South Carolina's Oldest Newspaper IN COUNTY $3.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS: IN STATE $4.00 Georgetown, S. C. 29440 Thursday, November 9, 1967 Price 10c Per Copy Vol. No. 171 - No. 52 OUT OF STATE $4.50 A G I In Vietnam: 4 4 You're Lucky To Be An American" As Americans count their Georgetown Times columnist Sal­ flag means more than all the pro­ spread until it takes everything. "I don't go into the field and need is the support of everybody blessings Saturday when a nation ly Graham, expressed his appre­ testing in the world. I remember when there was only do any actual fighting. I stay at home. recognizes its war dead on Vet­ ciation to the Scouts in a letter "To be honest, I was never too one Kudzu vine in the village. If back and handle communications, "Your letter told about all the erans Day. a recent letter from reprinted in part below: patriotic before I came here, but someone had cut it down in time, so I can't take any credit for it. things your troop has been do­ a McClellanville GI in Vietnam "The flag will always mean 3 after peeing how miserable Viet­ we wouldn't be bothered with it. but we are winning this war. We ing, and it sounds like you're to a Boy Scout troop in the vil­ lot to me. The flag represents not nam and its people are I realize Now it's everywhere. win every battle. having lots of fun and doing lage takes on special meaning. only the greatest country on how lucky I am to be from A- "After seeing what I've seer. "The reason we win is that we lots of useful things. I hope you Pfc. Ben Graham recently re­ earth; it represents the faith you m erica i here I have so much patriotism I have the two most . important will all keep up the good work. ceived an American flag from the men have in all of us here. "Vietnam is small compared to don't know what to do with it. things in the world behind us; "I hope you will stay behind Rattlesnake Patrol of Troop 302 "It is hard to be here, but be­ America, but it is very important Sometimes I stay awake at night the United States of America ami us here and show the people in* in McClellanville. A number of ing here is even worse when wc to us Americans. Tf we let Com­ so I can hear them play the Na­ the best cause in the world— the picket lines what real Amer­ Boy Scout units have been send­ read about the lucky people at munism take Vietnam, it will tional Anthem on the radio when Freedom. icans are like. I'll try to send you ing flags to servicemen in Viet­ home who are out marching In spread and spread until.it even­ they sign off for the day. You'l! "If. all of the people at home some pictures of this place soon nam as an expression of support the picket lines. Just the small a- tually takes the United States. never know how lucky you flic were as "American" as you, We so you can see how lucky you are for their efforts. mounts of support you have given Communism is like cancer: it till you've seen how miserable could end this war and be home to be Americans." > Young Graham, the son of by giving me your serviceman's can start in a small place and other people in the world are. for the Fourth of July. All We Ben Vacationers Prize Georgetown Bull Moose And Sailf ish JM™ charged Nine Injured In Wreck When it comes to snaring the a heft sailfish. owner of a heating and air con­ unusual for a souvenir of a va­ Lynn, wildlife manager here ditioning firm, caught an eight cation out of the country, two with International Paper Com­ foot, seven inch sailfish off Aca- With Arson Georgetonians are hard to beat. pany's Woodlands Division, killed pulco, Mexico as the winner of a Ted Lynn and Alvin Moore, a 1,000 pound Moose with a bow vacation trip offered by the Car­ On Murrells Inlet Bypass vacationing a continent apart, re­ and arrow during a vacation to rier Corporation. A Georgetown man identified turned home with such trophies Newfoundland. The 107 pound fish was snared by police as Willie Austin, has as the huge head of a moose and Hunting with a guide in the i about 12 miles out in the Pacific been charged with arson as result Six adults and three small Newfoundland wildlands, Lynn j by a Georgetonian who hasn't of a fire at a Washington Street children were injured Tuesday hit the bull moose twice with ar­ been fishing here In about six home Saturday night. in a two-car collision at the in­ rows. I years. tersection of U. S. 17 and the Soc­ Police have charged the man astee Road near Murrells Inlet. He returned to Georgetown "I've been too busy, but I'm with setting fire to the home of The nine persons were injured Dog Owners with the animal's head stuffed tn I beginning to have some second' Eleanor Mitchell at 413 Washing­ abont.lO'.SO A. M. in a collision in dry ice in the rear of a Volks­ thoughts," Moore remarked with ton Street. wagen station wagon, a sight that I a chuckle. the northbound lane of U. S. 17. aroused considerable curiosity on The sailfish is being mounted Police said a small fire burned A new Cadillac travelling north Reminded Of the highway. j in Mexico City and will be ship­ a sill beneath a bedroom of the on U. S. 17 and driven by Mrs. Moore, a postal employee and ped hej'e shortly. frame house. The file was quick­ Carol Sadler Volvia. of Lowland, ly extinguished with little dam­ N. C, collided with a Pontiac age. driven by Dan Myers, of Route t. Ordinance Myrtle Beach, that suddenly • The fire was started by kero­ started to cross the Ocean High- sene sprinkled beneath the build­ xva.v on State Road 544/3h inves­ A nc aog cfdi nance that re­ ing. Also the remains of a burned tigating officer said. quires registration of all dogs plastic jug containing kerosene Riding in the car driven by- •j^Jthin ihe City of Georgetown was found. Mrs. Volvia were her two chil­ will Mo into effect January 1. The fire happe^rT^about 11:30 dren, Christina, 5, and Pamela, %', Alt dogs ufeyst receive rabies P. M. Saturday. her mother, Mrs. Lena Sadler, of inoculation and by January 1 During the week firemen were, Marathon. Fla.; her aunt, Mrs. must be registered at the Police called to extinguish several mi­ Daffney Hopkins, also of Mara­ Station and bear $1 registration nor home fires. thon; and Mrs. Iniz W, Cassidy, tags. A spark out of a chimney ap­ of St. Petersburg. All were injur- The new ordinance requires, parently ignited wooded shingles | ed in the accident. the confining of dogs in heat anS on a house at the corner of Duke Mrs. Sadler was t h ro w,n requires dog owners to prevent and Lee Streets about 2:55 P. iV. through the windshield by the their animals from running at Monday, burning' a small, hole in impact of the collision, an in­ large. tne roof. vestigating officer said/. A city dog catcher is to be em­ Riding with Myers in a Pontia«r ployed at a later date. A dog A flooded heater caused some smoke damage to a house at 208 were Hattie Heyward, oi ROute Ij. pound will be established at Shir- | Myrtle Beach, and his 4-ye*r-oltt cr's Animal Hospital on South Kaminski Street about 1:40 P. M. Monday. grandson Richard Myers, tfr. All Fraser Street. three were injured. A break in a heater ventilation Irouieaiiy the wrecks occurred ACADEMY CONFERENCE system dumped sparks inside tho wall of a house at 1924 Emanuel as a State Highway maintenance Staff members of Winyah A- employee. Marion Cooper ol cademy will attend a conferenc- Street about 12:30 P. M. Sunday, FIRST CHECK—Mayor O. M. Higgins (center) presents the first check lo the 1967 Bell causing minor damage. Route 3, Georgetown, was work­ of South Carolina Independent Ringer campaign to Douglas L. Hinds (left), fund chairman, and the Rev. Melvin R. flyman, ing at the intersection repairing a Schools tn Florence November president of the Georgetown County Mental Health Association. sign that had beef) damaged ear­ 10-11 to explore the theme "con­ lier in another- traffic accident. tinuity and communication edu­ HEAD START MEETING Meanwhile in another accident, cation." Winyah Academy head­ A meeting of Head Start par­ Mrs. Juanita B. Tyler, of Johns master, James Ragan will con­ Island, was injured when her car duct one of several discussion ents and the Head Start policy Mental Health Fund Drive advisory committee of George­ went out of control on V S. 701 groups. He will lead a discussion about 10 P. M. Sunday 18 miles town County will be held at the of "what basic science concepts north of Georgetown. The ve­ I Georgetown County Library at and principles should be master­ '•sim, . ,x- &*: ° hicle struck a tree, an officer ed in a productive science cur­ .Mtrn I 7:30 P. M. Friday to approve tbe To Be Conducted Next Week said.
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