H e a lt H C a r e r e f o r M H a s N o I M pa C t o N t r IC a r e , Va B e N e f I t s 8 M ay 2 0 1 0 Historic. Southern. Cultural. Modern. Spar tan burg e South Carolina page 18 5 Déjà Vu (All Over Again) 14 Remembering USS Squalus MESOTHELIOMA You don’t have to ght this alone. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with, or died from asbestos related lung cancer or mesothelioma, we may be able to help you get monetary compensation from the asbestos companies. With over 65 years of collective experience in asbestos litigation, the professionals at Bergman Draper & Frockt welcome the chance to provide you with the highest quality representation and the individual attention you deserve. Call for information and a free consultation. The Northwest’s Leading Asbestos Litigation Firm 614 First Avenue 3rd Floor We accept cases Seattle, WA 98104 throughout the 206.957.9510 United States and 888.647.6007 Toll Free www.bergmanlegal.com Canada May 2010 Volume 89 Number 5 1 Featured 18 FRA Tod A y 18 SpartanbuRg, S.C. — HistoRiC. 2010 May SoutheRn. CulTural. ModeRn. The site of this year’s FRA and LA FRA National Conventions offers an exciting blend of Southern hospitality, historic charm and an upbeat arts scene. Visit Spartanburg this Fall. Departments 2 CommunicationS 5 NED perspective Déjà Vu (All Over Again) 12 6 SHIPMATe FoRuM 8 ON & oFF CAPITOL HILL Health Care Reform 14 HistoRy & HeRitage Remembering USS Squalus 17 MeMBERSHIP MATTeRS Warm Weather Brings Recruiting Opportunities 14 26 NewS froM the BrancheS 28 ReunionS 30 TApS 31 Looking FoR… 33 FRA MeMBER BENEFiTS 33 Paying TRibuTe 36 LA FRA NEWS Message from NP Rodham-Tuck loyAlTy, ProTection And SeRviCe on the CoveR FRA iS A CongReSSionAlly charteRed, non-pRoFiT oRgAnization In the heart of South Carolina’s Upcountry region, Advocating FoR CuRRenT And FoRMeR enliSTed MeMbeRS oF THe Spartanburg’s rich history and focus on the future u.S. nAvy, MARine CoRpS And CoAST guARd on CApiTol Hill. FoR make it a great location for FRa and La FRa mem- MoRe inFormation on THe beneFiTS oF MeMbeRSHip, pleASe viSiT bers to gather. Plan now to attend the FRa and La www.FRA.oRg oR CAll 800-FRA-1924. FRa National Conventions, September 15 18, 2010. CoMMunicationS 2 NatioNal officers/Board of directors National President Gary Blackburn, Vallejo Branch 8 National Vice President James Scarbro, Chesapeake Branch 40 Joseph L. Barnes, Navy Department Branch 181 National executive dir. May 2010 May y A Finance officer Paul Rigby, Honorary Member Read and React Eileen Murphy Junior PNP Donald Mucheck, L. Mendel Rivers Branch 50 FRA Tod Each Friday, FRA publishEs an e-mail newsletter called NewsBytes. regioNal PresideNts Subscribers to NewsBytes know that it is a great way to stay informed New england Paul Loveless, Brunswick Branch 156 between issues of FRA Today and it keeps readers up-to-date on items Northeast James R. Smith, Steel City Branch 253 found in On & Off Capitol Hill. A recorded version is also available East coast Joseph H. Palmer, Jr., Cape Fear Region by phone at 1-800-FRA-1924, ext. 112, so if you are away from your Branch 259 computer or don’t have e-mail you can listen to NewsBytes by phone. Southeast Gerald T. Brice, Chatanooga Choo Choo It’s important to have current and accurate information, so if you are Branch 187 not already subscribed to NewsBytes and would like to, please e-mail North central David Combs, Mo Kan Branch 161 South central Leo V. Vance, Space City Branch 159 [email protected] with “subscribe” in the subject line. To be sure we Southwest Michael K. Frontz, James Hunter Branch 47 mark the subscription in the correct record, please include your name West coast Charles R. McIntyre, Santa Clara Valley and member number or address. Branch 101 If you’d rather subscribe to NewsBytes through www.fra.org, then Northwest C. T. “Bud” Bessey, W. J. Bessey Branch 328 login and on the welcome page you will see the word “Profile.” Click “edit” and you’ll see an option to subscribe to NewsBytes, request a copy actiVe duty adVisory couNcil of the booklets My Personal Affairs (a guide to organizing documents) Master chief Petty officer of the Navy Rick West or Communicate With Your Elected Officials (a guide to contacting sergeant Major of the Marine corps Carlton Kent Congress) and an option to request a replacement membership card. Master chief Petty officer of the coast guard Charles Bowen On that same page you will be able to confirm your e-mail address is accurate and make any other necessary updates to your profile. reserVe adVisory couNcil If you’ve never logged into your online account before, your user- force Master chief of the Naval reserve Ronney A. Wright name is your member number (found above your address on this usMc reserve force sergeant Major Kim E. Davis magazine) and your password is your first initial of your first name, Master chief Petty officer of the coast guard reserve force followed by your last name. Jeffrey Smith NewsBytes also offers hot topic discussion questions. Once you’re logged in, please visit the “Communities” section of the site. This por- fra TODAY MagaziNe tion of the website allows shipmates the opportunity to communicate Publisher FRA and share opinions on a variety of topics. Each branch and the mem- Managing editor Eileen Murphy bers at large all have their own community. When you log in to the site contributing editor Lauren Armstrong and click the “Communities” button on the top navigation, the site rec- design and art direction ognizes which communities you should see, and automatically shows FIREBRAND, Alexandria, VA www.firebrandstudios.com you those. design director Scott Rodgerson To be notified when someone posts to the site, click “Global Production Manager Sandy Jones Preferences” where you will be offered the chance to subscribe to any communities in which you are interested. You will still see the other fra today (ISSN 0028-1409) IS PuBLISHED MoNTHLy By FRA, 125 N. WEST ST., communities available to you, but you will not receive e-mail notifica- Alexandria, VA 22314-2754. A member’S SubscriptioN is Covered By the member’S annual Dues. Periodicals Postage paid at Alexandria, VA and additional tion if someone posts to those communities. oFFICES. PublicatioN oF NoN-SPoNSoRED advertising IN FRA ToDAy DoES NoT FRA Today readers are invited to join a free teleconference on May CoNSTITuTE AN ENDoRSEMENT By THE FRA oR ITS representatives. PostMaster: seNd address chaNges to: MeMBer serVices, fra, 125 N. West st., alexaNdria, 12 at Noon, EDST to get information from Convention Chairman Va 22314-2754. FRA ToDAy IS PuBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS oF ALL CuRRENT AND FoRMER ENLISTED PERSoNNEL oF THE u.S. Navy, MARINE CoRPS, AND CoAST GuARD. Roger Mitchell and other members of the Convention Committee on ELIGIBLE NoN-MEMBERS ARE NoT ENTITLED To SuBSCRIPTIoN rates. Established the 2010 FRA and LA FRA National Conventions in Spartanburg, S.C. 1 NoVEMBER 1923. TITLE REGISTERED WITH u.S. Patent oFFICE. To participate in the free teleconference, please call 1-800-391-1709 FRA Administrative HEADquarters: 125 N. WEST ST., ALExANDRIA, VA 22314-2754 PHone: 703-683-1400, 800-FRA-1924 • FAx: 703-549-6610 • E-Mail: [email protected] and enter bridge number 444143 when prompted. www . fra . o rg VoLume 89 Number 5 Eileen Murphy is the Director of Marketing and Communications and serves as the Managing Editor of FRA Today. Please contact her at [email protected]. )*(B[T[GDG303DJH $ Actual size is 16.5 mm 189 2009 Gold Eagles Sold Out at the U.S. Mint. But you can have them TODAY for under $200! The economic crisis has sparked a huge demand for U.S. Buy More And Save More Mint Gold Eagles. Collectors, investors, dealers and the At these prices Gold Eagle Buyers will want to purchase public alike are scouring the country to obtain them. Many more than one coin. So as a bonus, in addition to getting are coming up empty-handed—but as a special offer to new one coin for $199, you may purchase 3 coins for only $195 customers you can buy these scarce 2009 Gold Eagles today each—that’s even a better deal! AND—you can buy 5 for at one of the best values in the U.S.—only $199 each! only $189 each—a truly remarkable deal! Savvy gold buyers will agree, dramatic savings like this on gold presents an You Cannot Buy This unprecedented opportunity—they will act FAST to take Coin From The Mint! full advantage. The U.S. Mint does not sell Gold Eagles to the public. You can only obtain them through an authorized distributor. Don’t Miss out! We have just accepted delivery on the last shipment of These Gold Eagles are sold out at the Mint. Our limited 2009 dated U.S. Mint Gold Eagles—the current U.S. $5 supply is selling out rapidly. Don’t miss out! Call now toll gold piece. These coins are now sold out at the mint. free 1-888-324-6498 to add these elusive Gold Eagles to Struck in one-tenth Troy ounce of 92% gold, they feature your holdings—at one of the best values anywhere! the historic image of Miss Liberty first authorized for U.S. gold coins by Teddy Roosevelt in 1907.
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