ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. XCIV, No. 11 18th NOVEMBER, 2016 Price US$2,00 General Notice 403 of 2016. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER 23:02] Zimbabwe Revenue Authority: Notice of Unclaimed Vehicles ITis hereby notified, in termsofsection 39(2) ofthe Customs and Excise Act [Chapter23:02], that the following vehicles will be dealt with in termsofsection 39(3) and (4) of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter23:02] if not claimed within 30 daysofthe publication of this notice in the Gazette. The vehicles are accident damaged and were abandonedat Vehicle Inspection Depot in Bulawayo. Currently they are being held at Container Depot, Stand No. 3041, Institute Avenue, Raylton, Bulawayo,and will be disposed of by auction. Detention Date of . Registration} Engine Chassis | No. details Detention Make Number Number Number Status Year Location 1 RLH 156267 19/01/2015] ISUZU KB280 DNT 331GP Unknown |ADMTFS550GM814477| Accident Unknown Manica Container Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 2 RLLH. 156268 27/01/2015] HYUNDAI JGJ268GP Unknown KMHUF31NP5U189720 Non Unknown| Manica Container! Runner Depot-Bulawayo. | 3 RILH172011 04/07/2015 Trailer NPG356GP - Unknown Accident Unknown] Manica Container Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 4 RLH 156291 24/04/2015] Toyota Corolla} CY 136-482 Unknown Unknown Non Unknown} Manica Container Runner Depot-Bulawayo. | 5 RLH 128589 16/09/2014] ISUZU Truck AAK 3140 Unknown FRR32FB-3003953 Non Unknown| Manica Container] Runner Depot-Bulawayo. | 6 R.LH 188507 22/10/2015] Home-Made XYS939GP - AA9B1SSUB8GPU1332| Accident Unknown] Manica Container Trailer Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 7 RLH 188514 12/11/2015) Toyota Cressida DDX767GP Unknown YX72R9000823 Accident Unknown} Manica Container Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 8 RLH 188518 16/12/2015] Nissan Exa LHT566GP B15S000878B; B133353 Accident Unknown} Manica Container Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 9 RLLH 188353 25/06/2015] Toyota Estima B389AXB Unknown MCR30-0024507 Accident Unknown} Manica Container| Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. | 10 R.LH 023163 13/12/2011] M/benz Rigid NBY908GP Unknown MHL68408311004411 Accident Unknown| Manica Container Truck Damaged Depot-Bulawayo. H. KUZVINZWA, Acting Commissioner-General, 18-11-2016. Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. 996 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazettE, 18tH NovemBEr, 2016 General Notice 404 of 2016. CHANGE OF NAME SECURITIES AND EXCHANGEACT [CHAPTER24:25] TAKE notice that, bynotarial deed executed before me, Ashel Registration of a Securities Exchange Mutungura, a legalpractitioner and notary public, at Mutare, on this 8th day of November, 2016, Alford Sarai Azingwa (born on 22nd IT is herebynotified, in terms of section 37 of the Securities and June, 1983) (I.D. No. 50-077905 E 50) personally appeared and did ExchangeAct[Chapter 24:25], that the Commission has,in terms of formally abandonandrelinquish the name Alford Sarai Azingwa and did assumethe name Alford Sarai Nyagwela, which nameshall be section 30 of the Securities and Exchange Act [Chapter 24:25] and the Securities (Registration, Licensing and Corporate Governance) used in all deeds, documents, proceedingsandtransactions. — Ashel Rules, 100, published in StatutoryInstrument 100 of 2010,registered Mutungura, c/o Mutungura & Partners Legal Practitioners, 113, the securities exchangelisted in the Schedule. Herbert Chitepo Street, Mutare. 268524f T. CHINAMO, CHANGE OF NAME Chief Executive Officer, 18-11-2016. Securities and Exchange Commission. NOTICEis herebygiven that, by notarial deed executed before me, Martin Zvikomborero Chijara, a legal practitioner and notary SCHEDULE public, at Harare, on the 9th day of November, 2016, Julia Anne Hewitt changed her name to Julia Anne Mannix, which name she SECURITIES EXCHANGE shall use in all records, deeds, documents and transactions. — Martin ZimbabweStock Exchange Limited (ZSE) Zvikomborero Chijara, legal practitioners. 268486f 44, Ridgeway North, Borrowdale, CHANGE OF NAME Harare. Date of Registration: 27th September, 2016. TAKEnoticethat, on the 13th September, 2016, Tabitha (Twin II) Garanewako (born on 21st November, 1971) appeared before me, General Notice 405 of 2016. Lozithelo Mpofu and, by notarial deed of change of name, changed her name from Tabitha (Twin II) Garanewakoto Tabitha Tafadzwa LABOURACT [CHAPTER28:01] Jana, which nameshall be used inall records, deeds, documents and transactions. —Lozithelo Mpofu,notary public/legal practitioner, c/o Notice ofAccreditation Proceedings: Nurse Aides Workers Union R. Ndlovu & Company, Second Floor, John Pocock Property Centre, Leopold Takawira Avenue/Josiah Tongogara Street, Bulawayo. IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 42 of the Labour Act 268405f [Chapter 28:01}, that accreditation proceedings are proposed to be held for the purpose of determining whether or not Nurse Aides CHANGE OF NAME Workers Union application for registration should be approved. Theapplication for registration was notified by General Notice 240 TAKE notice that, on the 15th September, 2016, Tymon Vuma - of eee published in the Government Gazette of 16th September, (born on 3rd August, 1977) appeared before me, Busisiwe Dube 2016. and, bynotarial deed of change of name, changed his name from The accreditation proceedings will be held on the 11th January, Tymon Vuma to Tymon Petrus Masina, which name shall be used 2017, at 10.30 am. in the boardroom in the Twelfth Floor of inall records, deeds, documents and transactions. —Busisiwe Dube, Compensation House, comer Simon Vengai Muzenda Steet and notary public/legal practitioner, clo Ndove Musetsa & Partners, Central Avenue, Harare. 95, Coal House, Robert Mugabe/Ninth Avenue and Tenth Avenue, Any person who wishes to make any representations in the Bulawayo. 268406f mattershould lodge them, in writing, with the Registrar of Labour, CHANGE OF NAME at Compensation House,at the corner of Simon Vengai Muzenda Street and Central Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag NOTICEishereby given that, by notarial deed executed before 7707, Causeway, within 30 days from the date of publication ofthis me, Widias Chishiri, a legal practitioner and notary public, on the notice, and to advise the Registrar whetheror not he or she wishes 8th day of November, 2016, Farai Masendu (born on 3rd September, to appear in support of such representations, at such accreditation 1977) appeared and changed his name to Farai Masendu Mamvura, proceedings. which nameshall be used in all records, deeds, documents and all transactions whetherprivate or public. N. N. SIMANGO, 18-11-2016. Acting Registrar of Labour. Dated at Harare on this 9th day of November, 2016. —Widias Chishiri, clo Dzoro & Partners, legal practitioners, 66, Cork Road, General Notice 406 of 2016. Avondale, Harare. 268430f STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD CHANGE OF NAME - Tenders Invited NOTICEisherebygiven that, by notarial deed of change of name executed before me, Ryan Stewart, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared TENDERSmust be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the Nicola Sarah Audrey Foote, personally, in her advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be postedin time to be capacity as the natural mother, custodian and legal guardianofher sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the minorchild Jodi Ann Foote and changed her daughter’s name from Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, Jodi Ann Foote to Jodi Ann Trombas, which name sheshall use in Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. on the closing date. all records, deeds, documents and in all transactions. Dated at Harare on this 25th day of October, 2016. — Ryan S. MUTANHAURWA, Stewart, c/o Matizanadzo & Warhurst Legal Practitioners, notaries 18-11-2016. Acting Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. public/legal pratitioners, No. 8, Downie Avenue, Alexandra Park, Tender number Harare. 26843 1f MMCZ/03/2016. The supply, delivery andinstallation of three weigh CHANGE OF NAME bridges equipment and accessories. Please be advised that there will bea compulsory site visit on 21st November, 2016, NOTICEis herebygiven that, by notarial deed executed before Harare-Nyamapanda Road at 0900hrs, Harare-Masvingo me, Raphael Tapiwanashe Maganga,a legalpractitioner and notary Road) at 1400hrs and 22nd November, 2016 (Gweru- public, at Harare, on the 28th day of October, 2016, Collen Taruva Zvishavane Road) at 1000hrs. did, in his personal capacity, abandon that nameand assumeinits place the nameCollen Mandizvidza, which nameshall be used in all Please note that the location Ngundu-Tanganda Road was deeds, documents, records andtransactions. — Raphael Tapiwanashe changed to Harare-Masvingo Road. Theclosingdate for the Maganga,legal practitioner, clo Maganga and Company Legal tender is 29th November,2016. Practitioners. 268605f ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 18TH NOVEMBER, 2016 997 CHANGEOF NAME LOST DEED OF TRANSFER TAKEnotice that, on the 4th day of October, 2016, before me, NOTICEis hereby given that we, Hagai Matsike and Opperance Daglus Pundu, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Matsike intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer Admire Madhuvu (bom on 5th March, 1990) in his own capacity 2341/98, dated 30th June, 1998, passed in favour of Hagai Matsike and he formally abandoned the name Admire Madhuvuand adopted (born on 12th March, 1958) and Opperance Matsike (born on 31st Admire Takaedza,so that, henceforth,for all purposes and occasions December, 1962) in respect of certain piece of land in extent 982
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