WEDHTOAT, XABG8 t, IMO ' Support the Red Cross—A Great Humanitarian Organization IRtmrIr»0tpr Sttrafns If^roUi All members o f ths Italian- Dlaplacsd Parson Patras Ttotonl- Amsrican society are requested tis, 40, Lithuanian farmar, has Atcrage Dally Net Presa Ran Tha W islhtr A bout Tow n to meet at the ItaUan-Amcrican baan aponaorad for aatUamant hard Salvationists to Gather Reports Filed Per tke Month of Febmary, 19SU Pofheaat at U. 8. Waatkrt Haiaaa clubhouae thla evening nt 7:30, to by K. M. Bastla, of 434 Oakland cantf o f PoUoa Honnaa O. Booed in n body to the Quiah straat, according to Washington Here for 70th Anniversary By Inspector Ooady to partly elea6y today. SoImbM and his goUI«a ntitevar, ineral Home to pay final trlbuta rsport 9,877 scattered «w w eqaalle. FM raad «OoMwood m diael.” parttolpaM and reapect to the late member, nwrh eoMer tealgbt. fh ir aad last n i^ t in (he cancer fund George Antonio. Richard Whitham, son of Mr. Meatoer af tha Aadit iianrliTfitTr BrraUi and Mra. Erwin WbiUism, of 42 Major Benjamin C. Jones, co m -a n d Aviation are cooperating in 3 8 Permits for New Bvreaa of CIrculattoBa eoatlaaed eeld Friday. sports Carnival at the Bushnell providing facilities for an actual HALE’S 6 , Memorial in HartfordL The Manchester Women's Re­ Gerard street, and a freshman at mander of the Manchester Salva­ Manchester— A City o f Village Charm Batoa CoUegs, Lawlston, Mains, is tion Army Corps, announced to­ landing similar to that of the first Dwellings in February; publican Club and the Men’s Club Salvationists on March 10,1880. S t nary's Women's Amdliary wUl have a joint meeting Wednes­ responsible for ths claas spesksra day that Salvationists from Mer­ for Religious Emphasis Wsak, Representing Commissioner Rail- Valued at $3 66,000 will meet in the Guild room rri- day evening, March 16, at 8 o’clock iden, Hartford, Middletown, Wllli- ton as the leader of the pioneers VOL. LXIX. NO. 1S4 (CTaeriSed Advortfafaig aa Paga IS| MANCHESTER. CX)NN., THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1950 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE POUR CENTS eventns at elsht o'clock. The in the American Legion hall. Mem­ March'5-f, at the college. For The Best mantlc, Norwich, New London and will be Major Bramwell Tripp, Thirty-eight new dwellings, (uest speaker will be Miss Kath­ bers of both clubs and their friends WInsted will Join local Salvation­ general secretary of the Salvation leen McLaughlin, daughter of Rev. are urged to reserve the date. ists on Friday for the observance Army’s Training College for fu­ with an estimated value of $866,- Willard H. and Mrs. McLaughlin Speakers will be later announced. Robiuson Named here of the Salvation Army’s 70th ture officers in New York. Seven 000 were among structurea on Storm Wrecks Communications of Henry street who spent her anniversary in the United States. of the young women cadets,' who which permit, were granted by In diUdhood in India. Hostesses wUl The newly formed Edgar group Senior Major Emil Nelson, of are in training there, will play the Building Inspector David Cham­ 14 Prisoners Die, II ^yMiygnuFji ’irteiym bo Mrs. Leroy Holmes, Mrs. Her­ of the South Methodist W. S. C. 8. To Fill Vacancy New York City, will speak, and Bowles Asks Solons roles of the first Lassies to arrive bers during February, the month­ man Schendel, Mrs. RandaU Toop will meet thla evening at eight Captain Jamea Scott, of Hartford, in this country, while other Salva- ly building report ahows. Of the and Mrs. Samuel Helson. ■ o’clock In the chapel. This group Frank Robinson, former star will conduct the special service, tionista will depict emigranta on dwellings, two were In the $6,600 plans to study stencilling of a par­ University of Connecticut football which will commence, at 8 o’clock board the steamsip "Australia,” class, 29 were between that price NYLON Many Over.come A school of Instruction will be ticular style, announced their player, veteran, and insurance in the hall. Weather permitting, or -persons assem ble at the dock and $9,600, and - the remainder held tomorrow forenoon from praaldant, Miaa Virginia Ryan. man, was last night appointed to a mass open air meeting and to greet the vessel. All will be In ranged up to 816,600. Rolling lOdM to 13:30 at the Hotel Bond, march will precede the service. To Give Connecticut Any woman Interested In decorat­ the Advisory Park and fUcreatlon costumes in vogue in 1680. Park development figured largely under auspices of the Hartford ing or stencilling Is welcome to Commission by the Board of Di­ The Manchester Band and Song­ Meanwhile, plana are being In the month’s permits. The two County Women’s Republican Ae- attend the meeting tonight. rectors. Robinson will fill the sters will provide the special mu­ made in each city and town where $6,500 homee are to be erected by HOSIERY In Guardhouse Fire sodatlon. Speakers will be Mrs. post left vacant by the resignation sic. The Army operates for a series of the Johnsoi) Construction com- John Radell of Marlborough and Past chiefs of Memorial Temple, of Ludwig B. Hansen. Ho was Highlighting the observance on local meetings, Including gather­ pany. Dr. Mary Halloran, professor of Pythian Slaters, will meet thla approved fgr the position on nomi­ a national scale will be a re-enact­ ings of friends of The Army as Other buildings listed are two political science at S t Joseph's ment of the landing of the first No Chance to Rescue Modern Government evening with Mra. Herbert Alley nation of Director Christie F. Mc­ well as meetings of Salvationists. garages at $1,100; a pumping sta­ OoUego. Any woman Interested of 69 Washington street. Cormick. seven Salvation Army Lassies and Seventeen hundred officers of tion at $1,600; and 17 alterations Men Trapped in the will be welcome. Registration in In another appointment the their leader. Commissioner George The Army will participate In meet­ and additions at $64,189. News Tidbits the lobby will be at ten o'clock, The Buckland-Oskland Club will Board approved the appointment Scott Rallton, at the Battery In' ings being'arrainged by more than Total permitted construction New Sheer Dark Seam Cells as the Oil Fed Culled From (/P) Wires Glief Executive Urges and luncheon will follow the ses­ conduct the usual setback and. of Wilfred W. Bulla to be a mem­ New York City. 400 Corps and Outposts In the 11 for February is $432,789. On this sion. bridge party In the Assembly hall' ber of the Veterans Service Center Officials To Co-Ojierate Eastern states, it was announced $770 In fees was collected. Nylon . $1.50 Pr. Flames Leap Light­ Judith Coplon Gets Legislators at Spiral of the Buckland school this eve­ committee to succeed Andrew Officials of the United Statee De­ In New Yorit by Commissioner Tradesmen’s permits and license Alcoholic beverage and cigarette Session to Put Aside Friends of Mrs. K. Lincoln ning. Playing will begin at 8 Holshelmer who has left town. partment of Commerce and New Donald McMillan, Cbmmander of fees collected in the month ning Fast Through the taxes are among few state reven­ Smith, the former Miss Alice Ben- o’clock. Prises will be awarded Bulla’s appointment was recom­ York City’s Department of Marine the Eastern Territory. amounted to an additional $005. ue producers to bring in more this All Political Differ­ sen o f this town, have received the winners and refreshments mended to the Directors by the New 6 0 Gauge S h e e r.......................$1 .50 Pr. Base; Started in Stoves 15 Years* Sentence; Manchester Veterans* Council. year than last.. Elstate of $1,807,- cards from places in Latin Amer­ served. New Shade Alba Nylon . .$1.15 to $1.50 Pr. 177 was left by late Miss Oattaer ences; Reviews Find* ica, where Mr. and Mrs. Smith Albuquerque, N. M., March Ine H. Dillon of Hertford, leading are enjoying a 19-day trip. They New Shade No«Mend Nylons 9._^/P)_Oil-fed flames, leap­ benefactor ot Catholic and public To Deport Russian lugs of Commission; q ^ t a week in Mexico City and charities there, who won papal other places South of the border; $1.55 to $1.95 Pr. ing lightning fast through a Says Present System la ^n dia base guardhouse, recognition for her contribution to found the weather perfect and ho­ development of St. Francis hos­ 9.__(/P)-»in Washington, D. C., on kindred Seriously Outmoded tels in which they were guests, ex­ New Shade Van Raalte Nylon .... $1.50 Pr. New York, March snuffed out the lives of 14 pital. President Soekamo of —Judith Coplon was Senr I®*'charges. cellent Hale*s Budget N y lo n s......................... 88c Pr. military prisoners last night. United States of Indonesia signs This scene typifies the havoc wrought In North Dakota rommunlratlonn and power aystems by a aleet The judge refused an applica­ storm and blizzard. The area plrtured lies west of Fargo. The Bell Telephone company estimated that ten'ced to 15 years in prison tion to release her In ball. Hartford, March 9.—</P)-- The Manchester Blducational Trapped with them in the decree joining five yidonesian ter­ ritories to Indonesian Republic, al more than 8,000 of Its poles went down itn l^r thr weight of a heavy Ice coating and the force of 7S-mlle- today for plotting to spy for Samuel A.
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