![1888-03-29, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
$feje Htm. JitW, THE SUN JOB OFFICE is supplied with WMiri ftrny fiirsd*y at Inis, Kb FIRST CLASS JOB PRESSES AND Saw. NEW TYPE AND MATERIAL., (Eltr Olkt OU Plain & Fancy Job Printing SXEEHEN & MURPH1J. Executed Neatly and Promptly. ->B- munu amb normmoa IIIVI?RTIM\,ft_ForlA'l7ertisine ao> NUMBER 20. all I Eld1 Ik/Li U dress or call at the ofBofc •ijo PM YOLUMK V. MORRIS, STEVENS COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1888. train robbery. They effected their exit A Blow at Prohibition. lantic Steamship line. It is the intention determined to preserve the rights ot the CHIEIT JUOTICK WALLE DEAD. Huinner, who at that time aiso enter­ empire over the German territories, re­ tained no very friend y relations to­ MINNESOTA NEWS. PITH OF THE NEWS. Iroin the cells by means of keys made from An inportant decision has been rendered to wipe out the entire monopoly in Mani­ the bottom of a fryingpan and the back <•( toba and the Northwest Territory. united to the fatherland after a long inter­ He Suddenly Expires I before III* Seiions ward the Grant administration. The a Freuch harp. They then cut through by the Supreme Court of the United States nal. We are conscious of our duty to cul­ ll'nui Is (ieneraliy Known—Hl« Lam Mo­ proceedings of the senate are still Vftows from Washington. covered by the veil of executive secrecy, yet Will Burt of Minneapolis was the ceiling, and were engaged in cutting in the case of G. A. Bowman et al. against tivate iu the reichland German sentiments ments—Touching Con<I>trrulion lor Ilia The house committee on territorial d»- KKNTUCKY'S DEFALCATION* aud German customs, to protect right and ii was well known that Mr. Sumner's two- through the tin roof when Jailor ilornsby the Chicago it Northwestern Railroad com­ Wife. hour speech in opposition to Mr. Waite was drowned a few days azo at Pensacola, <-ide<l to report a bill Tor the organization put in his appearance and placed a check pany, which involves the validity of a justice, and to promote the welfare Fla., by the upsetting of a sail boat. WASHINGTON, Special Telegram, March 23 one cf the strongest efforts of his life. He of the Territory of Alaska. upon their operations. statute of Iowa forbidding the rail­ and prosperity of the inhabitants. dwelt upon the emiunei services and attain­ The hoiiHO coin mit tee on the revision of road to bring intoxicating liquor into Honest Dtok Tate Fall* From Grace In our ondeavors to do justice, to —Hon. Morrison It. Walte. obtef justice of tne ments of each one iu the long iin« of in­ J. T. A. Thomas, of Red Wing, be­ the laws lias decided to report a ioint res­ the state unless it has been furuished and Proves a Heavy Defaulter. this task we count upon the donfl- United States supremo court, died suddenly cumbents of the otnoe of chief justice and came insane from illness produced by olution. proposing an amendment to the Foreign News Nugget*. a certificate from the county auditor Kentucky is stirred up over the removal deuce and devotion of the people, and the at U o'clock this inornmg at his home in this spoke in bitter terms of disparagement ot faithful fulfillment ot their duties by the U the kick ot a horse and has been seat constitution for the election of United Cfcfafc advices from Havre report an ad­ ot the county to which the liquor is to be of State Treasurer llichard W. Tate. city. I feel easier; I think I will go to Mr. Waite's qualifications. Hixty-thrre sen- to the Rochester hospital. States senators by the direct vote of the vance of 2 1-4 francs on coffee. As a con­ transported showing that the consignee is authorities. We demand and expect a sleep," were his last words, spoken a few nicrs were present No voice was raised in Tate is charged with defalcation in his people. sequence coffee was very active on the New- legally authorized to sell it. In May, 1886, conscientious observance ot the laws. At moments beforu he died. He immediately defense of the nominee, yet when the ques­ • John Tenvoorde, an old citizen of the same time, we Bhall do our part to ex­ tion of confirmation came to a vote (wn:ch As foreshadowed, the president nomi­ York exchange. the Bowin.au Bros, of Marshalltown,Iowa, office and.it is said, has tied the state. The turned over in bed, and almost without the offered to the Chicago A Northwestern in defaulting official had been treasurer for tend imperial protection to the rights ot was 1111mediately upon the conclusion of Mr. St. Cloud, was assaulted by two high­ nated Strother M. Stockslager of Indiana President Carnot will shortly make a knowledge of tho professional nurse in at­ Sumuer's speech) sixty-two senators voted in to he commissioner of the general land of­ tour through the north of France, visiting Chicago 5,000 barrels of beer for transpor­ all by moans of an impartial administra­ waymen while going home in the even­ 21 years. He was considered tho soul ot tion of justice and benevolent government, tendance he entered upon the sleep from tne affirmative and Mr. feumner did not rota fice, and Thomas J. Anderson of Iowa to Dunkirk, I.ille and Marbenge, in response tation to Marshalltown. The shippers honor. Tate's shortage is $150,000 and conducted circumspectly, but with a firm which there is no mortal waking. The cause at all- ing. He was knocked down, receiving be assistant commissioner of the general to invitations from those places. K.iug did not furnish a certificate showing that the irregularities seem to run back eleven hand. The union of Alsace and Lorraine, of his death was probaoiy typhoid pneu­ land ollice. Mr. .Stockslnger is a native ot Leopold, of Belgium, will also go to Mar­ they were legally authorized to sell the a bad wound, a broken arm and years. The discovery of Tate's shortage which a la,«se ot years cannot impair, Indiana, and was horn in 1S42. benge. beer at the place of destination and the monia. although that statement cannot be Wisconsin Timber Cutting^ bruises. He fought until the men were railroad company refused to receive or is the remit of tho examination ot his again becomes as intimate as it was in made upon the authority of the attending The postmaster-general has issued a cir­ Ad vices from Bagdad say that the Hani- Agent Gregory in giving his teatimeny frightened away, and they got no transport it. books, coinmonced some days ago, by an the time ot our ancestors, before these physician. It was not until yesterday that cular letter to all postmasters whose com­ avend Xomadics have raided the districts expert accountant. The governor has German lands were severed from the an­ before the Senate investigating committee, valuable from him. Bowman Bros, thereupon brought suit to the Illness was supposed to he serious, and pensation range from .*500 toSl.OOu per around that city, burning and. pillaging recover $10,000 damages. The company placed the treasurer's office in the charge cient aud glorious union of their kindred- stilted that the Superior Lumber com­ W. S. Moles, ot Alexandria, has per­ annum, requiring them to back stamp all several villages and murdering many Kur­ of Auditor Hewitt ami Attorney Gen­ country thentnen the gravitygrav of the case was not com- pany, in which Vilas is interested, never based its defense on an uct of the general frebeaded. letters with the date and tim<* of their ar­ dish peasants. The porte has dispatched assembly of Iowa, passed April 5, lSNti, eral Hardin. In his message to the legis­ Ctealcottenburg, March 15. got a foot of timber to saw from any of fected arrangements for building a rival: also extending this requirement to Ismail Pacha to the scene of trouble. entitled "an act relatiiur to intoxicating lature, Gov. Buckner says he has reasons FKEDEIUCK, the reservations, although he testified large summer hotel on Lake L'Hom­ all distributing offices of every class what­ There are rumors of trouble in the far liquors and providing for the more effectu­ for believing the deficit to be large, and rec­ (Countersigned) HOHENI^OHE. that Kennedy, whom he knew to be in the me Dieu. soever. British Northwest. The Saskatchewan al suppression of the illegal sale aud trans­ ommends that an immediate investiga­ emplo3' of the Superior Lumber company, Senator Davis reported favorably the Herald says: Tim Indians have become portation of intoxicating liquors and tion be ordered. In the house a commit­ had contracted lor millions ol feet of tim­ Earl M. Woodward retires from the bill introduced by him providing that much more communicative and talk freely abatement of nuisances." The court be­ tee was at once appointed aud ordered to Manitoba Gloom. ber every year. Gregory created u good deal Alexandria Post and is succeded by where officers incurred disability in the of the coming revolt, but, while doing so, low held that this statute was constitu­ nrosecute au investiagation. Treasurer representatives are coming of a sensation by charging that Calligan W. R. L. Jenks and P. G. Vivian. The line of duty, but nevertheless remained in say whatever trouble comes it will not be tional aud valid and constituted a gooil Tate's bond was for $300,000 and is well home from Ottowa without having receiv­ Pros., who are stirring up this investiga­ paper is to be independent in politics.
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