Map 20 Pannonia-Dalmatia Compiled by P. Kos and M. Šašel Kos, 1995 Introduction The map covers very heterogeneous landscapes ranging from the Adriatic coast to the Alps, and from the mountainous interiors of the provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia with their rich ore sources to the Pannonian plain. The current state of research–to some degree reflected by the map–is uneven. Thus the Carinthian province of Austria (Piccottini 1989), Slovenia (ANSl 1975), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (ALBiH) are better explored topographically than other regions where no compilations of archaeological sites have been published. The results of topographical research conducted over the past thirty years by Bojanovski (1988) are of great importance. Much antiquarian and topographic information has been collected for Histria and Venetia by Vedaldi Iasbez (1994), with particular attention to Greek and Latin writers. Similarly substantial collection and assessment of data for the Dalmatian coast and islands are provided by Kozličić (1990). TIR Tergeste (1961), TIR Aquincum (1968) and TIR Naissus (1976) are also of value for the areas they cover, though not always reliable. Mócsy’s work (RE Suppl. 9 Pannonia) remains fundamental for the province of Pannonia. As Kozličić (1986) has shown, since antiquity geomorphological changes along the Dalmatian and Istrian coasts have been minimal, if only because no very large rivers flow into the Adriatic; the map therefore retains the modern coastline. The coast of the eastern Adriatic is, however, sinking at a minimal rate annually (Šegota 1976). Geographic names by no means always appear in the nominative in the Greek and Latin sources; the point applies especially to ItAnt, ItBurd, TabPeut and GeogRav, which often represent the only evidence. Since they typically list names in the ablative or locative (genitive) cases, it can prove impossible to reconstruct the original nominative. Hence the nominative of Ragandone was undoubtedly Ragando, and that of Populos may in all likelihood have been Populi; by contrast, the nominative of place names ending in -is cannot be inferred with any certainty. Since their gender could either be neuter or feminine (and possibly even masculine), the nominative of Lentulis may have been either Lentula or Lentulae. In those cases where the original nominative remains ambiguous, the attested form of the name is therefore retained within single inverted commas; where the nominative can plausibly be reconstructed, that form is marked with an asterisk attached (see Map Key). It is no less difficult to decide between variant attested forms of any name; we have sought to mark what seems the least corrupt form, regardless of the source in which it appears. There are many unidentifiable geographic names in Late Roman and Byzantine sources. The point applies especially to GeogRav (for Dalmatia, Čače 1993 is exhaustive). He distorts a number of known toponyms (Atamine for Emona, for example, Sicce for Siscia), but also lists others unattested elsewhere. Such are, for example, twenty-five in “Carneola, que et Alpes Iuliana antiquitus dicebatur” (present-day Upper Carniola), of which Carnium alone can be identified (Šašel 1970). Various place names mentioned by Stephanus, Procopius (Beševliev 1970) and above all Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De administrando imperio (notably chapters 29 and 30 on Dalmatia), reflect historical and geographical circumstances closer to the Middle Ages than to the Late Roman period. The epoch treated by Constantine was decisively influenced by the formation of the countries of Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria, as well as by the presence of other Slavs. Some names appearing in these authors may well be corrupt beyond recovery; for certain, they distort other, more recognizable ones. MAP 20 PANNONIA-DALMATIA 287 Directory Abbreviations ALBiH D. Basler et al. (eds.), Arheološki leksikon Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo, 1988 ANSl Arheološka najdišča Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1975 Pharos 1995 Pharos. Antički Stari Grad / Town of antiquity, Zagreb, 1995 TIR Aquincum Tabula Imperii Romani L 34, Aquincum–Sarmizegetusa–Sirmium, Amsterdam, 1968 TIR CastReg Tabula Imperii Romani M 33, Castra Regina–Vindobona–Carnuntum, Prague, 1986 TIR Naissus Tabula Imperii Romani K 34, Naissus, Dyrrhachion–Scupi–Serdica–Thessalonike, Ljubljana, 1976 TIR Tergeste Tabula Imperii Romani L 33, Tergeste, Rome, 1961 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B4 Acervo RL Stari trg pri Višnji gori Šašel 1975, 88 SVN F4 Ad Basante RL Bosut?, near Županja TabPeut 5; Bojanovski 1984, 187, 195-99 CRO D6 Ad Dianam RL Sv. Juraj in Split CRO Kozličić 1990, 318 D4 Ad Fines RL Buševac near Velika Bojanovski 1974, 44 Gorica CRO E5 Ad Fines RL Laktaši near Banja Luka Bojanovski 1974, 97 BOS E2 Ad Flexum RL Mosonmagyaróvár HUN Soproni 1985, 82 A4 *Ad Fornulos RL Prvačina? SVN Šašel 1975, 88; Bosio 1991, 201, 206; Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 430 F4 Ad Labores? RL Nemetin near Osijek TabPeut 5; TIR Aquincum 24 CRO F4 Ad Labores Pontis Ulcae/ RL Bobota CRO TabPeut 5; RE Pons 31 ‘Leutuoano’ E5 Ad Ladios RL Trn near Banja Luka BOS Bojanovski 1974, 96 F3 Ad Latus RL Őcsény HUN Visy 1988, 117-18 E6 Ad Libros RL Bukova Gora BOS Bojanovski 1974, 155 C3 Ad Lotodos RL Stranice SVN Šašel 1975, 92 B4 Ad Malum RL Materija SVN Šašel 1975, 88; Bosio 1991, 221; Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 431 E5 Ad Matricem RL Otinovci near Kupres Bojanovski 1974, 167 BOS C3 Ad Medias RL Ločica pri Šempetru SVN Šašel 1975, 88 F4 Ad Militare RL Batina Skela CRO NotDig Oc. 33.45; RE Suppl. 9 Pannonia, col. 651; RE Suppl. 11; Bulat 1977, 76-77 E2 Ad Mures RL Ács-Concópatak HUN Soproni 1985, 55 A4 Ad Ningum RL Motovun CRO Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 452 B3 Ad Nonum RL Log pri Brezovici SVN Horvat 1990, 41 F4 Ad Novas RL Zmajevac CRO ItAnt 218.1; Bulat 1977, 83 Ad Pirum = In Alpe Iulia B2 Ad Pontem RL Lind AUS Deringer 1950, 208-209 D4 Ad Praetorium RL Suvaja near Bosanska Bojanovski 1983a Dubica BOS B3 Ad Publicanos? RL Lukovica SVN Šašel 1975, 89 B3 Ad Quartodecimum RL Groblje pri Mengšu SVN Šašel 1975, 89; Sagadin 1995 Adriaticum Mare = (H)Adriaticum Mare D6 Adrion M. Dinara CRO Bojanovski 1988, 373 F3 Ad Statuas RL Várdomb HUN RE Suppl. 9 Ad Statuas 3; Soproni 1985, 75 E2 Ad Statuas? RL Ács-Vaspuszta HUN Soproni 1985, 54 B4 Ad Titulos? RL Šapjane CRO Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 435 288 MAP 20 PANNONIA-DALMATIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference B4 Ad Turres RL Crikvenica CRO RE Turres 6 E6 Ad Turres RL Tasovčići near Čapljina Bojanovski 1988, 373 BOS D3 Ad Vicesimum RL Veržej SVN RE Suppl. 12 F7 ‘Ad Zizio’? RL Mosko, N Trebinje BOS Bojanovski 1988, 373 A4 Aegida HR Sermin SVN Župančič 1985; Šašel 1989; Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 279-83 E5 Aemate RL Dobrnja on Vrbas BOS Bojanovski 1988, 373, 378 C5 Aenona HRL Nin CRO RE Suppl. 14 D6 Aequum RL Čitluk near Sinj CRO NPauly A3 Aesontius fl. ITL / SVN See Map 19 F7 *Agruvium HRL Kotor YUG TIR Naissus 12; Mijović 1980, 137 B3 [Albanta] fl. Lavant AUS TIR Tergeste 22 F4 Albanum RL Lug CRO NotDig Oc. 32.29; TIR Aquincum 26; Bulat 1977, 79 G2 Albertfalva R HUN Visy 1988, 87-89 B4 Albius M. Snežnik SVN Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 67-69 B4 Albona HRL Labin CRO RE; Mlakar 1962, 36-37 F3 Alisca RL near Szekszárd HUN ItAnt 244.4; RE Suppl. 9; Visy 1988, 117 F4 Aljmaš RL CRO TIR Aquincum 27 A3 Alpes Carnicae ITL / SVN See Map 19 B4 Alpes Delmaticae Velika and Mala Kapela Bojanovski 1988, 373 CRO D4 Alpes Ferreae Petrova gora near Sisak Bojanovski 1984, 157 CRO A4 Alpes Iuliae RL part of Carnican Alps Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 72-85 § Alpes Venetae L towards Ad Pirum area CRO / SVN F3 Alta Ripa RL Tolna HUN RE Suppl. 9; Soproni 1985, 75; Visy 1988, 116-17 F4 Altinum RL Kölked HUN RE Suppl. 9; Soproni 1985, 76; Visy 1988, 125-26 C5 Alveria RL Gradina in Bjelina CRO RE; Miletić 1993, 69 C5 Ancus RL Vrebac or Ribnik CRO RE 1; Miletić 1993a, 126 D4 Andautonia RL Ščitarjevo CRO RE Suppl. 12; Vikić-Belančić 1981 F7 Anderva RL Nikšić YUG TIR Naissus 15; Bojanovski 1988, 377 D6 Andetrium RL Gornji Muč CRO RE; Bojanovski 1988, 52, 373; Miletić 1993a, 135 F4 Andizetes HR area of Mursa CRO TIR Aquincum 28; RE Suppl. 9 Pannonia, col. 605 A2 Anisus fl. See Map 12 F3 Annamatia RL Baracspuszta HUN RE Suppl. 9; Soproni 1985, 74; Visy 1988, 108-10 C5 Ansium RL Cvijina gradina near Miletić 1993a, 128 Obrovac CRO F4 Antiana RL Popovac? CRO TIR Aquincum 28; Bulat 1977, 79-80 E5 Apeva L Jezero or Jajce BOS Bojanovski 1974, 225-26 B5 Apsarus CHRL Osor CRO Faber 1982; Zaninović 1994 B5 Apsyrta/ CH Cres CRO Suić 1955, 152 Crepsa Ins. B5 Apsyrtides Inss. CHRL Cres and Lošinj CRO Mayer 1957, 197-98; Ćus-Rukonić 1982; § Crepsi Inss. Zaninović1982; Kozličić 1990, 139-40 D1 Aquae RL Baden bei Wien AUS TIR CastReg 21 E4 Aquae Balissae/ RL Daruvar CRO RE Suppl. 11 Municipium 4; NPauly Aquae Municipium Iasorum III.9 D3 Aquae Iasae RL Varaždinske Toplice Vikić-Belančić 1978, 165 CRO F6 Aquae S(...) RL Ilidža BOS Bojanovski 1974, 181 D3 Aqua Viva RL Petrijanec CRO Šarić 1978 G2 Aquincum RL Budapest HUN RE Suppl. 11; Soproni 1985, 70-72; Póczy 1986; Visy 1988, 80-87 G2 Aquincum Castra RL Budapest HUN Németh 1986, 82-92 D2 Arabiates HR area of Arrabo fl. HUN RE Suppl. 9 Pannonia, col. 605 MAP 20 PANNONIA-DALMATIA 289 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C6 Arausa RL Velika Mrdakovica CRO RE Arauzona; Miletić 1993, 64-66 B5 Arba CHRL on Rab Is.
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