Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements PERSPECTIVES ON THE NEWS Gut and Adipocyte Peptides ZACHARY T. BLOOMGARDEN, MD sented information pertaining to effects of GLP-1 on insulin action, noting that a ma- jor confounding factor is the increase in his is the third in a series of articles els are increased. The perfused pancreas portal insulin levels and the decrease in Ϫ Ϫ on presentations at the American isolated from GLP-1R / animals shows glycemia with GLP-1, both indirectly im- T Diabetes Association Annual Meet- normal insulin response to glucose, proving the glucose-lowering effect of insu- ing, San Diego, California, 10–14 June although without response to GLP-1. GLP- lin. GLP-1 concentrations are somewhat Ϫ Ϫ 2005. 1R / -cells appear to have increased sen- lower in persons with diabetes and, to a sitivity to the incretin glucose-dependent lesser extent, with impaired glucose toler- Glucagon-like peptide-1 (and related insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), perhaps ance, and GLP-1R activation is increased hormones) representing an adaptive upregulation of well beyond the physiologic range both Daniel Drucker (Toronto, Canada) re- GIP and/or of GIP response, and mice nei- with agonists and with administration of viewed evidence that the incretin effect, ther expressing the GLP-1 nor the GIP re- DPP-IV inhibitors. In vitro, GLP-1 increases the phenomenon of enteral glucose load- ceptor show glucose intolerance with adipocyte 2-deoxy-glucose uptake, rat so- ing increasing the insulin secretory re- decreased insulin response to glucose, and leus muscle glycogen synthesis, and hep- sponse to an increase in blood glucose, is fail to show a glucose-lowering response taocyte glycogen synthase A levels. In reduced in type 2 diabetes, and that the with administration of DPP-IV inhibitors, mouse models, the effect of insulin in in- incretin glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 suggesting that the mechanism of DPP-IV creasing glucose uptake is enhanced with- may ameliorate this defect. The major inhibition involves both peptides. GLP- out change in glucose effectiveness by Ϫ Ϫ limitation to use of GLP-1 in clinical treat- 1R / mice have increased -cell suscepti- administration of GLP-1. In obese hyper- ment is its rapid clearance by the enzyme bility to apoptotic streptozotocin injury. In glycemic Zucker rats, administration of ex- Ϫ Ϫ dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-IV. GLP-1 the ob/ob (leptin-deficient) GLP-1R / enatide increases the glucose infusion rate stimulates insulin secretion, inhibits glu- mouse, insulin gene levels are upregulated required to maintain euglycemia, suggest- cagon secretion, and delays gastric emp- and there is islet hyperplasia to the same ing increased insulin action. In nondiabetic tying. Loss-of-function studies with a extent as seen in the ob/ob mouse with nor- humans, however, the glucose dis- mouse model not expressing the GLP-1 mal GLP-1R function. With partial pancre- appearance rate with peripheral infusion of Ϫ Ϫ receptor (GLP-1R / ), and with the atectomy, however, although exendin-(9- GLP-1 is equal to that with insulin infusion GLP-1R antagonist exendin-(9-39), show 39) does not block -cell hyperplasia, the to produce similar insulin levels. A measure Ϫ Ϫ effects of GLP-1 on the hypothalamic- GLP-1R / mouse has reduced -cell re- of “glucose effectiveness” appears to be in- pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the repro- generation and is hyperglycemic. Taken to- creased in persons without diabetes admin- ductive system, the portal glucose gether, these studies suggest that trophic istered GLP-1, but Rizza showed another receptor, gastric motility, and a number of effects of GLP-1 on the -cell occur physi- study of persons with type 2 diabetes, in Ϫ Ϫ other potential targets. GLP-1R / mice ologically. There are areas with high density which GLP-1 increased insulin and reduced have normal insulin sensitivity, arguing of GLP-1R binding sites in the hypothala- glucose levels modestly, without change in against an effect of the system on insulin mus, but their role is uncertain. The GLP- glucose effectiveness with insulin clamped. Ϫ Ϫ action, but have glucose intolerance, and 1R / mouse has normal body weight and In a 6-week study of persons with type 2 administration of exendin-(9-39) simi- minimal perturbation in food ingestion on a diabetes undergoing continuous GLP-1 in- larly is associated with glucose intoler- standard diet, although showing lesser de- fusion, the glucose infusion requirement ance in mice, in primates, and in humans. grees of obesity on a high-fat diet. Gastric was increased during a hyperinsulinemic- Ϫ Ϫ Drucker noted that there is controversy as emptying is not changed in the GLP-1R / euglycemic clamp, although with some- to whether the product of DPP-IV degra- mouse, which shows a response to chole- what lower glucose levels, potentially dation may act at a second GLP-1R, per- cystokinin although not to exendin. Studies explaining improved insulin sensitivity (1). haps having additional effects on in these mice also suggest that there is a Rizza showed an interesting study in per- metabolism, but that GLP-1 does not neural portal vein and/or liver glucose sen- Ϫ Ϫ sons with type 1 diabetes, with glucose in- lower glucose levels in GLP-1R / mice, sor, which may be in part activated by fusion rates during a euglycemic clamp arguing against such a receptor. In the GLP-1 to enhance the response to ingested modestly increased by GLP-1, again sug- model, pancreatic insulin mRNA levels food. gesting possible effect on insulin action. are reduced and somatostatin mRNA lev- Robert Rizza (Rochester, MN) pre- David D’Alessio (Cincinnati, OH) dis- ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● cussed the effect of GLP-1 on body weight. Central administration of GLP-1 Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD, is a practicing endocrinologist in New York, New York, and is affiliated with decreases, whereas that of exendin-(9-39) the Division of Endocrinology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York. Abbreviations: AGRP, agouti-related peptide; ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities; BBB, blood- increases food intake (2). There is a taste- brain barrier; CART, cocaine-amphetamine–regulated transcript; CNTF, ciliary neurotrophic factor; DPP, aversive effect of central GLP-1, not seen dipeptidyl peptidase; FFA, free fatty acid; GIP, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP, gluca- with leptin in doses similarly decreasing gon-like peptide; GLP-1R, GLP-1 receptor; MCH, melanin-concentrating hormone; NPY, neuropeptide Y; food intake (3). Furthermore, central ad- NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract; POMC, proopiomelanocortin; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor; REE, resting energy expenditure; SOCS, suppressor of cytokine signaling; STAT, signal transducers ministration of GLP-1 induces neuronal and activators of transcription; TLR, toll-like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor. growth in central emetic areas. Thus, © 2006 by the American Diabetes Association. GLP-1 may suppress food intake by acting 450 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 2, FEBRUARY 2006 Bloomgarden as a satiety factor, as a regulator of energy ministration of central GLP-1R agonists, sion, glucose levels are reduced, with balance like leptin or insulin, or intrigu- so that ongoing suppression of appetite suggestion of improvement in insulin ingly, as a mediator of a “visceral illness” and weight loss can be expected to occur, sensitivity. As GLP-1 is rapidly inacti- response. Examining the brain GLP-1 sys- although the mechanisms of these vated by DPP-IV, which cleaves alanine or tem, the nucleus of the solitary tract chronic effects may differ from those of proline at the second amino acid of the (NTS) receives signals from gut visceral GLP-1 administered acutely. NH2-terminal of the peptide, the two afferents and contains a small number of Peripheral infusions of supraphysi- strategies that have been employed have GLP-1–staining neurons. Central GLP-1 ologic levels of GLP-1 in humans decrease been to use GLP-1 R agonists, including synthesis occurs almost exclusively in the food intake with increased fullness and exenatide, liraglutide, and CJC-1131, and NTS, but GLP-1Rs are widespread, found satiety in a dose-dependent fashion. DPP-IV inhibitors, those in development in the amygdala, the hypothalamic para- These effects may be mediated by delay in being vildagliptin (Novartis), sitagliptin ventricular nucleus, the NTS itself, and gastric emptying, but the relationship be- (Merck), and saxagliptin (Bristol-Myers circumventricular areas where the blood- tween gastric emptying and the appetite- Squibb). brain barrier (BBB) is attenuated with regulating functions of central GLP-1 is Exenatide, the pharmaceutical name greater potential effect of circulating not known. There is evidence that visceral given to the peptide exendin-4, has GLP-1. A number of stimuli increase cen- signals are mediated through the vagus Ͼ50% homology to GLP-1, acting as a tral GLP-1, including leptin and balloon nerve. The GLP-1-R is expressed in the GLP-1 agonist, but with glycine as the distension of the stomach, although in- vagus nerve, so that signals originating in second NH2-terminal amino acid, so that gestion of a large meal does not increase the gastrointestinal tract or portal vein it is not inactivated by DPP-IV. In three central GLP-1 levels. Acting in a fashion may be responsible for some of central 30-week studies, combination therapy similar to that of lithium chloride, GLP-1 effects of peripheral GLP-1. The extent to with sulfonylureas, with metformin, and decreases food intake, causes taste aver- which intestinal GLP-1 plays a role in sa- with both was associated with decrease in ϳ sion, decreases water intake, decreases tiety is uncertain, with D’Alessio com- HbA1c (A1C) by 1% from starting levels locomotor activity, decreases body tem- menting that DPP-IV inhibitors, which of ϳ8.5%. The proinsulin-to-insulin ratio perature, reduces gastric emptying, and may be considered to increase GLP-1 decreases with exenatide administration, activates sympathetic outflow and the hy- within the upper physiologic range, have suggesting improvement in -cell func- pothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
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