RADIO TODAY THURSDAY, OCT. SO, 1941 Claude A. Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture, Speaking on Farm and NEWSBROADCASTS Home Hour-WJZ, 12 : 30-1 : 15. Morning "Labor Relations and the Defense Program," William H. Davis and6 :00-WHN 8 :30-WMCA, WHM 6 :15-WA BO :45-WEAF, Richard B. Scandrett Jr.WJZ, 2-2:30. :30-WEAF, WJZ, WNYC Racing: Pimlico SpecialWJZ, 4:15-4:30. WOK 8 :55-WQXR 6 :45-WEAF 9 :00-WABC Concert Orchestra, Eugene Plotnikoff, ConductorWNYC, 6 :35-WABC 9:80-WOK Fannie Brice, Frank Morgan, Willson Orchestra, OthersWEAF, 8-8:30.7 :00-WOE. WNYC 9 :45-WHN, WHEW 7 :05-WQX.R. 10 :00-VVIICA Music Hall: Bing Crosby, Rise Stevens, Others, GuestsWEAF, 9-10 7 :15-WMCA, WEN10 :15-WJZ 7 :30-WEAF, WHEW11 :00-WOR, WHOA. Amateur Hour, Direction Major BowesWABC, 9-10. '7 :45-WABC WNYC America's Town Meeting: "How Can We Stop Rising Prices?" Leon7 :55-WJZ, WQX.R, 11 :30-WMGA 8:00-W0R. WIZ, 11 :55-WHEW moat Henderson, Senator Robert A. Taft, James D. Mooney, Representa-WABC, *NYC tive Albert GoreWJZ, 9:15-10:15. AfteIn0011 William O'Dwyer, at Rally, Hunts Point PalaceWMCA, 9:15-9:45. 12 :00-WEAF WOE. 2:80-WOE, WNEPPir WA.BC, Wi314 3 :30-WEVD, MICA. Vallee Varieties: John and Lionel Barrymore, GuestsWEAF, 10-10:30.12:25-WJZ :45-WNTO 12:30-WOK 3 :55-WABO, WQXR Where there is no listing for a station, Its preceding program is on the air12 :45-WNEW 4:00-WOE 1 :00-WMCA 4 :44-WA-BC WEVD-Studio Music 1 :45-WJZ 4 :55-WJZ MORNING 9 :15-WOE-Food Quiz 1 :55-WQXR. 5 :00-WMCA 5 :30-WOR-Music; Farmers Digest WABC-School of the Air :00-WI's:Ye 5 :15-WNEW 6 :00- wriN-News (To 7) WIIN-Dr. Wynne's Food Forum 2 :15-WI1N 5 :45-WHN WNEW-Recorded Music WEVD-Italian Music (Off 10-12) Evening 6 :15-WA BC-News ;Music 9 :30-VVEAF-Isabel M. liewson, Talk 6 :00-WJZ, WA-BC, 9:45-WHEW 6 :30-WE AF. WJZ-N ews ;Variety WOK-News; Music; Talk WMCA 9 :55-WQXR WOK-News; Farmers Digest WJZ-Breakfast Club ;Variety 6 :10-WABC 19:00-WOE WABC-Arthur Godfrey, Songs WMCA-Marketing Program 6:15-WE AF, WA-BC10 :30-WMC 6 :45-WEAF-News ;Variety Music WQXR-Apartm en ts Talk 6 :25-WQXR, WNYC10 :45-WA-BC, WHOA, WMCA-Dance Music 9i45-WEAF-Edward MacHugh, Songs 6:30-WOK WEVD 6 :50-WNEW-Fishing News ;Music WABC-Stories ,America Loves 6 :35- WHN 10 :50- WQX13. 6 :55-WABC-News ;Arthur Godfrey WHN-News ; Consumers' Quiz 6 :45-WABC, WJZ 11 :00-WEAF, WJZ, 7 :00-WOR-News ; Musical Clock WHEW-Kathryn Cravens, Comments 7 :00-WMCA WO R. WHN, WICVD WYNC-News; Sunrise symphony WQXR-Let's Talk Shop 7 :15-WEAF, WMCA11 :30-WHEW WHN-The Grouch Club 10 :00-WEAF-Bess Johnson-Sketch 7 :30-WOR, WEN, 12 :00-WEAF, WI11, WEVD-Musical Clock WOK-Food Forum-Alfred McCann WHEW WA-BC, WhICA ;06-wQX.R-News; Breakfast Symphony 12:30-WOE 7 :15-WMCA-News ;Dance Music WJZ-Clark Dennis, Tenor :45-WMCA, WEN WHN-News; The Grouch Club WABC-Hymns of All Churches 8 :45-WHN 12 :55-WEAF, WM% :30-WEAF-News-Don Goddard WMCA.-News Bulletins 8:55-WA-BC WA-BC, WM.; WNEW-News ; Recorded Music WNYC-Advice to Consumers 9:00-WOE, WJZ, 1 :00-WMCA WEVD-News in Jewish; Music WNEW-Make Believe Ballroom WQXR 2 :00-WOK 7 :45-WEAF-Talk-Pat Barnes QXR-Lisa Sergio, Comments WABC-News ; News of Europe 10 :15-WEAF-Bachelor's Children-Sketch NEWS OF THE SHORT WAVES 7 :55-w.rz-Newe ; European Reports WJZ-Today's News-Helen Fliett WQXR-News; Music WA BC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch Time, Eastern Standard-Meg-aoyalee :00-WEAF-Studio X. Variety Show WMCA-Jerry Baker, Songs LONDON WOK-News Reports WABC-Gramercy Chamber Trio 12:30 A. M.-6.11, 9.58 WMCA-Health Exercises 10 :30-WE AF-Hel p Mate-Sketch 1:15 A. M.-9.51, 9.58 WNYC-News ;Want Ads :Music 'NOR-Consumers Quiz; Music 3:00 A. M.-9.51, 9.59, 11.75 WEVD-Women in the News WJZ-House in the Country-Play 6:00 A. M.-6.11, 9.60 :15-WOK-The Goldbergs-Sketch WA BC-Stepmother-Sketch 8:00 and 11:00 A. M.-17.81 WJZ-Recorded Music WM CA-Dance Music 11:15 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.-15.14 WABC-Music; Beauty-Nell Vinick WHN-The Music Shop (To 12) 3:45 P. M.-9.58, 11.75 WMCA-Religious Talk WQXR-Salon Concert 5:45 P. M.-6.11, 9.58, 11.75 WEVD-Friendly Adviser 10 :45-WEAF-Road of Life-Sketch 6:45 P. M.--6.11, 11.75 8 :25-WNYC-City Consumers Guide WJZ-Variety Show 8:00 P. M.-6.11, 9.58. 11.76 :30-WEAF-Chanticleers Ensemble WABC-Woman Of Courage-Sketch 11:30 P. M.-6.11, 9.58 WOR-Musical Appetizer 11 :00-WRAF-Mary Marlin-Sketch REMISES WJZ-Jim Robertson, Songs WOK-News; Bessie Beatty-Talk 12:00 Midnight-6.02 WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping WABC-Beauty-N ell Vinick 2:15 and 4:20 A. M.-9.66 WMCA-News ;Health Talk ;Music WMCA-Burnet Hershey, Commento 6:30 A. M.-15.11, 15.20 WNYC-Gramercy Chamber Trio WNYC-News ;City Tour Hints 7:00 A. M.-15.28, 17.76 WHN-News ; Dance Music WQXFt-Other People's Business 8:30 A. M.-15.11, 15.20 WEVD-Dear Editor-Talk 11 :15-WEAF-Pepper Young-Sketch 11:30 A. M., 12:30 and 1:20 P. M.-25.18 Songs; Organ WJZ-Viennese Ensemble 6:00 P. M.-9.61 8 i45-WEAF-NewsWOK-Johnson ; Family-Sketch WABC-Man I Married-Sketch 8:15 P. M.-11.77 WJZ-News ;Kitchen Quiz VVMCA-Recorded Dance Musie 10:30 P. M.-6.02 WABC-Talk-Adelaide Hawley ;Re- WNYC-Pages of Melody ROME becca Rankin. Guest 11 :30-WEAF-The GOldnergs-Sketch 1:15 A.M.-9.63 4:30 P.M.-11.111. WNYC-News ; New York Today WJZ-Richard Kent, Traveling Cook 5:45 A.M.-17.82 9:45 P.M.-9.6a WEVD-The Folk Singer W A BC-B right Horizon-Sketch 1:45 P.M.-9.63, 15.3 :55-WQXR-News; Request Program WMCA-News ;Dance Music --"ra 9:00-WOE-Dear Imogene ;Talk WHEW-Frank Froeba, Piano WJZ-Woman of Tomorrow WQXR-Symphonic Music WNYC-Keeping Well This Winter-. WABC-News-George Bryan 11:45-W riAtc-Davici riarum-Sketch Dr. Resinaid Conklin WMCA-Recorded Dance Muste WJZ-What Can I Do?-Sylvia Porter; WNEW-Bing Crosby Records WNYC-Masterwork Hour Sybyl S.Siegel. Eleanor Smith 11 :55-WNEW-News ; Recorded Music WNEW-Zeke Manners's Gang WABC-Aunt Jenny's Stories WQXR-News ; Luncheon Music WMCA-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch WJZ-A New Century of Dental AFTERNOON WEVD-Front Page News-Drama Progress-Brig. Gen. L. C.Fair- 12 :00-WRAF-News-Don Goddard 1 :55-WQXR-News ; Opera Concert bank, Dr. Wilfred H. Robinson, WOK-John B. Hughes, Comments 2 :00-WEAF-Biblical Drama Oren A. Oliver WJZ-Nancy Boothe Craig WOK-Talk-Martha Deane WABC-Cincinnati Conservatory of WABC-News; Kate Smith's Chat WJZ-Labor Relations and the Defense Music Concert WMCA-RecOrded Dance Music Programs-W. H. Davis. Chairman, WMCA-Friendship Bridge With WNYC-Midday Symphony National Defense Mediation Board ; Vladimir, Natalie and Paul Dros- WHN-News ; Popular Music Richard B. Scandrett Jr. doff, Piano WEVD-News in Jewish WABC-Young Dr. Malone-Sketch 4:15-WE AF-Stella Dallas-Sketch 12 :15-WEAF-The O'Neills-Sketch WMCA-Dance Music (To 3:30) WOK-The Rains Came-Sketch WOK-Arthur Godfrey, Songs WNYC-N ews Reports WJZ-RacingPimlico Special WJZ-Program Resume: Music WEVD-Jewish Philosopher WEVD-Dance Music WA BC-Big Sister-Sketch 2 :115-WNYC-Ballet Music ;Talks 4 :30-WEAF-Lorenzo Jones-Sketch WEVD-Marriage Bureau-Sketch :15-WEA F-Mystery Man-Sketch WOK-Happy Jim Parsons 12 :25-WJZ-News ;Farm and Home Hour ; WA BC-Joyce Jordan-Sketch WJZ-Ciub Matinee, Variety 12 :30-WEA F -Deep River Boys, Songs WHN-News Bulletins WABC-Landt Trio, Songs Secretary of Agriculture Claude A. W FX D -Jewish Songs WMCA-Open House-Variety 2 :30-WEAF-Valiant Lady-Sketch WNYC-Faculty Forum Wickard, Speaker WOK-News-Arthur Van Horn WEVD-Italian Varieties WOE-News; Judy and Jane-Sketch WJZ-Into the Light-Sketch 4 :45-WEAF-Young Widder Brown-Sketch WABC-Helen Trent-Sketch W ABC-Talk-Fletcher Wiley WABC-News Reports WHN-Racing Scratches WHN-Bob Byron, Songs 4 (55-WJZ-News; Adventure Stories WEVD-Women's Matinee WHEW-News: Studio Orchestra 5 :00-WEAF-When a Girl Marries-Sketch 12 :45-WEAF-Recorded Music WEVD-Meiodic Gems WOK-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WABC-Our Gal Sunday-Sketch WQXR-Dance Music WA BC-Mary Marlin-Sketch WHN-Music ; Insurance Talk 2 :45-WEAF-Arnold Grimm's Daughter VVMCA-News Bulletins WNEW-News ; Music WOK-Beauty-Richard Willis WNYC-Concert Orchestra, Eugene 1 :00-WEAF-Mary Margaret McBride WJZ-Mid stream-Sketch Plotnikoff, Conductor WOK-We Are Always Young-Sketch WABC-Kate Hopkins-Sketch WHEW-Merle PittOrchestra WABC-Life Can Be Beautiful-Play 3 :00-WEAF-Against the Storm-Sketch WMCA-News Bulletins WOE-Jimmy Kemper, Songs WEVD-Dramatic Sketches WNYC-Missing Persons Alarms WJZ-Ornhans of Divorce-Sketch WQXR-War and Disease-Estelle M.
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