Information Advisor 2010 Index by Marilyn Rowland 1stCast News, 5:6 American Psychological Association Code of 2.0 marketing, 4:3 Ethics, 4:3 680News, 5:6 AND, in Google searches, 5:5 2007 Economic Census, 11:2 annual reports 2010 Statistical Abstract, The: The National Data corporate family structure and, 2:6 Book, 11:2 Answerbag, 8:2 AnswerBank, 8:3 AP Mobile, 5:6 A apparel/fashion industry Aardvark, 8:3, 8:4 free market research reports, 1:2 Able2Know, 8:3 apps ABYZ News Links, 10:7 for business research apps for, 5:6–8 academia.edu, 6:6 Arabia Inform, 8:5 Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Art of Strategic Listening, The: Finding Market Sources, 8:7, 12:2 Intelligence Through Blogs and Other academic materials, 12:2 Social Media (Berkman), 4:3, 6:7 Acquire Media: ACME Taxonomy on NewsEdge, Arxiv, 5:6 8:6 ASAE Gateway to Associations Directory, 10:7 Advertising Age, 4:4 Asia On Demand, OriProbe: China, 8:6 advertising industry Ask a Business and Economics Librarian, Chicago, crowdsourcing and, E3:2 University of, 8:4 affiliates Ask a Librarian, 8:3 in corporate family structure, 2:5 Askeet!, 8:3 Agencywide Documents Access and Management AskMe Helpdesk, 8:3 System (ADAMS), 11:3 Askville, 8:2 AGRICOLA, National Agriculture Library (NAL), Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR), 4:3 11:1 Astrée, 9:6 agriculture/agritech industry Attensity 360, 7:6–7 deep web databases, 11:1 Attensity Cloud, 5:3 free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 Attensity Group, 6:3, 7:6–7 AIDA, 9:6 AURELIA, 9:6 algorithm tests, in Google searches, 5:5 Australia AllExperts, 8:3 ADT program, 3:7–8 AltaVista Babelfish, 6:5 free market research reports, 1:3–4, 2:3 Alterian 360, 6:2, 6:3, 7:6 automatic synonymization, in Google searches, Alterian SM2, 6:2, 6:3, 7:6–7 5:5 Amadeus, 9:6 automotive industry Amazon, E3:2 free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 Amazon Mobile, 5:6 autonomous citation indexing, 12:2 Ambient Personality (Morville), 9:1 aviation/aerospace industry American Business Directory (File 531), Dialog, free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 1:7 American City Business Journals, 10:7 American Corporate Families & International Affiliates, 2:5 American FactFinder, 11:2 B Business Intelligence Tracer, 8:7, 12:2 Babelfish, 6:5 business librarians Background Note, 11:2 leadership and, E4:1–4 Baker, Stephen, 7:5 Business Librarians Discussion List, 9:2 banking/financial industry business research. See also company research deep web databases, 11:1–2 smartphone apps, 5:6–8 bar codes BusinessWeek, 1:7, 5:6, 7:5 concerns about, 9:8 LinkedIn company data, 7:2–3 creating, 9:4 BusinessWeek.com, 4:5–6, 4:6–7 library-oriented uses of, 9:3–4 Buzz. See Google Buzz newspaper uses of, 9:4 Buzzzy.com, 4:2 one-dimensional (1D) codes, 9:1 printing on sticky notes, 9:4 promotional uses of, 9:4 C resources on, 9:8 Cadmus, 5:3 software applications, 9:4, 9:8 Caisses d'Epargne, 12:5 two-dimensional (2D, or QR) codes, 9:1–4, 9:8 camera-enabled mobile phones BASF, E3:3 bar code scanning by, 9:1, 9:2 BBC News Mobile, 5:6 Canada Bekcan-Feddern, Tanya, 3:8 free market research reports, 1:3–4, 2:3 BEL-FIRST, 9:6 Theses Canada, 3:8 Berkman, Robert, 4:3 Canadian Press, 5:6 Best Buy, E3:3 Capital IQ, S&P, 2:6 bibliographic management CataList, 3:4 Mendeley for, 10:4–6 CBS Interactive bi-gram algorithms BNET, 1:1 in Google searches, 5:5 CBS/BNET, 4:6–7, 4:8 BigSheets, IBM, 7:5 CDC Wonder, 11:3 Bing for Mobile, 5:6 CEI net (China Economic Information Network), Bing News, 10:7 11:6 biotech industry Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 CDC Wonder, 11:3 Biz360, 6:3 Century Journals Projects, 10:2 Biznar, 12:2 Cerved Group, 9:6 bizrefdesk blog, 11:7 ChaCha, 8:3, 8:4 Björe, Mats, 2:8 Chamber of Commerce Directory, 10:7 BlackBerry Cheiron, Florence, 12:6 business research apps, 5:6–8 Chicago, University of Bloomberg, 5:6 Ask a Business and Economics Librarian, 8:4 BNET, CBS Interactive, 1:1, 5:6 China Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve business databases, 10:1–2, 10:8, 11:5–7 System: Advanced Search, 11:1–2 English-language databases, 11:7 BoardTracker, 3:5, 3:6 fee-based business databases, 10:2–3 Boolean AND, in Google searches, 5:5 intellectual property, 12:3–4 branches, in corporate family structure, 2:5 patent searching, 12:3–4 Bridges, Laurie, E4:1 Utility Model Patents, 12:3–4 Britannica Mobile, 5:6 China Academic Journals (CAJ), 6:4, 8:8, 10:2 British Library China Business Directory, The, 11:5 EthOS (Electronic Theses Online Service), 3:8 China Business Review, 10:3 building and construction industry China Company Research Services (CCRS), 11:5–6 free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 China Core Newspapers (CCN), 6:4, 10:2 Bureau of Economic Analysis, 11:2 China Country Commercial Guide, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 11:3 Department of State, 10:3 business databases China Daily, 11:5 for China, 10:1–2, 10:8, 11:5–7 China Data Center, University of Michigan, 8:6, executive information on, 1:7 10:2 Business Information, D&B, 2:7 China Doctoral Dissertations Full Text (CDFD), executive information on, 1:1 10:3 CompletePlanet, 12:2 China Economic Journal, 10:3 Conscientious Objections (Postman), 6:8 China Hand, The Economist Group, 10:2 consent/implied consent China Master Dissertations Full Text (CMFD), 10:3 social media research and, 4:3 China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), consulting industry 6:4–5 free market research reports, 2:3 China Proceedings of Conference Database contact surfacer sites (CPCD), 10:3 executive information on, 1:7–8 China Regional Forecasting Service, EIU, 8:6, 10:2 copyright China Securities Regulatory Commission, 11:7 deep web databases, 11:8 China Yearbook Full Text (CYFD), 10:3 Corporate Affiliations (File 513), Dialog, 1:7, 2:4–5 China/Asia on Demand, OriProbe, 10:2 Corporate Affiliations, LexisNexis, 1:7, 2:4–5, 2:5– Chinese Companies and Products--English 6, 2:7 (ECEDB), 10:8 corporate family structure, 2:4–7 Chinese language annual reports, 2:6 searching native Chinese articles, 6:4–5 applications of, 2:4 Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology data quality and accuracy issues, 2:7 Institute of Scientific and Technological Information databases, 2:4 of China (ISTIC), 10:3 online databases, 2:6–7 Chinese Patents Full Text (Dialog File 325), 10:3, open Web searching, 2:6 12:3 organizational chart sites, 2:6 Chinese-language sources, 8:8 print directories, 2:5–6 CIA World Facebook, 5:6 SEC filings, 2:6 CiteSeer (CiteSeerX), 12:2 corporate hierarchy, 2:4–7 cloud computing, E2:4 cosmetics/toiletries industry CNBC, 4:6–7, 4:6–8 free market research reports, 1:2 CNN Mobile, 5:6 CoTweet, 1:4, 1:5–6 Coface, 12:5 Council of Economic Advisors Coface Euro D, 9:6 Economic Indicators, 11:2 Cogmap, 1:8, 2:6 Economic Report of the President, 11:2 collaboration country information with Google Wave, E2:3–4 deep web databases, 11:2 Collectorz, 9:8 U.S. State Department Background Note, 11:2 community CPAT, European Patent Office, 10:3 web searching and, 2:7 Crowd Campaign, E3:3 Companies & Executives, Dow Jones, 1:7, 2:6, crowdsourcing, E3:1–4 3:1–3, 3:8 advertising and, E3:2 evaluation, 3:8 defined, E3:1 pricing, 3:3, 3:8 idea boxes for, E3:3 Pro version, 3:1–3 internal, E3:2–3 Sales version, 3:1, 3:3 resources on, E3:4 Companies House, 9:6 Wikipedia as, E3:2 Companies Registration Office, 9:6 wikis for, E3:3 company contacts Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd is locating, 1:1, 1:7–8 Driving the Future of Business (Howe), company directories E3:1 executive information in, 1:1, 1:7 crowdSPRING, E3:2 online, 1:1, 1:7 cybrarians, E4:1–4 print, 1:1, 2:5–6 Cymphony company information Maestro, 6:2, 6:3, 6:7, 7:6–7 deep web databases, 11:2 company research. See also business research credibility of sources, 4:4 D LinkedIn for, 7:1–3, 7:8 Dafne, 9:7 private financial filings, 9:5–7 data analysis on small companies, 7:2 social media data, 7:3–4 company websites D&B corporate family structure information on, 2:6 Business Information, 2:7 online databases, 2:6–7 E deep web, 12:1–2, 12:8 East View Information Services, 6:4–5, 10:1–3 defined, 11:1, 12:1 Century Journals Projects, 10:2 government databases, 11:1–4, 11:8 China Academic Journals Full-Text, 10:2 image indexing, 12:8 China Core Newspapers, 10:2 nonsearchable information, 12:8 China Doctoral Dissertations Full Text (CDFD), 10:3 search engines and, 12:1–2 China Master Dissertations Full Text (CMFD), 10:3 Deep Web Research 2010, 8:7, 12:2 China Proceedings of Conference Database (CPCD), Deep Web Technologies: Search Builder, 8:5 10:3 defense/security industry China Yearbook Full Text (CYFD), 10:3 free market research reports, 1:2 EBSCOhost Mobile, 5:6 Dell, E3:2 economic data demographic/population data deep web databases, 11:2 deep web databases, 11:2 Economic Development Directory, 10:7 Denso, 9:2 Economic Indicators, Council of Economic Department of Energy, Research and Advisors, 11:2 Development Project Summaries, 11:3 Economic Report of the President, Council of Desk Set, E4:4 Economic Advisors, 11:2 Dialog Economist, The, 5:8 accessing Kompass via, 12:5 Economist Group, The American Business Directory (File 531), 1:7 China Hand, 10:2 business research apps, 5:6 Edelman, 4:4 Chinese patent searching, 12:3–4 EDGAR, 11:2 Chinese Patents Full Text (Dialog File 325), 10:3, education industry 12:3 free market research reports, 1:2, 2:3 Corporate Affiliations (File 513), 1:7, 2:4–5 EIU: China Regional Forecasting Service, 8:6, 10:2 Dun's Market Identifiers (File 516), 1:7 email DWPI (Derwent Patents Index) (File 351), 12:3 Google Wave, E2:1 Inpadoc (International Patent Documentation Center) Emergent by Design, 5:2–3 (Dialog File 345), 12:3 Emerging Markets Information Service, 11:6 search commands, 12:4 employment/labor data Who Owns Whom (File 522), 2:4–5, 2:7 deep web databases, 11:3 Digg, E3:3 Encyclopedia, 5:6 discussion boards/forums, 3:4 energy and environment data discussion groups deep web databases, 11:3 research ethics and, 4:3 Energy Citations Database (ECD), 11:3 searching, 3:4–6 English China Online Journals (ECOJ), 10:8 dissertations English Conferences in China (ECIC), 10:8 full-text, 3:6–8 Enterprise 2.0 non-U.S.
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