TRAIL.PUGETSOUND.EDU THe PugeT Sound TRAIL THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND Volume 101, Issue 5 October 28, 2011 Established 1910 ‘AN ORGANIZATION THAT HAS BEEN CHALLENGING... AT TIMES TO WORK WITH’ Where’s the room for compromise? The Underground Christian Fellowship is working to regain its ASUPS club status after discrimination complaints from students. By KRISTIE DUTRA, MIKE KNAPE and PHILLIP BRENFLECK he Underground Christian Fellowship (UCF) unable to provide information about the suspension due to the is taking steps to be reinstated as an official Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. campus organization after being placed on Marshall, who is working suspension last spring by the University’s closely with Wormwood and Hunt, said that UCF would ben- Integrity Code Board (ICB). efit from a public discussion T about the suspension. Caleb Ky- Before the suspension, the group was known as tonen, an InterVarsity employ- the University of Puget Sound Christian Fellowship ee who acted as the group’s off- campus adviser, disagreed. (UPSCF) and functioned as a chapter of InterVarsity “We are not super eager to ‘get our side of the story out’ so Christian Fellowship/USA, a national campus ministry to speak … The Underground organization. Christian Fellowship is current- ly reconciling with administra- Associate Dean of Students were uncomfortable with our re- tion. We are on track to become Donn Marshall issued formal lationship with InterVarsity and a club again and do not want to sanctions against UPSCF af- InterVarsity’s interpretation of do anything to stall that or make ter the Integrity Code Board re- the Bible regarding queer re- a wound larger than it needs to vealed that the club had violated lationships. Some complaints be,” Kytonen said. University policies. He stressed were brought to the ICB, which InterVarsity has been involved that no constitution may con- put our club under heightened in conflicts with several schools flict with the University’s non- scrutiny, resulting in our sus- regarding nondiscrimination discrimination policy. pension from ASUPS on the ba- policies. The most recent cases The sequence of events that led sis of misuse of property and vi- include Marquette University in to the group’s suspension is com- olation of the off-campus adviser July 2011 and Vanderbilt Uni- plex, according to Tracy Worm- policy.” versity in Sept. 2011. “The Ten- wood and Chloe Hunt, the Fel- Wormwood and Hunt said nessean” and “The Marquette lowship’s co-presidents. they were unwilling to reveal Tribune” reported that the con- In a written statement pro- certain specifics of the incident troversy arose from InterVarsi- vided to “The Trail” they stat- in a public forum because they ty’s discrimination based on sex- ed, “A member of the leadership feared the story would be dis- team stepped down because they torted. The administration was SEE FELLOWSHIP PAGE 2 GRAPHIC COURTESY OF TROY H. DUNHAM / TROYHD.COM Football mounts Ties to Weyerhaeuser “Vagina Monologues” Theater reinvents ‘As comeback but falls short reflect hypocrisy moves to Kilworth You Like It’ Sports page 8 Opinions page 3 Features page 7 A&E page 12 2 NEWS The Puget Sound Trail October 28, 2011 [email protected] to University Chaplain Rev. Dave “InterVarsity was like, ‘there’s no about the experiences of LGBTQ support that will only further that Fellowship Wright. room for compromise, this is hap- persons in a heteronormative so- potential,” Luther said. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “None of us had really led Bible pening everywhere, we just want ciety—with specific exploration of The UCF currently has about ual orientation. studies yet, so we didn’t know how to be firm on this.’ But since then what it is like for those who iden- 40 members, according to Worm- Wormwood and Hunt said to go about it,” Wormwood said. they’ve loosened up a little bit,” tify as LGBTQ and Christian,” wood and Hunt. They joined UP- the incidents at Marquette and She added that Kytonen was pres- Wormwood said. The Fellowship Wright said. SCF during their freshman year in Vanderbilt are very similar to what ent at the Bible studies for the en- will re-apply for ASUPS recogni- Wright and Marshall said the 2009. occurred at Puget Sound. tire 2010-2011 academic year. tion as an InterVarsity chapter. group would be recognized once Hunt was looking for a Christian “The administration is in a place Wright, who revoked Kytonen’s Wright added that he’s working the sanctions have been completed community and was impressed where they’re trying to decide adviser status last April, said the to bring back the Christian Fellow- to the administration’s satisfaction. by the friendliness of the UPSCF whether it is inherently discrimi- students are his priority. ship because a group of students ASUPS President Marcus Lu- members at Log Jam. Wormwood natory for a religious group to re- InterVarsity has “a very proac- wants it here. ther has also expressed a desire to tried several Christian groups but quire its leaders to adhere to the be- tive campus ministry on hundreds Disciplinary action included see the Christian Fellowship rein- she said she was attracted to the liefs and act in accordance with the of campuses, but they’re also an or- suspension from ASUPS, manda- stated. community in UPSCF. group. In essence, is it inherently ganization that has been challeng- tory revision of the club’s constitu- “My main goal throughout this “I actually was bawling dur- discriminatory to allow religious ing for a number of campuses at tion and diversity training. At least entire process has been to find a ing my first meeting,” Wormwood groups to function?” Kytonen said. times to work with,” Wright said. 90 percent of the Christian Fel- way to bring UPSCF/UCF back to said. During an investigation by the After the ICB suspended UPSCF, lowship must attend the training, ASUPS as a registered club. They The Underground Christian Fel- University it was also revealed Wormwood and Hunt considered which will be held Nov. 7. are an incredibly motivated group lowship meets Mondays 8:30 p.m. that Kytonen knowingly violated disaffiliating from InterVarsity Wright and Director of Multi- of students who have the potential to 10 p.m. and Thursdays at 7 p.m. the off-campus adviser agreement Christian Fellowship/USA because cultural Student Services Czari- to positively impact campus; in my and 9 p.m. If you’re interested in by attending, and often leading, of the organization’s unwillingness na Ramsay will lead the training, mind, registering with ASUPS will attending, contact chunt@puget- in-dorm Bible studies, according to cooperate with school policies. which will include “conversation provide them with structure and sound.edu. Weyerhaeuser Hall dedication ceremony scheduled today By PHILLIP BRENFLECK oday, Friday, Oct. 28 from 5 to 7 p.m., the University will be of- ficially dedicating the Tnewest academic building on campus with the Grand Opening and Dedication of Weyerhaeus- PHOTO COURTESY/ASHLEY KARDIAN er Hall. The whole of the cam- pus community is encouraged to Printing: The library did away with print release stations this year. come join faculty, staff and stu- dents at the ceremony, and tours of the four-level 42,500 square TS works to smooth printing foot facility will be offered. The $21 million dollar build- ers. By JOANNA LAMSTEIN ing is located on the north side “We used to get a lot of com- of N. 11th Street, between Alder The Collins Memorial Library plaints about the release stations,” St. and Union Ave., across from faces a constant struggle to be as said Cindy Riche of Technolo- the Memorial Fieldhouse. De- sustainable as possible. This con- gy Services. “People didn’t want signed by architect Peter Boh- sideration led to the many changes to wait in line.” However, prob- lin, of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson students have noticed within the lems arose with the new system of Seattle, the building was de- library this semester, including that was implemented this semes- signed to meet the U.S. Green but not limited to the removal of ter. William Morse of Technolo- Building Council’s Leadership the release stations for the print- gy Services said that the problem in Energy and Environmental was that each printing job would Design (LEED) Standards, and PHOTO COURTESY/ALLEN WARD go through one server, and partic- sustainable materials were used ularly large files could block all of during construction to adhere Construction: Weyerhauser Hall was completed this summer. the other jobs, meaning print jobs to the stringent environmen- would go to any available other tal guidelines therein. Weyer- the 300 patients referred to the out- Family Foundation, Guy and Au- printer, causing much confusion haeuser will house the undergradu- patient clinics each year, which are drey Watanabe, The Ben Cheney among the students. ate departments of exercise science an important part of our communi- Foundation, Eric and Hollis Dillon, “If we had a student who print- and psychology, as well as graduate ty’s health care network. As such, and Carl and Renee Behnke. ed a multiple gigabyte file, it would programs in the School of Occupa- the services present unique oppor- For more information about the just block all of the other jobs. tional Therapy, the School of Physi- tunities for students to put theory new building, attend the dedication Now it can do it, but it does it in cal Therapy and the interdisciplin- and skills into practice. The cen- ceremony on Friday, Oct. 28 from 5 chucks, so it doesn’t block every- ary program in neuroscience. ter was made possible by the major to 7 p.m.
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