I I AJournal of Congregational Song Cumulative Index 1982-1997 Volumes 33-48 Introduction This index is the third cumulative index to be produced for The Hymn Society. The first was compiled by Harry Eskew and published as Paper No. XXIX (1949-1972). I compiled the second index, published in 1982, which included the data from the first index but extended the coverage through 1981 (Volumes 1-32). The present index starts where the last one ended and provides access to all issues of THE HYMN through 1997 by consulting only two alphabetical listings. Guides to Usage Each entry normally includes the following data: "Title "Author (and reviewer when applicable) "Volume and beginning page number "Month and year 10 1998 The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, Inc. All rights reselVed. As in the 1982 Index, the world "hymn" has usually been omitted from subject head­ ings since nearly everything is related to hymns (some exceptions: GOSPEL . Printed in the U.S.A. HYMNS, THE HYMN, HYMN STUDIES). Therefore, to find articles on English hymnody, look under ENGUSH. The three largest bodies of hymnody: AMERICAN, The Hymn Society In the United States and Canada, Inc. ENGUSH, and GERMAN are subdivided by centuries. Boston University School ofTheology Titles beginning with "a," "an," or "the" (in all languages) have been disregarded in 745 Commonwealth Ave. alphabetizing except with book titles. Boston, MA 02215-1401 Hymnals are generally indexed under compiler, religious denomination, country, (800) THE-HYMN culture, or language. Though individual titles are not indexed, every effort has been made to include titles under the heading HYMNALS in order to provide quick access. Similarily, tunebooks (both shape- and round-note varieties) are not indexed by title but are included under the heading TUNEBOOKS. Collections of hymns by one writer or composer are indexed under that person's name. Persons are thoroughly indexed except when they are given only a passing men­ tion in an article. Hymn texts which include more than one stanza or texts printed with music are indexed under TEXl'S-BY FIRST UNE. Hymn tunes that are discussed in some detail or that have the music printed are listed under the heading TUNES-BY NAME. In addition to indexing by subjects, authors, and religious denomination, book reviews are entered under the heading REVIEWS. Over the years of this index's coverage, some authors have changed the way their names appear in the journal. To keep their contributions in one listing, the names are listed in their most prevalent form. One other change should be noted: the society used to call its annual gathering "Convocation" and so was indexed under CONVOCATIONS. In recent years, the name has changed to ' ~nual Conference," so the decision was made to change the heading to CONFERENCES. Articles and information related to the Annual Conference will also be found under the headings for HYMN SOCIETY IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Corrections and suggestions for possible additional approaches to indexing for future editions of this Index will be most welcome. Please address them to me at 3112 Harwick Dr., Birmingham, Alabama 35242, or contact me bye-mail at dlschoenfeld@worldnet. act.net - DEBORAH LOFTIS SCHOENFELD 1982- 1987 • THE HYMN Cumulative Index' 3 ACCOMPANIMENT New Hymn-Based Music For The Seasons OfAdvent And ProI",1 and Praise: Sacred Music 0(BIaU Religion. jon AMBROSIAN Fuglng·Tunes in lbe Eigbleentb CenJury. Nicholas The Sunday School Movemenl Ellen jane Lorenz Porter 1992 Workshop in Hymn Accompanying 43,2;44 Apr Christmas.james Beiber; Barhara Dobesh 36:2:30 Apr Michael Spencer (rev. by) Md..WII,on Costen 43:2:50 See LATiN Temperler, Charles G. Manns (rev. by) Karl Kroeger 35:4:209 Oct 1984 1992 1985 Apr 1992 AMELN, KONRAD 36:2:33 Apr 1985 Teaching the People Thdr Sacred SonJ!S: Lowell Mason lIymns in Periodical Lilerature. William Lock 33:3:i81 Organ and Choral MusIc for Advent and Christmas; General Publbhed lIymnais In The Afro·American Tradition. Dos deu/scbe KirrbenlledIDKL(. Kriliscbe Hymns in Periodical Literature. William Lock 33:3:181 and Hb Work. Carol A. Pemberton 43:1;17 Jan 1992 july 1982 Choral and Organ Music. DaVid Schelat 42:4:48 Oct 1991 Mdva WilSon Costen 40:1:7 jan 1989' Gesam/ausgabe der Meladien. Vol. III: Vmeichnis july 1982 The Revivalisl. Ellen jane Lorenz Porter 41:2 26 Apr 1990 lIymn. til Periodical LiI" ature,jack L, Ralston 36:2:27 Two New lIymns for Advent View the Present Through the Sacred Music ojlbe Secular Cily: From Blues 10 Rap. der Drucbe von den An/angen bis IIJ1JO. Vol. lIZ: Hymns in Periodical Literature. Hedwig T. Durnbaugh The Siougbton Musical Society's Centennial CoHee/ion Apr 1985 Prombe. Thomas II. Troeger. Carol Doran 37:4:30 Oct jon Michael Spencer (rev. by) Terry E. Miller 44:1 :46 Vmclchnls der DrucItB Reglsler. Konrad Amdn; 34: 1:46jan 1983 (1878), wilb a New Inlroducllon by Roger HaH (rev. Re<ent Publications Designed to Enrich Hymn Singing 1986 Jan 1993 - I Markus jenny; Walther Lippardt (rev. by) Robin A. Hymns in Periodical Uteralure.jack L. Ralston 36:1-27 by) David P. McKay 333:198july 1982 in the Worship Service. Wilbur Held; Paul Hammona Two New Hymns ror Advent: Wdcome the Wild On~ the Sing a New Song: Liberal/ng Blaell HymnodY.Jon I Leaver36:1:33jan 1985 jan 1985 Three Little·Koown West Tennessee Four·Shape Shape· 34'2:112 Apr 1983 Desert Declaimer. Brian Wren; Anne O'Leary 3N:28 Michael Spencer (rev. by) Melva Wilson Costen 47:4:69 jabrbuch/ilrWuw. und Hymnologle, Vol. 23 (979). Hymns in Periodical Literalure. Terry W. York 42'3:31 july Note Tuneboolo. Marion j. Hatchett 42:3: I0 july 1991 Revi"" of Hymn ·Based Music, Wayne L. Wold 47:3:64 Oct 1986 Oct 1996 }. Konrad Ameln' Cliristhard Mahrenholz; Alexander 1991 William Moore's Columbian Harmony (l82S). David W. july 1996 AFRICAN SingJor F,..dom: The Siory o/Ibe Civil Rlgbls Move· VOlker (rev. bv\ Victor Gebauer 35:1:58jan 1984 Hymns in Periodical Literature. C. Michael Hawn 48:3:52 Music 36.2:16 Apr 1985 Suggestions for f9'mn Performance. John Ferguson Ethnic Hymnody Series:Congregational Songs olthe ment Tbrougb /Is Songs. Guy Carawan; Candie Vol 23 (980). July 1997 AMERICAN-lOTH CENTURY Carawan (rev. by) Melva Wilson Costen 43:1 :56Jan jabrbuch/ilr Lilurgillund Hymnolagl., 45,H 2 Apr i994 Harvest: Revival Music in East Africa j. Nathan Corbitt Konrad Amdn' Chrbthard Mahrenholz; Alexander john Henry LMngston, Unlikely lIymnai Pioneer.james L. Alberl E. Brumley's America's Memory Val~. Bob Suggestions for Hymn Performance. John Ferguson 39:2:24 Apr 1988 1991 j VOlker (rev,!>r\ Victor Gebauer 35.3:185 july 1984 H. Brumm 48:4:36 Oct 1997 Brumley; SharOn Soles (rev. by) Edith B. caid 44:1 :48 45:3:33july 1994 Fill us wilb your Love, and Olber Hymns/rom AJrica, So Let Us Watch: An Interpretation or Antebellum Spiri. jabrbuch/ilrWurgi. und Hymnologie, Vol. 25 (981). john Wesley" 1737 Charlestown CoHee/Ion o/Psalms jan 1993 Suggestions for Hymn Performance: Instrumental Tom Colvin (rev,by) Mary K. Oyer 36:2:31 Apr 1985 tual Texb.john E. Taylor 38:2:7 Apr 1987 Konrad Ameln; Waldtraullngeborg Sauer·Geppert; and Hymns. Carlton R. Young 41.4:19 Oct 1990 American Hymnody: AView of the Current Scene. Russell COlor: Guitar, Piano, and Synthesizer.john Ferguson Hymnody and the Persistence of an African-American Songs o/Zion;Supplemental Worsbip Resources 12 Alexander Volker (rev. by) Victor Gebauer 39.l:33july News: American Sacred Music Imprints42:1:3Ian 1991 Schulz-Widmar 3HIl4Juiy 1982 45 :4.52 Oct 1994 Faith in Sierra Leone,john Saillant48:1:8 Jan 1997 (rev. by) Portia K. Maulbby 33:3:193july 1982 1988 Research R<port: "Treasures of the Benson Col ection: Chorus, Refrain, 8urden. Ellen jane Lorenz 45: I: 18jan Ten Commandments for Arranging Your Own !fF.Jln a lIymns in Periodical Literature. Terry W. York 43l:l3july ASurvey o!Trends in Re<ent Protestant Hymnals: Afri· jabrbuch/ilrWurx/i und Hymnologle Vol. 26 (982). Part III: American Tuneboolo. Paul R. PowdI45:3:29 1994 Anthems.james L.II. Brumm 45 :2:31 Apr 1994 can·American Spiriluals, Hymns, and Gospel Songs. C. Konard Amdn; Waldtraut Ingeborg Sauer·GepJl.er!; july 1994 Contemporary Authors and Hymns as Represented in Ten 1992 Michael Hawn 43HI jan 1992 ACH6N,RAQUELGUTIERREZ An Interview with Mary Oyer. Da~d W. Music 45:1:14jan Alexander V'dlker (rev. by) Victor Gebauer 39:4:60 Oct The Co," Reperlol')' o/Ellrly American Psalmody. Rich· R<cent Hymnals. Ronald L Miller 48:2:39 Apr 1997 lIymnic News: Executive Committee Nominees 40:2:35 Apr 1994 Thejournal ojBlaeil Sacrr:d Music, Volume 2, Number 1988 ard A. Crawford (rev. by) Harry Eskew 37:2:45 Apr 1986 The Hymnail940 and Ib Era. William). Reynolds 1989 News:African UnlYersity Professor Producing Hymnal for I.jon Michael Spencer (rev. by) Horace Clarence Boyer Jabrbuch/ilr Wurgl. und Hymnologle, Vol. 27 (1983). Wesley Hymns In E:uly American Hymnals And 41:434 Oct 1990 Hlmnos de Vida y Luz (rev, by) Raquel Gutierrez Ach6n African Churches with Computer. Andra Stevens 48:1;5 40:1 :37 Jan 1989 Konrad Ameln; Waldtrautlngeborg Sauer.Gefpert; Tunebooks. David W. Music 39:4:37 Oct 1988 Hymnic Highways and Byways in Ohio, Mary Louise 43:3,43jllly 1992 Jan 1997 We'll Underslaod /I Beller By and By:Pioneering Alexander Viilker (rev. by) Victor Gebauer 40: :37 jan AMERICAN-19TH CENTURY VanDyke47:1:4Jan 1996 A'COURT, MARY ASurvey or Trends in Re<ent Protestant Hymnals: Inter­ African American Composers.
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