.'f’ -'f; ■■iv,,,' ■■ IBIDAT^ MSByABY ' . ’.ti- V^-. 1EttnAl0 'A r a n ift D bII i ; N et Press Run The Weather - n c ^aek .’lSnded- Cloudy today, chance of anew ) ; “ O m en of Stated Offidals, win eMhpr oommeroial o r fh w a r t B A sn e ~ dhawney 38, U N ftaiTlea, faie^'and’ coldtf--to. Board CknisIdefB aahhUa tha nwpeaal T needey Poster .Cjcmtest Other oieh amarde win Im In s ro c u N a i. night, low 15-30; sunny, cold the smounbi o f 8136. 876, 8M , Be^onid Ccrlmeil tT rnariliTt-r proposed ac- w m a Cl tomorrow, high near 80. 'CUb Oil Handicapped and 89B-13be wfntiing poitafT Witt ciungea, the dlrectan Mnaefbd8fiiD‘- 4 CUy of yatogo Chmrm be dupUeetad and dlfpleyed T te :baeM •of dtoectors; ;win w ill baar the reeommendatipnB Gets tl^nder Way flacougbout the state and others UITIMR ludd in Wprnml nweUng^liiiw- of Its auditors, Barry ai^ M ^ (Olaaatfled Adverttatag on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CENTS win be puMcdr difptayeA ^ IfANCHBSTER, CONNn SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1966 b w i m ] « i v « tlM The fimh anouid Hlrd the day night te-eonsWer m enl^^ Oow, as pootatned hi ^ M 6 «5 y o u LXXXV, NO. 107 (POURTBBN PAGSS*-TT iMpCWW H :l« «# . to October. N o akaUng on the Weehand town audit The prtndr- Handicapped. Honter rCohtnt. Foators may be mailed dr,de- , hm«- k 'i H& Im v o P * i 1i- ’ a t Center Springs pond WM tha ship In. a H a t t f M pal reeommsndatkm Is fiw the sponsored by the Govecnof's Uvemd to the Connect cut flbeta IS l^'^gjuMii fOr n oiw rilla « t booh. re p ^ today from the park ds- GoaaoU o i Elepted OffididiA^wid deaigttatlon e f h finance offieer. Committee on Emptoymeni of Ebnptoyment'Service OCftce, 906 partment office, the reeeiM to discuss reooannendsd chaiiig- the HandioBpped hhs been an­ iTsiii st'AddUioaal contest hv- .snow end warm weather hew ea in the town's apcountiiiig ajrB- lefs FidHnO' ['•omaeoat r ^ * oC 'SMMOd nounced by Jamee ;De -Rbeco, formation may be obtained iaitf«iP T SHOT |liegne*tteoti Ornidiirm h i»e hampered wockan in prejtaring tfm. : • : ' maneger ot[ Seam P a A a d e stewe the ofOce or by writing the,«irCace. ' ^ , T h e cpuneil proposal’ la hn Chib to Sponsor S t. 44A, BuUun J f tt 88N L jM bW and atattac Portf at end kKsd oonteei-ebainnaa. , the Governor’s Committee at Johnson Heads for Hawaii Public ice ekatiiig bourn for ^ofeBaon o i Sonday. The purpoM of the c o ft^ .. W 'SM . WE ipirtaWHLa the State Labor Department the weekend at both Center Mseting of ‘Tomorrow,’’ when Art Talent Te^ ■a -r— • ,. ydikdi doaea-Matab^Sl, is to hir- H artford. representattvea of Hartford- Tatda WUta Huttidd, Spehm AnneK and Chatter T te fine art 'committee of jSM ven.fW naAcnwikMMi ther public acceptance of the area towns met to Ascuta urttan . Weddiags. BUneralB Cnk handicapped as qualified work­ Ouk PWrk are aa foOown: To- V"i**^'** ***’- night -untU 10 o’clock; Setw> and regional problems. Junior Century C li* of Man- Blowers ,siad O ortages. m tX* XbiMald at 36 9 ^ e n ers in the community, aooord- chmter, Inc., wfB apahsew the fc ;, -im boan aamad to Oie hig to Jasper Gambino, man­ Injury Noti^ day and Sunday, 10 ami to 10 The 1966 State Assem bly adopted Public Act 911, which 1966 HaUmarfc A rt Talent Con­ m a t B iyaat OoMega of ager of the local Stale Em- p m . To Review Viet Nam Policy AdmialatraUon in ptaymcRt omce and committee Served on Town Coasting w ll be allowed dally provides fo r the- creation o f a test for sdiool seniors. Regional Council of Elected Of­ It is a nethoiei contest spon­ R.1^ for Uie laat saoretary. In Center Springe Buk from George and Eidith M. Fratue ficials, "a device for bringing sored annually- by the general iiMritfng periodr She la a gt*A- The contest is open to Con- 8:30 to dark. ' Gospel Singer of 109 WethereM St have together, at regular tetorvals, federation -o f women's chibs. ^ o f Maaohaater Rl|d> Bcbool. naoUcut youth in Grades 9-12 in suing conditions remain Homemade 3. D. Sumner and the Stamps served notice upon the town of the chief elected officials of the Seniors emnpete for three schol- , ■ ----- ah p i^ c , privata and parochial good at the lit. Nebo eki^ State News Quartet of Memphis, Tenn., wiU aUeged personal injuries and local governments within a-giv­ arshipe awared by Halhnark t SCandiara o f Tamiria Ctiaptar, sohoola. slopea. Tows wiB operate to­ To Increase present a special program of damagee Mrs. Fratus daima en metropolitan area, for tlm fiMiiiaiig to go to Now night from 7 to 0 ’.80. Saturday Cards. music and song at the Worship The subject should emphasize she suffered a aldewiMk fa ll on discussion of common problems, Works hi oil, water color, ___ OA'ldoiiday ara reminded ■ml Sunday houra will be from Dyer Calls Service at 11 a.m. on Sunday at atallHy o f the handicapped and Oak S t lest Saturday. the exchange of information, paatels and mixbd media may f r e s h o r f r o z e n Education, make bw raaervatlaaa with de-empbesize disaMHty (not ap­ She claims, in a letter filed 1 to 4:80. N o night ahhog ie Calvary Church. planned. and the development of agree­ be BUbmitted. Entries must be a^^aratt OaaqdMll, 23 Sumner has been singing goa~ peal to eympathy), conteat of- with the town oMk’a office, ment on policy questions of mu­ made by March 16 to Mrs. C. CR T PayroU at, by tomorrow. ficiale etate. Posters muta be that She suffered a fracture of H ealth A id *■ , . pel music for many years. He m X B t a k e 40 L IV E S tual interest” Ruah, 81 Vermont Ter., South­ Do®. 30c sang bass -with the Blackwood the original work of the etu- her right arm, plus numerous ington. She is the art chairman other kijuriee, and boMs the BONN — Every year about Mrs. Dorothy Jacobson of WASHINGTON (AP)— ' { TOindOblp Lodge o f Maaons Brothers Quiutet for 11 years dmt. Man<9iester, immediate past for the Connecticut State Fed­ ‘Appalling’ The flret prize awaid will be town liable for damagee be­ 50,000 deer are killed or injulbd H. PASQUALINI •rOi bgva Iti mM-wtnter social and has had more gospel songs chairman of the Capitol Region eration of Women’s Clubs. President Johnson flies' to a Famous Artists School schol- cause of its negUgence to by motor vehicles in West Ger­ 246 Avery St, Wapplng HAR'FFORD (AP) — Jose)^ ^M aj, Feb. 11, for members recorded on major labels than Plannfag Agency and a vice For more InforinaUon, seniors Hawaii today to review the anhip valued at 8600, plus a “maintain and keep in a rea­ many. These coUlsions cost the P. Dyer., director of the .state’s ■«a their wives. A soclid hour any other one man. He also .chairman, of an advisory com­ may contact Mrs. Gerald Com- TEL, 644.0604 course of the Viet Nam 8200 cash award, providing sonably safe conddtibn” the lives o f about 40 motorists a Office of Economic Opportunity, \ j ^td:S0 wUl be held at the home writes gbspel music and is said mittee for the creation of the paaso, 428 W , Middle Ip k e . war and to step up the flow three yearn of home study in akiewalfc. c^Uclzes what he calls the mt the senior warden, Ray to have one of the lowest bass of American health, educiEl- Pogue, 39 Bryan Dr., and,then "Inushrooming payroll” of the voices in this type of music. tion and farm aid to be­ fiiO group will dine together at He is an owner of the Black­ Community Renewal Teain of WUnoli at 7;to. Reservations wood Brothers Enterprises, Greater Hartford. leaguered Vietnamese vil­ Iboold be made With Bogus. which inclukles the Blackwood He described the situation Fil- lagers. I; ■ ' ' ' ' ----- Brothers and Stamps Quartets, day as “appaUing.” v, The President announced at a ^^tawn Controller Joseph the Stamps Quartet Music Co. OPEN John W. McLean, tha C R T s news confermce in his office gnkhiB^tbio has received a and OMpel Quartet Music Inc. WHERE executive director, denied Friday that he wiU hold three 9$il^eata for completing a He also is a Joint owner with Dyer’s charge and said that na­ days of talks in Honolulu with Marta in "Planning Municipal the Statesmen Quartet of At­ This Is one of the pictures of the moon’s surface, sent back by Luna tional figures show that about South Vietnamese leaders and Wprdvement Frogramd” given lanta, Oa.; Skylite Records; DAILY picked up by the Jodrell Bank radio telescope in England. It was transmitted 70 per cent of the total program U.S. dlbiomatlc and military SERYICE officials in South V iet Nam. pt Wet^rafield aa part of the James O. Vaughan Music Pub­ from Manchester, England simultaneously to the Mmichester Guardian and represents salaries. aBoaidpid^ trd n in g program o f D yer said C R T’s annual pay­ Johnson will be accompanied by lishers; and of a syndicated tel­ the Associated Press wirephoto system. (A P Photofax) i TTniversl^ of Oonnecticut’a evision program.
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