If It's On The Market 'rry $ A HAPPY NEW YEAR r NEWAHK 1\1 ERCHANTS With _.tty FIR S T I THENE KPOST 1,,_ FOr _EVery_Onet _ ® FAR EAST NEWARK WRITER YOUTH Variety Of Events In TO -SPEAK INJURED 1937 Passing Parade Robert Berkov R. T. Ware, Jr. On University Now In Serious Agl'icultural Hour Program Condition Lions Help Fader Mark DEMOCRATIC Income Per At the time when the eyes ot the Richard T. Ware. Jr.• seven-year- Twenty-Fifth Anniversary CONTROL S{~lare Mile whole world. and the eyes ot the old son ot Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ware. ~~---------------~~- United States in particular. are toc- Center Street. was seriously injur- ---- High On List used on China and Japan. the Uni- ed last Thursday morning following Ford Dealer MARKS ANNIVERSARY versity Hour committee ot the Uni- school dismissal for the Christmas OF STATE­ versity of Delaware is fortunate in holidays when he ran into a New- Honored At being able to present a speaker. ark Lumber Company truck. oper- Robert Berkov. who knows the Far ated by Eugene Coleman. 25. of Dinner Tuesday STORM LEAD Eastern situation at first hand. Mr. near Newark . • ~~Lyr!OI.:;;(o l DeCember. 1937. Berkov's address will be de~ivered Th wilh an .area of 2.370 in Mitchell Hall next Thursday e accident occurred 81 teet A. Franklin Fader president of of which 1.965 are START. WORK evening at eight o'clock. east. of the Academy Street inter- the Fader Motor Co~pany. 42 West LIST water. in 1937 harvested sectIOn on Delaware Avenue when. Main St.• which he founded Septem- ~~_.. _. ___ ._..... from 368.000 acres or 575 ON NEW PL Press Representative Cyrus E. Rittenhouse ~cc~r~ing tto b reports. the youth ber 11. 1911. celebrated his twenty- P kin W miles an~ farmers in t~e AY Manager ,?f the Shanghai bureau as:s ou .etween two parked fifth anniversary as a dealer for the ar ~ a orrv o cash mcome from their tor the United Press. Mr. Berkov ca: mto the side of the truck. Eye Ford Motor Company Tuesday. A d L El 01 livestock products total- has been in constant touch with MAILING witnesses s~te that the rear wheels Past president of the Lions Club n ighting 705.000. including govern- D -G all major Chinese national affairs of the vehicle passed over the boy of Newark. Mr. Fader marked the payments. For the United rama roup To since 1929. when he first traveled ~~d S~i~~;;e operator. was unaware anniversary by entertaining thirteen Of Main Street as awhole with 2.973.776 to the Far East SHOWS h· him until notified by members of hIS organization and L _" .C" __, miles ot iand not under Present Annual He covered the first Japanese in- IS companion. five representatives of the Ford ocal Featllres the total land from which vasion of inner Mongolia. the Japan- Condition Dangerous Motor Company's Chester. Pa. ----- harvested was 3~0.875.- Show February 4 ese mcursion into north China. the INCREASE The unconscious youngster was ~rm~ch at .the weekly meeting of the The assumption of sta te control the farm cash mcome revolt of provinces in south China. taken to the offices of Dr Wallace oca service group at the Newark by the Democratic party fo th 1.000. mC I~dmg gov- cO~';;:itie~~f ~~~o~~f an.~ ~sting ~~~n!~~~~:seO~0~hi~~~93~a ~n~h~~~ _____ i:~ s ~~:t~~~ i~:~y t~o :~: J~~:~~ ~~~f!7nt C~~b . th~rlai::~ero ::a~~:~ ~ ~:~ a~:= f: ~6e b~~~~i1r~~0:~~; A Ve r ag~an~~g~t th e Group. Newark's co;;:~n:rty r~~~ whose ~lOgr a phY he now has in Many Homes pathic ~o sPltal . Wili?lOgton. where So~ nd films of the Ford com _ ark in the f?rm of parking pro- a 7.eat dlffere~~e matic club. has announced the se- preparatIon. he IS .sllll confined m a dangerous any's Rouge plant. Yellowstone a:d blf ems on Mam Street; the failure th tot 1g for Dela r e lection of tbe three-act play to be Second Correspondent Emergency treatment Glacier National Parks were shown °h labor groups to. create trouble e as wa presented F b Decorated wasc on dlt~ giveno n . by Dr. Arthur"S Men- b R ' ere when CIO Sit-down strikes further study shows Benn on e. rua:y 4. Mr. Berkov is the second foreign W.th Li h cher at the local institution.· y. J . Clarkson of Ford s Chester were harrassing many other sect- average cash Income per "Th D "':j ;evy s stImulatmg play. correspondent to appear on the Uni- I g ts In a coma for five days the boy branch. Ions of the country· the revival f ._ ..... __ • _ _ . " ." ~ from which crops were fo e th eVI asses." ~as been chosen versity Hour schedule this season. _____ finally recovered conscio~sness on Manager Is Speaker the Chamber of Commerce· t~e Delaware was r8 1~ W~iCh ~h e o~~b ~~~;~c ea~~r~:::;ance He fOIlO~~i Lela~d t;to~E Eu~op~an . (See Picture Page 2) Monday and at present is in serious More than fifty members and A. Franklin Fader openmg of D,;laware Park; a' vlol- per square mI e 0 The rou i .. represen a ve 0 e W K Literally swamped by heavy but much Improved condition. X- uests n ed . ent 17-mch raInfall m twelve hours while the average for In dd;. p t s In ItS third year. HERALD TRIBUNE. who spoke on malls that made the recent Christ- ray pictures leveal a broken p el~ · a;te dd the annIversary that brought death and $250000 States was only $2493 sent:d Ia~O~e~ti one-act plays pr:- the Spanish crisis ~efore 500 in mas week larger than 1936. one vis bone but no fracture of th~ e ~nnOe~ci a~ ~sl ent Wayne C. Br~w - . dam ages on July 5; c e r e m o ~i es zation . ngs of ~e organI- Mitchell Hall early m Novemb,er. of the greatest in local postal his- skull which at first was feared . • but alubfter extendIng PAGEANT markIng the 150th anniversary of Cow.trIIPIIIOg It 00 a square mile basis. Dover' I~ ha~ .prod~ce1 Milne's "The An open forum. following Mr tory. Postmaster C E Rittenhouse The 'boy's face was badly cut and : r e~~In~so {~om th: dC: • ~rned the the ConstitutIon of the United agam shows. up well when highly su~~ e~sf~nmel~~ year" the Sto'Nt!'s speech. attracted more tha.n and his force worked day and marked. t:vMr. Fad:r.presl mg 0 cer over Sta tes; and the lighting of Main to the United States as DdS. t • S ama. The 150 Interested members of the audl- night to help Santa Claus deliver Coleman was arrested by Chief W W M· AT CHURCH Street for the Christmas holIdays For .Delaware. the agric- ea ~r:~ sKa::r;~' DIrect ence. packages. parcels and cards before of Police WillIam H . CunnIngham Chester · br a ~t~~.e~~o~:n:;e~e~!lft~~ were the c~l ef Items of interest to cash mcome per square This year's production will b d .- • Saturday. December 25. on a charge of assault and battery the Ford Motor Com an and stat- o~c.u~y reSidents of Newark and dry land In 19~7 was $7.- rected by Mrs C R K e ~ Police And Town All phases of the work of the with a motor vehicle and released ed that not mo e th p ~ d I VICInIty dUring 1937. while for the UnIted States. handled Dover Roa·d ~d :s~~e~ • postofl"Ice force were increased as und:r $500 bond. The trial before along the WhOI: Atl:~ tlcv:ea~~:;~ Large Group P eople. here ran the.gamut of emo- -'C ~C7 .---.,_• • ~. $2,85838 .. of one-act plays. She will be as- Employees Aid par cels reached an estImated new Magistrate Damel ~ o mps o n h as have • been handbng the concern's lions. enjoyed the frUitS of well ex- Income DIVided sisted by Mrs W lte C Wils high of 2.247. or 255 more than last been postponed. pendIng the out- cars for the sam I th f t· In Presbyterian pended labors. suffered the pangs income for Delaware farm- G. Taggart E~an~. r. on and Welfare Group year. Of that number. 749 :-vere in- come of the boy's injuries. Mr Fader. e eng 0 Ime as of sudden tragedy. saw c?nditions 1937 came fr~m the follow!ng: An unusual feature of th I sured as c~mpared to 664 m 1936. Carmen Rosenblum. of Chesa- In glOW ing terms he extolled th Presentation Improve and slowly d ec lI~ e near crops. $8.720.000 . from live- IS the fact that the four ~ ~ ay ----0- . CancellatIon of cards and lett; rs peake City. Md . will be arraigned relationship that has eXisted b e~ the end of the year. much In keep- nn,d livestock products. $8.- and five male arts are all e ~~~ 500 Toys DIstrIbuted revealed that the rush period before Magistrate Benjamin Eu- tween Mr Fader and the m asslv ---- . Ing WIth the average American ' _ _ • 0 ••-0' .......,' from government payments.
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