Campus Corner lights starburst behind stonework fronting the Engineering Building . It's a warm spring night. Note the pop bottle at right center. MAY, 1958 PAGE 2 1 This drawing gi%ex an idea of what the I n ;%ersity's projected athletic dormitory will look like . Plans for the modern stone, brick anti glass structure are the work of Richard N . Kuhlman, University Architect, and the "go ahead" for completing it was given by the Board of Regents recently . a series of brief news stories of events that shaped the lives ofthe 'alumni family 1906 "Y work m 1y9*3, Long spent sc%cn NCars as a ricrs will award prize, to those students exhibiting \tr .. Frank Buttrain (the former Mcrlc Newby, visiting teacher for the Roanoke public school the best visual skills for driving. in-111u,, '12ba) was honored with a string en- svstem . ,cinbic program recently in the Jewel Box Theatre 1924 of the First Christian Church . Dr . W. Everett 1910 ten itor Mike Monroncy, '246x, visited the (late-,, Jr ., composed for the occasion a tribute to Icic Ncwby Ray, '106a, '25ma, Edmond, con- (). l' . -unpus in March to participate in a panel Mrs. Buttrain which was played, under his dirrc- ii,imted an article to the December issue of The discussion sfmnsorcd b% the Society for Atlcance- t on, by the String Symphonette of the Oklahoma Uklahonta Teather called "provoked to Action"' nient of Management in Meacham Auditorium . C.t% Symphony Orchestra . Mrs. Buttram was in- Another article by her will appear in the forth- 'I hr &scu,sion topic was "Management, Unions ,-rumental in the forming of the first Oklahoma coming edition of The C:hrunules ul Oklahoma . anti (:o%rrnmrm-Present and Future ." Munruney S\inphoni. Orchestra. Miss Ray taught at Central State (:allege for many urged setting up the office of executive vice prc%%- %ears and retired in 1956 . dent who would ha%c charge of the housekeeping 1907 duties of the president. tic later spoke to O. U. Mr,. Walter Ferguson, '117, Tulsa columnist 1913 Journalism classes, discussing current news pol- ~~ 1, ., writes "Woman's View" on the Tulsa Tribune l)1. .\'1'H : J. Braden Black, '13pharm, Okla- icies of the administration . cdiu,rial page, is writing a series ,d articles while li-n .i City, died March IV at the age of 7.3 . A Mrs. King price (the firmer Inez Br%cr, '24ed on a trip to Jamaica. Mrs. Ferguson is the wife of Ingtinic Oklahoma City druggist anti civic leader . Oklahoma City, was featured in an article the late Walter Ferguson, whoin she formed% Black was associated with his son and son-in-law rppearing in the Oklahoma Cuy Times. Mrs . Price a,sistrd in editing the Cherokcr Repuhluan and in the pharmaly business in Oklahoma City, opcr- is a "f,o,tcr bionic finder" for the Sunbeam Home If'a(unga Rrpublhan. ating the Black anti Ward drug shire. He was acti%c :nil Family Senicc (:enter . She has teen in- in Girl Scout and B,q Scout work and served on %ol%rtl insocwl work since she received her master', 1908 th, Oklahoma Citp Bark conuni-ion since 193N . degree from the Uni%rr,ity in 1952 . I-rank M. Long, '0Rba, '09ina, was the subject .,I i feature article app,aring in the Roanoke, Vir- 1922 1925 ginia, B'urld N'ru s ,n March 15 . (;cnrral secretan I .c (:ode, '22ha, national Signia Alpha Epsilon Wilbur F. Ch,ud, '25bs, '26ins, '42cng, pro- id the (;entrap Y.M .C .A . in Roanoke from 1936 to I, rc,ident, spoke on "Responsibilities of the Fra- t-,or of petroleum engineering, gave the opening 1945, Long and his wife (the furrier Eula Lrc tcrnity and Sorority Systrin" at the Greek Week grcr'ing for the short Cuur,r in piraffin control on Kennedy) returned t the O. U. campus in 1952 banquet it the Uni%cr,itN' . About 110 guests t%crc h_-1d the O.U . North Campus March 12 and 13 . for while he studied journalism . He has had a lung present the affair . Cli)td is a member of the short course planning career of service beginning a, student Y.M .C .A . Fisher Muldrow, '22, executive vice president committee. secretar y at Louisiana State University, then to of the Asuxiated Motor Carriers of Oklahoma, is Profrssurs V1'. Foster Harris, '256a, and Dwight Brazil for 21 years of church work before taking helping sponsor a safety contest among high Swain, '54ma, teachers in the school of profes- the position at Ruanokr. After his retirement from school dri%er education classes. The Motor Car- sional writing at O. U ., ha%c been mentioned in PAGE 22 SOONER MAGAZINE an article, Dr Campbell's Wonderlrd School, pub- War- - He also spoke to University of Oklahoma lished be The S.rturday Evening Post recently . This iournalisrn classes on April 14 . is the first endorsement of a school of writing ever made by the national magazine . The article was written by Dick Smith, '53bus, who was en- 1931 rolled last September in a course in creative writ- \\'illi ::nt Deal, '316us : Benton Ferguson, '316a : ing taught be Campbell . Noble Hood, '24, '29, anti Sam Coleman, '38Law, DEATH : Miss Marguerete Baldwin, '29ba, '40 hasc been e!ectcd directors of the Empire Club, a Uniccrsitc nta, Oklahoma City, died February 13 in Wt,lcy of Oklahtnna alumni organization in hospital . Miss lialthvin had been active in the Tulsa. '.Names of the new directors were revealed at a party in Oklahoma City school system since 1925 and was February honoring Eddic Crowder, ,on the staff of John Marshall junior-Senic,r high '55geol, and several of last tall's O. U. varsity School when she became ill . 1laccrs . 1932 1926 Fugcne Kendall, I- T.dward Davis, '26, is supervisory account- '326a, '34rna, Norman, spoke .It two educational meetings for ,11! t.-i humble Oil anti Refining Company, Huus- leading repre- sentatives of the New York Life x.o . Mrs. Davis is member of the Houston Insurance Coin- t,on, 'It a held in April in Florida . Kendall, a repre- Art league and Conservative Arts and radio d.rec- Iran), for the Bercan Baptist Church in Hourstoon . s_ntativc of the company's Oklahoma City general t,r office, has qualified for membership in New York Life's Top Club for leading agents for the past 1927 tiubert Turbvfill, '25fa, '26ba, '32nta, director 21 consecutive years. \'crnon B. Stansell, '27, '29, is assistant hice of speech and drama at the Canal Lone Junior College at the Panama Canal, will be the key- ~rt~ulcnt in the T. J. Bettes Company, located in 1933 C)klalwma City . He and Mrs. Mansell have a soon, note speaker at the national convention of f'hi Howard, 9, Theta Kappa fraternity in April in North Caro- I .nk H . Abcrnathy,'33eng, Oklahoma City, has Vernon age lina . He is an ex-actor and a prominent author . I,ccit reelected (lirector-at-large of the U . S. Chain- M. Lyndcn Manner, '27ha, '38tna, Washington, hcr represented the University if Oklahotnr at of Commerce . Abernathy was re-elected for an- It. C., other year's term at a meeting 4 the national chanr- the inaugural ceremonies for Dr. William Joseph fiircrs, Man and Slytht, published March 20 by ber in March in Washington, . C McDonald as rector of the Catholic University of 1) :. Doubleday and Company . Brittain is a native of Mrs . Katherine Hudson, '336a, senior psychi- America on April 16 in Washington . Duncan, Oklahoma, and now lives in Williams- atric social worker for the social service department town, Massachusetts . of University Hospital, Oklahoma City, was the 1928 Mrs. Clifford Whitzel (the former Fanny Kelly, subject of a feature article in the March 12 issue of Mai. Gcn . H . L. Muldrow, Jr ., '28bus, spoke at '29ba) has moved with her husband and children, the Oklahoma City Times. Mrs. Hudson works the Pcrshing Rifles' spring smoker February 20 in Larry and Linda to Medford, Oklahoma . They had with relatives of the psychiatric patients who are Norman . The commander of the Oklahoma Na- lived in Wakita, where they were in business for receiving treatment at University Hospital . She tional Guard's 45th Division discussed benefits of many years. toys to help them understand and adjust to the the R . O. T. C:. program. Frank L. Tennis, '29ba, former Oklahoma patient's illness and assist with his recovery . Mrs. Victor Holt, Jr ., '286us, has been narned vice newsman recently named director of the U. S. In- Hudson has a master's degree from the New president in charge of sales for Goo d%car Rubber formation Agency's press and publications branch, York School of Social Work, Columbia University . Company in Akron, Ohio. Holt has been with the Washington, D. C ., was the noon luncheon speaker C. C. Ludwick, '33eng, has been appointed firm since 1929. at the Oklahoma Press Association news clinic held exploration manager for Shell Oil Company's Den- Leslie Hewes, '286a, chairman of the Dep,rt- April 13 in the Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City . The ver area . The appointment will become effective ment of Geography at the University of Nebraska title of his speech was "Who's Winning the World in the middle of the year . Ludwick, who is cur- in Lincoln, is snaking plans to spend the following year in Europe as a lecturer under the Fulbright program. He and Mrs. Hcwc, (the former Elena Bcary, '33) plan to lcayc for Vienna from New York on September 5.
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