connections the biannual newsmagazine of the OSCO Construction Group fall & winter 2014 Saint John YMCA • Maritime Ontario • Bath Iron Works • 45 Stuart St. First 2000 NEBT Girders in Maritimes • Cabela’s • Floating Concrete the biannual newsmagazine of fall & winter 2014 connections the OSCO Construction Group what’s inside projects 4 .....Saint John YMCA 16 ...Cabela’s 22 ...Icon Bay Tower 6 .....Maritime Ontario 17.... Harbour Isle 22 ... Miscellaneous 8 .....Bath Iron Works Hazelton Metals Division 9 .....45 Stuart Street 17....Mr. Lube 23 ...Spryfield Bridge 18 ... Marine Terminal 24 ...Floating Concrete 10 ...Irving Oil Refinery 3 ..... Message from Projects 14 ... Fire Training 24 ...Scotia Wind Farms the President 20 ... Misc Rebar Projects Structure 25 ... The Bend Radio 52 ...Our Locations 14 ...Starfish Properties 20 ...Food Station 15 ... First 2000 NEBT 21 ...Bell Aliant 30 ... Wood Islands Girders in Maritimes 22 ...Varners Bridge Wharf profiles priorities 12 ... Product: Staggered Truss Framing (Summer House) 31 ... Safety: Safety Awards & Strescon Pipe Plant Milestone 26 ... Product: Precast Parking Garages 32 ... Technology: Summerside Plant Renovations 33 ...Technology: Best Nests 36 ... Environment: Restoring the landscape 37 ... Environment: e-waste people 41 ...Communication: Information Corner 42 ... OSCO Announces 41 ...Communication: Email sign up Promotions 44 ... Employee Appreciation Celebration 47 ... Employee Recognition Program public & 48 ...Retirement Lane community 49 ...Group Picnic 50 ...Group Golf Tournament 38 ...Saint John Touch a Truck 50 ... Strescon Golf 38 ...OSCO Bursary Winners Tournament 38 ...Steel Day 51 ...Fresh Faces 38 ...NSCC Foundation Bursary 51 ...Congratulations 39 ... Pte. David Greenslade Bursary & Park 39 ...Special Olympics 40...OSCO Group Career Fair OSCO 40...Employer of the Year construction group CONNECTIONS is the biannual magazine of the OSCO on our cover... Construction Group, published every Spring and Fall to share news and information with our valued customers & employees OSCO Group is pleased to announce the promotions of Carl Blanchard, Harrison Wilson, Jim Isnor & Comments and submissions are greatly appreciated and may be sent to the editor/designer: Tammy Legacy, c/o OSCO Construction Group Don Isnor. See article on page 42. 400 Chesley Drive, Saint John, NB • Canada • E2K 5L6 email: [email protected] 2 CONNECTIONS • Fall & Winter 2012 www.oscoconstructiongroup.com message from the president Message from the President his message begins with the Group, I congratulate them and thank is a tribute to the continued enhance- Trecent announcement of our new them for their many contributions to ments being made to our design, vice-presidents for the OSCO Con- the OSCO Group. manufacture and installation process- struction Group; Carl Blanchard, es; resulting in significant growth in Don Isnor, Jim Isnor and Har- Although 2014 started at a slow our market share of parking struc- rison Wilson. For those of us who pace due to the harsh winter and the tures. Another milestone achieved have been here for many years, we slowdown of the local economy, our was the completion of the 33-storey have been a witness to the many fortunes have improved consider- 45 Stuart Street project in Boston; our ably in the second tallest structural steel frame to-date. “It has been my distinct privilege to work half with many of We also manufactured our largest our business units bridge girders ever in Halifax; New alongside of all of these distinguished picking up work. England Bulb Tee shapes that are 2 individuals over the last 25 plus years Our structural meters deep by 37.5 meters long. steel businesses Finally, we made our first “rapid span” and, on behalf of everyone in the Group, have obtained total precast bridge that was built I congratulate them and thank them for large contracts without disturbing the watercourse in Saskatchewan underneath. their many contributions...” and Maine giving our Canadian On the ready mix front, we have contributions that these manag- operations significant backlog well recently renovated our plant in Sum- ers have made; the countless hours into 2015. Our precast concrete plants merside, PEI and we have developed that they have spent to ensure that were awarded architectural jobs in the a quality assurance manual for both our businesses thrive and grow; the United States and industrial wall panel OSCO Concrete and OSCO Aggre- perseverance they showed to get us projects in Canada using our newly gates. Of special note was our quality through the challenges we faced; acquired Carbon-Cast technology. engineer’s design of a highly flowable and, the loyalty to the company and We also received some precast bridge concrete mix used to make floating its employees that was always there girder orders in the Maritimes. pontoons in Halifax. Generally, our in every decision they made. It has ready mix operations have been close We have highlighted several Group been my distinct privilege to work to budget in all locations except New milestones in this edition. We are alongside of all of these distinguished Brunswick where the markets remain rapidly approaching the delivery of individuals over the last 25 plus years relatively slow and very competitive. our 50th precast parking garage. This and, on behalf of everyone in the continued on page 50... www.oscoconstructiongroup.com connections | fall & winter 2014 3 projects YMCA Takes Shape With Plenty of Help From OSCO Group contributed by: Dan Fox, Brendan rooms for community events. the construction as the design evolves. Clancy, Stewart Totten Civil and structural design were issued & Dave Dunnett The YMCA of Greater Saint John is first, to allow the site work, founda- a community service organization tions and structural steel to get start- new home for North Amer- composed of people of all ages and ed. The remaining design continues The ica’s second oldest YMCA from all walks of life joined together while construction is in progress, with is quickly becoming a reality. The new by a shared passion: to strengthen architectural, mechanical and electri- 70,000 square foot facility is being the foundations of community. cal deliverables proceeding as they are built on Churchill Boulevard in Saint needed in the sequencing. John, New Brunswick’s north end. FCC Construction is pleased to be providing Construction Management FCC’s estimating depart- The building will have a 25 meter lap for this new facility. Work started in ment and project team pool, as well as a 9 by 6 meter leisure early April of 2014, with the building collaborate with the pool with a moveable floor. There will expected to open by the fall of 2015. Architect to prioritize also be a 7000 square foot health and The new YMCA is designed by Mur- design deliverables and fitness area, with a perimeter running dock and Boyd Architects, and their create the tender packages. track and a 6000 square foot gymna- consultant team. As the project progresses, FCC works sium. Also included in the design are with the Architect to suggest design a 10,000 square foot area for child CONSTRUCTION details that improve constructability care, 5 large change room areas, and MANAGEMENT to save costs and improve schedule. a settlement services area to help This method is preferred when owners assist new immigrants with language As Construction Manager for this proj- want to expedite projects to enable skills and support. The main lobby will ect, FCC is working closely with the them to open sooner. In a convention- have a café and 2 large multi-purpose Architect and the owner to expedite al style of lump sum tendered project, 4 connections | fall & winter 2014 www.oscoconstructiongroup.com projects “As the project progresses, FCC works with the Architect to suggest design details that improve constructability to save costs and improve schedule.” the design would have to be 100% and install three architectural solid ter, ranging in diameter from 750mm complete before it could be tendered panels and nine architectural insu- up to 1800mm. Two Stormceptor® and awarded, slowing up the project. lated panels for the new building. units were also provided to treat stormwater coming from the parking To date, the project has tendered 50 When installed, the three solid panels; lots before it enters the city sewer. out of the 94 tender packages, with two vertical and one horizontal; will the majority of the large packages frame the building’s main entrance. Strescon’s Stormceptors are currently complete and contracts in place. FCC As part of the Architect’s design, the the only product to meet specifica- manages all costs and change orders decorative panels are being fabricat- tions for the city of Saint John. When and provides reports to the owners. ed with a stone pattern cast into the designers recognize the potential for FCC also provides monthly reports panel’s front face. The nine insulated pollutants leaving the site, they must to the YMCA steering committee, panels will have horizontal reveals, include a Stormceptor in the design. updating on construction progress and will form the perimeter walls for and financial status. part of the pool area. READY-MIX CONCRETE FCC’s project team: Dan Fox, Project Panel production is scheduled for Oc- OSCO Concrete’s Strescon Saint Manager; Jim Cosman, Site Superin- tober, with Strescon Atlantic erecting John plant is working closely with tendent; Madison Spear, Site Admin- all panels by the end of the month. FCC Construction
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