irtrnbelt 6,700 Greenbelters Registered To Vote In General Electio1 Major Contests Referenda About 6,700 Greenbelt residents In addiion to ~asting ballots lltws lltuiew for candidates, Greenbelt voters AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER -- will be eligible to vote in the Gen­ eral Election next Tuesday, No­ will have the opportunity at Volume 37, Number 50 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, October 31, 1974 vember 5. This number is con­ Tuesday's general election to ap­ siderably below the 8,500 who were prove or disapprove 13 proposed Council Agenda registered two years ago for the State constitutional amendments, Democrats Outnumber Republicans Presidential election. At stake this a program of State aid to non­ A Mixed Bag year are the Maryland Gov,ernor­ public schools, 2 county charter ship, a United 5tates Senator, a changes, and 6 local referendum But Close Races Are Expected Here by &tndra Barnes Congressman from the 5th Dist­ proposals. Probably of most local inter,est Democratic candidates are expected to take advantage of Routine matters were dealt with rict, the county delegation to An­ at the October 17 meeting of the napolis, the county council, and is the question involving Abe Pol­ their party's almost 3 to 1 edge in registration in the balloting city council. The city's Advisory other county offices. lin's Capital Centre sports arena in Greenbelt next Tuesday, November 5. Of Greenbelt's 6,699 Planning Board submitted its re­ The polls will be open from 7 which was placed on the ballot by eligible voters, 4,568 (68% ) are Democratic, 1,613 (24% ) are port on bikeways. Three recom­ a.m. to 8 p.m. in three precincts: petition. Vot-ers will be asked to Republican, and 518 (8%) are unaffiliated or minor pa~. These mendations were received by coun­ Center School (third precinct); decide if the county should have ratios vary only slightly from precinct to precinct, with Center cii: 1) Construction of an eight­ North· End School (sixth precinct); transferred $2 million from the school having relatively a few more Democrats. Two years foot bikeway to accommodate two­ and Springhill Lake Elementary fund for its new administrative way bike traffic in conjunction with School (eighth precinct). Voters building to access roads and sewer ago, Democrats had a 66-26 r atio edge, with 8 percent unaffili­ facilities for the Largo complex. ated. the building of new roads or a are reminded that they are eligi­ separate bike path right-of- way; ble to vote if they have partici­ Since most of the money has been Despite the Democratic regis­ 2) Amend street width specifica­ pated in any Greenbelt General spent, a negative vote would raise tration edge, close Greenbelt votes tions to add an additional five to Election (not city) within the past the specter of financial liability on are expected in at least three con­ eight feet of right-of- way for bike five years. the part of the county council and tests, and in one a Republican City of Greenbelt paths; 3) Request the Prince Ge­ At the State level, Greenbelters the executive. absolute majority is not at all un­ orges county planning board and Iik!!Iy. This ds the race for the will choose between Democratic The two c:harter changes involve county council to review their road 6-year term as U.S. Senator now incumbent Marvin Mandel and a provision for adopting the an­ Maryland specifications to provide hiker- bi­ held by Republican Charles McC. Republican Louise Gor,e for the nual budget by May 15 and for ker trails within street right-of­ four- year gubernatorial term and clarifying certain charter provi­ Mathias, Jr., who is being chal­ Regu lar Meeting of ways. Council will discuss the is­ lenged by Democrat Barbara A. between Republican incumbent sions and making other changes City Council sue at a future meeting. Charles Mee. Mathias, Jr. and recommended by a Charter Review Mikulski. In 1968, Mathias car­ Council approved an appropria­ ried Greenbelt by a 54% majority Democrat Barbara Mikulski for Committee. Monday, Nov. 4, 1974 tion of $320,000 for construction of the six- year Senatorial term. The other local referendum que­ and won the State by over 100,000 the Springhill Lake Recreation votes. For the Congressional House stions involve county bond issues 8:00 p.m. Center. A second close contest is ex­ seat, the batUe is between Demo­ to finance (1) health and solid Financial Disclosure crat Gladys Noon Spellman and waste facilities, including a recy­ pected to take place for county I. ORGANIZATION executive between Republican in­ The financial disclosure ordin­ Republican John B. Burcham, Jr. cling center ($13.3 million); (2) cumbent William W. Gullett and 1. Call to Order ance was amended to clarify pro­ The contest for three Maryland roads, bicycle paths, etc. ($25 mil­ Democrat chalJenger Winfield M. 2. Roll Call perty that should be reported and House of Delegat-es seats from ,the lion); (3) hospitals, including the Kelly, Jr. The third is the fight 3. Meditation the names of other owners, par­ 24th District will see Democrats Greater Laurel Hospital ($44.8 mil­ between Democrat Gladys Noon Pledge of Allegiance to ticularly as relates to cooperative Gerard F. Devlin, Leo E. Green, lion): (4) community college, edu­ Spellman and Republican John B. the Flag and condominium properties. City and David Gray Ross pitted a­ cation. library, and general gov­ gainst Republicans Edward A. ernmental facilities ($33.4 mil­ Burcham, Jr. for the Congression­ 4. Minutes of Regular Meet­ Manager J ames Giese also repor­ Cooney, Elizabeth K. Maffay, and lion); and (5) police: ·fire and de­ al House seat from the 5th Dis­ ing of October 21, 1974 ted that city officials required to trict being vacated by Republican file a financial disclosure form Audrey E. Scott. Mrs Maffay is a tention facilities ($8.4 million). Lawrence Hogan. The Greenbelt 5. Additions to Agenda by have done so. two-term former councilwoman The latter includes Improvements Councilmen and Manager vote for the House seat !or the Councilman Charles Schwan pro­ from Greenbelt. in the Greenbelt fire station along with 7 other fire stations in the last two elections shows a rising II. COMMUNICATIONS posed an Ad Hoc Committee of At the county level, the major publican vote: Citizens be formed to revie the county. 6. Petitions and R equests contest is for the four- year term Rep. Dem. Rep.% city's pay plan. · The other coun­ as county executive between Re­ The bond issues involves 2½ 1970 2,350 2,690 46.6 7. Administrative Reports cilmen, however, wished to purstie publican incumbent William W. years of construction plans; since 1972 3,740 3,093 54.7 8. Committee Reports - the city manager's recommenda­ Gullett and Democrat challenger ..,,., mor" hondin~ authoritv can Representative Hogan carried tion or' seeking out the Maryland Winfield M. Kelly, Jr. Greenbelt be requested again until the next the Fifth District in ,1970 by 31,000 III OLD BUSINESS D~partment of Economic and Com­ voters will also cast ballots for 11 g,eneral election in 1976 and · no votes and in 1972 by 35,000 votes. 9. Resolution to Establish munity Development to work on county council members for four­ other bonds pledging thP countv's It would appear that Mrs. Spell­ the First Sunday in June such a study. Schwan also agreed, year terms. credit can be sold in Prince Ge­ man would have to carry Green-­ of Each Year as "Green­ but did not rule out the citizen's Running for the six at- large orges name under the orovisions belt by at least a 60 percent ma­ belt Day" - 2nd Reading group if the State failed to pro­ county council seats are Demo­ of a 1972 Charter amendment. jority if the Greenbelt vote is to 10. Resolution to Authorize vide the detailed technical review crats Samuel W. Bogley, David be •a harbinger of a Spellman vic­ Question 14 the Negotiated Purchase which Schwan was seeking. G. HartloV'e, Francis 'B. Francois. tory for the entire District. At th" StatP level thP most con­ of Certain Goods and Ser­ Tax Appeal Sarah Ada Koonce. Francis W. One race of interest to Green­ trov,ersial nuPStion is the rPferen­ vices from Various Ven­ White, and Floyd E. Wilson ag­ belters especially is that for the A resident of Greenbelt, Louis Elum on 'Stat., aid to nonpublic dors, as Enumerated ainst Republicans Martin Andrew three House seats for the GenHal Lushine, appeared before council Sf'hools (Ouestion 14). This mea­ Her,ein, Not to Exceed an Aragona, Thomas D. Chambers, Assembly from the 24th District, to appeal the City Treasurer's de­ !'1lr0 '"'"1'\ tho 11.nnr<WA.! of thp Gen­ Aggregate Total Cost of Paul T. Clevenger, Lawrence F. because of the presence of a for­ cision relating to his request for er!! I Ai>sPmhlv Parlier ·in thP. ve11r $45,400 - 2nd Reading Daum, Edgar R. Erdman, and mer Greenbelt council member - tax credit. Lushine qualified in all but w,.s plA<'PO O"l. thp b".llnt bv Jo Ann Hennigsen. White is the Elizabeth K. Maffay - on the 11. Bikeways Within Road r,espects, except that of income netitirns "iP"'Pd b" "t ]Pmt 3 former mayor of Greenbelt. Republican ticket. The intraparty Ordinance - APB Re­ which exceeded the $5,000 limi­ ner,.0 nt nf the registPred voters wounds left by the tough Demo­ port #157 tation ,specified in the city's or­ Running from the five council­ in the State. dinance. The only exemptions from manic districts are D emocrat · cratic primary battle for this Dis­ 12.
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