- patronage to their allies. “animals” protected by the 1971 Animal ation, animals have less federal protection now “On both December 8 and Dec- Welfare Act. than in 1974, when the ESA was adopted. ember 9, when the bill passed o n s e c o n d The effect of the three repeals is that (continued on page 8) even before the Bush administration moves to (continued on page 8) ANIMAL PEOPLE News For People Who Care About Animals December 2004 Volume XIII, #10 (Kim Bartlett) Britain bans pack hunting L O N D O N ––Fox hunting and other that the promise to resolve the hunting issue forms of hunting wildlife with dogs are now had become ‘a trust issue,’” wrote Colin banned throughout Britain. Ahead lies the Brown, deputy political editor for T h e effort to make the ban stick. Independent. More than 100 years of organized The Countryside Alliance immedi- political opposition to pack hunting climaxed ately announced intent to sue seeking to over- on November 18, 2004 when British House of turn the hunting ban, arguing that the Commons speaker Michael Martin invoked the Parliament Act itself was never ratified by the 1949 Parliament Act for only the fourth time House of Lords and that the ban violates ever, enabling the Commons to approve a aspects of the Human Rights Act. total ban on pack hunting, 343-175. The Countryside Alliance also Free to vote according to con- pledged that more than 250 fox hunting clubs science, rather than along party lines, the would protest against the ban on February 19, Commons overwhelmingly affirmed intent to which would have been the opening day of the totally prohibit hunting wild animals with 2005 hunting season. packs of dogs for the sixth time since Prime Loopholes in the hunting ban allow Minister Tony Blair took office, but for the riders to follow hounds in pursuit of rats or first time when the decision did not have to be rabbits, to flush animals from cover to be shot “In a joint action with another small Venezuelan animal foundation, our team went ratified by the House of Lords. with guns, and to practice drag-hunting, in yesterday to Cubagua Island to rescue the surviving dogs after approximately 20 were killed by Despite the frequent participation of which the lure is a sack of fox scent rather the health department,” Carla Kaiser of Asilo para Animales Maltratados y Organizacion de members of the Royal Family in blood sports, than an actual fox. As the hunting ban does Rescate e-mailed to ANIMAL PEOPLE on October 25, 2004, attaching this photo. “In total, royal assent––essentially a formality––was not criminalize accidentally killing a fox, fox we rescued 15.” Their capture method was to chase the dogs into the water, where they were granted within 45 minutes. hunters are expected to attempt to continue more easily caught than on land. AAMOR has sterilized more than 2,000 dogs and cats on near - Elected and re-elected with promises hunting as always, evading the intent of the by Margarita and Coche islands, Kaiser said. to ban pack hunting, a Labour Party platform ban through a combination of ruses. issue since 1983, Blair failed to push an anti- Association of Chief Police Officers hunting bill during his first term as Prime rural spokesperson Alistair McWhirter told Killing dogs does not stop the spread of Minister. In his second term Blair pursued a Daily Telegraph political correspondent compromise that would have allowed fox Brendan Carlin that undercover officers would rabies, confirms major Indonesian study hunting to continue under a permit system, not be assigned to monitor hunts, but Daniel BANGKOK, FALLUJAH, an outbreak [of rabies] even if it occurs on a but the House of Lords, influenced by the mil- Foggo and Melissa Kite of the D a i l y BUCHAREST, BEIJING, CAIRO, small island,” concluded Indonesian Ministry itantly pro-hunting Countryside Alliance, T e l e g r a p h reported just a day later that C O L O M B O ––If, as Winston Churchill of Health rabies control expert Caccilia rejected Blair’s compromise proposal and “Special Branch is trying to recruit hunt mem- advised, one should never attribute to malice Windiyaningsih, in the November 2004 edition instead voted to permit hare coursing and stag bers as paid informants…Officers have what may be attributed to stupidity, official of the Journal of the Medical Association of hunting with hounds as well. approached at least a dozen leading members stupidity rather than malice failed to prevent T h a i l a n d . Windiyaningsih extensively “Mr. Blair may have preferred to of the Countryside alliance and suggested that rabies outbreaks and drove dog massacres in at reviewed one of the most intensive efforts on quietly drop the idea, but with trust shattered they warn police about potentially illegal least 18 nations during the latter half of 2004. record to stop rabies by killing dogs. after the war on Iraq, he told senior colleagues (continued on page 10) Dogs were shot, poisoned, gassed, “Flores is an isolated previously clubbed, or electrocuted by the tens of thou- rabies-free Indonesian island which has been sands because many authorities in much of the experiencing a canine rabies outbreak,” result- world have yet to recognize that mass vaccina- ing in at least 113 deaths through June 2004, tion is the only effective means of stopping or Windiyaningsih began. even slowing a canine rabies epidemic. The Flores rabies outbreak “started Dog massacres were even reported with the import of three dogs from rabies- in three states of Argentina, where Oscar P. endemic Sulawesi in September 1987,” Larghi, M.D., showed during the 1990s that Windiyaningsih wrote. “Local authorities intensive three-month vaccination campaigns responded with massive killing of dogs,” in can virtually eradicate rabies from major cities. early 1998. “Even massive culling of the dog “Approximately 70% of the dogs in population, without an intensive vaccination the district where rabies had been introduced campaign among the survivors, will not arrest (continued on page 6) 2 - ANIMAL PEOP LE, De cembe r 2004 Horse Rescue of America www.horserescueofamerica.com “The Ultimate Washington Hypocrisy” and Flim-Flam Days after President Bush signs the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2005 (HR 48-18) opening the door for the slaughter of thousands of wild horses and burros, December 13, 2004 is set as the “National Day of the Horse.” December 10, 2004 (Glendale, CA.) Just when you thought you had seen it all in Washington, something happens that just leaves you shaking your head in disbelief. On September 30, 2004, the House of Representatives in a concurrent resolution with the Senate, declared December 13, 2004 as a National Day of the Horse.
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