2)*<¿<yt*d' Mi' cS)a¿u¿Ua£ &%¿éaSopÁ¿ea¿ &xaéébnt4' — ¿ r 9?l«K¿r 9 . August IS, 1936. ZOROASTER Dear Friend:- Zarathustrism, or Zoroastrianism as it is more be properly ordered because the Zend language is commonly called, was the ancient faith of the utterly extinct and the old records have found no Irano-Aryan peoples who at some remote period perpetuators in the modern world. migrated from India and civilized Persia, Media Greeks writers derive the term Zoroaster from a and other parts of ancient Chaldea. According to combination of syllables so that the word can have the earliest tradition the Magian Rites of the Per­ one of several meanings. First, a worshipper of the sians were established by the fire-prophet Zarathus­ stars. Second, the image of secret things. Third, a tra, but no reliable information is available as to the fashioner of images from hidden fire. Or most exact time of his life and ministry. He is variously probably, fourth, the son of the stars. placed from the first to the tenth millenium before The oldest of the Iranian books, called the Sesatir, Christ. This uncertainty results in part at least contains a collection of teachings and revelations from the destruction of the libraries of the Magian from fourteen of the ancient prophets of Iran, and philosophers by the armies of Alexander the Great. in this list Zoroaster stands thirteenth. It is not Zarathustra, in Greek Zoroaster, is a generic improbable that at some~prehistoric time a great name bestowed upon several initiated and divinely sage, an initiate of the original Mysteries of the illumined law-givers and religious reformers among Aryan Hindus, established the line of priest-prophets the Chaldeans. As in the case of Manu and Vyasa which came later to bear his name and finally be­ in India, Moses in Israel, Orpheus in Greece and came identified with him. There is ample precedent Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, time has corrupted into one for such a circumstance for in the Hermetic tradi­ personality several Magian philosophers by the name tion of the Egyptians many generations of initiate- of Zarathustra. The result has been a pseudo-histor­ priests lost their identity and were absorbed into the ical account in which the actions of several men are one all-powerful word Hermes. fitted together to make one highly metaphysical Greek writers distinguish at least six Zoroasters. tradition. The different parts can probably never The first was a Chaldean, the second a Bactrian, the [ 1 ] third a Persian, the fourth a Pamphylian, the fifth Even modern authorities are not in agreement as Proconnesian, and the sixth a Babylonian. The last to the date of Zoroaster’s ministry. The present of these, according to Apuleius, was a contemporary tendency however is to narrow down the time to of Pythagoras who visited and studied with him the period between 1200 and 500 B. C. That a great when Pythagoras was carried a prisoner to Babylon prophet did arise in Iran during these centuries has by the armies of Cambyses. been established as an historical certainty, but that other prophets preceded him in the propounding Space prevents a detailed examination of the of the Magian philosophy is generally acknowledged conflicting accounts relative to the comparative im­ as a possibility. Modern scholars view the Greek portance of these several Zoroasters and it is ques­ and Roman traditions rather dubiously. The Bud­ tionable whether even an exhaustive analysis of the dhist tradition in India emphatically affirms that information available would result in any conclu­ Gautama Siddhartha was not the first Buddha but sions of primary importance. The student should rather the principal exponent of the Buddhist sys­ rather bear in mind that Zoroaster as he descends to tem. We have the same problem in Persia. While us in modern history is the personification of a the sacred scriptures make mention of several an­ noble philosophical system founded by a semi-divine cient prophets, Zarathustra SpitamcTis acknowledged mortal at a remote period in the world’s history, as the chief exponent of the Magian doctrines. and carried on by a line of consecrated priests until its final dissipation by the Mohammedans. A. V. Williams Jackson, in his important book ZOROASTER THE PROPHET OF ANCIENT IRAN, published With these restrictions we can summarize briefly by the Columbia University Press, examines critical­ the more or less legendary story of Zarathustras ly yet impartially the available data relative to the life. For reasons which should be apparent from the life and time of Zoroaster and advances a well- foregoing, it is not even possible to describe with supported opinion that Zarathustra Spitama was anything approaching accuracy the appearance or born on the first day of the year B. C. 660 and died the temperament of the founder of the Magicm on the forty-first day of the year B. C. 583, being Rites. The portrait of Zarathustra which accompan­ then at the age of seventy-seven years and forty-one ies this article is believed to be the only existing like­ days. This is the time generally agreed upon by ness of the old prophet. The original is a rock Par see scholars but other European authors advance carving of unknown age the face of which was a somewhat earlier date. mutilated beyond recognition and reconstructed by some pious believer whose faith probably greatly ex­ According to the gathas the Prophet was born ceeded his array of facts. Although this portrait is at Azarbaijan in Western Iran. As in the case of generally accepted as a likeness of the Magus, there Jesus an effort is made to trace his ancestry back to is every possible doubt as to its authenticity. Those the princes of his land. It is recorded that his best qualified to pass an opinion on the subject haz­ father’s name was Pourushaspa and his mother’s ard the guess that the sculpture was intended to Dughdhova. He was the third of five sons. Most represent Ahura-Mazda, the First Principle of the accounts agree that Zoroaster was born of an Im­ world in the Persian belief. The face may have maculate Conception. The legend tells that his been destroyed by some zealous Zoroastrian for the father, in performing religious ceremonials, drank members of this faith are strongly opposed to idol­ the sacred homa juice which is the same as the atry. On the other hand it may have been mutilated soma of the Hindus, the mysterious drink of the by the Greeks or Mohammedans. From a meta­ gods. As a result his wife conceived without know­ physical viewpoint it is by no means impossible that ing a man. The nativity was accompanied by su­ the carving represented Ahura-Mazda personified pernatural manifestations and occult circumstances in the form of Zoroaster his beloved prophet. appropriate to the incarnation of an Avatar or divine [ 2 ] being. It is said that all nature rejoiced at the birth ferent tradition which says that Zoroaster was the of the Prophet. Ahriman, the genius of evil, and son of Oromasdes the spirit of fire, but the word his host of demons all hid themselves in the darkest Oromasdes seems to be a Grecianized form of parts of the earth to escape the splendour of the Ahura-Mazda, the spirit of eternal light, the first new-born sage. At the time of the incarnation a active Principle in the Zoroastrian cosmogony. The demons being unable to prevent the birth of the Prophet, immediately see\ his destruction. Many efforts were made to slay him while still a babe, but through miraculous intercession he escaped his enemies. The Turanian Karap, Durasrobo, played the part of Herod in the Zoroastrian story. He was a worshipper of idolatrous gods and was served by a priest-craft of sorcerers. The Karap and his religious advisers, though unable to destroy the child, so influenced Pourushaspa that he turned from his own son, fearing him to be a demon born in human form. But the infant discomfited his adversaries and we next hear of him at his seventh year, a precocious and amazing child who is given into the peeping of a wise and venerable sage to be educated in the mysteries of the true religion. At about this time he also escapes an effort to poison him, for the hosts of Ahriman were determined that the Prophet should never preach in Iran. It was the custom of that time for a boy to reach his majority at the age of fifteen and it is expressly stated that at this age he was initiated into the true faith, a ceremony which always too\ place at the time of majority. At this time also his father, now reconciled with his divine son, divided his properties among his children. Zoroaster chose only a myster­ ious belt for his share of the patrimony. At this time also the young man was invested with the Kusti or sacred thread or cord, the symbol of the ancient Mazdean faith. Already the young man was turning toward a religious life and at twenty he assumed religious orders and left home. He ring of heavenly light surrounded the house of went out alone to fast and meditate in the Persian Pourushaspa. According to a most ancient Greeks desert. Practically his only food during that time tradition, Zoroaster is the only mortal ever to laugh was a certain sacred cheese which never grew old or at the moment of birth. It is also said that while moldy. There may be a connection between this he was an infant his brain throbbed so that it account and the mysterious food of Hercules which violently pushed away a hand if it was placed upon Pythagoras ate while similarly fasting in desert his head.
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