COUNTY NEWS 18 READ THE COURENI A L L I N T H E WEEKLY ew ersey .TH E COUNTY COURIER!!“N J NEWS!! 1 JODRHAL DEYOTED TO THE LOCAL IRTERSSTS OF TIE SHORE C00ITI8S 119 THE DETELOPMEHT OF THE RESOURCES OF EAST AHD SOUTH JERSEY. ESTABLISHED 1850. Toms River, N. J., Thursday Afternoon, April 20, 1893. VOLUME 43—NUMBER 29 Neither can L They cannot understand why a holy God lets sin come Into the lawyers, They cannot draw a declaration ter heaven w ith ofily half tho capacity for N ew Jersey Courier. K g - T - - jap world. Neither can I. They say: “Hero is that will stand the test. They cannot re­ enjoyment and knowledge you might Health Ordinance. o g rea t mystery. H ere is a d isciple of fash­ cover just damages. They cannot help a hod. There w ill bo heights of blessedness QUEEN&CO: Office, Cowpertkwftlt'a Exoluuiie, ion, frivolou s and godless a ll h e r days—she defendant escape from the injustice of his you might have attained you will never N o o * OB’ PH IL.AO H rL.i'iriA. OVKB TUI POST OFPIOI. lives on to be an octogenarian. Here Is a persecutors. They are the worst evidence reach; thrones o f glory on w hich you m igh t ItOKOUGH OF ISLAND HEIGHTS, Tom s River, Ocean County, N. J. Christian mother training her children for against any case In which they are retained. have been seated, but which you w ill never Send their E Y E S P E C I A L I S T God and fo r heaven, self sacrificing, Christ- But who declines to be a lawyer because climb. S u e ! ) at TOM S RIVER,WsdnMday, May 17 The local Board ot Health o f the like, indispensable, seemingly, to that th ere are bq m any Incompetent lawyers? We will never got over procrastination, DEW JERSEY COURIER PUBLISH CO., Propritlm., n e will bo found at Island Heights, tain the countyeousty o f Ocean, by household—she takes the cancer and dies.” Y e t there are tens of thousands of people neither in tim e nor In eternity. Wo ha ve of the provisions of thetoo act ofo f the A,egialnture of (Onecopy 1 year,,.,..,............ fa oo who decline being religious because there started on a march from which trhero is no CONDENSED N tw Jersey, entitled '• A n act to aStabUah in this TERMS.— 4One copy e months................. 1 00 The skeptic says, “I can’t explain that.” Cowperthwait’s Exchange,itMuio*.n.io 4 im . are so many unworthy Christians. Now, I State Boards of Health and a Bureau of Vital (.One copy 8 months.................. fifl Neither can 1. retreat. The shadows of eternity gather on Persons who have headache, or whose eves are orating diaoom* Statistics, and <0 define their respective power* say it is illogical. Poor lawyers are noth­ Subscriptions payable in advance. Oh, I can see how men reason themselves our pathway. How insignificant is time tort, should can upon their specialist, aad thoy will receive Inr-’ aod|duto^npproved Raich il , 198T,and of other ing against jurisprudence, poor physicians compared with the vast eternity t I was ugeutumt Kktuful attention. N « V H 4 & V B to examine >1 |ato skepticism . W ith bu rning feet I have nr.-, j ^enrrSvory pairnail- atrtf glassescheus orderedr.nlawi.1 guaranteed.1..^ . I —■ -1 to be...I.l.nt satisfactory are nothing against medicine, poor farmers thinking of this while coming down over SttVle TUst whatever is dangerous to itoinra trod that blistering way. I kne .v what it health, or whatever renders the groned, the Is to have 100 nights poured in to one hour. are nothing against agriculture, and mean, the Alleghany mountains at noon by thrr weter, the sir or food a hazard or an injury to AT THE TABEKNAOEE. There ore men in this audience w h o would contemptible professors of rel igion are noth­ wonderful place which you have all heard human health is hereby declared to be a nuisaqcct' ing against our glorious Christianity. ‘ * as th‘ e “Horseshoe, sindescribed a depression in BUSINESS CARDS. Thom as Hoharts aud any person or persona creating and mtintein- give their thousands of dollars if they iog, or aiding in toe creation or maintenance o f THE WILD FANCIES OF SKEPTICISM. the side of the mountain where the train A V e a t DR. TALMAGE DRAWS LESSONS FROM could get back to the old religion of their aay such nuisance, shall be liable to a penalty of fathers. Such men are not to be carica­ Sometimes you have been riding along almost turns back again upon itself, and Makes an every*day convenience of an 1.LIERT 0. MARTIN. Practical Tinngr twenty-five dollars. THE WEDDING FEAST. tured, but helped, and not through their on a summer night by a swamp, and you you see how appropriate is the description sec. 8. That ray person who shall carelessly, old-time luxury. Pure and wholesome. V Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron negligently or wilfully aid In or contribute to thettM - m seen ■ lights that■ kkindled ? ...............................have over decayed of the Horseshoe, and thinking on this t t o r n e y a n d heads, but tLrough their hearts. When Prepared with scrupulous care. Highest A Ware,Tin Roofing and Spouting. Also doing o f any set dangerous too life or dettUiiPlPM B vegetation—lights which are called jack-o’- very theme and preparing this very ser­ to the health of any these men really do come into the kingdom S o l ic it o r i n CararaKY,- Doiitjr in moves, Beaten, Ranges, being, except for Jos- H ow Many and W hat Baseless Excuses Men lantern or will-o’-the-wisp. These lights are mon it seemed to me as If the greet courser award at all Pure Food Expositions. Each tillable motives and of God, they w ill be worth far more to the package makes two large pies. Avoid House Furbishing Goods, Furniture, shall omit any 1 Blake For Not Becoming Christiana. { Chase Mi- Christ than those who never ex­ merely poisonous miasmata. M y friends, of eternity speeding along had just struck OFFIOE OVER THE BANK, to prevent or ret on you r way to heaven you w i l l w ant a bet­ Cutlery, Lamps, terns. Glassware, Christianity Is a V e ry Great H elp I n E v­ amined the evidences of Christianity. the mountain with one hoof and gone on imitations— and insist on having thfl 0* naaDS «f, wrepfcsreA.SS’&Y*,? ter light than the will-o’-the-wisps which into illim ita b le space. So short Is tim e, so N o n e S u c h brand. Touiu Kiver, N. J. Queens ware, Woqden end Iron Pumpt penalty 01 twenty-five dollars. ery Proper Relation In Life. Thomas Chalmers, once a skeptic; Robert See. 8 , That the accumulation o f any decaying dance on the rotten character of dead Chris­ insignificant Is earth, compared with tho etc, A ll orders fo r new work, o r re> Hall, once a skeptic; Christmas Evans, once MERRELL & SOULE, Syracuse, N. Y« animal ot vegetable subeunoe or substances, or tiana. Exudations from poisonous trees in vast eternity! B r o o k ly n -., April 16.—Rev. Dr. Talma#* a skeptic— but when they did lay held of pairing, or repairs and bricks for of other affective matter in the form of rubbish, our neighbor’s garden will make a very T HOLMES BIRDSALL, In his sermon in the Brooklyn Tabernacle the gospel chariot, how they m ade it speed This morning voices roll down the sky, bloves, heaters, ranges, etc,, promptly garbage or offal, tn or upon any lot, street or poor balm for our wounds. and all the w o rld s o f lig h t are ready to re­ j^OTICE TO ABSENT DEPENDANTS, highway, or in or upon any public or private this forenoon spread before the great audi­ ahead! • A t t o r n e y a t L a w , attended to. Please give me a call. place, and allowing the same to remain In or upon Sickness w ill come, and we w ill be pushed joice at your disenthrallment. Rush not ence in eloquent w ords the beauty and at­ I f therefore I stand this m orning before ray such lot, street, highway, public or private ou t tow ard the Red w h ich divides this into the presence of the King ragged with IS CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. M a s t e r a n d E x a m in e s i n C h a n c e r y l we, until the same snail become hazardous to tractiveness of the gospel feast, the text men and women who have drifted away BLUE FRONT STORE w orld from the next, otuT no t th e inconsist­ sin when you may have this robe of right­ To Eliza M. Sauls and Henry Sauls, her husband; a n d N o t a r y P d b l io . ealtu, or until the same shall, by reason of offen­ chosen being from Luke xiv, 18, “ And they Into skepticism, I throw out no scoff; I esive odors, become s source o f discomfort to per­ ency of Christians, but the rod of faith eousness.
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