The Angelus Monthly Publication of the Church of Our Saviour JanuaryApril 2019 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK, APRIL 15 12:10pm, Mass, Lady Chapel WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK, APRIL 17 12:10pm, Mass, Lady Chapel 7pm, Stations of the Cross MAUNDY THURSDAY, APRIL 18 7pm, Liturgy of Maundy Thursday Including foot washing and stripping of the altar; following the service, the Vigil of Gethsemane before the Altar of Repose begins in the Lady Chapel GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 19 12noon, Liturgy of Good Friday 7pm, Liturgy of Good Friday HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 20 8pm, Great Vigil of Easter concluding with First Solemn Eucharist of Easter An Easter Eve reception is held following the service; everyone attending is asked to bring a contribution EASTER, APRIL 21 8:30am, Said Mass 9:45am, Between-the-services reception | 10am, Easter Egg Hunt 11am, High Mass and Coffee Hour Events and Feast Days Events and Feast Days Parish Clean-Up Passiontide April 6, 2019 436-4522Begins or [email protected]. April 7, 2019 We’re in need of readers, actors, costume/set designers, On Saturday, April 6, 2019, from 9:00 am choristers,The last instrumentalists, two weeks before snack Easter, chefs, called and gen- until 1:00 pm, we will be holding a Spring clean- Passiontide,eral assistants, are aso transitional there’s definitely time, part something of Lent for up morning dedicated to getting the parish ready andeveryone! yet not aWe part’ll of have Lent. one During rehearsal Passiontide immediately for the upcoming Easter celebrations. Please plan theprior focus to ofthe Lent service, moves at 4:00from pm an (snacksexamination included). on joining your fellow parishioners and lending of one’s personal relationship with God to your talents to the cause of making our space a a prolonged meditation on, and, in a sense, welcoming and inviting presence to everyone a participation in, the death and final days who comes to visit. A sign-up sheet is posted in of Jesus. the Parish Hall so that we can have an idea of This transition may have arisen because how many volunteers to expect. Coffee, snacks the season of Lent probably came about as a and lunch will be provided to all participants. combination of a forty-day period of fasting and The Feast of prayer immediately after Epiphany (in imitation The Holy Name of Christ’sFeast forty-day of period the of Epiphany preparation for of OurParish Lord Luncheon Jesus Christ his ministry)Sunday, and a shorter January period of6, fasting 2019 and Tuesday,April January 7, 2019 1, 2019 preparation for Easter. Passiontide is the time of preparationThe Feast for ofEaster. the Epiphany will be celebrat- OurThe regular Feast ofFirst the SundayHoly Name lunch of willOur beLord held will ed withThe atwo Choral Sundays High before Mass atEaster 11:00 were am. afterbe celebratedthe 11:00 amon serviceJanuary on 1, Sunday,2019, at April10:00 7, am. once calledThe Epiphanythe First Sunday is one ofof thethe sevenPassion principle 2019, in the parish hall. Those with last names andfeasts the Secondobserved Sunday in the Episcopalof the Passion. Church. Since As we ending in A through H are asked to bring a main thecelebrated traditional Christmas gospel for our the focus First was Passion on taking Sunday in dish, I throughEpiphany R a vegetable Pageant, or side dish, and endsthe withwondrous “Jesus mystery hid himself of the and incarnation went out —ofGod in human form—as we adored the helpless infant S throughBurning Z a dessert. of the Greens and the temple” (John 12:36) it is customary that duringLord Passiontide,in the manger. all During images, Epiphany, all crucifixes, we come Three Kings’ Dance Party andto picturessee Jesus of as Our the Lord“light are of coveredthe world, with” shifting StationsJanuary of the5, 2019 Cross purpleour focus drapery. towards If you what wish His to incarnationhelp, please means contactfor us theand church for the officewhole world.at 404-872-4169 During the for StationsOn Saturday, of the CrossJanuary will 5, be at celebrated5:30 pm, there furtherEpiphany details. season, as we “get to know” Jesus, we are also asked to respond to Him. Like the shep- onwill Wednesdays be a special in Aprilservice (3rd, to celebrate 10th and the 17th) Feast at of herds who ran to the manger, the Magi who trav- 7:00the pmEpiphany. in the Nave. The service will follow a lessons and carols format, including a pageant in which elled great distances to bring Him gifts, and the parishioners (children and adults) will depict the disciples who heeded His call, we too can wor- scenes describedPalm in our Sunday scripture readings, and ship and followHoly Him Triduum today. will concludeApril with a 14, candlelight 2019 procession out- TheApril name “ Epiphany18-21,” is2019 derived from side and burning of the greens. A Three Kings’ a Greek word meaning “manifestation,” or Dance Party, with festive supper, will follow the “appearing.” Anglican prayer books interpret the serviceOur atPalm 6:30 Sunday pm. Bring festivities along awill small start branch wordTraditionally, with an alternative the last title, days “ ofThe Holy Manifestation Week withfrom the your 8:30 Christmas am Traditional tree to Holy include Eucharist in our with areof called Christ are to thecalled Gentiles. the Holy” The Triduum: last title, Maundy of DistributionEpiphany fire. of Palms. Then we will gather in the Thursday,course, is Good a reference Friday, to Holy the storySaturday of the and Wise Easter Church Ifgarden you or (weather your child(ren) permitting),—or anythe Parishchild Sunday.Men from We theencourage East. A all Christian to join usobservance for all ser on- Hall(ren) otherwise, in your life for— distributionare interested and in blessing participating of vices:January the 6joy is offound Easter as earlyis more as meaningfulthe end of the if Palmsin the at pageant, 10:45 am. please This contact will be Amyfollowed Wells by at an 404 - yousecond understand century the in sorrowsEgypt. The that feast went combined before. 11:00 am Procession to the Church, the singing A complete schedule of our services can be found of the Passion, and a Solemn Eucharist. on page 1 of this newsletter. PagePage 2 2 THE ANGELUS JanuaryApril 2019 2019 Getting to know…. Events and Feast Days Continuing our conversation is here for another hundred years. More ideas with Church of Our Saviour’s to436 come-4522 later. or [email protected]. We’re in Junior Warden Les Faulk need of readers, actors, costume/set designers, Whatchoristers, do you instrumentalists,see as the bright snackspots chefs,or positive and gen- Editor’s Note: As we things,eral assistants, outside of so your there realm’s definitely as Junior something Warden, for noted in last month’s thateveryone! have happened We’ll have at Our one Saviour rehearsal in immediatelythe Angelus, there wasn’t lastprior year? to the service, at 4:00 pm (snacks included). enough space in that Over the past few years, we have had big issue to include all of and small changes at Our Saviour; and as we our Q&As with Les, so know, change itself can be a real challenge to here are two additional some. As a Vestry member, I have had the plea- questions we poised to sure of being part of the search committees for him and he graciously our new Priest and new Organist and Choir answered. Master. These are changes that we have all been The Feast of a part of. The HolyAre Name there any particu- At OurFeast Saviour, of somethe changes Epiphany have been of Our Lord larJesus issues, Christwithin your easy andSunday, some difficult. January But overall, 6, 2019we have realm as Junior War- also been blessed by many positive events that den, thatTuesday, you would likeJanuary to see our parish1, 2019 address we can Theall see Feast in ourof the buildings Epiphany and will grounds be celebrat- made in the coming year? The Feast of the Holy Name of Our Lord will overed withthe recent a Choral years. High These Mass enhancements at 11:00 am. were be celebratedIn five short on Januaryyears, Our1, 2019,Saviour at 10:00will be am. all madeThe possible Epiphany with is gifts one andof the donations seven principle when- celebrating our Centennial since our founding everfeasts possible. observed in the Episcopal Church. As we almost one hundred years ago at the corner of celebratedAs everyone Christmas knows, our it focus takes was money on taking to get in Highland Avenue.Epiphany We need Pageant,to start planning for thingsthe wondrous done and mysteryOur Saviour of the is incarnation always grateful—God to this celebration now!! We need to think about acceptin human any giftsform and—as pledges we adored for ourthe “packaging”helpless infant what Burningwe want to look of like the and Greens how does our and andLord for inthe the glory manger. of God. During Moreover, Epiphany, necessary we come “packaging”Three appear Kings to our’ community.Dance Party capitalto see improvements Jesus as the “light and planningof the world, are such” shifting an This is suchJanuary an important 5, 2019milestone for importantour focus issue towards for any what successful His incarnation long-term means any church or congregation and we need to endeavor.for us and Please for the know whole we world. appreciate During any the and take advantageOn Saturday, of this January huge opportunity 5, at 5:30 pm,to there allEpiphany gifts made season, for our as buildings we “get to and know grounds” Jesus, and we recommitwill be a ourselves special service and our to congregationcelebrate the toFeast of lookare toalso our asked future.
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