•• . * r • Memories Are Made Of This... Old fucos, new buildings, and jJv1' English Department anil at liakcr, sponsored by Cutting and ,i,npie festivity aot the guy pur# member of the court hails from Farm Bureau and was named ’fliT'linis times worked us a rtsc- Heining, t Tom bn tone Arizona. She was spon­ by the Junior Chamber of Com­ f,„. Homecoming I Odd. A* the rratlon snpcrviaor, an ittlvittor on A busy weekend lies nltcitd fur sored by Alpha Phi Omega and is merce as California's Outstand­ rliangitiK T«*•«.» of tbo euiupua u sophomore in Home Economies. ing-Young Farmer for 1960. lin,u/.e* alumni, friend* welcome a juvenile delinquency study hoard, Queen Joanne anti her, four l‘r|n- cesHua. The royul court will pre­ frieial*.. un<l committee chairmen ami u recreation correspondent for Itiinnera carrying Olympic style An Animal Husbandry graduate work feverishly to finish their side at most events scheduled for the Anchorage Dully Times. today ami tomorrow, torchea will begin the celebration of '64-, he farms 3,800 acres in floats for. tomorrow’* parado, at 7 P m. tonight, circling the Kerri County. He served as presi­ Reigning over the woekeiul i* Pour ItidiouN creatures, trying Princess P h y I 11 f, Armstrong, cainpu* then lighting the gigantic dent of the Buttonwillow Agri­ "doultle crown Queen Joanne for the opportunity to qscorl sponsored by’13 clubs from the Ax bonfire behind the Men's Gym. cultural Chemical Association and Dockwillcc. Klecteil a* Homecom- Queen Joanne at the Coronation division, is un Agricultural Bus- From the Bonfire Itally, organ­ director of t h e Buttonwillow laiT Queen, tint dark hairetl, linzrl- Ifall, have been collecting vole* iness Munugenient Major front ized by the Freshman class-, the Chamber of Commerce. He was ,.Ve<l English major also won the in the form of pennies, for I he Blythe. Jeanette Briekuy, a settlor scene of action moves to Crandall ,'tlso national vice president of the title of California's Maid of Cotton past week. One of the group will Elementary Education major front Gym. There the swinging dance Future Farmers of America in Santu Malta, was sponsored hy for 1965, he declared the "Ugliest Man on music of the Pacifies will keep up 1051. Campus" at noon today. Mimic Club and the AIA. She has The lovely coed ia 5 feet, 'll the spirit of pre-game excitement. The Welcome Hack Alumni been Cal Poly’s majorette for four Starting ut H p.m., the dunce is Inches tall ami .weighs 121 pounds. Contender* arc: hunchback Ittish your* and will lie performing with pre-game entertainment at 1:30 A native of I,mix Beach, she grtid- sponsoretl by Circle K. p.m. in the Football Stadium will Hill, sponsored hy (lamma Sigma the hand during pre-gume activit­ Suturday morning, alumni will intlcd from high school jn Anch­ ies tomorrow. feature the combined efforts of orage Alaska, .She wttn a 1001 Mil­ iSigmui Neil Kuminor, the snaggle- he able to register in the Adminis­ the ROTC Color Guard, the Kay- itary Hall Prince** and is a can­ tooth entry of MuripoHu Hall; Ctithe Love, a sophomore from tration Huilding Lobby and visit dettes and Cal Poly Bund, didate for the 10(15 College Union David Loo, a heartlcd representa­ Santa Clara, major* In Social Sci­ department open-houses. Poultry At game time truditionul mum ence. The blue-eyed blonde was Queen’* content. Club “cabbies” huve volunteered to corsages will be sold by the Or­ tive for the sophomore cliiss; and sponsored by Mut Plea PI. Princess chauffeur the graduates around that uwful outlaw Kniniet I’onnc- namental Horticulture Club in Janet Clyne, the only out-uf.-sintc campus. front of the stadium. The price is If the rains come dm mg to­ Lute huurs and last minute alter- 7S cents. night's Homeromiau arllwttcs, nations will pay off us the com­ Queen Joanne and her court the parade and most half- 1964 Homecoming Schedule of Events pleted floats line up for judging in will present trophy awards to tinir and pre-game event* w ill .he Safeway parking lot Saluiday winning floats ut the Idaho State he cancelled. The public wilj morning. Starting at 10 a.m. the FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13: game half time. Formerly award­ view Aunt* where they *tand parade lias a total of 32 entries, ed on the basis of divisions, tro­ a.’ier construction. each incorporating the theme 7 p.m. Bonfire Rally Behind Men's Gym phies will be awarded this year The Queen and her court “Mustang Memories’.’ in its de­ 8 12 p.m. Bally Dance •' Crandall Gym on a point system. will probably not come onto sign. Ihr Acid hut Instead will he in­ __ . --- 7 • Jr The coveted sweepstakes awurd Fur graduates from the “good terviewed in the tires* hoy. old days,” 1H08 to 1930. the Lit­ SATURDAY' ‘NOVEMBER lit goes to the flout receiving the top However, fftul weather or number of points for theme, origi­ tle Chef Restaurant will be the not. the xame against Idaho _ 8 a.in.-12 Alumni Registration Administration Building nality, wurkmuiiship. decorations, setting for much reminiscing Stale will Ml ill go on. Lobby ad presentation. Trophies will he and the Old. Timer's Dinner. J * "i «"' W*»» * «***»W W >JI W- 8 u.m.—12 I'oultry. Club taxi service nvuilublu for ulumni. awarded to sixth place and for the Alumni will also he attending winner in the new novelty division. the Dinner and Dance scheduled Sponsored hy thn College Union 11.30 u.m,—12 Departmental-Open « House Headed by Grand Murshull V. H fur 7 p.m. at the Madonna Inn. Chill, the lU'JtLve Junior niunuges Meacham, the parade lineup in­ to citrry a 11.2 grade UM'i'agc. She 10 a.m. Homecoming Parade Highlight of a busy day and 12 noon Alumni Luncheon Staff Dining Hall clude* the traditional ROTC Cllor has done some non-professional Guard, Queen's float by Blue Key, week* o f preparation, the Corona­ modeling, iiiid piling to tench Eng- 1:110 p.m. Pre-gume eilSeVtsimnent Stadium tion Ball at 8 p.m. in the Men’s 2 p.m. Mustangs vs Idaho Ugly Man’s float by Alpha Phi ii*h when she graduate*. Oinegu, and the Cul Poly Band. Gynt will feature the music of the Itcpri'sciiting the apiril untl life Slate Stadium __ _ Keith Williams professional Orch­ of Homecoming, Joanne ia u mem­ (Up.m. Old Timer's Dinner Little Chef Alumni of the Year, Hubert L. estra from Hollywood. Sponsored ber of the Ski Club, the Young 7 p.m, v Alumni Dinner and ^ Smith will he honored at the no- by the Agricultural Business Man­ Democrat*, the Newman Club, anil f)nline Madonna Inn agement Club, the dance ia semi- 8 n.m.—I a.m. Coronation Bull Mc n!s U-vm host alumni luncheon in the the College Union Assembly Com Staff Dining Hall. A former formul. Tickets, available at the mittce. student body president. Smith door or at the' AS1 office, are $2 In addition, situ graded papers ia preaident of the Kern County per couple./ _ » - l HOMECOMING COURT . Cal Poly alumni are four equally charming princesses. Starting have five good reason* to remember llome- at bottom left and arnuud clockwise, the four coming 1964 a* one of the college’s beat. princesses are Phyllis Armstrong, Janette el m ustang Beside* lovely Queen Joanne Dockwillrr, there Brickey, Cathe Love, and Janet Clyne. CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE UCSB Shot Down Friday, November 13,1964 VOL. XXVI1. N ., lit SAN w**S OBISPO, CALIFORNIA By Poly In ROTC Foreign Student Office Chancellor Studies Up-Dating Home Economic Students Riflo Match Last Saturday morning 07May Get Paid Adviser , Poly, in a major upset, defeated Feed Hundreds of Guests previously unheutened UCSB’* A full-time advisor pn campus I for Washington and the studenta rifle team in a shoulder to *houldrr foe the foreign students has been I attending Cal Poly under the AID Of Student Health Services While new brides arc burning customer no more than $1.26. the match at the Cal Poly Rifle Rpnm-. proposed for the 1P65-88 budget, program. AID fetudents arc ulao’ their Angers and slicing their students use skills gained in pre­ according to Dean of Students ligil'le' t o r the services of the Up dating of student.health ser­ optional Imala ut many state col­ specialist* in a narrow field, would Cul Poly won four vf the five Everett Chandler. Foreign Student Office. leges, including Cal Poly. he leant eoatly, however, through thumbs, to say nothing of grating requisite classed to plan their trophies offered at the rifle match. vice* Is the subject of a report This will bo a first for Cal Poly The chief put pose of the Foreign currently being prepared by the utilizing community faeilitica. their fingernails into (he role alaw, menu. They shop’at local wholesale According to Dr. Billy Mounts When the final round, of am­ as the Foreign Student Office is Student Office is to acquaint for­ office of the Chancellor of the Cali­ veterans of the liome Economics markets and creameries, often at the Health Center, Cal Poly Last Oct. 10 the California State munition had struck the target, now being run by volunteer work­ eign students with the way of.life fornia State College*. College Student Prcsidenta’ As­ meal management course will be railing several place* to determine 60 feet away from the firing line, Is Ihr only state college with a serving half s hundred guests ers.
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