November 9, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 29185 Mr. Speaker, this trip was historic in they were deployed to the South Pole ther proceedings today on each motion that Major McAllister and his crew be- in such tough winter conditions. to suspend the rules on which a re- came the first persons ever to land at As a matter of fact, the mission was corded vote or the yeas and nays are the South Pole so soon after an ant- postponed for months until the weath- ordered or on which the vote is ob- arctic winter. I know a little bit about er was at a point they could land on jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. the dangers faced by the members of the South Pole. Any record votes on a postponed the 109th, Mr. Speaker, because I have So to the 109th Airlift Wing, our con- question will be taken after debate has traveled with them both to the North gratulations, and to our colleague for concluded on all motions to suspend Pole and to the South Pole. Of course, bringing it forward. the rules. when I went with them, it was in the Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, I with- f middle of the Antarctic summer, which draw my reservation of objection. ELIM NATIVE CORPORATION LAND is our winter. So when I was there in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there RESTORATION ACT January of 1994 it was a balmy 40 de- objection to the request of the gen- grees below zero. But in the Antarctic tleman from New York? Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I winter, the record low temperature is There was no objection. move to suspend the rules and pass the 128 degrees below zero. A complex piece The Clerk read the concurrent reso- bill (H.R. 3090) to amend the Alaska of machinery like a C–130 cannot oper- lution, as follows: Native Claims Settlement Act to re- ate in that kind of temperature. H. CON. RES. 205 store certain lands to the Elim Native But Major McAllister and his crew Whereas the 109th Airlift Wing of the Air Corporation, and for other purposes, as went in as soon as possible, rescued Dr. National Guard is based at Stratton Air Na- amended. Nielsen, and Dr. Nielsen is now receiv- tional Guard Base in Glenville, New York; The Clerk read as follows: ing the treatment that she needs. Whereas the 109th was called upon by the H.R. 3090 So on this particular occasion, I want United States Antarctic Program to under- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of to thank my colleague, the gentleman take a medical evacuation mission to the Representatives of the United States of America South Pole to rescue Dr. Jerri Nielsen, a from New York (Mr. REYNOLDS) for al- in Congress assembled, physician who diagnosed herself with breast lowing us to consider this resolution, SECTION 1. ELIM NATIVE CORPORATION LAND cancer; RESTORATION. and I would like, Mr. Speaker, just to Whereas the 109th is the only unit in the Section 19 of the Alaska Native Claims mention the names of those who com- world trained and equipped to attempt such Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1618) is amended prised that lifesaving crew. a mission; by adding at the end the following new sub- Whereas the 10 crew members were pilot They are Pilot Major George R. section: Maj. George R. McAllister Jr., senior mission McAllister, Jr.; Senior Mission Com- ‘‘(c)(1) FINDINGS.—The Congress finds commander Col. Marion G. Pritchard, co- mander Colonel Marion G. Pritchard; that— pilot Maj. David Koltermann, navigator Lt. Co-pilot Major David Koltermann; Nav- ‘‘(A) approximately 350,000 acres of land Col. Bryan M. Fennessy, engineer Ch. M. Sgt. were withdrawn by Executive Orders in 1917 igator Lieutenant Colonel Brian M. Michael T. Cristiano, loadmasters Sr. M. for the use of the United States Bureau of Fennessy; Engineer Chief Master Ser- Sgt. Kurt A. Garrison and T. Sgt. David M. Education and of the Natives of Indigenous geant Michael T. Cristiano; Vesper, flight nurse Maj. Kimberly Alaskan race; Loadmasters, Senior Master Sergeant Terpening, and medical technicians Ch. M. ‘‘(B) these lands comprised the Norton Bay Sgt. Michael Casatelli and M. Sgt. Kelly Kurt A. Garrison and Technical Ser- Reservation (later referred to as Norton Bay McDowell; geant David M. Vesper; Flight Nurse Native Reserve) and were set aside for the Whereas the crew departed Stratton Air Major Kimberly Terpening; and Med- benefit of the Native inhabitants of the Es- Base for McMurdo Station in Antarctica via ical Technicians Chief Master Sergeant kimo Village of Elim, Alaska; Christchurch, New Zealand, on October 6, ‘‘(C) in 1929, 50,000 acres of land were de- Michael Casatelli and Master Sergeant 1999; leted from the Norton Bay Reservation by Kelly McDowell. Whereas on October 15, 1999, Aircraft No. Executive Order. Mr. Speaker, I thank all of my col- 096 departed McMurdo for the South Pole, ‘‘(D) the lands were deleted from the Res- leagues for this opportunity to salute where the temperature was approximately ervation for the benefit of others; ¥53 degrees Celsius; these true American heroes, and I urge ‘‘(E) the deleted lands were not available Whereas Major McAllister piloted a 130,000 all of my colleagues to support this to the Native inhabitants of Elim under sub- pound LC–130 Hercules cargo plane equipped joint resolution. section (b) of this section at the time of pas- with Teflon-coated skis to a safe landing on Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, will sage of this Act; an icy runway with visibility barely above the gentleman yield? ‘‘(F) the deletion of these lands has been minimums established for safe operations; and continues to be a source of deep concern Mr. MCNULTY. I yield to the gen- Whereas less than 25 minutes later, fol- to the indigenous people of Elim; and tleman from New York. lowing an emotional goodbye and brief med- ‘‘(G) until this matter is dealt with, it will Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, I want ical evaluation, Dr. Nielsen and the crew continue to be a source of great frustration to commend my colleague, the gen- headed back to McMurdo Station; and sense of loss among the shareholders of Whereas the mission lasted 9 days and cov- tleman from New York (Mr. MCNULTY), the Elim Native Corporation and their de- ered 11,410 nautical miles; and for bringing this resolution. scendants. Whereas Major McAllister became the first As a former member of the New York ‘‘(2) WITHDRAWAL.—The lands depicted and person ever to land on a polar ice cap at this Air National Guard, I have had an op- designated ‘Withdrawal Area’ on the map time of year: Now, therefore, be it portunity to look at our airlift units dated October 19, 1999, along with their legal Resolved by the House of Representatives (the descriptions, on file with the Bureau of Land across the State. Time and time again Senate concurring), That Congress recognizes Management, and entitled ‘Land Withdrawal they have been called for emergency or and honors the crew of the Air National Elim Native Corporation’, are hereby with- war, and have served gallantly, taking Guard’s 109th Airlift Wing for its heroic ef- drawn, subject to valid existing rights, from forts in rescuing Dr. Jerri Nielsen from the on the responsibilities that have been all forms of appropriation or disposition South Pole. assigned them. under the public land laws, including the As the gentleman from New York The concurrent resolution was agreed mining and mineral leasing laws, for a period (Mr. MCNULTY) has indicated, this has to. of 2 years from the date of enactment of this been a very difficult mission to rescue A motion to reconsider was laid on subsection, for selection by the Elim Native Dr. Nielsen, who is a native of New the table. Corporation (hereinafter referred to as ‘Elim’). York, in the aspect of bringing her f back from the South Pole. Those who ‘‘(3) AUTHORITY TO SELECT AND CONVEY.— followed this as the mission was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Elim is authorized to select in accordance PRO TEMPORE with the rules set out in this paragraph, planned and then executed, and the his- 50,000 acres of land (hereinafter referred to as tory of it after it was completed, clear- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ‘Conveyance Lands’) within the boundary of ly saw the risk and danger that the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair the Withdrawal Area described in paragraph men and women found themselves in as announces that he will postpone fur- (2). The Secretary is authorized and directed VerDate jul 14 2003 14:14 Jul 12, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H09NO9.000 H09NO9.
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