Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-3-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 03, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1981 Volume 66, Issue 9 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 03, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Swinburne tells 'Daily 73gyptian GSC,USO Southern Illinois University Thursday. September 3. 1981 - Vol. 66. NO . 9 fees may go up R" :\likt' ,\"thun" type of programs" it ''''fers ~ staff " 'rik'r . The Student Center fee was reduced from 529 to 124 a few ~ Students ma\' be faced With years ago. SWinburne said. but incrE'as~s in several fees and .. omethIOg must be done to ~ . tuition nE'xt Year . Hrut'e mUE'a se the fee next year .. SWinburne. vice' pre~ldent for The H£'wnue Hond fee !<Ikes ~ tudent affairs. told a JOInt ~--,.~ {'are of twn·thirds of the loss of ~(,s~lon of the l 'ndE'rgranuate retai ned tuitIOn . Swinburn C' Stud('nt Orga'lization and tht· .'J ln. and " C'i ther there will be a '~ ----- (; raduate ~; tudC'nt CounCIl 5/; O/j IncreasE' for fiscal \'ear Wedne~dav . 1!.lR:!. or S:l will be added on to Swinburne said i n c rea~('s a r(' thE' Student ('enter fee." being considered for Recreation In additi on. SWlOburne ~a lrt. Center . HE'alt h St>r\'ice. Campu~ an Innea!>e 10 hou~ing rates Safety . Student ('('nter . "will have to b(. considered ~ " Revenue Bond and Housing " Wt> ha\'p postponed some fees. things and can do it again." Also . " I expect we ' lI be Swi nburne said. " but some talking about an incr('ase In things cannot be postponed" '- tuition. too." Swinburne ~a ld In the area of Intercollegiate ''I'm not read,· to say therC' AthletiCS . SWinbu rne said " I am will be an increase 'in the not advocating an iocrease Recreation Center fee .' right now " for a fee that would Swinburne said. "but I ~u~pec t take main the Athletics that there will be an increase In DepartmE'nt 's facilities a nd the magnitude of 53 to 54 ." E'q uipment. "and we ....· ill not A S15 increase in the H('alth pursue it this vear .. Service fee has been approved However. hE" added. " We do by both the l 'St) and GSC". and need some kind of plan to take that is the only fee that h a~ gone ca re of our fa f'ilitiNi in the through the stud('nt hoard. he futur£' b('cause nght now \'0 1' ~aid . ha\ t: flu plans lu i!Ccummodate Swinburne sa id he met Wit h those n£'eds .. the Campus Sa fety Fee Hoard "The pr£'sent athletics fpl:' IS last week. and it "needs ~o m e l' o n~i s tent With nt her I n · type of increase to ~upport thE' stltutions 10 the state." he said Staff phoW by Michael :\Iarcotk' mine nt':IT their home. Threats to their ramily a ... home made them challge their minds. Hogan to announce Hush offear covers Galatia policy on parties By 0..,... Ha •• prOlVam, comprised 01 Lewis SUff Wrik'r Park tenants. and the as mine problems continue possibility of creating peer An announcement will be advisers. Swinburne said the By J .... Sellnl gas. Police etimated the town will either." SUff Writer crowd at about 1,000. but local He proved to be right. Most made by Carbondale Police peer advisers would be students observers say it was clOIIeI' to people will not talk, and those Chief Edward Hogan Thursday who would " tell partiers to ha ve There is a hush over the 3.000. that will do not give their morning regarding the a good time but to cool it so as town of Galatia. It is not the "I've never seen anything names. department's policy towards not to create disruptions and like it." says one yOU!ll man "It's not healthy to talk." large parties. force security people to be It is r:e'ten':eh~:=~ . who watched the scene. "It said one man. "You listen to The announcement comes called in." Galatia's .., residents live scared the heD out 01 me." both sides, but you keep your after a meetilll Wednesday at Swinburne said the Univer­ in northwest Saline County. mouth shut." which University, city and sity does not want to OLDER RESIDENTS had the heart 01 coal country. land One lifetime Galatia Lewis Park Apartment officials "overreact" to the problem but seen something like it­ resident, a woman of about 01 the United Mine Workers. discussed what a Lewis Park warned that any student On Aug. 31. a mob 01 union something most would rather 60, said the union and non­ supporters gathered in forget. In 1932. Galatia was union tension is "killing the official called an unauthorized charged with breaking city Galatia and marched east 0( the scene 01 another con­ town ." party held Saturday night. ordinances will also be charged town where a non-union mine frontation, that between " It almost makes you cry to Bruce Swinburne. vice with violations of the SIU-C owned by the Oklahoma City­ members of two unions. see all these men who need a president for student affairs. student conduct code. based Kerr-McGee Coal Union violence during that job and are afraid to go to the said the meeting was "ex­ "Wherever a large group of Corp. is under construction. time earned adjacent non-union mines and afraid to cellent." students are. there is always '.he What started as a peaceful Williamson County the name speak their opinion," she About 500 to 1.000 persons possibility of disruptive protest ended in violent "Bloody Williamson." The said. attended the "unauthorized" behavior occurring," he said. confrontation. Two con­ incident two weeks ago "They're afraid of saying "We're interested in protecting serves as a painful reminder party which resulted in struction vehicles were things that will hurt their students and anyone who might burned and othen damaged, of the explosive tension that friends and their neighbors." property damage. litter. fences were tom down and continues to exist. She hesitates and lowers her harassment to tenants and be affected by their disruptive windows bnlken. Damage is "It's a horrible situation. voice. "They're afraid of the blocked streets, accordilll to behavior." estimated at $100,000. that's all I'D say," said union." James Prowell, Lewis Park's Saturday's party may have In the end. state police in Galatia Mayor Leroy Bird. "I general manager. Prowell had been caused by a nyer posted on National Guard helicopters don't want to talk about it and asked for the meeting to campus last week that an­ dispersed the crowd with tear I don't think anyone else in prevent similar parties in the nounced a "Welcome Bad To future. School Party. Saturday. Aug. Swinburne said he. Hogan. 29. Lewis Park. Busch Beer Prowell, Craig Cardwell. a Truck. Two Bands." Reward fund set up in murder case representative of the development firm that owns Carbondale police were on the sales representative. A that area churches will be.asked scene Saturday evening but pathologist's report showed that to take an extra coUeclion on Lewis Park. Harvey Welch Jr., dean of student life, Betsy Prowell said the crowd was too Miss Schumake had been raped Sunday, Sept. 13. large to make any arrests. and strangled and that she was Nelson said that if no person Burns. of the city attorney's A reward fund has been killed at 6 p.m . on the 17th. or persons responsible for the office, Paul Jahr, assistant established for information Carbondale police reported no crime are captured within a housing director. and Carl leading to the arrest and con­ Harris, assistant director of off­ new leads in the case Wed- year, then half of the money viction of the murderer of Susan nesday. collected will be given to SIU-C campus housing, attended the Schumake. the 21 -year~ld SIU­ Dave Nelson, an employee of for a scholarship in Miss meetilll· C coed whose body was WIDB and chairman of the Schumake's name and half will "Basically. everyone was discovered off a path kllOWn as Committee for the Susan be given to the Carbondale concerned about the positive the "Ho Chi Minh Trail" on Schumake Memorial Fund, said Women's Center for Rape educational environment and the image we present at SIU­ AI4. 18. Wednesday that all SIU-C Prevention. Miss Schuniake was last seen C," Swinburne said. "We alive between S:30andS:45 p.m . students are asked to donate $1 talked about ideas that might to the fund. He said his com­ Donations can also be mailed on Aug. 17 as she WI''' leavilll a help us in this reprd." mittee will be distributilll cans to the Susan Schumake meetinl at campus radio .... ~ iDduded a throuIhout Carbondale where Memorial Fund, WlDB-SIU-C, station WIDB where she was formilll a teaaDt ........p peapIe can donalle money and Carbondale. 0.• ..,1, employed as an advertiainI Citizells raised lDore funds News ROUJldup--- O'Connor discloses family wealth than legislators in cutback fight WASHINGTON (AP) - Sandra D. O'Connor, in town a week early to prepare for Senate hearings on her nomina tion Ill.
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