Introduction Forto estry K. T. Parthiban | N. Krishnakumar New Release Books 2018 e-books available at : www.vigyanelibrary.com • Agriculture & Allied Science • Botany • Earth Science • Engineering • Forestry & Environment • Zoology • Ayurveda Find us at for more details visit us on scientificpub.com Agriculture Botany Biotechnology NewReleased 2017-18 www.scientificpub.com Basic Concepts of Plant Biotechnology (with MCQs) CSIR-NET, DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, ICAR-NET, ARS, PSC & Other Competitive Exams Vijay Prakash and Niraj Tripathi ISBN-978-93-86652-14-0; Year-2018; Pages-333; Price - `350/- About the Book The book entled “Basic Concepts of Plant Biotechnology (with MCQs)” has been publishing when the recombinant DNA and sequencing of human and many plant genomes have been completed. This book contains almost 3000 mulple choice quesons as well as fill in the blanks with answers covering all aspects of molecular biological systems of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In wring the first edion, the aim is to provide all simple and difficult quesons for weak students in plant molecular biology that have no more knowledge and have more problems in solving the quesons. Therefore, in this book we included quesons belongs to all basic concept of molecular biology which will provide strong knowledge to students preparing for compeve exams of life science like CSIR-NET, DBT-JRF, ICMR-JRF, ICAR-NET, ARS, PSC, graduate and post-graduate exams. Contents 1. Biomolecules: Structures and Functions 6. Transcription and RNA Processing 2. Structures and Functions of Nucleic Acids 7. Protein Synthesis and Metabolism 3. Genes and Chromosomes 8. Regulation of Gene Expression 4. DNA Replication 9. Techniques and tools in Molecular Biology 5. DNA Damage and Repair System 10. Biotechnology in Crop Improvement Memory Based Previous ARS-NET Exam Papers Contents Part - A Part - B UNIT - 1 BIOCHEMISTRY UNIT - 1 BIOCHEMISTRY UNIT - 2 CELL BIOLOGY UNIT - 2 CELL BIOLOGY UNIT - 3 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY UNIT - 3 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY UNIT - 4 SIGNALLING IMMUNOLOGY CANCER UNIT - 4 SIGNALLING IMMUNOLOGY CANCER UNIT - 5 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY UNIT - 5 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY UNIT - 6 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY UNIT - 6 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY UNIT - 7 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY UNIT - 7 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY UNIT - 8 GENETICS UNIT - 8 GENETICS UNIT - 9 DIVERSITY AMONG LIFE FORMS UNIT - 9 DIVERSITY AMONG LIFE FORMS UNIT - 10 ECOLOGY UNIT - 10 ECOLOGY ISBN : 978-93-86347-06-0; UNIT - 11 EVOLUTION UNIT - 11 EVOLUTION Year : 2017; UNIT - 12 BIOTECHNOLOGY UNIT - 12 BIOTECHNOLOGY Pages: 877; ` 690/- UNIT - 13 APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNIQUES UNIT - 13 APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY BIOTECHNIQUES Part - C CSIR NET PAPERS (June 2011 - December 2015) Price are subject to change without notice. Agriculture Botany Environmental Science Forestry NewReleased 2018 www.scientificpub.com Basic Concepts of Plant Science JRF, SRF, BHU, SAU, ARS, NET, UPSC, PSCs and other Competitive Examinations Sandeep K. Bangarwa and Dheeraj Singh ISBN-978-93-8665-208-9; Year-2017; Pages-404; Price - `395/- About the Book Basic Concepts of Plant Science covers all the important chapters of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Seed Science and Technology, IPR, Statistics and Agriculture Biotechnology. Tables provide information about history of all the subjects of plant science. In order to have better understanding of the topic figures have been in corporated (wherever required). Statistics and Biotechnology have been discussed in detail. The chapters are arranged in the order of increasing technical complexity. The book contains about 100 fill in the blanks, 500 MCQs and memory based questions (from previous years ICAR examinations with their answers), hence it is a complete book on Plant Science. Contents Section - 1. PLANT BREEDING 12. Functions of Cell Organs 1. History 13. Cell Division 2. Plant Breeding Introduction 14. Special Type of Chromosomes 3. Domestication and Germplasm Conservation 15. DNA [Deoxy Ribose Nucleic Acid] 4. Plant Introduction 5. Modes of Reproduction Section - 3. SEED TECHNOLOGY AND 6. Male Sterility and Self Incompatibility (SI) INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 7. Selection 1. Seed Technology and Intellectual Property Rights 8. Mutation Breeding Section - 4. STATISTICS 5. Field Crop Diseases 9. Breeding for Disease Resistance Introduction 6. Horticultural Crops Diseases 10. Ideotype Breeding 1. Measures of Central Tendency 7. Viral Disease 11. Heterosis Breeding 2. Measures of Dispersion 8. Mycoplasma / 12. Inbreeding Depression 3. Experimental Design Phytoplasma Diseases 13. Important Points 5. Tests 9. Bacterial Diseases 14. Special Type of Chromosomes 6. Distributions 10. Disease Caused by Nematodes 15. DNA [Deoxy Ribose Nucleic Acid] 7. Critical Region 11. Important Points 16. RNA [Ribose Nucleic Acid] 8. Test Statistics Section - 6. AGRICULTURAL 17. Operon Concept 9. Hypothesis BIOTECHNOLOGY Section - 2. GENETICS 10. Error 1. Definitions 1. Definitions 11. Correlation 2. Plant Tissue Culture 2. Gregor Johann Mendel’s Life 12. Regression 3. Somatic Hybridization 3. Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Section - 5. PLANT PATHOLOGY 4. Cybrid and Artificial Seed / 4. Back Cross and Test Cross AND MICROBIOLOGY Synthetic Seed 5. Cytoplasmic Inheritance 1. Introduction to Plant Pathology 5. Sterilization Techniques 6. Types of Dominance and Microbiology 6. Genetic Engineering 7. Linkage 2. History 7. Gene Transfer 8. Sex Limited Characters / Sex-Influenced Characters 3. Disease Terminology 8. PCR – Technology and 9. Genic Balance Theory of Sex Determination 4. Diseases with their Primary DNA Finger Printing 10. Hardy-Weinberg Principle & Secondary Source 9. Vectors 11. Prokaryotic Cell and Eukaryotic Cell 10. Markers of Infection (PSI & SSI) Continue.... Price are subject to change without notice. Contents Section - 7. FATHER / FOUNDERS OF DIFFERENT FIELDS 1. Father / Founders of Different Fields Section - 8. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Previously asked Questions of Plant Sciences (Memory Based) Model Paper - 1 to 9 & References Other Related Books ISBN : 978-81-7233-917-3; ISBN : 978-93-8634-707-7; ISBN : 978-81-7233-884-8; ISBN : 978-81-7233-952-4; Year : 2015; Year : 2017; Year : 2016; Year : 2016; Pages: 804; ` 750/- Pages: 358; ` 350/- Pages: 944; ` 725/- Pages: 509; ` 450/- ISBN : 978-93-8634-706-0; ISBN : 978-81-7233-939-5; ISBN : 978-81-7233-918-0; ISBN : 978-81-7233-954-8; Year : 2017; Year : 2015; Year : 2015; Year : 2016; Pages: 877; ` 690/- Pages: 363; ` 360 Pages: 548; ` 550/- Pages: 471; ` 350/- ISBN : 978-93-8634-732-9; ISBN : 978-81-7233-888-6; ISBN : 978-81-7233-908-1; ISBN : 978-81-7233-938-8; Year : 2017; Year : 2016; Year : 2017; Year : 2015; Pages: 544; ` 550/- Pages: 294; ` 220/- Pages: 899; ` 725/- Pages: 670; ` 625/- Head Office Branch Office Find us at 5A, New Pali Road, P.O. Box 91, 4806/24, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj Jodhpur (Raj.) - 342 001 INDIA New Delhi - 110 002 INDIA Mob: +91-99292-72222 Mob: +91-95604-19779 Tel: +91-291-2433323 Tel: +91-11-41511055 2624154 Email: [email protected] Fax: +91-291-2613449 Email: [email protected] for more details visit us on scientificpub.com Ayurveda Medicinal Plants NewReleased 2017-18 www.scientificpub.com Colour Atlas of Medicinal Plants R. K. Bhutya ISBN-978-93-8369-255-2; Year-2018; Pages- 255; Price - `3250/- About the Book Proper idenficaon of medicinal plants is sll a great problem at this me. It has also drawn the aenon from common men in general and scholars in the medical streams. In the light of the above, the curiosity about the sources of the medicines, medicinal plants in most of the cases, has drawn considerable interest among all quarters of the medical science. In addion, in the absence of proper knowledge related to the idenficaon of medicinal plants, many plants remained either unidenfied or wrongly idenfied. In this book, an aempt is made to fill the above idenfied gaps. It is my firm belief that this book will be of immense use to Ayurveda experts, teachers, students of post-graduates and under-graduates Ayurvedic courses, researchers, students of botany, sciensts, pharmacologists, pharmaceucal organizaons, pharmacists, biochemists, medical men and even common men. vkS"k/k æO;ksa dk f=nks"k xq.k foospu jes'k dq ekj HkR;kw iqLrd ds ckjs esa vk;qosZn dk ewy vk/kkj vkS"k/kh; ouLifr;k¡ vFkok æO;xq.k foKku gSA vkS"k/k æO;ksa ds okr] fiRr ,oa dQ ds Åij ,oa buds 7&7 m".k] :{kkfn xq.kksa ij gksus okys izHkkoksa dks /;ku esa j[k dj gh vkS"kf/k;ksa dk fuekZ.k fd;k tkrk gSA fdUrq ;fn ge ns[ksa rks Kkr gksxk fd v'oxU/kk] ,j.M] 'krkojh] ?k`r] rSy] n'kewy] fuxqZ.Mh] ek"k] vtok;u bR;kfn okruk'kd vkS"k/k æO;ksa dk okruk'ku izHkko] ek=kRed ,oa xq.kkRed :i ls ,d tSlk ugha gSA ,slk gh fiRruk'kd o dQuk'kd æO;ksa ds f=nks"k o muds xq.kksa ij iM+us okys izHkko dk ek=kRed ,oa xq.kkRed ;k rj re Hksn dk o.kZu fd;k x;k gSA izLrqr iqLrd esa fuEu fcUnqvksa dk o.kZu fd;k x;k gS& 1- vkS"k/k æO; dk ukeA 2- vkS"k/k æO; ds laLd`r ukeA 3- lafgrkvksa ds egkd"kk; vFkok xq.kksa dk mYys[kA 4- vkS"k/k æO; dk fofHkUu L=ksRl ij izHkko dk mYys[kA 5- vkS"k/k æO; ds jl] oh;Z] foikd dk 'kkL=h; mYys[k ,oa tgka budk 'kkL=h; mYys[k ugha miyC/k gksrk ogka mldh iwfrZA 6- vkS"k/k ISBN-978-81-7233-958-6; Year-2016; æO; ds okr] fiRr] dQ ds uk'kRo dk mYys[k ,oa izHkko dh xzsfMaxA 7- vkS"k/k æO; ds okr] fiRr] dQ ds Pages- 555; Price - ` 950/- dkjRo dk mYys[k ,oa izHkko dh xzsfMaxA 8- vkS"k/k æO; ds fofHkUu lafgrk xzUFkksa ,oa fu?k.Vqvksa o vU; 'kkL=h; iqLrdksa esa uke ,oa xq.kksa ds lEiw.kZ lUnHkZ 'yksdksa dk laxzgA 9- vkS"k/k æO;ksa ds okr] fiRr] dQ ds 7&7 xq.kksa] dqy 21 xq.kksa ds uk'kRo dh xzsfMax dh lwfp;kaA 10- fofHkUu L=ksrksn`f"V esa dk;Zdkjh vkS"k/k æO;ksa dh lwfpA 11- o`gR=;h ds 'kkL=h; lUnHkZ] f=nks"k] xq.k o jlksa dsA 12- vkS"k/k æO;ksa ds f=nks"k uk'kRo dh rj rerk Hksn ls lwfp;k¡A 13- f=nks"kksa ds fofHkUu xq.kksa ij vkS"k/k æO;ksa ds izHkko dk rj re Hksn ls lwfp;k¡A 14- vkS"k/k æO;ksa dk jl] xq.k] oh;Z] foikd ds foikd ds foospu dh lwfp;k¡A 15- ;wukuh vkS"k/k'kkL= ls rqyukA Can't Find Scientific Publishers?Call/SMS +91-99292-72222 To Know More, Please Visit www.scientificpub.com or mail us at info@scientificpub.com Price are subject to change without notice.
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