This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu HaR6 Id /+oRes Page 1 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas C..\'T\.~ ~http://dolearchives.ku.edu ·~ - - - - c_{\~L 1\Y'Vl £L~D g.2- ~- ~ - · ~~TtV~ QbrvtN~tu\U\~ Lb\4~ ----- Page 2 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 3 of 130 TO: Senator Dole FR: Kerry RE: Nashua Chamber of Commerce *I spoke with the folks at the Chamber who said they are just expecting to hear you give your views on what's going on in Washington and around the world. *Also spoke with Smith's and Gregg's office ... both reported that there are real no local "hot" issues of much importance. *Attached remarks focus on topic of "leadership" at home and abroad--similar to those you have been giving on the road. This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Page 4 of 130 -~.,...,...,..-......,.,-.,..---------rurro·. · .....,.,-riu,.....,.-_..... "'u"T"i:Q~c::::c:"""l'""1'"1 "(------aR~Prt:Rr-2n3z--'9crzr4 --r11(r:.:--5)'"5 No . u l 4 I'"' • u ~ BOB DD Lt.. 1 L L 4 v ._, 1 _-r. - MONPAY, MAY 2, 1994 (cont'd) PAGE aight 6:55 PM ATTEND Nashua Chamber of Commerce Dinner Location: Ballroom Attendees: 600 Event runs: 6:45 - 9:25 pm Press: Open Event filmed for C-span Facility: Two tiered dais Headtable on dais Table top podium and mic Headtable: Senator Dole Darlene Stromstad, Chamber Program Chair, VP Marketing & Planning, St. Joseph Hospital David Chabot, Ms. Stromstad's escort Morgan Hollis, Past Chair of Chamber, member of Gottesman & Hollis law firm Tracy Hollis James Herzog, Jr., Chamber Treasurer Cheryl Herzog David Gottesman, Chamber Local Affairs Chair, member Gottesman & Hollis law firm Jean Gotesman Congressman Dick Swett Katrina Swett Bob Eoisvert, Jr., Chamber Membership Chair, Pree. Masi ~lumbing and Heating Geri Boisvert Senator Bob Smith Kathy Veracco, Chamber Public Affairs Chair, NYNEX Public Affairs Director Jim Veracco Peter McArdle, Chamber Chair elect, Acadia Insurance Gov. Relations Director This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu Terry McArdle Reverend James Chaloner, Minister First Church of Nashua Michael Valuk, Chamber Exec. Director Janet Valuk Harold Acres, chamber Dinner Chairman, VP Bank of New Hampshire Shirley Acres Senator Judd Gregg Kathy Gregg • ·- .~ - • -> Page 5 of 130 [4J 009 J.5 : 39 'l5'603 22.t 0Hl8 GREGG CONCORD --:-riAR-11-1994 15: 27 FROf'l BNH EXEC OFF ! CES TO l2248l~8 P.m Ct) BANK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE March 11, 1994 The Honorable Robert Dole United Sta'tt!s Senate Washington, oc 20510 Dear. Senator Dole~ As Chairman for the annual dinner of the Greater Nashua Chamber of Cot1t11~rc:e, I was delighted to h€ar that you have accept~d Senator Gregg's invftation on our bahalf to bt our fe;slun:id spe<lker. The event win take pla~E! on Monday. May 2nd, at the Sheraton Tara in Nashua. It has been some t1m~ s1nce .)"uur· 1a.st visit with our group arid we are very p1 ea$ed that you wil 1 be returning. Wti anticipate over 600 attendees representing our region's bus1nesses and our s.tate-' s pol1'tica.1 le~dership. A:. we pro~eed in phnning the evel'lt, r sha1l be Lhe princ1pa.1 contact for your staff working with Joel Ma1o1a of s~n~tor Gregg's offiee. My te1ephon~ numbe~ is (603}~24-6600, FAX number 1s (603.)669-9365, and my secretary is Sonja Sfameni. Lo9istical eontrol will be handle(! l>Y Hkhae1 Valuk, Execut1ve DirecLor of the Chamber, (603)881-6333t FAX (603)8Sl-7323. Hike and staff are ulwa,ys ayailable to guarantee the hiqhest quality evening for all. It is ovr understanding that yo~ w111 be making two visits earlier in the d~y fo other parts of tne state. Our VIP ret:ept1on ror you and special invited guests is scheduled to begin at 5:30 ~.m., wh1th we trust wi11 f1t your schedule. We are prepared to assist 1n travel and ~coni arrang""1ents where needed. For pub 1icity and program purposes s ,.-e would appreciate rec:eivi ng This document is fromthree the collectionspot·trdi at thel ehoto5Dole Archives, an~ University biograpl'l1cal of Kansas int'onnation at your ~arl 1est http://dolearchives.ku.edu convenience. Alsri, should you want us to feat•Jre a partfcular theme or vi3ion fn describing your presentation, pleHe just let us know. This is a special event for me person.ally, having recoived our Chamber's Citizen of the Year Award from E1 izabeth Uol e in 1987. I look ferward to hearing from your office. Very t~uly yours, ~a...C-.-~ Harold R. Acres Senior Executive Vice President HRA/ss Page 6 of 130 r r.· c r-i c ,· . ~ j ~ !: t·..... .e i: c ,.. c TC 11QZ40G5 11 1'31 .. · · tr~>·} ·- . I Ctt.Arn6l~ of CrW\rY\t~ IV '4Stt" t4 I Ntf LIST OF HEAD TARJ,E <TTTF.."\TS S~NATOR DOD DOLC ANNUAL DINNER • .S/2194 United States Minority Leader Bob Dole. I Vl·--= :r,c~h.lo:;u~ ?v:lAJ.i.:.-1.tiiw &. Pl:.u.wluu l\11 ~L .tm~h H1rnpim1 ttT111 l- ~ nnmtle.t' 1.'t'Ogr:am. (..'iao:, Darlene Sttomstad and her escort Da\-id Chabot P.:.:tv..u ci. tftt; !~.,.,.-firm of Cott~on.1~ &, I foll;,_, .u.1.J L.i.u.tA..,JkLv rwsl,Clus:h- Qf.thc Chamber Morgan Hollis and Tracy Hollis. Partner in the law firm of Gottesman & Hollis and Chamber ~ - Atrairs . Olair, David Gottesman and Jean Gottesman. I ·. United States Congressman Dick Swett and Katrina Swett. !·l .. ·:· President of M~i Plumbing & Heating and Cbrunbcr Membership Chajr)DobBoinert, Jr. and Geri Boisvert. ·· : ., . ... urutea ~tateS :senator HOI> ~mnn. Director of Public Affairs for NY .N.EX and Chamber Public Ailhl~ , Cbait:](athy Vera.cco and Tun Veracco. DirectorlndustryandGovernmentRelationsforAcadiainsurancea.ndChamberCha1r-F.1ect, Peter McArdle and Terry AkAxdle. f ...... ·· Executive Director of the Greater Na5hua Chamber of CvfilJ.l.l.t;J:-ct; ·Midlacl J_ Valu:k and I This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas . ·, ,, Janet Valukhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu. I Senior ExccutiYc Vice President for DanJ.: of New Haiup~hi.re aud ·ewiltman cf the Annual 1. Dinner Committee, Harold Acres and Shirley Acres. 1· . I i t Unitod £Ui.te3 8cnntor Judd Crc" and Ka.thy <J«i~~· •' .. I l . I II TOH1L P. 03 Page 7 of 130 SENATOR BOB DOLE NASHUA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MAY 2, 1994 THANK YOU. IT'S A PLEASURE TO RETURN TO THE NASHUA CHAMBER OF This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas COMMERCEhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu BANQUET. I ALSO BRING GREETINGS FROM 1 Page 8 of 130 ELIZABETH, WHO JOINED YOU HERE A FEW YEARS BACK. YOU'RE ACTUALLY BETTER OFF HAVING ME HERE THAN ELIZABETH. l'M A POLITICIAN, AND WHEN I SPEAK THERE'S ALWAYS SOMEONE OUT IN THE AUDIENCE WONDERING IF l'M This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas JUST http://dolearchives.ku.eduAFTER THEIR MONEY. 2 Page 9 of 130 BUT WHEN ELIZABETH SPEAKS, SHE'S NOT JUST AFTER YOUR MONEY, SHE'S AFTER YOUR BLOOD. SHE DID ASK ME TO PASS AROUND SOME PAPER, AND HAVE EVERYONE WRITE DOWN THEIR BLOOD TYPE ... This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas CONTRARYhttp://dolearchives.ku.edu TO WHAT SOME IN WASHINGTON THINK, IT HAS 3 Page 10 of 130 BEEN EIGHT MONTHS SINCE I LAST VISITED NEW HAMPSHIRE, AND I DO WANT TO DISCUSS WHAT'S HAPPENED IN AMERICA AND THE WORLD IN THOSE MONTHS, BUT SEEING ALL THE COMMUNITY LEADERS HERE REMINDS ME OF A STORY. This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas IThttp://dolearchives.ku.edu CONCERNS THIS BUSINESSWOMAN WHO WAS 4 Page 11 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu AND THE MAN SAID, 11 DO YOUR RECORDS ALSO SHOW Hu,._, THAT MY BROTHER WAS ..- IN AN ACCIDENT, AND THAT HE IS PERMANENTLY DISABLED, AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SUPPORT HIMSELF? DO YOUR RECORDS SHOW THAT MY SISTER WAS WIDOWED WITH SEVERAL CHILDREN, AND THERE 6 Page 12 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu WAS NO INSURANCE? DO YOUR RECORDS SHOW THAT MY 90 YEAR OLD MOTHER AND FATHER ARE STILL ALIVE? TAKEN ABACK, THE NEW CHAIRMAN FLUSHED, AND SAID, 11 NO, THE RECORDS DON'T SHOW THAT. 11 11WELL, 11 THE TOWN LEADER SAID, 11 IF I DON'T GIVE ANYTHING 7 Page 13 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu TO THEM, WHY SHOULD I GIVE ANYTHING TO YOU?11 LOOKING AROUND AT ALL THE COMMUNITY LEADERS HERE, I KNOW THERE ARE NONE OF THOSE TYPE OF PEOPLE IN THE ROOM. AS I WAS TALKING WITH SOME OF YOU EARLIER THIS EVENING, I HEARD SOMETHING 8 Page 14 of 130 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu THAT l'VE HEARD IN A NUMBER OF STATES THIS PAST WEEK..
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